Nightgame's Journal

Nightgame's Journal


Honor: 10    [ Give / Take ]


11 entries this month

and she's back in the nest :)

02:39 Dec 31 2008
Times Read: 933

Birdie just let me know she got to go back home tonight so no company for me :(

I'm glad sugar since I know you'll sleep better at home with your air conditioner blowing. lol



02:46 Dec 31 2008

Thank you for the offer of a "nest" though it is greatly appreciated. Huggles Cat:)

03:26 Dec 31 2008

That's what friends are for...


The Eagle hasn't landed yet

01:16 Dec 31 2008
Times Read: 939

Birdie was ousted from her nest tonight, due to an evaucation of her Apartment complex and whole area due to an Ammonia leak. They didn't even give her time to grab a change of clothes so she's on the move.

If they don't let her go home tonight (which I really doubt) I hope she comes and stays with me. Her parents place is a bit too far off to make it convenient.

Luckily I changed the bed just today. lol

Why do I feel like calling "here birdy birdy"



02:43 Dec 31 2008

An birdy would answer.....esp if you have chocolate in hand....lol


dang it's crazy around here

16:05 Dec 28 2008
Times Read: 955

Just when I thought I'd get a nice weekend of rest with my family things had to get nuts. Apparently a breaker went bad which blew out plug in and lights in two rooms, 1/2 of the living room is affected which is a pain but I can work around but the laundry room next door is totally out which means no washer/dryer and my deep freeze is out of power too. Since it's pretty full that's a real worry.

My brother is still here luckily and though he meant to be headed back home already he and my nephew are trying to find the problem and fix it. It appears a breaker may have gone bad or even two but finding them and fixing them on a sunday will be a real trick. I already tried calling my cousing Jack who is a certified Master Electrician but as usual he's working out of the country. Cross your fingers for me it's looking like a rough day.



16:58 Dec 28 2008

Extention cords to the freezer.......can't let all that food waste.

18:00 Dec 28 2008

I wouldnt mind the washer and dryer out of order, but damn it NOT THE FOOD!!

04:26 Dec 30 2008

Well that sucks. At least it didn't happen in the kitchen, when you were making Christmas dinner. Its good that you have people there helping you out.



06:05 Dec 25 2008
Times Read: 979

Let the kids rip open the presents tonight because it's just too much wildness to do that and try and have a fun dinner. This way they will be busy playing with their new toys while the cooking is going on without them. lol

I have to admit with 3 little boys in the house there was a heck of a lot of toy cars and race tracks all over the floor. All 3 got remote controlled ones for us to have to try and walk around without being tripped by them and the race track has a booster on it that flings the small metal cars so hard, half of them fly off the track and strike us adults sitting nearby in the shins. Ah we'll have some nice blue spots tomorrow.

But the laughter was so worth it for they were running up and down the house racing their cars then piling up in the floor to see who could out-crash the other with the race track. Luckily I won that challenge. :) Yep it really is a fun track.

My neice is really big into webkins stuffed animals and clothes so her pile was much quieter but since she also got her first bunch of makeup she was on top of the world.

Of course the most fun is watching the fathers of the kids trying to put the stuff together while the kids are jumping up and down, in their face screaming for the stuff to work immediately! Then when it is ready they must test it out first! *snorts* yeah right!

But now I'm sitting her plumb tuckered out and knowing I've got to get up early to put on the turkey and ham but just cannot seem to get to sleep. My headache has finally eased off so maybe I'll manage it this time but it really was a lot of fun tonight.

Mom would have laughed her head off at us all.

I made a big kettle of chili for us all tonight and it was ate to the last bowl so that went good and my eldest nephew did tell me that it was as close as he'd ever had to my Mom's chili which of course is our very favorite.

Merry Christmas everyone.



11:06 Dec 25 2008

That sounds like the childhood all children should have....Merry Christmas.

15:20 Dec 25 2008

Merry Christmas Sis. Luvs ya. :)

23:31 Dec 25 2008

That sounds wonderful. :) Merry Christmas, my dear friend.



20:00 Dec 26 2008

Sounds like a delightful time. Thank you for sharing your Christmas with us.

*Hugs the Cat* Glad you got some cookies. Have a Happy New Years hon. Get some sleep. lol.

22:22 Dec 26 2008

it looks like it was a great deal of fun. i am glad you had a wonderful holiday with your family.


