YES! Aced my first LC quiz on the first go!
Just got graded on my first assignment in the Life Coaching class. I had to act out and record the elevator pitch. Silverbow is my victim for this course. I was nervous. Mostly because it was awkward. Even though I've known for her for ages and spent time with her in person, it was still awkward. Like how do you start something like that?! But she told me a different way to approach it and it worked so much better.
I need to get her here for another visit. I miss her face.
Back to the point... I got a 100% on it.. w00t!
This is to be my first assignment in LC classes:
In this lesson, you were introduced to life coaching, including its history and your role as a coach. Crafting an elevator pitch is a great way to explain your work to others. For this video or audio assignment, you will provide your elevator pitch to your volunteer client. This should be recorded and include the following items:
An introduction
The services you provide
Potential outcomes clients can achieve
The benefits of having a life coach
A hook or unique selling proposition (in other words, what makes you better than your competitors?)
Any other vital information you want to provide
Remember, an elevator pitch should be no more than 60 seconds.
Answer any follow-up questions your volunteer client may have about what they can expect or how they will benefit from hiring a life coach.
This is going to be fun. lol
Final grades of the for the first 8 weeks were posted yesterday.
Total: 96.3% (A) - UNV-101
Total: 100% (A) - GWD-100
This next set of classes look to be to really interesting.
These round of classes start Jan. 13th.
I'm waiting for my book for Life Coach to be delivered soon. I started getting into the first assignment yesterday. I have until July 9th to finish this 80 hour course. I didn't realize I would need to have a volunteer to be my 'test client'. I'm kind of nervous, but kind of excited.
Soo... as of Tonight...
I'm enrolled!
It is official. I have just submitted my last End Exam,
8 weeks. It's hard to believe this has been 8 weeks already. I get my final grades on Friday. Then I'll see when I start the next set of classes for my degree.
Life Coaching classes begin Jan 8th- this Wednesday. I guess I'm going to be enrolled then. I need to call the college and find out for sure because that's what they informed my caseworker. They haven't contacted me yet. So, tomorrow I will call.
Tomorrow is a day of decompressing and thinking about future endeavors.
-sigh- I did it and am doing it.
Yes you are. Proud of you Bun Bun.
You guys don't know how much it means to me to have you in my corner and cheering me on. To have people I've known for so long stand behind me and give me encouragement... is one of the greatest feelings. 💜
I will stand behind you any time. I will slide my hands over your thighs in solidarity!
Oh, please! I'll have the butter warm and ready!
This seems so weird to say...
Finals are next week. I can't believe it. It doesn't seem like it.
The next classes are Photomanipulation and I can't remember the other one. At least I'm going to move out of Illustrator.
The invoice was sent to the main office that is going to pay for the Life Coach classes. So, I am hoping I hear from them next week about my start date. I'm excited to get into that because I've a few ideas of how I'm going to work my way into the field.
I think I'm going to market as a Life Coach, but with emphasis on Sex/Relationships. Because I am in a rare spot, being disabled, I can understand certain aspects. Also, I'm not shy to talk about things. Sometimes people want to have someone who can related to their situation. It can help people not feel so alone and not feel as though they are just getting a generic answer. To have someone who actually goes through those things, would help very much.
I was talking to my therapist Tuesday about somethings going on and my plans. She is excited for me. When I get certified she is planning on sending people my way. lol To have someone that is a Therapist be that excited and know that you are going to do a good job is really a good feeling. She's seen me struggle last year hardcore. To go from that to this.. is something.
I have a feeling it's going to be more of a 'working' relationship than Client-Therapist at some point.
I'm excited.
Now, I need to make a PowerPoint Presentation and stop procrastinating.
Haha! Finals... I only say that because I went through many back in the day.
Good luck!!!
It looks like you have some seriously productive personal activity going on. Now stop procrastinating & get to it.
Bwaahahaha!!! I love it when a plan comes together & I'm sure you do too.
Congrats on all the hard Work & Happy New Year!!!
Oh hell yes, life coach!