Owlish's Journal

Owlish's Journal


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53 entries this month

17:47 Apr 30 2015
Times Read: 678

Sometimes... sometimes when you read things, there is not a response more accurate than to spit your tea out.

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13:15 Apr 30 2015
Times Read: 684

I've been helping someone shop for a formal evening gown. It's hilarious. We found dresses that are... well, atrocious, and the look on people's faces when they see the dress at such an extremely high-ranking event... hilarious. We laughed until I was wheezing.




22:35 Apr 29 2015
Times Read: 688

Everything should go well today. The house smells like fresh linen. My bedroom smells of berries and linen, and everything is neat - maybe a bit TOO neat... we'll have to move the cushions and make them messy, or stick a plate in the sink, leave a cup or two out...

it's not like we had to clean - because I usually keep the house neat, it's just... nerves. You know how when your mother visits, and even though your house is clean, you still frantically scrub it? It's like that - only we were told not to worry about mess, so we're going to make it look "lived in", not the sterile-clean level.

While I have a few gripes with cleaning and my housemate (dirty bowls left in the sink... grrrrr), as long as the living room, my bedroom and the kitchen is tidy, I am happy.

My room is a whole new level of neatness. It makes me kind of sad, because it is starkly bare. I want to buy a beanbag - a reaaaally big one, in a few months. I'd also like to rearrange the furniture, but my wardrobe is insanely heavy.

At least the room smells good... it's making my nose stuffy. I need to air my room out. Yeesh.




10:15 Apr 29 2015
Times Read: 692

Mocha nearly set his tail on fire several times in about 5 minutes. 7 month old kittens and candles DO NOT MIX. I finally set up a tiny Zen area, got some lovely berry scented candles... and he went and swished his swishy all over the open flames. He's so lucky he still HAS his swishy. His swishy little tail has been broken - when he was tiny, we moved a dresser, not realising he was under it, and the last 3 inches of his tail is now permanently crooked. He didn't make a sound when it happened, but feeling his tail... you can tell it's been broken - if not just by looking.

Now he's staring at the candles... oh dear god.




08:19 Apr 29 2015
Times Read: 695

I planned on window-shopping, or getting a cheap sweater or something... ended up in two malls, entirely different sides of the city, 5 bus trips... ugh.

Just as I was preparing to leave, we had a phone call - our house is being evaluated tomorrow. Crap.

Our landlord told us not to worry about any mess we have made, and my housemate and I are GENERALLY clean and neat, but we will be cleaning a lot today and tomorrow, just to be sure.

Sigh. I wish we had been given more notice.




16:17 Apr 28 2015
Times Read: 703

Reading even a single paragraph of The Name of the Wind stokes the ever-burning love I have the for book. Just a single paragraph is enough to bring on the waves of feels that the books evoke.

I want a Talent Pipe necklace when I can successfully play cello, or when I pick up violin again. I want Auri's cog necklace. I want a ring of bone, horn and wood. I want... everything. They're marvellous books.

Utterly marvellous.




18:21 Apr 27 2015
Times Read: 717

The first episodes of the newer Doctor Who episodes are so creepy. Ever since watching the episode with the kids in gas-masks, when it first came out, I freak out when I hear a male English child say "mummy".


I can't wait until I get into the Tennant period.



21:22 Apr 27 2015

Gas masks, stone angels cracks in the wall... Everything is ruined thanks to Doctor Who! But, the show is wonderful. The Tennant seasons are pretty fantastic, though I will always be a fan of Eccleston. I like what he brought to the character.


17:34 Apr 27 2015
Times Read: 718

I have watched so many movies lately. I've been watching... all sorts of movies and shows. I love "The Returned" - it's so creepy.

In the last two days I have watched...

The latest episode of The Returned


New Moon


Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

Ocean's Eleven

Pirates of the Caribbean

Supersize Me

An episode of House

... and something I've forgotten. I know I've watched more, I just can't remember exactly what. I think I've watched at least two more movies. Heh.

