Nightgame's Journal

Nightgame's Journal


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10 entries this month

Dang it!

17:50 Jun 27 2023
Times Read: 292

Okay I'll just admit it but I miss the old Vamp Box! That little square sitting pretty over on the left side of my screen just perfect for keeping my eye on it watching for friends or an interesting conversation to jump into! So easy to read journals or rate things and just watch the little box for fun or adventure or when I made Dominar watch for trouble. lol I will get the hang of the new ways but some old things I just loved too much not to miss.



18:02 Jun 27 2023


18:41 Jun 27 2023

Me too!

18:52 Jun 27 2023

I feel like that is the consensus of most... it really was nice to just look over and watch it while doing other things. The new chat can be fun too, but it is harder to do other things on the site while also engaging in the chat.


Got some great news at the doc today!

02:43 Jun 27 2023
Times Read: 306

Saw my endocrinologist today for the first time since I started a new medicine 3 months ago. She was practically dancing when she got my A1C numbers and the records from my insulin pump. For the first time since I was diagnosed as diabetic over 20 years ago my a1c was 5.5, that's down 2 full points as well as into the normal range for the first time in ever! I also lost 47lbs which was almost double what she was looking for/expecting when I started on it. I'm even more determined to work harder to not only lose more weight but to get in better shape too. I like feeling stronger and my knees are very happy about it.

Went to costco afterwards to get some paper towels and stuff and the place was crazy even worse than usual, I was tickled to get done and head home. It was the first trip of any distance I have got to drive my Enclave and wow it was such a nice ride and easy to drive. I am very happy with my purchase though I wish it was silver instead of white.



10:47 Jun 28 2023

That is awesome! I am so happy for you!


Time to pay the piper!

22:29 Jun 16 2023
Times Read: 330

Been out every night this week so my sister has been providing the evening meal for my older brother, my nephew and herself. I'm not really sure what she fixed for them or if they bought out but I have been informed that they need a good dinner now that I'm home again. So I hit the grocery stores today yes 3 of them as different sales going on means I needed to shop around. But I now have ribeye steaks to fix along with baked potatoes and a salad. Tomorrow will be a lighter supper then a big beef roast for Sunday after church with all the fixings. Even got the stuff to make a banana pudding, so they should get into a better frame of mind. lol
Even the cat has been mad at me for not being around so I dosed him on catnip today and now he's giving me loving ever time I get close to him. lol

Somewhere I have got to search my closet for my summer clothes as I'm not finding them easily and it's getting hot around here.



07:00 Jun 17 2023

I go to three different stores when I grocery shop. One for meats (better prices, fresher selections), one for household staples (I'm a bargain shopper), and one for bulk/storage items.
Then I do the flea market every weekend for fresh produces (veggies, fruits, herbs, spices, etc) because I love the idea of getting fresh items from local small businesses.

But fuck this heat. We hit 123 in real free with humidity today. It was absolutely nuts.

13:50 Jun 17 2023

Yeah for you cooking. Again. :)


One more night!

17:33 Jun 15 2023
Times Read: 342

Tonight is the last night of VBS and it's been going great but I'm glad it's done. The kids have been awesome especially at Colors with Connie they are paying super close attention and getting almost all of the questions right, I ask. There is even one boy who finds something I didn't, to stump me with every night. lol It's great they don't realize how close attention they are paying just to be able to beat me. But that's the real point, they are learning about people on missions to help one family in Columbia and another in St Louis, MO. That one breaks my heart to learn that there are people going hungry in such a big city in this US. We grow too much for our own people to be going hungry here while we send billions overseas! Yes help our neighbors but don't forget our own citizens.




Damn this time of year never gets easier!

18:54 Jun 13 2023
Times Read: 363

Cannot even look on facebook or my email without being bombarded with father's day stuff from sales to won't he love this! You assholes never think of those who lost their dad's way too young and no matter how long ago this timed of year brings up the lack of being able to hug, talk or just sit around the kitchen table and listen to him. I'm trying to stay away but with the way things are all tied together these days you gotta check your email at least daily. :( So I'm going to say it once, I miss you Dad and I wish you'd have had more time on this Earth! A chance to meet your grandkids and great grandkids! You'd have made a difference in their lives that's for sure.
I know a couple other father's that are being missed bad this time of year too because I miss those Father's too see they were so good they took in their kids friends like family too. Love you all.



