LORDMOGY's Journal

LORDMOGY's Journal


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43 entries this month

00:50 May 31 2020
Times Read: 927

I agee with Eliza. (Time Mark: 1:57)

Our "Criminal Justice System" isn't Broken.

That's just not the case.

It's working just as it was Designed!

(Video May Be Slow To Start)

Central Park video reignites conversation on false 911 calls



01:57 May 31 2020

My Mom told myself and my brothers always make sure we have our phones with us and ready to video. This is just the times we live in if you are brown or black-skinned.

02:04 May 31 2020


Sex, Drugs, and Over-Exercising: The Quest for Endorphins

21:08 May 30 2020
Times Read: 945

A number of years ago, I came across this article and it enlightened me on a number of things that I now have a better understanding of.


Sex, Drugs, and Over-Exercising: The Quest for Endorphins

Addiction to these activities is a common response to depression or, more precisely, to the deficiency of brain chemicals and nutrients that lead to depression. When we don’t have enough endorphins – the happy chemical – we seek highs to increase endorphins and manufacture happiness.

We can get that extra lift from refined carbs, drugs, sex, or extreme sports.

Depression can take years to become outwardly obvious, especially in children. As a parent, it is important to know what traits – many of which seem perfectly normal – are a sign of a biochemical deficiency which can lead to depression and destructive behavior.

What Is Endorphin?

Endorphins function as neurotransmitters, or brain chemicals that transmit electrical signals throughout the nervous system. This complex of amino acids is released when we are under stress, in pain, or feeling pleasure.

Endorphins deliver our feelings of contentment and euphoria. They are responsible for that warm and fuzzy feeling we get when we’re in love.

Endorphins numb they pain in times of physical or emotional stress. They are the reason why soldiers wounded in battle are able to keep on fighting. The are the reason why family members manage to make funeral preparations for loved ones despite the agony of loss.

Endorphins help to regulate appetite, release sex hormones, and enhance the immune system.

Subtler experiences also release endorphins. The smell of roses, a beautiful sunset, and hugs and kisses all make us happy by way of endorphins. Frequent pleasurable experiences can help maintain a consistent elevated mood.

Experiencing beautiful things, having sex, laughing, eating spicy foods, touching, meditation, moderate exercise, and sunlight all contribute to a general positive outlook. On the contrary, spending too much time inside a cubicle with angry, worn out co-workers, coming home to a television and bitching wife, and living a generally dull life all contribute to a low mood. To be happy, we need to give our brains a chance to release endorphins.

Primal man would not have been lacking in opportunity. Beauty is all around us in nature and beauty is impossible not to notice when life is simple.

In our modern world, however, things get complicated. Not only are we too busy to experience beauty but many of us experience so much pain that we drain our stores of endorphins or require so much to numb the pain that we cannot keep up with the demand.

Are You Low On Endorphin?

You might be low on endorphins if you:

- Cry easily. Sad movies are sad, yes, but they don’t usually warrant tears.

- Cannot bear grief. Of course we should feel sad when we lose a loved one but the pain should pass and the bad memories should fade.

- Can’t bounce back. When stressful events occur and you just can’t seem to get life back to normal.

- Feel sad for no reason. Sadness strikes us all sometimes but when you’re sad and you don’t even know why, you can bet that you’re low on endorphins. This is not a normal human experience.

- Put up a tough or jovial veneer.

- Often are referred to as “too sensitive”.

- Have a tendency to eat “comfort foods”.

- Are a thrill seeker or substance abuser. Drugs and thrill seeking activities produce the biochemical in large amounts.

A consistent stream of endorphins is what makes joyous people so annoyingly joyous. I’m talking about the real ones, not the ones who pose as happy to hide the pain beneath. The real happy people are simply high all the time – high on endorphins. They probably inherited a hefty store of endorphins from their mothers but they also take care of their endorphin stores. They give their bodies the building blocks needed to make plenty of it and they rarely expend too much of it at one time.

Endorphin Highs:

Some people experiencing low mood will benefit from some pretty simple life changes. Adding the pleasurable activities mentioned above may just be enough to boost mood and feel happy again. Try it and see what happens.