I felt like watching bad, trashy movies - hence the Twilight movies, then I wanted to try something serious, and it just... I want to watch things but can't decide on what. I'm feeling like watching bad Twilight-esque movies, but I only have two left, so I need to ration them out.

Watching bad movies makes me feel better. Heh.

I almost never watch television, and rarely sit through movies, yet in the last 25 hours I've watched about 5 movies and a few episodes of various shows.

I know why I'm vegging out - trying to stay out of the main of the house as much as possible, and I'm without books. I feel like reading Harry Potter for the first time in years, and I don't have the books. They're $8 each and the only place you can buy the e-books is Pottermore.


I want to read other books, too. I want to read good vampire books, but I can't find any I like - I've read all of The Southern Vampire Mysteries, and most of the Anita Blake books, I've read The Vampire Academy series... er... other... various... books... I can't think of them right now.

I really want more fantasy, too.




23:52 Apr 27 2015


00:51 Apr 28 2015

Unfortunately I dislike her... as you know ;P

14:07 Apr 30 2015

Have you read The Hollow series by Kim Harrison? They are really good!


16:43 Apr 27 2015
Times Read: 720

I am looking into pets to get when my kitten's without his puppy friend - I want a rabbit, but I also saw an advertisement for ferrets... Apparently they don't really get along with cats and can never be left alone. This makes me kinda sad, because ferrets are cute. Ferrets also can't be left alone with rabbits. :(

I think I will stick to the original plan and get a rabbit from the rescue organisation. Hopefully I can get a young bun, so it'll be okay with Mocha.




14:49 Apr 27 2015
Times Read: 722

I had a good idea, went to sleep t 8pm... fully awake at 11. Go me. Eugh. I think I messed up the fudge I made earlier, which is horribly sad. I may have to heat it and melt more chocolate into it so it sets... or freeze it. I really need to do something as it's so sweet that ADDING chocolate will reduce the sweetness. Sad but true.




14:25 Apr 27 2015
Times Read: 727

I know two families with people currently missing on Everest. From what I can see, they were at Basecamp 2 weeks ago. No-one is sure where they are now.

I'm horribly sad for my friend's possible loss of a sister and an old teacher's potential loss of a daughter.

I last saw the death-count at 3,500.




18:42 Apr 26 2015
Times Read: 734

I blew up my kitten.

I know the ratio for giving him dry food and milk - I know how much to give him without blowing him up like a balloon on legs - but I guessed at the wet food and milk ratio...

so he was galloping around the house, or rather... he was waddling, at very high speed.

I didn't inflate him to the point where he was sick, which has happened before, but it was close. He doesn't stop eating. He does not have a "I am full" switch, which I think is because he was one of the smaller kittens, and with 4 brothers and sisters, he really had to fight to get milk - he was starved when we rescued him and his siblings.




18:07 Apr 26 2015
Times Read: 737

Tomorrow I get the joy of shopping.

Can you feel my enthusiasm? No? Well, good, because it's not there.

I am going to go as early as possible, so the fudge I make will be set as fast as possible. Given that the temperature is so cold at the moment, it's not going to surprise me if it cools while just sitting on the kitchen counter.

I also need real food - like bananas. And... maybe more soup. I love La Zuppa's Laksa - vegan and INCREDIBLY good. It. Is. Incredible. It's also dead-easy to make, so I don't know why I spend $3 for a single-serve pot of it... but whatever.




22:39 Apr 24 2015
Times Read: 758

My poor little kitten is thundering around the house - he was quieter than usual so I gave him about a metric cup of kitten milk... he's zooming around as if I gave him PCP.

I also fed him breakfast - he stopped eating his kibble to drink his milk (he loves the stuff), so his belly is quite large right now. He's very full and very satisfied. Heh.

I can't give him wet food in the morning or late at night - he goes absolutely mental after wet food, doing psycho zoomies as if his starfish is on fire, biting ankles, preying upon tendrils of hair... not cool, man. Not cool at 6am and 10pm.



02:08 Apr 25 2015



12:34 Apr 24 2015
Times Read: 771

Singing Enya to the animals doesn't seem to be doing anything for them. Maybe it's because they don't understand Latin... maybe it's because I am horrendously, joyfully out of tune.