19:20 Jun 13 2023

I remember those days when we all took care of each other. Miss those days but my kids friend know if they need anything they are welcome to call or come for dinner. I don’t care how old they get. I’m sorry for your loss dear one. I feel it this time of year as well.

21:19 Jun 13 2023

Thanks sugar family being together is one thing that helps, we are all grieving but together we can share good memories and fight against the sadness. Hug you kids for me :)


Better than the first!

02:57 Jun 13 2023
Times Read: 381

Second night of VBS is under our belt now it went even better than last night. The kids were getting the hang of moving through the schedule so it was a lot smoother. We played colors with Connie again as they all seemed to enjoy it even the other teachers who I managed to stump most of the time. Tonight we also played a dice game called Tensee which involved throwing dice to get a desired number while answering questions about the two families of missionaries we are learning about or trying to get all the same dice number while singing Jesus Loves Me which was just as funny as you can imagine. Had one 3rd grade boy withdraw from both the fun and the group mid session but two of our younger volunteers caught on and pulled him over with them and drew him out about what was bothering him (a sick grandparent) but it was good to help him talk it out and pray with him for healing.
I have decided to get a set of the Tensee game for my family to play too, it was just that fun.
* I have to admit though when I first learned it was dice throwing, I flashed back to my childhood when even throwing a Monopoly dice could get you in trouble in my Maternal Grandmother's home----that's gambling!* lol don't even guess what happened to our cards to play rummy with???? lol




First night went great!

04:20 Jun 12 2023
Times Read: 396

Tonight was the first night of Vacation Bible School at our church and my class went awesome. I got to work with several great women of all ages. The kids were great too it's wild seeing how some are shy and others so outgoing. They seemed to enjoy our class and were talking and laughing with us so that was good. I do need to remember to eat before it starts though as I had a bit of low blood sugar trouble tonight and I don't want to do that again. Tomorrow is going to be a wild day, starting with an early morning meeting with the school vice principal about my nephew's home bound schooling. After that I got to get to my insurance company to drop one coverage and put coverage on the 2019 Buick Enclave, I bought Saturday morning. It's much larger than my Terrain and will allow both kids and my sister and I to travel in comfort. We want to go back to the US Air Force museum before the really hot part of summer gets here. Then back to church by 5:30 and more fun and games with the kids. The theme for this year is games both old school and today's video games. If the rest is like tonight then it's going to be a good one. If you're of a mind, say a prayer for us, to feed the kids who come both their bodies and their minds that someone cares about them.




Great things are afoot!

22:10 Jun 08 2023
Times Read: 424

I have members again and conversations are going on in Umbrae Octo. Do you love vampires and discussing them with others who do too? There are just so many topics about them to discuss.




Umbrae Octo is reborn!

01:55 Jun 06 2023
Times Read: 469

With many thanks to Moonie, Rat and Duckie my House is now sporting a fresh new look and a new direction. We are going old school and back to our beginning Vampires are going to be the topic of conversation all over the house. From old horror movies to songs and comic book vampires even Vamparina on Disney channel. I cannot wait to see how it works out. Still have lots of work to do on my inside forums but I am getting started on them asap. Come check us out folks we look Sharp!



10:46 Jun 06 2023

Love the new look! Congratulations on the revamp (hahaha pun intended).

16:37 Jun 06 2023


17:51 Jun 06 2023

;) your welcome


Dang it I am rushed!

23:07 Jun 01 2023
Times Read: 494

Have spent the last 2 days trying to write up my new front page for UO and I have a bit of it done and it would have been a lot more if I didn't keep changing my mind and tossing things out and trying again.

Of course it didn't help that the time I had planned for quiet thinking and writing were anything but quiet. Had to hit 4 grocery stores on different runs then lord help me go to Walmart! Gas up the car, take Adam's Chromebook back to the school as his homebound teacher forgot it and they are pitching a fit wanting it back. Funny enough though they would not give us any kind of receipt when we took it to the school. "we don't do that" Oh really you don't lie or break the law either but hey let's see how this works out! Yep I hate the sorry so and so's! The least thing they consider are the students or teaching them things they need. Okay I'll get off my soapbox.

Anyway went out to a local farm that the family has started a store to get fresh new potatoes and corn on the cob as well as strawberries and oh my they are so ripe and good! The blackberries looked and smelled good too so maybe next week.

Now to quit having fun and get my butt back to working on that front page! Wish me luck, please :)



23:40 Jun 01 2023

:) You got this.

12:17 Jun 02 2023

I cannot wait to see it!

19:46 Jun 03 2023

I bet it's going to be great!

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