But if you’re one of the many people who are depressed and do not get much lift from the little things, you may already be seeking bigger rushes of endorphin from unhealthy places. People with deficiencies use vigorous exercise, tobacco, drugs, alcohol, violence, wild parties, gambling, scary movies, and any kind of thrill-seeking activity just to feel a few moments of pleasure – pleasure that they should experience on a regular basis. All of these activities and substances release an enormous amount of endorphin and set a person up for depletion.

For example, sex and bungee jumping both raise endorphin levels by 200 percent. While sex is known to be quite healthy, it is often abused in people who are low on endorphin.

How We Drain Our Endorphins:

Unresolved emotional pain and PTSD

Too much emotional pain is draining on endorphin levels. Unresolved emotional pain such as denial of some big trauma requires that a person use a constant supply of endorphin to cover up an almost constant feeling of pain.

Years down the road, after we’ve been living with unresolved post traumatic stress, our endorphin levels can get so low that suddenly we might feel horrible pain for something that happened long ago. At this point, with no natural sedatives, if we don’t face the pain, we will have no choice but to turn to drugs, alcohol, or junk foods to further block it out. Since those endorphin bursts don’t last long we will need it with increasing frequency.

Eventually these people become bitter and then it becomes a vicious cycle of hate and pain.

Physical accident or trauma:

Car accidents or sports injuries will drain a person of their endorphins in order to ease the physical pain. When the pain is severe and enduring, the need for endorphins is too high. As endorphins are depleted the physical pain endures. Additionally, the emotional stress that is usually accompanied with missing work, caring for children, financial hardship, etc. also needs to be soothed by endorphins.

An abusive situation:

Usually women but men too can end up in an abusive relationship. The emotional and physical pain requires a pain killer just to make it through the day – and that means endorphins. Children whose parents fight all the time are forced to numb the pain with endorphins. We should protect our children from undue stress and pain to save them from later endorphin depletion.

Faking the happy life:

The rules we impose upon ourselves can cause long term stress for some people. Some people love college, but for those who hate it, spending 12 years at med school can be enough to deplete endorphin stores, yielding one stressed out, unhappy doctor.

People in bad relationships who refuse to divorce for religious or social reasons wear a mask throughout their marriage until finally they just can’t wear it anymore. They have lost thier ability to pretend that everything is ok and they are now chronically unhappy.

Abusive or neglectful parents:

The saddest thing of all is to see a child’s face when his mother abandons him, or the little girl whose deadbeat dad misses another scheduled custody meeting, or the kids who live with nannies because the parents are too busy working to spend time at home.

Rejected children can seem like they’ve got it together in the early years. They are told to accept it and so they use endorphins to mask the pain, but in time they can’t keep up the facade unaided, and they turn to sex in the dorms or late nights out with wrong crowd.

What Happens When Endorphins Get Depleted:

When we become deficient in endorphins (maybe it happened to you as a child or maybe it’s happening to your children) music, exercise, and nature no longer produce that warm and fuzzy feeling. We don’t feel much pleasure from the simple things in life and we start reaching out to more extreme sources of endorphin highs

We might become addicted to carbohydrates or start extreme sports. We might go out each weekend to wild parties and clubs. We may have sex with one or more partners or get addicted to pornography because of the endorphin high we get with each orgasm.

When we stop producing our body’s natural pain killer, we take pain medications. When we’re tired of our abusive spouse and our screaming children, we hit the bottle. When all of life has finally beaten us down and our own resources are tapped, we look to drugs.

While this may sound pretty hopeless, our endorphin supply can be rebuilt. For the most extreme case this is not an easy task but it can be done with the help of food an supplements.

Endorphin Producing Foods and Supplements:


Protein is the king here. Endorphins are composed of at least 15 different amino acids and meat contains all of the aminos necessary to make endorphins. (Vegetarian foods don’t. Food combining offers limited aminos when extra support is required.) A person low on endorphins needs to eat protein with every single meal.

The question of whether or not to eat carbohydrates when mood disorders are present is a hot debate in the Primal community. I like the way Emily Deans of Evolutionary Psychiatry questioned it in this blog post today.

Stanford offers a good list of foods to help manage stress.


Often, supplementing with endorphin boosting foods and , and removing the false-endorphin stimulants would be enough to eliminate things like chronic back pain, arthritis, and migraines.