I may try singing Disney songs now. Mulan's "I'll make a man out of you" or something... maybe "Colours of the Wind"... maybe they'll like that more. After all, "the animals" are a puppy and a kitten... they're only kids, after all. Maybe they don't understand the subtle beauty of Enya and will appreciate Disney more.



19:10 Apr 24 2015



04:45 Apr 23 2015
Times Read: 788

Mocha woke me up by scratching around his litter box. This is pretty standard of him.

He got me out of bed by sticking his starfish-of-doom in my face. That is new.





07:54 Apr 23 2015


14:10 Apr 24 2015

For some reason they think that kitty-starfish in the face is a sign of affection. My cat is extra fluffy so not only do I get a not so nice view, I get a nose full of cat hair. Nice.


21:41 Apr 22 2015
Times Read: 794

I finally got back to sleep and... my kitten woke me up the same way he did 6 hours ago.

God DAMN it. Took me 4 hours to get back to sleep. Grrrrrr. I need to be up and on the bus by 10. I am dreading today.




19:07 Apr 22 2015
Times Read: 799

Snuggly, soft, warm kitten and dreams of squirrels.

Speaking of dreams, I had really weird ones the other day - lucid dreams about people I have never met




23:19 Apr 21 2015
Times Read: 809

My kitten woke me up at 6.40, which is standard for him lately.

I was pretty grumpy - even though, for once, I had a decent sleep - over 6 hours, which is great for me.

When I got up, I fed him food (he was mewing for food, poor hungry little guy) and he watched me make hot chocolate.

As I was waiting for it to cool down, he got all playful and cute, and we ended up playing tag - it started with me chasing him out of the kitchen, me running back in there, him chasing me, me chasing him... when I found him I'd make a funny noise, and when he caught me, he'd bat me with a paw and then wait for me to chase him. We also played hide-and-go-seek, and I threw some balls for him to chase and "kill".

It was... a great morning. He was so excited, he was all puffy and playful, jumping up and down, rolling around the floor, hiding and jumping out at me.

I want to make this far more regular. He's kept in my room for most of the day, so being able to play in the whole house would be heaven for him.

When my housemate got home, he was excited again and tried to play tag with her... she wasn't interested.

Poor little kitten.

I'll play with him again in a few hours. I should feed him AFTER playtime, and not before, buuut he was so hungry. He's now having "quiet-time" - I am using my Surface and he is sitting quietly on the floor.




02:10 Apr 20 2015
Times Read: 824

Last night I had... Mac n' cheese with half a thinly sliced portabello, which I fried in light vegan butter, and a handful of well-diced red capsicum (bell pepper). It was amazing. It was utterly delicious.

I was considering putting in some onion of doom, but didn't - and I am glad I didn't.

... I may have the same thing for dinner tonight, only I'll use a whole mushroom, or maybe I'll use a couple of smaller mushrooms. I'm considering buying some vegan sausages or nut-meat, and making a small amount of Mexican food, and halving my mac n' cheese and my Mexican food - and having it mixed in together, which would serve me for two meals. So... cooking both Mexican AND mac n' cheese, and then putting half of my Mexican in a bowl, and half my mac n' cheese in the same bowl, and then saving the rest.

That would be yummy.

If I decide to just stick with the mushrooms and capsicum tonight, I'm going to buy some rennet-free cream cheese and mix a dollop of it in with my macaroni. It'd be like a creamy, cheesy mushroom bowl of deliciousness.




16:31 Apr 19 2015
Times Read: 838

I love it when people find me funny.

I had a typo a few days ago - I went to say "Katie cold", but instead wrote "Katie cod".

I then followed it up with "*cold, I am not a fish", and a facebook sticker of a person with a fish's head and a big yellow question-mark.

My boyfriend seemed to find me hilarious (you had to be there), and him finding it amusing made me laugh, and... it was great.

I'm not usually funny, so... I like it when people laugh at my jokes.