Always something

15:16 Dec 16 2008
Times Read: 1,012

I had a whole lot of jobs lined up to take care of today starting with taking my car into the garage for an urgent recall. Seems it's lost it's mind or about to according to the dealer. The computer "brain" must be reprogrammed and it'll take an hour.

Then I have a bunch of things I need to wrap and get mailed along with Christmas cards to finish and mail. None of these can be done with the kids around.

So of course we get freezing rain last night and there is no school so I had to cancel the apt at the garage and reschedule it and now I have both kids here. The 4 year old is bouncing off the walls while the 11 year old is in a major pouting funk. Ah the joys of the holidays! lol

Plus I get to cook breakfast and lunch for them where I usually just grab a toast or sandwhich myself. So dishes to add to the mix oh joy joy!

Seems I'm in a bit of a funk myself today so perhaps we need to find some good rock music, turn it loud and throw a dance party followed by hot cocoa and cookies! That ought to make us all feel better.



18:18 Dec 16 2008

Don't tell me your the only Mother I know whose kids have to shout " hey turn down that music " ? lol

19:30 Dec 16 2008

They're making me turn it down all the time! I just don't know what's going to come with this new generation... :)

18:46 Dec 17 2008

Christmas cards to finish.. eeek! I know the feeling never mind having kids around too heh, good luck bunny! oorr eeer. umm maybe you are not the bunny! heh

02:16 Dec 18 2008

It sounds like a visitation of Murphy's Law. Try a bit of Cruxshadows for background music. Soullie got me hooked on them. :)



21:55 Dec 18 2008

Well, did it make you all feel better?? It sounds like a grand plan for me tonight! Though, I have to admit, I'll probably subsitute beer for the hot cocoa :)

13:50 Dec 19 2008

It worked great we laughed and had fun, burned off some of the 4year old's energy while the 11 year old finally smiled! ah pre-teens! lol

14:01 Dec 19 2008

it sounds very nice. for the record my 11 year old is also a pouter, have you ever seen an 11 year old with PMS-like attitude? not pretty.

the 13 year old is currently in the sullen vs hyper mode in which he won't talk to us but he will run back and forth(making of all things)duck noises while repeatedly saying applesauce.

today is half day and i get them for two whole weeks.

i can't wait for school to start back up already.


The best laid plans

21:33 Dec 15 2008
Times Read: 1,020

So I decided to go to the party and re-worked the day out of town to get back in time to change and go to the x-mas party only to get up to several inches of snow on top of a layer of ice.

We had no choice but to drive to the doctor's apt but did wait until the last minute to allow the early traffic to clear the roads even more and luckily only 30 minutes North of here there was no snow or ice at all.

I was hoping it'd warm up enough to melt the roads around home but as we came back home in the late afternoon, the secondary roads were still very icy and the place the party was being held was way out in the country off a secondary road and on a back gravel road in the woods. No sun or salt had been anywhere near it and it involved a few hills and curves and given that I am not a good winter driver I decided it wasn't worth the chance of wrecking.

Since then I've found out I wasn't alone in my worry since a great many of us that usually attend did not this year. Oh well there's always next year.

Just goes to show you though don't it?




It's a woman's perogorative to change her mind!

19:24 Dec 11 2008
Times Read: 1,042

Well I had decided I couldn't make it to the christmas party due to an out of town doctor's apt. But out to lunch the other day I ran into 6 of the guys I used to work with and when I said I wasn't coming they starting in on me.

See for years I was the one harrassing them to attend the party even when they were pissed at their Sergeant or Lieutenant or higher ups. It's not like the big dogs hung around the parties long anyhow. After the dinner and awards were announced they started sliding out the door. They didn't do any drinking in front of the rest of us of course. lol

A Sergeant was always assigned to stay to the end and see that all had sober drivers or to make them ride with another workmate home. No DUI's allowed! lol

Anyway they gave me such a hard time I promised I'd really try to make it so I think tomorrow night will find me at a party. lol

Course Lafe promised to dance with me if I showed up and I'm going to hold him to it too!



19:30 Dec 11 2008

Ha...dig out them dancin shoes and enjoy !

19:51 Dec 11 2008

W00T! Sounds like fun. Have a great time :)

22:13 Dec 11 2008

Go get them sis. They are part of your life, part of your life that molded you to the wonderful person you are today. Go laugh, have fun, dance and pinch the cute guys on the butt. lol.