Some of the nutrients which encourage endorphin release are fats, B vitamins, and vitamin C. Magnesium promotes protein synthesis and is depleted very easily after any stressful event (even a very loud noise or concert!).

Amino acids which will help restore endorphins are a combination of D and L phenylalanine. In health food store you would probably find this as DLPA. For those sensitive to the L form, i.e. you get hyper, use the D form alone.

More information: Julia Ross’ book, The Mood Cure, is a great resource on the topic.

Read more at: Sex, Drugs, and Over-Exercising: The Quest for Endorphins




21:02 May 30 2020
Times Read: 947

I grew up around screaming, yelling, arguing, and angry people for 18 years.

I then chose a career that turned the volume up for the next 24 years.

I fully retired at the age of 42 back on the last day of July 2011 at 210 lbs with 25% body fat after living with a lung illness as a result of my combat tour in Iraq.

This illness has resulted in subsequent health challenges that have further contributed to undesired weight gain and the inability to take it off without extreme measures due to exercise intolerance.

This illness had also contributed to a shortened career that included a less than desirable last year in concluding my military career and also brought on bouts of Depression (dwelling on the past).

I crawled out of my depressive state in 2012 after creating my Spiritual Path since the Physical, Mental and Emotional parts of my life broke something in me.

Yes.....I have been Broken!

I had been too strong for too long and no longer possessed the will and strength to continue to fight back in 2011.

My weight had increased to 254 lbs by the time I had purchased a suna in 2016 after doing research an learning of all the benefits of owning one.

My Son moved out in Nov 2016 and that was the only source of Drama living in my home. He had been raised by his Mother so I had much to deal with and correct.

I switch to herbal health treatment via Cannabis in Jan 2017.

So with Serenity, Happiness, Cannabis, a Sauna and Portion Control....I reduced my weight from 254 lbs in 2016 to 214 lbs by Mayl 2019.

Yes, it took almost 3 years of trial and error in establishing a 'Weight Reduction Program' that worked for me and the challenges I live with.

However, in 2019, my Son's life choices had him returning home to me and bringing with him a Prego Girlfriend, an infant and a toddler.

From the time I picked them up from the airport on 2 July 2019 all the way to this morning, my life has been exposed to Screaming, Yelling, Crying Grandkids and as of Feb 2020, there are a total of 3 Grandkids and 2 adults living with me.

I have love for my Son and his family and willing to make SACRIFICES to give him and his family a fighting chance at being a healthy, loving, Independent family unit.

So, going from Serenity to Noise Assault on my senses......the Stress returned to my life.

When the stress returned.....fighting off Depression became a priority.

"In our modern world, however, things get complicated. Not only are we too busy to experience beauty, but many of us experience so much pain that we drain our stores of endorphins or require so much to numb the pain that we cannot keep up with the demand." ~ Sex, Drugs, and Over-Exercising: The Quest for Endorphins

To increase the Happy Chemicals the only option I saw was FOOD due to my physical limitation when it comes to exercising.

Noise.....EVERY SINGLE DAY....going on 11 months!

I'm at 245 lbs as of today and with COVID-19 still an issue, my family moving out by this August is not looking good unless showing houses and apartments are started again.

If not for Cannabis, I would be in Pain 24/7 due to the toll my military career placed on my body and mind. However, even Cannabis can't drown out the noise.

With my barriers weakening that hold back certain thoughts of trauma that had been endured and some I live with the reminder DAILY.......red flags are popping up telling me I need to at least have what I'm coping with documented in what the VA calls 'Talk Therapy'. Just get it all out! So yeah, that will be next week via a video chat.

In other news.....Porn Is Still Free and my Bills are all Paid!



21:19 May 30 2020

gotta love porn for endorphin health LOL!

21:33 May 30 2020

Yeah, it's better than some personalities that come with some owners of a vagina....LOL!


23:38 May 24 2020
Times Read: 972




17:22 May 24 2020
Times Read: 980

I'm in the mood for a burger!



19:58 May 24 2020

Just for you Bro! Have a safe Memorial day and thank you for the years of service!

21:31 May 24 2020


16:38 May 24 2020
Times Read: 983

From the internet:

Psychosis - A mental disorder characterized by a disconnection from reality.
Psychosis may occur as a result of a psychiatric illness like schizophrenia. In other instances, it may be caused by a health condition, medications, or drug use.
Possible symptoms include delusions, hallucinations, talking incoherently, and agitation. The person with the condition usually isn't aware of his or her behavior.
Treatment may include medication and talk therapy.