15:35 Apr 19 2015
Times Read: 841

It's so cold. According to google, it's mid 40's, and tomorrow is only supposed to be 55f, but it will be colder because winds from the snow are blowing upwards, and it'll be raining.

I was going to wait a few weeks to get a winter coat, but I can't afford to wait. Today was so cold that I didn't take a single step outside, and when I opened the door to let the dog out, horrible, icy coldness reaffirmed that going outside would be stupid.

So, winter coat tomorrow. I'm going to buy more sweatshirts and sweaters if I can, but not tomorrow - in a few weeks.

Tomorrow will be so busy. I know how expensive coats are in one store, but another that may be better is in another suburb, and I want to check it, too. I'll be travelling to the different suburb first, checking out their stock and then going into my part of the city if the stock isn't as amiable. I hope it is, because travelling that far will suck. It's an hour bus trip, each way.

I wish both stores properly displayed all the stock online - one store does not show clothing online at all, and does not have online shopping, and the other store only displays their pricier stock online - so you have no idea of what is in stores.




13:29 Apr 19 2015
Times Read: 849

I washed my hands and surgical scrubbed more than 5 times in the last 20 minutes. My kitten made two messes while I was cleaning his litter box, and I felt so paranoid that I stopped every 5 minutes to wash my hands. When I did the final scrub, I used hospital-grade antiseptic, undiluted. It's supposed to be 1:20 water.

It kind of burned.

I washed my hands after the antiseptic with an antibacterial soap, and dried them.

My hands are so freaking dry.




08:26 Apr 18 2015
Times Read: 856

Bach's Cello Suit No. 1 is gorgeous. One-instrument classical - hell yes. I just listened to ThePianoGuys version, in which they used 8, and it was just amazing.




21:06 Apr 17 2015
Times Read: 866

I decided... many things. I don't want to "clear the clouds" as it were, so I'm going to sit on my decisions for a few months.

Vaguely related, but I am going to apply for university next week - I'm applying for Mid-term midwifery - I will do the subjects in the later half of the year and if I get good enough marks, I have a decent chance of being accepted into Midwifery.

If I'm not accepted, I should get an offer from the faculty of Nursing. Unless I fail every subject (I should be doing 2-3 - Indigenous Health and Systematic Anatomy and Physiology, and maybe one more), I will get an offer from the Nursing department.

I'm not sure I want to accept.

So... depending on how I feel at the time and my options for midwifery cross-over from nursing and all that fabulous stuff, I am deciding (or rather, have decided) on what to do depending on an acceptance or the lack of an offer.

It's keeping me hopeful.




17:49 Apr 17 2015
Times Read: 871

Kitten is jumping all over me as I sit entirely under the comforters on my bed. The silly little bugger. How I love him. ♥ I feel like reading Harry Potter from the beginning and utterly relaxing.

Maybe... maybe it is time to do *it*. Maybe it is time to read my amazingly rare copy of The Name of The Wind and lose myself to the exquisite story, for what may be the 10th time. Maybe it's time to re-expose myself to the raw harshness of the book, leave myself open for all the anguish, pain and tears that will inevitably accompany the beautifully heart-wrenching prose.

I think I will read it tomorrow.

Bless you, Patrick Rothfuss, for writing such a fucking beautiful book, so shatteringly good that I cry and laugh in equal strength, every time I read it. Bless you and your gorgeous words.



18:55 Apr 18 2015



11:46 Apr 17 2015
Times Read: 880

After admiring some lovely, but expensive boots online, I go into a store... and there they are, at half the price I expected to pay for them. I would have paid the full price... but I am not going to complain about discounted boots, especially when they're the exact sort I wanted. I'd been pinning the forbidden of them for months on Pinterest, and was trying to get a hold of them - I didn't care where they had to ship from, I wanted some - and there they were, in a store. Haha!

I also saw jackets that were quite close to something else I really liked. Yaaaay.

If in 3 weeks they're still being sold, I'll buy one.


The boots I got are nearly exactly the same as those beautiful things - only the faux leather is darker in mine, more of a burning caramel than tan.

I'm kind of excited for winter.