01:09 Dec 12 2008

You SHOULD go......:)

03:09 Dec 12 2008

i hope you do go and have a wonderful time.


Lots of things done today

02:31 Dec 08 2008
Times Read: 1,064

My sister got me up early to go shopping, her weekly grocery shopping plus a special x-mas shopping trip.

She's working with a local charity and they needed us to take a 200 dollar gift card donated by Walmart and shop for 4 kids off the Angel tree.

My sister decided to take the older kids since everyone jumps for the little kids but the older ones are often left out. So she had a 14 and 16 year old and I had a 12 and 14 year old each of us had a boy and girl and 50 dollars apiece to use.

This was to get a top/pants or skirt, shoes and a toy of some type. 3 of them listed computers or electronic games and one wanted a board game.

It wasn't easy to stretch it out but we did it even managing to get all of them something extra if just a shirt or pair of shoes. It felt great even if we were wore out by the time we got finished.

I've promised myself I'll do one more off the tree myself before x-mas but I also want to find a group that's supplying dinners and donate to them too.

It's been a very long time ago but I can remember a time when we didn't have a christmas and only had a holiday dinner because a charity brought us one. It's something I hope I never forget since it keeps it more real to me.

With all the nephews and neices in my family Christmas can turn into a crazy time to get all the hot toys or games all too easily. I like to remember it's not about the gifts but the people. That's the important part!



03:20 Dec 08 2008

Kudos to you for giving back!!

07:29 Dec 08 2008

One thing I have done every Xmas is to give something back. One year, it was to house a homeless teenager that was a friend of my step daughter. Another it was to feed a family that wouldn't have had dinner, without what I brought them out of my freezer.

I am doing similar things this year....

Its feels good to give back, all through the year.

16:39 Dec 08 2008

Many people just focus on how happy the holidays are or get stressed out about the meals and the presents. What isn't discussed is how many kids have nothing under the tree and how many families show up at a soup kitchen on Christmas. You are a kind soul.

21:49 Dec 08 2008

All of them have the greatest present of all.. your love :) You truly are a super person, and with no self-agenda other than to give happiness to others :)

21:05 Dec 10 2008

as someone who used to do this but no longer can i thank you. this year people like you are who my kids are depending on for their Christmas. i know that i appreciate it.


How you know it's a bad day!

21:39 Dec 07 2008
Times Read: 1,086

When you've got a really expensive and rich chocolate bar and it tastes like crap in your mouth! I really wanted a bit of good rich chocolate and for me that's very rare so I buy one bar and take the very first bite and it's just awful. I've had this before and I know it should taste wonderful. Ah phooey! Wonder what else can leave a bad taste in my mouth today?



22:19 Dec 07 2008

Yes... wonder what else? lol

23:38 Dec 07 2008

Well hopefully not my supper!



03:09 Dec 03 2008
Times Read: 1,132

I'm wanting to start a group but am just not sure if it belongs on Sci-Fi or PowerPunks at the moment.

I've waited but no one has started a group about Anita Blake Vampire Hunter's series from Laurell K Hamilton.

Since they contain Vampires, were creatures, witches and zombies pretty much all paranormal creatures actually then sci-fi fits but the books are also a graphic novel series and Anita is definately a hero even when she tries not to be. So I'm a bit confused where it should go and want to ask for suggestions please in the comments section.



03:11 Dec 03 2008

PowerPunks........she kicks all kinds of ass. Plus it will give me a good reason to go there. :)

03:18 Dec 03 2008

Although I have heard a lot about htem, I have never read them.

If there is a hero involved, I would say Power Punks :)

04:40 Dec 03 2008

I'd go with Power Punks :)

06:20 Dec 03 2008

I would sugest the more powerpunks direction


Ripped right off RedQueen's Journal

15:57 Dec 01 2008
Times Read: 1,152

What Drives You Nuts?

Can't stand waiting in line? Hate it when others leave a mess? What gets your goat can have a lot to do with your astrological sign.


When it comes to taking charge, while you may occasionally pretend you don't absolutely adore it, to be perfectly honest, you know you do - and you know we all love it when you're "driving," because you're so good at it. So what absolutely makes you nuts is having to take orders from someone who's not only less qualified than yourself, but also pitifully less suited to the position. Fortunately, that doesn't happen much, now does it?

I'd try denying this but I would be lying through my teeth :p

Astrological Signs



16:14 Dec 01 2008

Good thing it doesn't happen much.... it is so you!!!

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