Now, sure, I REALLY want to comment sarcastically on some people's public journal entries because it just seems too....

But......I ask myself.....What will I get out of it? A smile? A smirk? Some drama?

Then I realize, if I did.....Maybe MY actions would be the one considered...

So then I keep scrolling or go watch Pornhub videos or something....It's just not that serious.





19:50 May 23 2020
Times Read: 997

So as I looked at my results from yesterday, clearly I chose Pleasure over Pain or Doing Something That Was Less Pleasurable Than I Would Like.

Sauna Sesh #1
Meal #1
Edit and Publish Thur's video
My Niece Marco Polo Me
Record Sat's video while I Marco Polo my Niece
Family Time (Includes Bandit...lol)
Meal #2
* Watched 'Stranger Things' S3 Episodes 6-8 on Neflix

Sauna Sesh #2
Edit and Publish Fri's video
Sauna Sesh #3

I am so very much a HEDONIST!



00:51 May 24 2020



04:05 May 23 2020
Times Read: 1,012

Just after 8 p.m. and well, I'd say I've made some progress.....................................................

Sauna Sesh #1
Meal #1
Edit and Publish Thur's video
My Niece Marco Polo Me
Record Sat's video while I Marco Polo my Niece
Family Time (Includes Bandit...lol)

Meal #2
Sauna Sesh #2
Edit and Publish Fri's video
Sauna Sesh #3




20:29 May 22 2020
Times Read: 1,020

When you're RETIRED, but your Days are fully scheduled doing whatever brings you HAPPINESS!

Sauna Sesh #1

Meal #1
Edit and Publish Thur's video
My Niece Marco Polo Me
Record Sat's video while I Marco Polo my Niece
Family Time (Includes Bandit...lol)
Meal #2
Sauna Sesh #2
Edit and Publish Fri's video
Sauna Sesh #3




23:54 May 19 2020
Times Read: 1,036

Ok, enough of reading CNN news reports, watching YouTube and TheWeedTube videos.....Time to record my Wed's video.





23:32 May 19 2020
Times Read: 1,040

So you're sitting there all angry huh?


Ohhhh, you read a public blog or watched a public vlog and got yourself all worked up huh?....




16:44 May 18 2020
Times Read: 1,058


- Whatever the fuck I want to do
- Edit, Save, Publish, and Share my Mon video
- 3 Sauna Seshes
- Stay hydrated
- Light excersice
- 3 meals and snacks (portion controlled)
- Spend some Family & Bandit time
- Yard work (maybe, maybe not)
- Home chores (maybe, maybe not)
- Marco Polo with family
- Listen to music to choose as background music for video series
- Vlog/Blog
- Live My Beliefs
- Live My Best Life




14:51 May 18 2020
Times Read: 1,065

What the fuck is this bag of BBQ chips doing in my bed?!

The Munchies are Real!!!

This one still cracks me up....




23:25 May 17 2020
Times Read: 1,089

Those souls with the ability to feel Sympathy or better yet Empathy for someone's life situation or something negative that they are currently going through or have been through are also the type of souls that find themselves feeling the same emotions that a screen writer, director, or author wants you to feel to better connect with their characters.

Strange, but I have never shed a tear from watching a movie or from reading a novel until.....I RETIRED at the age of 42!

When one has been exposed to an extreme amount of trauma in one's life, even though they survived.... unless they develop amnesia...they often spend a lot of time and resources trying to forget anyway, but this life has all types of triggers that bring the memories to the forefront of your thoughts.

But sometimes......Just sometimes.....No Trigger is required.

For me, it's like sitting in a movie theater and watching a scene play out that I've seen a thousand times before and I can relate to EVERYTHING the main character is going through.

Because the main character is ALWAYS.....Me!

Odd though, when I'm trapped in one of the cinemas, there are these annoying voices...LOL!

There isn't a ticket to be purchased for these shows.

The theater is open 24/7 and different movies (Life Events) are playing in the multi-cinema complex of my mind.

I can't even burn the shit down.

However, Smoking is allowed so I often can't see the scenes too clearly due to the smoke.

