Nightgame's Journal

Nightgame's Journal


Honor: 10    [ Give / Take ]


5 entries this month

Goodie goodie :)

02:56 Jul 31 2008
Times Read: 895

I've been on dsl for a while now and it was always fast enough for me but recently my nephew got me into an online game (fighting monsters of course) and I quickly discovered it just wasn't fast enough for gaming. So I upgraded to amost 4 times faster. Hooked it up tonight and shazam it sure flies. lol Even VR loads up so much faster it's amazing. I'm also kicking myself for not doing this much sooner. lol



03:13 Jul 31 2008

Welcome to the 20th century dear lol.

04:03 Jul 31 2008

04:44 Jul 31 2008

I know it well. It is the only way to fly. :)

15:13 Jul 31 2008

Now you're hooked on SPEED!

21:12 Jul 31 2008

Oh I am I am and it's such a fun addiction lol


A year of heaven and hell

15:19 Jul 27 2008
Times Read: 936

Yesterday, marked 1 year since I had my thyroid surgery and got the wonderful news that it wasn't cancer. After months of being told it was I had been given a miracle of sorts to me and my family/friends at least. I had such high hopes that it was a good omen for me but I now know that it was the sweet before the real pain was to begin.

I"ve lost my Mother and with her death one of my brothers went on an emotional wack trip and I've not seen nor heard from him since. We had been close prior to this so it does hurt but I have to allow him to feel as he does, right? But my infant neice that he's the father of and of whom I loved very much has been forbidden to see us too. Both my sister and I are heartsore over this absence. She had her 1st birthday last week and there was no contact allowed still. Out of all the kids in the family Abbie was the only pretty little red headed girl born with my Mom's hair color. It was such a joy to her when that finally happened. Now it's such a pain when I look at the few pictures I have of the baby. She's going to be walking soon if not already and I'm missing so much of her life.

I can only hope that someday he get's over himself and allows his wife and child to know the rest of her family, living right in the same small town.

I think I'd be less hurt if my sister or I actually did something to upset him but instead he fussed with our eldest brother (they always do) but this time it was more convenient for him to lump the rest of us in his anger too.

6 weeks after my Mom died, her sister closest in age suddenly died too after surgery. Mom had 15 brothers and sisters and just the 3rd of them to have passed with one dying as a child. Now 4 of them are suddenly gone and our huge extended family are realizing that we are facing many more of these losses and it's hard to deal with right now.

Add into this mix of grief the possible medical problems for my small nephew which while not life threatening are going to be life changing are an emotional roller-coaster.

So while this year began on a bang it's ended on my whimpers for mercy. I can only thank my friends, VW39 and Elemental, in real life and my other friends here on VR that have saved my sanity more times than I can count. LadyChordewa with her wonderful phone calls and good advice, the wonderful members of my house who are always there with a "virtual" glass of booze and some laughter, and too many others to even name. With their journals they have taken my mind from dark places into joy and reminders of others plights. Thanks to Stabb, KCRC, Meeper, Artemka, CountessMoon, Images, Redqueen, Sevenn and Sahahria and the many others that I catch on the fly. Thank you all so much for saving this woman's sanity.

*okay vw39, I'm not really sane but close enough for rats*



15:58 Jul 27 2008

Just really thankful you made it through:)

16:19 Jul 27 2008

I am so happy about the good news in your message's beginning, my dear friend. :)

Hugs and my wishes that the pain washes away soon but never the good memories of family so missed. I also pray that people come to their senses and realize that they are adding to the entire family's suffering no matter what their reason. I send a prayer to the Goddess for healing for your dear nephew.

Hugs again


I am not much of a word smith my friend. I hope that you see that my only desire is for you and your family to have a wonderful life.

16:39 Jul 27 2008

What??? Poor Rat gets all the fussing. Not like I was going to say anything..... like.... Sane? You sane?? LOL

;) I would not know what I would do without you and Birdy in my life. Thanks the gods I did not have to find out.

And the brother- he will calm down, just give it time. Not the first time he has had the "shit fit" Time heals...and then you can see her.

17:13 Jul 27 2008

Dearest, we have all had hard times in our lives and if not for the friends and family that we have, most of us would have lost our sanity and more importantly ....our hope.

Please remember, most things that happen, are simply life lessons. Although it sucks what your brother is doing, its his life lesson in dealing with his emotions. Its yours in patience. Your nephew is dealing with a life lesson he is dealt with, same as those dealt with any other debilitating disease. Depending on how its handled, some with autism can be very productive members of the society. My prayers are with you and the family in this hope. Death is part of those lessons unfortunately and I still feel for you for the emotional turmoil you have been going through this past year. But can I point out one thing?

