LordFangor's Journal

LordFangor's Journal


Honor: 14    [ Give / Take ]


10 entries this month

It Was A Shitshow

15:06 Sep 30 2020
Times Read: 633

Well the first Presidential debate was a shitshow. Trump did not disappoint as he repeated lie after lie. Top of the list is that he is questioning absentee ballots. He claims that millions and millions of ballots are being sent out without being requested. Wrong, this is not so. This fucker is scared of people being allowed to vote. This man will lose by a landslide if all the votes are counted.

Trump was also whining about it not being a peaceful transition when he took over. Cry me a river bitch. You had the convicted Michael Flynn as a National Security Advisor, your campaign manager and assistant campaign manager pled guilty to Federal crimes, you employed people who had dubious links to Russia and then tried to lie about it and they pled guilty. Trump you are a sham.

But the high point of Tuesday night was when Chris Wallace, the moderator, asked Trump to denounce the white supremacists and militias and Trump COULD NOT do it. In fact he told the Proud Boys( they don't like women in power or people of color) to Stand Back and Stand By. Stand By???? For fucking what? Because these mother fuckers will come to his rescue?? lol.... Unfortunately, they may hurt some people of color..... and then I full expect the FBI and Federal Law Enforcement to come down on them. And the one's they arrest will turn over... they will not remain silent..... they will give up everyone they know. Maybe just maybe this group and similar groups will be broken for good.

Voter, Vote, Vote



16:23 Sep 30 2020

I also watched the debate,and it was a total disaster. Trump was incredibly disrespectful. However the proud boys are literally white supremacists ,and incels. I said the same thing. what in the fuck does stand by mean. They are going to walk him out in handcuffs.

15:10 Oct 01 2020

or a straightjacket. :)


Trump Is A Con Man

02:23 Sep 30 2020
Times Read: 650

Well on Sunday the New York Times printed a story detailing many of Trump's tax returns. Needless to say it isn't pretty. Seems Trump paid $0.00 in taxes for many years and $750.00 in one of the years. However, what is mind boggling is that this fool has over 400 million in loans coming due in the next 3 -4 years, and he has personally guaranteed that amount. This man owes much of that to foreign lenders. Therefore, don't you think he might be inclined to help himself at the expense of the American people?

Did you know that one of the criteria for an individual to obtain a top secret security clearance is not having an overwhelming debt load. Trump would not qualify if he had to undergo a normal screening process.

Trump and his children possibly face criminal investigation and indictment.



02:38 Sep 30 2020

good I hope they lock him up for life.


Trump Refuses to Take Violence Off the Table

10:56 Sep 24 2020
Times Read: 685

Yesterday, Wednesday September 23, 2020 was an interesting day as a sitting American President, who is trailing in the National Polls, and in several battleground states, REFUSED TO COMMIT TO A PEACEFUL TRANSFER OF POWER. This fucker said if we get "rid of the ballots we will see"????? WTF you say? Trump is referring to the absentee ballots being mailed in. He has being whining like some little bitch about absentee ballots for months.

Absentee ballots are nothing new. That is how our military votes for the most part. Of course according to polls in Stars and Stripes 60% of the active duty military will not vote for Trump.

Next Donald Trump Jr, aka Fredo, is whining and calling for recruiting citizens to act as his dad's polling security. WTF????? This piece of shit is useless. It's not a secret that he and his brother Eric , aka the other Fredo, aren't the sharpest tools in the shed. Folks, when you go to a polling place to vote and you see these fuckers standing around armed or acosting individuals who are in line to cast their vote get out your cell phone and take a pic. Then call the local office of the FBI not your local police but the FBI. In fact , I suggest you program both the local FBI office and your local Sheriff's Office into your phones. Why the Sheriff's office? They are a little further up the food chain than the municipal cops. And no not 911 but the actual number.

Again, get your ass to the polls. Do not let this yellow fucker scare you. He is a coward as were his father and grandfather. He is mentally unbalanced by the way he was raised by his father and his marginal intelligence doesn't assist him.

This man does not wish to leave office. He will not wish to leave office 4 years from now or 8 years from now.




16:47 Sep 24 2020

So over this piece of shit in the White House.

01:06 Sep 25 2020

make sure you vote. If you can vote early then do so. This fucker and his wife were booed today when he went to see the casket of RBG. This is what we think of him. Vote Him Out they chanted. This is what we want.