Cannabis numbs me from being able to relate to the main character.


It allows me to find Humor in the scenes where maybe there shouldn't be any.

I hear voices that say....."It Is What It Is.....It Was What It Was."

I feel as if from time to time, I RANDOMLY materialize in one of these cinemas watching an event from my 51 years of life.
51 years of registering data through all the 5 senses this meat suit was designed to register and can't get out until the movie has run its course. So yeah, I'm trapped in the Theater of my mind and I try very hard to simply hang out in the hallway, but WTF?!

Every screen is my personal Demon I keep trapped behind the Cinema Doors of my Mind.

While I try to just chill in the hallway, I can hear and feel my Demons...Scratch..Scratch...Scratching at the doors.

Wanting to Come Out and Playyyyy


Wanting me to Come In and Suffer.

Can't I just chill in the Lounge or the Hallway and eat Popcorn there?


I woke up today.

I found myself in my mind's eye in one of the cinemas.

I couldn't leave until the scene had ran its course.

I had to Meditate

I had to Medicate

But on the Positive side.....One cinema plays Porn!




17:34 May 15 2020
Times Read: 1,113

Yet another song that is LOOP worthy.

Why do certain songs grab my attention and won't let go until I've played them so much until even I need a break from listening to them? LOL!!!

(Video May Be Slow To Load)

Adroidith - How It Ends (Feat. Eileen)




17:40 May 14 2020
Times Read: 1,135

I've reached a point in my 51 years of life where I read some YouTuber's video title or the beginning of a blog post and be like....

And I know I'm not the only one...



18:19 May 14 2020

LMAO, preach brother preach


00:13 May 14 2020
Times Read: 1,149

Me, if the grocery stores ever run out of meat



01:48 May 14 2020

Death to iceberg lettuce LOL

06:03 May 14 2020

Attack! Consume! Survive! Or Not, You Do You! Live Your Beliefs and Best Life and all that....LOL!


16:23 May 12 2020
Times Read: 1,165





04:45 May 12 2020
Times Read: 1,183



06:16 May 12 2020

I call it OG pimping

06:58 May 12 2020



01:54 May 12 2020
Times Read: 1,192

One Should





12:59 May 11 2020
Times Read: 1,202




00:25 May 10 2020
Times Read: 1,218

Movavi Video Editor, please stop freezing up and closing out on me.

I'm almost finished with editing Friday's video and I still have to edit Saturday's and you are making it quite challenging.




23:23 May 09 2020
Times Read: 1,221

My 25 year old Niece has just concluded Marco Poloing me for the pass 2 hours...LOL!

Wow! I love you too my Dear.




19:27 May 09 2020
Times Read: 1,229

Should have turned off my message notifications.

So since I'm now wide awake.....Sauna Sesh Time!




15:10 May 09 2020
Times Read: 1,244

Her: So what is it really like being a heterosexual male?

Me: Well, it's a lot of programming. It's being programmed to provide, protect, pursue pussy, control, succeed, get respect, find love later, be fearless, be the Alpha, etc. etc,... Testosterone, Testosterone, Testosterone!

Her: Wow! Well, that explains a lot.

Me: So what about being a heterosexual female?

Her: Estrogen. Society has taught us to make Excuses. Entitlement. Some are just bat shit crazy. Opinionated. Yet, nurturing, submissive.

Me: Wow! Well, that explains a lot.

Me: However, Darkness provides insight into this programming, and much like becoming a computer programmer, we must learn to modify the program to benefit who WE choose to be. Independent from the control of the programming of others.



17:59 May 09 2020

Preach brother Preach

21:38 May 09 2020

For that amazing post here LordMogy a hole bowl of Death By Chocolate Strawberry Shortcake just for you.

05:12 May 10 2020


03:42 May 07 2020
Times Read: 1,268

2 more videos to edit and publish and 1 to record.




03:34 May 07 2020
Times Read: 1,270




04:12 May 07 2020

Awww love you too


01:39 May 07 2020
Times Read: 1,280





02:57 May 07 2020

I feel no love.

04:56 May 07 2020

05:05 May 07 2020

Awwww, I lubes huggles :}


17:27 May 06 2020
Times Read: 1,318

Cartomancer's journal entry prompted me to dig through some 1993-1994 photos of when I was stationed on MCAS Iwakuni, Japan with MALS-12.



