Considering that I've been on here for a little over a year now you'd think that I would understand the level system better. Yes I get that you receive points for doing stuff on the database and other things but how does one lose points/levels when you were on the night before? It's a rhetorical question and not really a big deal but something that struck me as odd is all. I hope that everyone is enjoying their weekend.
Today is my birthday and I am truly blessed to have so many people wish me well. Namaste
Have a wonderful Birthday!
Happiest of belated birthday to you!
Thank you :)
22:02 Jun 12 2021
What you need to do is to is post in to your coven, step 2 log off long on to VR step 3 update your status. This will solve this mystery. Lol. Seriously.
23:30 Jun 12 2021
Sometimes you lose main forum ( Sandbox ) points, so just post again you will gain points back.