16:48 Apr 17 2015

Women and their shoes...lol


I always thought no way a store is going to under price online items since they have to add in tax, stocking and any other overhead cost, but not so much now. Especially since they are beginning to charge tax online and then you factor in the shipping cost so stores are now giving online shopping a run for their business.

17:38 Apr 17 2015

I've only had one pair of shoes for the last 6 months. :P I was so excited to get another pair - my old shoes were disgusting from work and every-day wear. Eugh.

I'm really glad stores are reducing their prices. Australian shopping is so expensive that it was cheaper to buy from the US and have it shipped over, but now stores here are picking up their game and offering lower than usual prices - which is great, because it means people can actually afford to buy decent quality clothing. Nothing worse than not being able to buy winter clothing. Ugh. Speaking of which, all winter clothing is turning out to be cheaper in stores as of late - paying $10-20 shipping makes no online discounts worth it.

22:07 Apr 17 2015

Well off-season anything is usually cheaper do to lower demand.

22:49 Apr 17 2015

It's coming into winter here. :P


11:36 Apr 17 2015
Times Read: 881

My hair smells luscious. I've been buying vegan, cruelty-free shampoo and conditioner for years, and I have been buying the same scent for years. Today I changed things up a bit and got a different scented set of the same vegan shampoo... and it smells decadent. Unf.

It feels so nice to have clean, great smelling hair and a full belly. My hair is getting so long since it was shaved, two years ago.

It seems so shallow, but I love my hair. It's warm, thick, soft and fragrant.




09:54 Apr 17 2015
Times Read: 884

I made a pot of hot Mexican beans tonight, and decided to use chillies to ramp up the heat. Fresh, hot, red chillies...

Before I cut them, I cut a really, really strong onion. The burn on my hands was immediate and painful.

I quickly cut the chillies and shoved them in the pot, rested after making my food, happily listening to it bubbling away... and then the burn came back. I washed my hands several times in different soaps, using different lotions and even with conditioner. Nothing helped.

I have tried a few online remedies, and it's been over an hour, and my hands are on FIRE. If it was the entirety of my hands (the upper palms and fingers are burning right now) on fire, I would be asking my housemate to take me to the hospital.

It's that bad.

Holy jesus CHRIST.

According to a blogger on this subject, the ER can't do anything, but if it was more of my hands, like the whole palm, I would be going to the ER anyway. There's no way I'd deal with that bullshit on my entire hands, and not go to the hospital.

To be fair, it has cooled down a tiny, infinitesimal amount, because I can let go of the ice cubes I'm clutching long enough to type, and I no longer want to scream. It was bad enough that I thought I was going to start screaming.

Jesus christ.

My left hand, which was the first one to burn, is cool enough now to be pretty uncomfortable, but not "swallow-screams" bad. My right hand is the horribly painful one, now, but it's not as contaminated as the left hand was, so I can deal with it.

I read some people had the terrible burning for over six hours - again, I'd go to the ER for that, and they could give me a sedative to stop me screaming, or they can numb my arms. Either one.

On Monday I'm buying food-prep gloves.




11:25 Apr 16 2015
Times Read: 892

I applied to so many places today. Soooo many. I hope I get at least one call. One of the places more likely to hire me pay an atrociously low wage, but promise regular hours - and any money is better than none.

If not receiving a call by next Friday, I'll be walking around malls and handing in paper copies of my CV to all the little sushi stores that are currently hiring. Knew my Japanese may come in handy one day...

Today I googled something that has been worrying me for years, and was so happy to find that it is normal. Haha!

About a year ago, I went and... well, did something I figured was something a lot of people try. I really enjoyed the results, so I figure... I would like to continue this when I'm bringing in the beans. I'd like to make it a regular occurrence.

I am feeling confident and... I really miss the results I got. Haha.

I'm optimistic and cheerful about everything.




17:14 Apr 15 2015
Times Read: 920

Dylan made ma cry with laughter, and it is 2am.

Things are beautiful. I love that I can make him laugh, and that him laughing makes me laugh so much in return.