17:36 May 06 2020

Nice. I have real photos of the place that I can share, those clips were just funny and also sad. I used those specific ones because that's the old boyfriend who almost died in Feb.

17:50 May 06 2020

Thanks for posting these, Bro. Very nice pics. You were rocking Japan.

19:34 May 06 2020

21:02 May 06 2020

Awesomeness :}

21:50 May 06 2020

These are amazing! Thanks for sharing :)

22:17 May 06 2020


16:51 May 06 2020
Times Read: 1,324

I had dipped back into the 240s a few days ago, but back into the 230s now.

Trust me, it was worth it! LOL!

So I was planning on completing my 3rd Sauna Sesh late lastnight, but my body decided to power down and go into sleep mode.

I woke up this morning around 5 a.m. ready to continue my daily routine.

Uhhmmm....As I was saying before I was so rudely interupted...

I'm going to start off with my 1st Sauna Sesh of the Day...Then




16:59 May 06 2020



13:58 May 06 2020
Times Read: 1,334

Summer is like..."Heard heat kills the virus....Fuck Spring, I'm on my way now!"



16:38 May 06 2020

lol. I usually avoid the sun but lately I have been sun bathing lol. I will take my horrible allergies over the virus any day of the week.


18:07 May 05 2020
Times Read: 1,349

Ummmm, did Summer come early or what?



01:41 May 06 2020

lol Phoenix has already had several 100 degree days:) In April. Damn.

04:12 May 06 2020

05:37 May 06 2020

I think we skipped Spring this year.

13:47 May 06 2020



19:38 May 04 2020
Times Read: 1,357

Sauna Sesh time....That is all. Nothing further to read here.




19:50 May 03 2020
Times Read: 1,378

Is this Life Lesson failing to be taught, put into practice or both?

The Three Parts of a Meaningful, Heartfelt Apology

1. Acknowledgment. Being able to see how your actions impact others is key to making a sincere apology. The acknowledgment part of the apology needs to start with "I." For example, "I am sorry for being late tonight."

2. Remorse and Empathy. Remorse is truly feeling bad for what you've done. Empathy is about being able to put yourself in the other person's shoes and know how she or he feels. The remorse and empathy components of the apology would sound like, for example: "Lisa, I am so sorry I said that to you. I don't like myself for becoming that reactive and I know from when my brother was harsh and judgmental with me, just how much that can hurt."

3. Restitution. This means taking action to provide an act or service to make up for the transgression. So, for example, consider the husband who is short and abrupt with his wife when she is excited to share with him about her first day on her new job. The husband can provide restitution by offering to listen better after first preparing her a cup of tea and by doing some extra housework while she relaxes a bit.



20:19 May 03 2020

I like seeing this down in black and white, sometimes it's needed so people can be reminded the words and actions harm sometimes even if they don't see it on the outside. The inside can look much different, those words can leave lasting wounds and scares which could be a bloody mess if you let it remain and fester.

20:42 May 03 2020


00:50 May 03 2020
Times Read: 1,396

Well, I went for a swim on yesterday and that motivated the family to jump in and have some fun in the pool and spa today.

I rearranged the pool area furniture creating max shade and then I got out to conduct my Sauna Sesh and Marco Polo with my Niece.

Now to focus and edit and then publish Fri and Sat videos....But maybe after I eat......LMAO!!!

I'm really on my own schedule.



01:37 May 03 2020

That is definitely the best kind:) Schedule? what schedule? LOL!

03:43 May 03 2020

Yup! LOL!


17:51 May 02 2020
Times Read: 1,411




17:52 May 02 2020



16:12 May 02 2020
Times Read: 1,414

Still cracks me up!

In other news, not watering plants in my backyard doesn't seem to prevent them from blooming. I decided to bring thess in since they were hanging on the ground.




03:54 May 02 2020
Times Read: 1,434


Congratulations to Dracool!!!

May 2020 Recipient of "The Bless Program Of MOGYOLOGY" (Bonus Edition).