01:30 Sep 25 2020

I vote.

01:31 Sep 25 2020

Why did it post like that ?

03:44 Oct 03 2020

First thing I did when I recently moved was update my voter registration.


A Power Grab By Republicans

11:17 Sep 22 2020
Times Read: 706

Well the U.S. Supreme Court has a vacancy and the Republican controlled Senate is rushing to fill the seat before RBG is even in her grave. That walking cadaver, Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell, vows a vote before the Nov. 3rd election. Why the rush you ask? Because McConnell knows that chances are better than even that the Dems retake the Senate and there might not be an appetite for a lame duck Senate to hold a vote before they adjourn.

What does this mean to you, well if you are a female you are going to become breeding stock . What? They will overturn Roe v. Wade, which allows a woman to control her reproductive system based upon a privacy theory. Therefore, when your daughter or you becomes pregnant neither will be able to obtain an abortion unless you reside in certain states that allow it BASED ENTIRELY ON THEIR STATE LAW. So you will have a child you may not want nor afford. Wait, the Republicans will increase aid to families, right? lol, lol.

Next the affordable care act which assists many individuals to obtain health insurance EVEN WITH PREEXISTING CONDITIONS will be gone. You see the Republicans think you should pay more if you or your children have a preexisting condition. All they fucking care about is the money. From my point of view we should have National Health Care. It's about time you get something for your tax dollars.

By the way 200,000 are now dead from Covid -19. Don't forget that. That's right why believe science or the doctors?

The majority of you have nothing in common with the Republicans. Nothing. Vote them out.



12:57 Sep 22 2020

Wow Tim. You and I actually agree on something! Amazing.


Barr Goes Wild

19:18 Sep 18 2020
Times Read: 734

Attorney General Bill Barr, the corpulent, mouthpiece of Trump has now suggested charging protestors with sedition. Now sedition is normally reserved for groups that conspire to overthrow the government or target government officials. Well now, that is quite a statement from an individual who is doing all he can to prop up Trump. Sedition is tough to prove and it probably will not fly.

Barr has also recently taken his own Department of Justice to task referring to some of them as crybabies. He further whined that all power in the DOJ rests with the Attorney General and not with the various districts. Why? Probably because the Inspector General has launched an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the amended lenient sentencing memo submitted in the Roger Stone case. And how did it become lenient? Bill Barr. In essence the IG is looking into the fat boy's involvement.

Hopefully, this fat fucker is looking at an orange jump suit come February.




More on Michael Caputo

01:12 Sep 16 2020
Times Read: 753

A I pointed out in my previous entry Caputo is the top HHS spokesmen.He is also in need of mental health treatment. In his video of Sunday September 13, he said he does not feel safe in his apartment in Washington. That he feels alone. That HE SEES SHADOWS ON HIS WALLS AND CEILINGS.

Shadows???? This reminds me of the television program from the 90s, Babylon 5, where they were fighting the Shadows. But that was fiction. That was TV. This guy is seeing and probably hearing things. This guy is on the taxpayer payroll. We pay this nut case.

He should resign and he should do so immediately. And he is just one of many in Trumpland.



23:51 Sep 16 2020

Update on this guy... He has apologized and is taking a two month leave of absence from HHS. He is a nut case and should Biden win, this guy will not be coming back.


The Crazies Call For Martial Law and Violence Over the Weekend

23:08 Sep 14 2020
Times Read: 774

Over the weekend , convicted felon, Roger Stone appeared on the Alex Jones show. Now as most of you know Jones is a nut case who has a civil judgment against him for lies he spread after the Sandy Hook shooting of elementary school students.Stone is a former advisor to the piece of shit, Trump. Perhaps he still is. Stone as you recall was convicted of lying to Congress among other things and sentenced to prison. Trump commuted his sentence, meaning he is a convicted felon but will not have to serve the sentence. Stone during his appearance on the show called for Trump to declare martial law, shut down the voting precincts and seize power. He also called for the editors of the Daily Beast to be arrested as well as Mark Zuckerberg CEO of Facebook and Tim Cook CEO of Apple.

The Trumpster himself appeared on the Judge Jeannine Pirro show on Fixed News. Pirro is a nut case herself as she suggested that Trump declare martial law. What a legal beagle. So you know she was a judge for all of two years in Westchester County New York. Apparently, she neglected to read the Constitution .