05:39 Apr 15 2015
Times Read: 927

Just one day to go after today. One more day. I can do this.

I'm debating on whether to run to the store early Friday morning and buy something to eat, and come back here and eat it, or whether to buy Subway. I'll probably get Subway. Mmmmhm...

I have a woeful migraine and I am attempting to keep quiet. I've been laying in bed for 99.8% of the day - the only time I have gotten up was to feed my kitten, who patiently waited for food, even though it was hours late. Poor babeh. He slept with me all morning, and snuggled, and generally comforted me. He's an angel.

Light was making my pain so much worse, so the curtains have been shut, and thankfully cloud cover has come and obscured the sunlight, so I have been sitting up and doing things for the last hour and a half. I did some spine-stretching yoga when I decided to get up, and I felt that it helped a great deal - as does sitting up in my delightfully darkened bedroom.

I wish I could have more buttermint tea. That stuff was heavenly.




How do Netflix? How do social? How do life?

05:02 Apr 15 2015
Times Read: 930

One of the saddest moments in an introvert's life is admitting that they can't Netflix.

I can't sit still enough to watch movies - I have numerous selected on my list, but I have only watched two full movies - Maleficent and Monsters Inc., which is... I don't know.

I need to get up and move and do some physical activity - I can't sit down and do nothing,because I get so restless. I usually end up cooking food I won't eat for a few days, showering more than once or twice a day, attempting to engage someone in conversation or writing in my physical journal - because I can't... Netflix.

If there was GoT on there - HELL YES, I could Netflix. If Supernatural was on there, I could Netflix. But they're not, and I just... can't.

I'm so picky with movies and television shows that I can't veg out unless I really like something, and even then, I need the usual break after several hours.

Netflix Au, please hurry up and get more programmes and movies.



20:26 Apr 15 2015

Wait ... You don't have Supernatural on Netflix? I have Supernatural on Netflix--thank the gods! Something should be done. That's a downright travesty! :)

21:53 Apr 15 2015

Netflix Australia is very, very limited. It took years of legal battling, and we finally have it but it is hugely lacking.

05:17 Apr 17 2015

Just listen to stuff as background noise is what I do a lot. o:


08:26 Apr 13 2015
Times Read: 947

Twinings Butter Mint tea smells incredible. I'm almost too scared to take my first sip, as I want it to match the heavenly scent.



12:03 Apr 13 2015

Wow, they don't sell that flavor over here :(

14:11 Apr 13 2015

Oh no! I am tempted to suggest online, but it'd be an expensive tea if one doesn't like it, lol.


14:45 Apr 12 2015
Times Read: 954

"I Should be Sleeping" - an ongoing series.




11:30 Apr 12 2015
Times Read: 961

And life goes on.

I said I was going to readjust my mindframe, and I did. I've been feeling pretty good all week - there has been a few hairy spots, but I handled it well, considering how I felt at the time. Dylan also removed an enormous fear I had, and I ended up crying out of relief - I have done a fair bit of relieved, happy crying lately, which is much nicer the the frustrated tears that I had before.

As I am happy, bright and bubbly, I have been doing more, and... enjoying things a lot more. At the moment I am working on my mettā, and doing altruistic things (I've been a volunteer on a website where people who are struggling with their feelings can come and talk to someone anonymously, for a few months now) and I am going to watch Netflix. I've decided to buy a second pair of shoes, or another thick sweatshirt next week, so I am really happy about that, as well as my continuing weight loss, expanding repertoire of vegan meals (I am making thicker, richer foods that are delicious and above all, healthy as all heck).

I'm optimistic and happy.

I have backup plans for university and college - if I can't get into RM, RN or EN, I am going to try join the APF, which is about 40 minutes drive from here. Joining the APF wouldn't happen for another 18 months, but by then I would well into shape, and I'd have the license requirements, and so on. It'd then be 1.5 years of study, with only some of that on campus.

So I have alternative routes.

I'm hoping to get calls for job interviews, and I still haven't given up.





