LORDMOGY's Journal

LORDMOGY's Journal


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18 entries this month

16:28 Oct 31 2014
Times Read: 1,558

From Me To All Of You...

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01:07 Nov 01 2014


Happy Halloween to you too!


20:34 Oct 27 2014
Times Read: 1,565

They should rename Ebola to Feelings....That way I know I wouldn't be catching it. LOL!




01:43 Oct 26 2014
Times Read: 1,607

People are funny. So on a social site, I came across a female's profile picture that was attractive so I sent a message saying hello. She replied by stating I have to come stronger than that. WTF? I told her that she was not even in my state so she shouldn't assume I have an underlining agenda to get into her pants and I was just being friendly by saying hello. Ha! I mean I'm the type of man that if I wanted to be more than an acquaintance or friend with a woman, I'd tell her....and you better believe she would be local or will be local really soon. LOL! I've also been involved with enough women with pretty faces, but fucked up personalities to not attempt to bypass "friendship" and attempt to go straight to "lover"...Nope, not going to happen like that unless we agree that 'Friends With Benefits' is all that we want right now. So basically, those ladies should just Stay Calm and accept a friendly Hello and stop jumping to conclusions.



01:59 Oct 26 2014

That's annoying, isn't it? The whole, " You must wanna fuck me, that's why you're messaging me." attitude.

Females on the internet (especially here on VR) need a reality check.

No matter how hot the chick, there is always some guy out there who's tired of hitting that shit.

Also, guys tend to lose their intelligence when a beautiful woman walks in. They even turn on each other. Those are the chicks that I usually laugh at. Why? Because, they probably never met a guy who would turn them down.

"Yes, please come over, beautiful woman and talk to me. I will be more than happy to tell you that YES, YOUR SHIT DOES STINK!"


02:01 Oct 26 2014


03:00 Oct 26 2014

It also sounds very egotistical of her.

I've always been, just, "cute like a smurf", LOL! I don't get many of those messages on VR- people have to get to know my personality before there are any crushes, because "smurf cute" doesn't attract that without the in-person charm :P But honestly, I exude a bit of asexuality, which helps to not draw in it. Being that I haven't been in the market for about a couple decades... this whole vibe I have going... I guess it's pretty helpful in that regard.

05:47 Oct 26 2014


Many here - and on the net in general - need a big reality check, that's for sure.

Without assuming anything, a basic 'thank you' is really all that is required when one is given a compliment.


21:36 Oct 25 2014
Times Read: 1,617

"So picture a woman wearing high heel pumps, skin-tight anything, or a mini skirt, low cut top or dress exposing cleavage, red lipstick, make-up, wild curly hair.....But what does that image say to you? Is she wrong?

The shoes, clothes, hair, and makeup send a message about female sexuality. About the availability of a woman’s body. About attraction and desire. Men typically have a customary response to this kind of image. So do women. Women may smirk knowingly or judge harshly or sigh wistfully or gaze in disbelief. The way we respond is based upon the taboos of the culture in which we are raised.

What's wrong with a woman's underlying intention to flaunt her female body in all its glory? Sadly, some women spend years completely out of touch with their sexuality. Years being embarrassed about being female, clueless and afraid to wear anything vaguely sexual." ~ Annette Wagner




21:12 Oct 25 2014
Times Read: 1,619

So I was teasing with a friend that the reason she enjoys wearing high heels is because it makes her butt higher than if she wore flats and we all know how sexual it is to see a woman with a high riding butt. That's why many females take pictures on their tippi toes if they are not wearing heels. So tell me why she tried to tell me she never knew that's what heels do for the butt. smh!