Last but not least is Michael Caputo the top spokesman for HHS who said, on a video, on his Facebook, that the scientists are conspiring against Trump. He also urged supporters of Trump to buy ammunition to use after the election.

Trump is losing in national polls. He is getting trounced in Arizona, Florida is a tossup,he will probably lose Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan. And there are more. Yet he claims that the only way he will lose is if it is stolen from him.

No, the only way Trump wins is if he steals it.





Dereliction of Duty

22:41 Sep 12 2020
Times Read: 816

A President should tell the truth about a pandemic facing the country. Instead what we have lied to us. I know you will say they all lie. Yet there are differences; FDR spoke the truth about the depression, and said we have nothing to fear but fear itself. Churchill told the truth about the Nazis, yet said the British would carry on. Bush the younger spoke the truth, when he addressed Congress, about the 9/11 attacks and calmed the country when he told the military to get ready.

Yet we have a lying piece of shit as President, who cares nothing for the country but only for himself. He allowed himself to be interviewed by Bob Woodward, on the record. This means he was recorded with his knowledge. He told Woodward the virus was many times deadlier than the flu and that it was airborne. This was in February. He knew then how deadly it was yet he lied to the American public. He lied and people died. We are at 192,000 dead. The University of Washington estimates 400,000 dead by January 2021.

This piece of shit was concerned about the stock market. The fucking almighty dollar.

This man is a piece of crap. He is a coward. He is a liar. Vote him out of office. If you can vote early then do so.



00:35 Sep 13 2020

Agreed 100%

04:26 Sep 13 2020


Why Vote?

00:42 Sep 10 2020
Times Read: 866

Why vote, you ask? Because your right to vote and the ability to elect your representatives hang in the balance. This country currently has an elected leader that is morally unfit and mentally unbalanced to lead a trip to the shit house let alone this country. Trump has demonstrated time and again that he is a serial liar, incapable of telling the truth, a serial womanizer, a racist, and one who has authoritarian tendencies as evidenced by him at the RNC Virtual Convention where he was chanting 12 more years (one can only be elected to two four year terms as President of the U.S). Any of the foregoing should disqualify him.

But it takes effort. The effort to give a shit and not make excuses and get your asses to the voting booth. Don't be afraid Trump is a coward. Do not let him intimidate you. Vote this piece of trash out of office.



00:43 Sep 10 2020

Exactly there both pedophiles Joe and Trump.

00:44 Sep 10 2020

Just my opinion..

00:46 Sep 10 2020

Trump is friends with the creep who had that island and was arrested.

00:49 Sep 10 2020

Yes, he was a friend of Epstein. Disregard that and there are still the other nagging issues

09:04 Sep 10 2020

In any election, I find the increasing number of rejected votes disturbing.

14:00 Sep 10 2020

Just make sure you vote. Get your friends to register to vote if they haven't. Not a single one of you, in all probability, has anything in common with the Republicans, so why support any of them. However, it is more important to reject Trump and remove him pursuant to the vote.

03:20 Sep 11 2020

The problem here boils down to an oligarchy who pretends to act as a Republic. Just my two cents

02:05 Sep 12 2020

Changes nothing, Trump needs to be voted out. Keeping in mind that should Biden win the country will return to a semblance of stability. Trump is a very real danger to the country. All should remember that.

23:20 Sep 12 2020

Did you know Trump is friends with sex offenders on a private island?
Who sells children and labels them as furnitchairs

23:24 Sep 12 2020

Actually the sex offender is dead. Yes, I knew. There are other issues as I have indicated. Wake Up

03:49 Oct 03 2020

There is nothing to back up the Joe/pedo BS. Do your research. it was a Q-anon BS theory. donny on the other hand over 20 rape accusations over the years! That we know about.

16:49 Oct 03 2020

You are absolutely right it is another Q-Anon theory. The majority members of Q-Anon are middle aged and white. So afraid of becoming a minority. Shrugs ... doesn't bother me



00:33 Sep 06 2020
Times Read: 913

Yes, their beliefs should subject them to mandatory mental health screening....... after all the next thing you know they will believe in Vampires.

But they are all fruit cakes.



02:37 Sep 06 2020

Like this site does?.
They seem to believe in vampires.

02:53 Sep 06 2020

Very few do. Most are into literary and cinematic vampires.

QAnon are simply nut cases.

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