Blessing: $32.00 USD


INTRO: Pink Floyd (Comfortably Numb)/Venemy & Aznar ft. Doubletake - Reign
Winati ft. Louise CS - Sweet Dreams (Lyrics)
OUTRO: Venemy & Aznar ft. Doubletake - Reign [NCS Release]




(Video May Be Slow To Load)


The Bless Program of MOGYOLOGY has assigned the following Coven Members with their assigned numbers as follows:

#05 Dakotah
#74 Liliancat
#55 Chupacabra
#62 MoonlitSong
#06 Dracool
#03 FerociousFeline
#08 Shala

As previously stated, the cash amount to be 'Gifted' between $25-$50 USD will also be chosen by Bingo Spin Wheel method.

Winner failing to claim their prize within 3 days forfeits their winnings.

Serenity & Happiness To You

~ LM


The Path of MOGYOLOGY Ministry continues to look at unique ways to share the results of living a life focusing on whatever contributes to the 5 Elements of Warlock Awesomeness: Serenity, Happiness, Love, Sex & Magick.

The Path of MOGYOLOGY is active when it comes to "Giving Back To The Community" or "Paying It Forward".

Therefore, it is my honor to share with you the first "Giving Based" program designed to directly "Bless" the lives of individuals from around the world.

The Program has been appropriately named, "The Bless Program of MOGYOLOGY".


PROGRAM DESIGN: As the Gothic Warlock Lord Minister and Coven Master of The Coven Of MOGYOLOGY, EACH MONTH, I will be Randomly selecting a Member of The Coven Of MOGYOLOGY and 'Gifting' that member between $25-$50 USD.

A Random Member will be chosen using a Bingo Spin Wheel. Each Coven Member's name will be assigned to a Bingo Ball and placed in the Spin Wheel for the chance to be 'Gifted' for that month.

The cash amount to be 'Gifted' between $25-$50 USD will also be chosen by Bingo Spin Wheel method.

Any Sire is welcomed to Join and then Leave The Coven Of MOGYOLOGY each month after the chance of being 'Gifted'. You are also welcome to stay.

The drawing will be video recorded and posted to my journal the 1st day of each month.

DISCLAIMER: The Ministry currently only utilizes PAYPAL, VENMO or ZELLE accounts to transfer funds. No, I am not endorsed by them, work for them, or getting some sort of kick-back from them, I just don't want to pay a Transfer Fee and I'm not trying to connect every Cash Transfer business to my bank account or providing other financial information.

Yes, I'm aware that I will be sending money to strangers, but I will not be looking at attempting to recover and have refunded back to me any money. This will be a 'One-Way' transaction only. What they do with the cash after I send it to them is their business and has nothing to do with me or the Ministry.

The Ministery is not Tax Exempt nor is the money going to a charity so there is no tax write-off. The Ministry is simply "Gifting Cash" to people on a "Monthly Bases" and for LIMITED TIME (TRIAL PERIOD) starting on 11/01/2018.

Serenity & Happiness To All




03:02 May 02 2020
Times Read: 1,450

Ok, my new member was given two options and has chosen for me to record a Bonus Bless Program of MOGYOLOGY with every member in the drawing minus this month's original Blessed Member.

So I'm heading to wardrobe and this time I won't forget my stole!

Best wishes to all of my members that will be in the Bonus Drawing.



03:08 May 02 2020

I think this was the best idea :)

03:23 May 02 2020

I agree. It's fair.


02:46 May 02 2020
Times Read: 1,455

So a few things about today's Bless Program event:

1. I failed to add a new member into the drawing so they were not include. I feel bad about this and have asked their thoughts on how to make this up to them and to make it all fair.

2. I forgot to wear my Minister's Stole.

3. My biological Brother actually has been blessed 5 times in a row vice 4.

4. I thought I had the 1 song I wanted in the background on Loop, but nope, it started playing another song befoe I caught it. LOL!

So yeah, all may not have went well, but I was happy to have been blessed to have been able to continue The Bless Program Of MOGYOLOGY as long as I have.



02:59 May 02 2020

All is solved :)

03:03 May 02 2020


01:01 May 02 2020
Times Read: 1,463


Congratulations to Dakotah!!!

May 2020 Recipient of "The Bless Program Of MOGYOLOGY".