23:04 Oct 24 2014
Times Read: 1,625

Well I'm back on my Intimate Relationship Hiatus for the Cuffing Season. My annual hiatus since 2011 begins 1 Oct and ends 15 Feb each year. During this time is when people with agendas other than just wanting to get to know a person because they are into them ramp up their game to get what they can and then ghost shortly after Valentines Day and I don't participate in that type of game. So not only do I protect my finances, but also my time and heart. Thinking back to my last divorce in 2011, I've had one intimate partner beginning that year each year since then that has lasted from 4 Days up to 2 months. This has been the longest I've been single since my first divorce back in 1997. The reason being is I'm not under any pressure what so ever to locate her, woo her and then marry her. I'm taking things very slowly and getting to really know these women first. Not saying I'm not sexing them the first chance I get though and I'm up front about that too. Also, I'm not engaging in Long Distance Relationships and my tolerance for DRAMA is at an all time low. Nor do I feel any need to become who they wish I would. It's accept me for me or kick bricks with an open toe shoe.

Nor am I actively searching as I had been in the past due to my being spoiled by my current situation. I've been in a really good place in my life since 2011. I achieved my career goal that has set me up for the rest of my life and I'm comfortable and content living a Drama Free life....No stress...just Serenity, Happiness, and Magick daily. Lots of sex when I have a Play Partner and when I don't, well as the song goes....."I Love Myself", which also includes self-pleasuring whenever suites me without any negative feed back from someone who would attempt to use withholding sex as a means of getting their way and then hating the fact that an orgasm can be achieved solo. I also know where to go to get free hugs too. I do have local family, friends & acquaintances. ;)

So I get to lay back and watch my son grind to make himself independent as soon as he can as I enjoy my many hobbies or choose to do nothing at all.

I feel blessed and grateful every day and realize that the choices and sacrifices I've made has not only benefited me, but those I care for as well as those I've cared for to some degree. Although I still try to do what I can when I can for those in need, I feel guilt free not being able to help those I would like to because I know how I did help them when I had more to give never asking for help or one copper penny in return.

Now....This time is my time and I'm living it the way I choose to....By not answering to ANYONE and as though each day could be my last, but what if it isn't. ^_^




15:55 Oct 24 2014
Times Read: 1,633

People, like my Ex-Wives, know I don't do DRAMA! I had a former girlfriend who said I be looking to find something wrong in potential girlfriends. But this isn't true. I don't look to find something wrong because no one is perfect. However, if there is something about their personality that just doesn't fit into my life of Serenity, Happiness, Love, Sex & Magick...Then I must distance myself from them. It's not rocket science. I respect when a female tells me that she doesn't feel we are compatible early on while getting to know each other because who wants to invest a lot of time in someone who is deceiving them by pretending to be someone they really aren't?




05:14 Oct 21 2014
Times Read: 1,644

Well got that Flu Shot....I ain't scared. ^_^




02:54 Oct 20 2014
Times Read: 1,650

I've always gone against any type of mental programming that says I shouldn't be happy. I've always enjoyed couples entertainment, but whenever I find myself going solo, I find the type of entertainment that can be enjoyed by one and enjoy the f*ck out of it until I find a new playmate. Life is to short not to enjoy it just because you don't have a playmate. ^_^




02:35 Oct 20 2014
Times Read: 1,653

Many know of the things that I possess, but not the sacrifices I've made to own them. Some know what I practice, but don't understand the path I travel. There are those that know the serene leisure life I live, but not the hell I walked through to achieve it. When I had much more, I gave so much and even though my earnings have been reduced, I still have more than others. I still help when I can, but will never place myself in financial hardship for others. I will believe what I believe and do what I wish. I'm the author of my own story and so far, it's not such a bad read. ^_-



02:45 Oct 20 2014

I feel you here ..


15:51 Oct 19 2014
Times Read: 1,665

I was involved in a Long Distance Relationship and when we finally had the opportunity to live together, I remember bringing home a burger for her thinking I would get some cool points for thinking of her too. Instead, she was hurt that I didn't know she didn't like mayo on her sandwich. Seriously? Does a person have to know every detail about another as proof they care for them. If so, she definitely would have failed in knowing everything about me, but whenever she got things wrong about me, she claimed that's because my likes were always changing. Well yeah sometimes they did and yeah I didn't stop to give her a memo, it's called being human, living life and change.