If you didn't go through all of these hard times, then you wouldn't have realized how much the rat and birdy truly meant to you. You wouldn't have found out who your true friends were and who you could turn to, to make you laugh, cry and offer a shoulder to cry on. I love you sis. Please take care.

17:24 Jul 27 2008

The tough times in life make the good times that follow so much sweeter.

I have been pushed aside by family members in the past, and while it is difficult to deal with it eventually will be mended. Each of us has our own way to grieve and, perhaps your brother needed to create an "issue" to create an excuse to be apart from those who most remind him of his loss in your Mother's passing.

As always, I am just a message away if you ever need to talk.

23:17 Jul 27 2008



13:15 Jul 28 2008

Do not ever feel bad for feeling as you do, when life in its fullest exposes us to its power, it is rentching. How you have lived through it is an example to us all of how we should want to be should we ever end up in such difficult times.

*oh and sanity is over rated* ;)

20:26 Jul 28 2008

I heard something in church yesterday that really made me think. There are only three things in life that make the whole thing work. Want what you have. Do what you can. Be who you are. Everything else that comes into cluding those things only stirs things up. Its like a simpler version of the serenity prayer in a way, I suppose, but it works. Those who are close to you...love them fiercely:let them know; want what you have. You cant spend a bunch of time hoping somebody else will come to their senses, because they may or may not...and you can only do what you can. And most likely, with your quiet ways and gentle soul, you brother will come around just by you being who you are.


A long time gone

00:56 Jul 25 2008
Times Read: 963

Seems forever since I wrote anything in here and even now I'm not sure where I'm going with this entry. I'm still spending time every day on VR but I've been in lurking and mostly just playing in my house and reading my favorite journals a bit.

The kids are really draining me right now which is abnormal so I'm not sure if it's me or them getting all wired up about school starting back up. I mean for the last 3 days I've broke them apart over a dozen times just fighting over who sits on the couch and who sits in the chair. I finally broke today and put them both on the couch, dared them to get up and said if they didn't quit I'd make them sit in the floor. Now in this one I admit I blame my 11year old neice a lot more than her 3 year old brother who thinks she's playing a game with him until the screaming starts. I should have invested money in Advil is all I can say!

Got to go into the city tomorrow for a doctor apt and won't be home until late since we're going to take advantage of the trip to do some school shopping for the kids. Gas too high to make another trip just for that when we're have to be there anyway. The bad part of it is I just got a late notice of a retirement party tomorrow evening for 3 guys I worked with for many years 2 sergeants and a detective. One of the sergeants was the dest sgt while I was the Dispatch Supervisor and we got to work a lot closer than I had with any of the others. I'm really bummed about missing the party since his cancer has come back and he may not be here all that much longer. (*god I hope I'm wrong* but the reports are not good)

I've sent my well wishes via another friend who will be there and that's the best I can do, I reckon. I'm sure I'll see two of them here locally as I run into them here in town often.



01:40 Jul 25 2008

It's just good to hear how things are with you *hugs* you have been missed!

02:26 Jul 25 2008

*hugs* Been thinking about you dear. Sounds like you need a break from the kids for your own sanity. Please take care and know you are missed. Love ya sis.

03:29 Jul 25 2008

I have missed you, my dear friend. Hugs.


19:47 Jul 25 2008

So that is why you have not answered your phone today, Duh. :)

Don't worry about the party sis as you said- small town and you will run into them soon. And school starts in a few weeks so...hold on Cat. Its almost over.

So....lets get together this weekend....plan some stuff. Nita free I wonder. Talked to her a little this morning but she left before we could talk much.

O,0 and notice I am leaving a comment like its a PM. lol

*rat puts hand up to ear like a phone* Call me... :)

20:45 Jul 25 2008

It's good to see you out and about here. I know life can be a bitch sometimes and sometimes. I hope things get back to normal for you (if that's possible), soon.

Maybe you could call the guys you worked with..kinda give them a hello since you can't make the party. If not, well, the well wishes will do hon.

Take care you...I feel you tired....make sure and take care of yourself.


So very tired and sore but happy

04:05 Jul 07 2008
Times Read: 995

Moved furniture today, 3 large dressers, 2 tall chests of drawers 2 beds with mattress' and box springs, 2 night stands, 2 recliners, a loveseat couple of odd small tables and a deep freeze. Just my sister and I did it all and now that I have it cleaned back up and the beds remade I'm really pleased to have gotten it all moved but so very tired and sore all over. lol

If any of you ever wonder if those little slider discs work for moving heavy stuff - Oh Yes!!!!