Blessing: $48.00 USD


INTRO: Pink Floyd (Comfortably Numb)/Venemy & Aznar ft. Doubletake - Reign
Aurora B.Polaris - Another Day | ♫ Copyright Free Music
Mel Ody - Can't Go Back (feat. David Shane) (Lyrics)
OUTRO: Venemy & Aznar ft. Doubletake - Reign [NCS Release]

FreeMusicWave - No Copyright Music


(Video May Be Slow To Load)


The Bless Program of MOGYOLOGY has assigned the following Coven Members with their assigned numbers as follows:

#05 Dakotah
#74 Liliancat
#55 Chupacabra
#62 MoonlitSong
#06 Dracool
#03 FerociousFeline
#08 Shala

As previously stated, the cash amount to be 'Gifted' between $25-$50 USD will also be chosen by Bingo Spin Wheel method.

Winner failing to claim their prize within 3 days forfeits their winnings.

Serenity & Happiness To You

~ LM


The Path of MOGYOLOGY Ministry continues to look at unique ways to share the results of living a life focusing on whatever contributes to the 5 Elements of Warlock Awesomeness: Serenity, Happiness, Love, Sex & Magick.

The Path of MOGYOLOGY is active when it comes to "Giving Back To The Community" or "Paying It Forward".

Therefore, it is my honor to share with you the first "Giving Based" program designed to directly "Bless" the lives of individuals from around the world.

The Program has been appropriately named, "The Bless Program of MOGYOLOGY".


PROGRAM DESIGN: As the Gothic Warlock Lord Minister and Coven Master of The Coven Of MOGYOLOGY, EACH MONTH, I will be Randomly selecting a Member of The Coven Of MOGYOLOGY and 'Gifting' that member between $25-$50 USD.

A Random Member will be chosen using a Bingo Spin Wheel. Each Coven Member's name will be assigned to a Bingo Ball and placed in the Spin Wheel for the chance to be 'Gifted' for that month.

The cash amount to be 'Gifted' between $25-$50 USD will also be chosen by Bingo Spin Wheel method.

Any Sire is welcomed to Join and then Leave The Coven Of MOGYOLOGY each month after the chance of being 'Gifted'. You are also welcome to stay.

The drawing will be video recorded and posted to my journal the 1st day of each month.

DISCLAIMER: The Ministry currently only utilizes PAYPAL, VENMO or ZELLE accounts to transfer funds. No, I am not endorsed by them, work for them, or getting some sort of kick-back from them, I just don't want to pay a Transfer Fee and I'm not trying to connect every Cash Transfer business to my bank account or providing other financial information.

Yes, I'm aware that I will be sending money to strangers, but I will not be looking at attempting to recover and have refunded back to me any money. This will be a 'One-Way' transaction only. What they do with the cash after I send it to them is their business and has nothing to do with me or the Ministry.

The Ministery is not Tax Exempt nor is the money going to a charity so there is no tax write-off. The Ministry is simply "Gifting Cash" to people on a "Monthly Bases" and for LIMITED TIME (TRIAL PERIOD) starting on 11/01/2018.

Serenity & Happiness To All




21:16 May 01 2020
Times Read: 1,476

Alrighty, I just finished recording my Sat's video.

So, my Plan Of Today, having already recorded the Bless Program Video will be as follows:

1. Edit and Save The Bless Program Video.

While The Bless Program Video edits are saving,

2. Eat Meal #1 (having missed the actual Meal #1, but you know...Priorities!)

3. Upload The Bless Program Video to YouTube.

4. Send a link to family members who are not on YouTube, but are part of The Bless Program.

5. Family Time.

6. Bandit Time.

7. Eat Meal #2.

8. Sauna Sesh #1 and Marco Pollo with Family.

9. Eat Meal #3. (Maybe)

10. Edit and Save Fri. Video.

While Fri's Video edits are saving,

11. Sauna Sesh #2 and Marco Pollo with Family..

12. May Squeeze Sauna Sesh #3 and Marco Pollo with Family in, if prior to Midnight, hey, don't judge me, it's an OCD thing in which Cannabis has no power over.



21:34 May 01 2020

Awesome :)


18:08 May 01 2020
Times Read: 1,487

Congratulations to Dakotah!!!

May 2020 Recipient of "The Bless Program Of MOGYOLOGY".

Blessing: $48.00 USD

Video will be published later today....



19:18 May 01 2020

Praise whoever lol

19:48 May 01 2020

Very cool....

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