When you care for someone and you have the opportunity to study their habits, likes and dislikes, it will stick at some point....But if it takes longer to stick than the other expects, whose problem is it really?

Just as people aren't mind readers so you verbally communicate with them, if you want someone to know more about you, teach them. Tell them, make a list of things and have them place it in the notes area of their phone, clearly explain the things you would love for them to remember about you. Do you remember the Newlywed Game show? Make a game of it and in the mean time...Give a person a break.

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23:28 Oct 15 2014
Times Read: 1,674

So the eBay business that shipped to me my black & color printer ink refills shipped out a replacement for the color ink cartridge that failed to work. It works just fine. So for only $6.20, I can replace both my black & color inks. That beats the $60.00 price tag by far!




17:36 Oct 13 2014
Times Read: 1,691

Some people wake up knowing what they HAVE to do.....I wake up having to decide what I WANT to do. Life of a Retiree. ^_^



19:22 Oct 13 2014

Bragging much? *Giggles


09:07 Oct 07 2014
Times Read: 1,734

I can't think of no better way to reflect my LOVE of Ink than have this as my 84th Tattoo opposite my Bat Pentagram tattoo... I first saw this while in Japan and thought it was Bad Ass! I want the Scorpion & Tube in Red with some Tribal Lines on the tube and I want the entire thing in a 3D'ish style.

It is so true that sometimes...just sometimes....

'From Pain, Comes Beauty'

I Will Get Inked !

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23:24 Oct 07 2014



08:25 Oct 07 2014
Times Read: 1,735

So I have a Lexmark printer in which the black/color pack ink for it cost $51.00 at Walmart and $61.00 at Office Depot. There was even an article about how ink cost more than human blood these days. It's totally ridiculous So I go on ebay and what do I find...The same type of ink for between $5 - $15 including color. So I ordered a combo pack just out of disbelief for $6. The black ink works fine, but the color ink has an issue due to the printer not recognizing the cartridge. Well for $6, Black ink only will just have to do. ^_^




06:47 Oct 07 2014
Times Read: 1,742

The biggest choice I'm facing right now is...

Hulu Plus $7.99 per month


Netflix $7.99 per month


Keep Both.....

I have Hulu Plus on hold until the end of Dec while I try out Netflix.

Decisions, Decisions..... *sighs*



08:06 Oct 07 2014

Sadly, Netlix keeps bumping up the price for extra streamers on your account. If you want to do 2 streaming at once, it's $8.99.

The good thing about Hulu is that it don't ask you all the time if you want to continue watching whatever it is. Netlix does it every hour.

If it was me, I would stick with Hulu.

But, if you like 90s TV shows and a lot of current shows and movies, then I would say Netflix.

08:09 Oct 07 2014

LOL that is funny, I just found myself with the same dilemma last month, and well I asked myself two questions...

How often do i watch movies??

and ...

Can I wait an extra long time for Netflix to get my episodes and movies on line???

Eventually, I came to the conclusion that Netflix is waaay more worth it, because not only do they have more of a selection but once the episode is really old, or hasn't aired for a while...it's still gonna be there in a year or so..so long as the producers of the show don't decide to pull it from broadcasting altogether...hope this helps! (:


20:13 Oct 04 2014
Times Read: 1,768

I hate when people try to chat with me and don't speak my languages...

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01:16 Oct 06 2014

Ha! Before I opened this I thought "don't they know not to speak to Mogs if they aren't fluent in sex!"


16:18 Oct 02 2014
Times Read: 1,775

"I'm an admire of Beauty. Be it art, music, a female, a poem, a landscape, an animal...Beauty can come from any source....even from Pain. Beauty can be found anywhere....even in Darkness." ~ Lord MOGY



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