22:28 Apr 11 2015
Times Read: 970

Mocha has been periodically waking me up all night. It's really annoying me. A great deal. Uuuuuuugh. I need sleep. Maybe I can try sleeping earlier, but usually when I do that, he wakes me up early for food.





05:08 Apr 11 2015
Times Read: 976

I went for a walk that was about an hour and a half long, though an unkempt park, with service roads beside it. I went with my housemate, and it was nice. The dog was also with us, and he kept running around in mud and rolling in gross things.

When I got home, Mocha went crazy over my shoes. This makes me think that walking him in Winter, when there is theoretically less people around, would be a really good idea. He loves being outside, when he runs out into our tiny, heavily fenced back yard, so... imagine if he ran through real grass (on a leash, mind you)? He's only been on real grass once, which was when he escaped out the front door - he was very, very good, and sat close to the door, rolling in the grass and eating it.

Scared me half to death, but he was good about it.


I am going to look into it. There is a few pet supply stores that I can take him into, and try in harnesses, and explain that he's going to be a pretty large cat (6 months old and 7.7lbs - he's not overweight, and he doesn't finish growing until he's a year and a half old) - so hopefully we can outfit him.

If I do it in a month or so, I could get my housemate to take us to the pet store before getting his... kitty procedure.

I love my spotty, stripy, marbled little guy, so much.




17:08 Apr 10 2015
Times Read: 986

Today was full of firsts, and sadly the most prominent thing was negative, which overshadowed the positives by a very large amount.

I had a strong dose of real fear today. Different from anxiety, panic attacks and those illness-related emotions - I feared for myself - deep, cold and true.

I also went to my first temple, and walked home from the center of the city, for the first time. Had vegetarian mushroom burgers for the first time, and had my first... inklings of proper anger over something that has been nagging at me for months. All of those were positive things - even my spout of anger, because it enabled me to calm down, and follow up with a plan to fix what is angering me.

And then the scary thing happened.




08:10 Apr 09 2015
Times Read: 1,000

Surprisingly, my driving stuff went well. Tomorrow is "crunch", as I take the test. If I pass, it's as simple as going and getting the card.


Today made me feel slightly better about driving, weirdly enough.

Within 2 years, I can have a high enough class of license to join the APF. Awesome.

No, seriously, awesome.

Tonight I have so much to do, but I am so tired. Tomorrow is going to be even longer.




00:48 Apr 09 2015
Times Read: 1,009

I found acorns and collected some. They are beautiful - I've never seen acorns before. I also got some of their adorable little hats, and pretty leaves. I'm impressed with them.

I have my driving thing in an hour. When I finish, I am going to walk down to the large Buddhist temple here, and see how it is. I am very hopeful - the photos and all I've heard of it... I am really looking forward to it. Maybe I will give a monk an acorn.

I have been meaning to go for months, but had no clue as to where the temple is, or how I would get there. We drove past it this morning - now I know.

I am so excited, and my clothing is long enough to be more than acceptable, so I should be fine to visit.




14:32 Apr 08 2015
Times Read: 1,015

I love the sound of a sleeping kitten, snuggled up against my chest and arms, so warm, solid and perfect.

Poor little guy must have the worst bellyache - he ate one normal meal, then another - both at the normal times, but then he also stole a thick slice of bread, ate half of it, and drank half his bowl of water. His belly is so full - poor little chipmunk.




13:50 Apr 08 2015
Times Read: 1,018

I am not looking forward to driving tomorrow. Now looking forward to it at all. Sigh.

At least I am going to be a step closer to getting my motorbike license - if I pass the testing on Friday.




07:54 Apr 08 2015
Times Read: 1,027

I figured, I couldn't make my current satisfaction any greater - and I just proved myself wrong.

I'm listening to Vivaldi's Four Seasons - and after, I'll listen to E.S Posthumous' version of Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata, which I prefer over the original.




07:20 Apr 08 2015
Times Read: 1,032

Singing a Sarah Blasko song, sitting in the half-light of a stormy world, affectionately watching my kitten sleeping, flowers blossoming in my heart once more - looking through pretty places near my city, talking idly with my boyfriend, lounging around the house with messy hair, yoga pants and a sweatshirt...