I bought 2 sets a large set of 4 and a smaller set of 4 (the larger is the one's you'll use the most) but they were easy to use and worked wonderfully. Tilt the piece and slide them under the edge. It helps to have a second person to keep it still while you slide them under the other side because it'll move that easy. We put the filled freezer on the 4 large ones and then one of us was able to push it into the storage room which got it out of my dining room (where I hated it).

But now that the heavy work is done I can start figuring out which room I'll paint what color since I want a bit of as mix through the house. I also hooked up my old pc for my neice to be able to play games on and tomorrow I'll get the playstation hooked back up too. Ogre battle here I come. :)

But for now I'm really ready for bed and a nice pain pill. Tomorrow is laundry and going through a pile of stuff to sort for goodwill or garbage. It seems the more junk I get cleared out and it feeling open, the more I want it to do so. Goodnight all :)



13:38 Jul 07 2008

Hang on to those discs......might have to borrow....:) Glad you are getting it the way you want it, sis.

16:27 Jul 07 2008

Gosh... wish you had some big men to do the heavy lifting. Wonder where we can get those?

*whackes the back of you head*

I told you to call me- we could of done it this morning.


Don't want the Cat hurt.

04:55 Jul 08 2008

Pack up and get your butt up here...I need a professional to help me get sorted...:D

Six years of accumulated junk sitting on my deck and I have to find room for it in my apartment...which means I'm rearranging and purging too...I can't seem to decide what goes out though...I love my stuff...~pouts~

21:42 Jul 11 2008

Moving things around can be a real bitch..but once it's all done, you'll be glad for it.

I was just sitting here thinking to myself...

I haven't seen Nightgame around in a while...damn..I miss her.

Did you get lost in the transition hon?

21:26 Jul 15 2008

I bet you were ready to sleep after all that! Mind your back 'tho... we only have one spine!

22:55 Jul 24 2008

I was just thinking how it's been a long time since I"ve seen you..I was missing you..

So there, I said it :P


Isn't if funny...

13:11 Jul 03 2008
Times Read: 1,028

I've just passed my second year here on vr and while it's changed quite a lot so have I so I guess that's only fair. Honestly much of the reason I joined has been eliminated but I've slowly replaced it with other pursuits and of course many good friends to talk with about everything under the sun and moon.

The forum that I enjoyed a lot when I was a few months into my 1st year is no longer that interesting for me. Which is more my fault that vr's since I never created more than 2 or 3 threads in my 2 years total. I find it hard to believe that the weird things I find interesting would be interesting to others. lol

I very much enjoyed the competition involved in earning favor, hangman being awesome and I was just getting into the hang of 5x5x5, when thanks to jerks it was lost.

I still enjoy meeting the occasional new member and becoming acquaintances or even friends but since I've been in a weird mood the last few months I've not even rated new members since Feb this year. I know I have to get back to it but somehow find being nice about nothing profiles very hard to do and since I hate being mean right off the bat. well you see my problem...

Overall I think it's been a wonderful 2 years and have no intention of leaving but I have cut back on the hours I spend here. Much of that though is due to Mom's death and the fact that I no longer have to sit so many hours up with her, where all I had to do was play on the laptop and tend her. Now I'm always doing something that keeps me from sitting down for long. I guess that's just life but I do miss out on a lot of fun here. I never seem to know who's into shit anymore. lol



13:52 Jul 03 2008

Funny how life changes as VR does. I think it's strange that people don't expect this place to change as new members join and we all experience more in our real lives. Life contains so much change, that even those that hate change experience it on a daily basis.

It's great you're here no matter how long or why... Cheers to another great VR year!

14:28 Jul 03 2008

We both made the 2 year mark.....yeah us!!!

14:39 Jul 03 2008

Congrats dear. ;)

14:59 Jul 03 2008

Congrats on the two years my dear.

I know what you mean about change. We do have our moments, don't we.

You just hang in there.

18:10 Jul 03 2008

The ebb and flow of life experience is what keeps us from becoming bored out of our minds. Two years- it seems so insignificant compared to the decades we hopefully will live. But in those years, so much can change in our lives and equally in the lives of our family and friends.

14:04 Jul 04 2008

And all because of a game of hangman ... :)

22:24 Jul 04 2008

So let me get this straight.

Both YOU and the Birdy just had 2 year anniversaries.

Knowing the two of you and the Rat, SOME sort of party like gathering surely took place.

YET I was not invited.


19:03 Jul 05 2008

Congrats to you for surviving! There should be some sort of trophy that goes along with it or something.

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