This is perfection. It could only get better if Dylan was here - we could watch Netflix, eat mac n' cheese and play with Mocha.

Tomorrow I start my driving course. I'm probably going to accidentally set the car on fire, just by looking at it. I dislike car transportation - for so many reasons that I can't be bothered to type out. But, they are something people want in my profession - people with licenses - so it can only help me. Even if the car does catch alight, it'll be warm.

See? Pollyanna. :D




06:54 Apr 08 2015
Times Read: 1,034

There's a saying that sums up my current feeling - "Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions." - HH TDL XIV.

I have things to be grateful for - and I am extremely grateful for them. I may not be able to do or get things that would make my life much easier, but that's life. I'll survive.

I shouldn't have let it get to me so much over such a long period of time - because I am lucky, and I have much more reasons to be happy than unhappy.

Yesterday something bad and completely unexpected happened to someone I know - they were incredibly upset. I think that sharpened my perspective a lot - because I have bubbles of happiness - I have reasons to be happy. It's not like anything terrible has happened lately - therefore I need to stop moping.

It's cold, but it's also raining, and I love the rain (when I am not in it).

I may have no family here, but I have my kitten, and my boyfriend, both of which are phenomenal and precious.

I may be finding it hard to support myself - but I am managing, by the skin of my teeth.

I have much more opportunity here, and even if things don't work out, it's been an extremely important learning curve that I will never forget.

I'm alive and fairly healthy.

I've lost a further 20lbs.

I am going to see snow in a few weeks, for the first time in 11 years.

I broke from Pescetarianism, and went full veg - which makes me incredibly pleased.

Pollyanna principle and mettā - I have my boundless optimism back.




06:13 Apr 08 2015
Times Read: 1,038

I'm waiting for it... waiiiiiting... waiiiiiting...




03:17 Apr 07 2015
Times Read: 1,048

I woke up this morning with a nasty headache, and went back to sleep for about 3 hours.

Woke up again just now with a nasty headache AND a sore belly.

Well played, body, well played indeed.




13:37 Apr 06 2015
Times Read: 1,066

Thanks to Luda, I'm now singing Disney songs. I like "I'll Make A Man Out of You" - however the Chinese version of Mulan is AMAZIIIIIIING. I prefer it over the Disney by 400x.

It makes me cry in so many parts.



18:15 Apr 06 2015


I have "Why Should I Worry" from Oliver and Company stuck in my head.

21:06 Apr 06 2015

Oh do share the name of the Chinese version of Mulan (unless that is the name) :p lol


10:30 Apr 05 2015
Times Read: 1,075

I have cleaned and washed an obscene amount today. Everything smells great. I hope they appreciate that I cleaned up after their dog for 4 days, fed and watered him, cleaned up their dishes out of the sink and dishwasher, their clothing and paperwork all over the floor...

My back hurts.




14:01 Apr 03 2015
Times Read: 1,081

Mocha has learned how to open the fridge, so I am attempting to keep him contained until I can keep the fridge locked. As such, he's been napping on the floor and running around like a psycho.

Poor cupcake.

I've been alone the last couple of days, and I'm enjoying it immensely.




18:55 Apr 02 2015
Times Read: 1,095

Oh sweet, gentle kitten, where have you gone? Who am I kidding, he was never gentle. Heh.

I am so glad I took the opportunity to adopt/rescue my kitten. He is absolutely lovely... well, him scratching paper or kicking his litter everywhere at 4am is not lovely, but it is fixable. So - I am utterly grateful for him. He's taught me so much - and he's given me so much joy. I don't regret getting him, and I hope I bring him as much happiness as he brings me.

Coming from a cat-hating family, Mocha constantly surprises me - he's curious, clever and funny - and while he doesn't snuggle exactly as much as I'd like, and while he sometimes rakes my back with his nails (which I have forgotten to clip... totally my fault that my back was bleeding earlier), he's always interesting and utterly adored.

I didn't mind cats before, although I had never owned one. I've always had dogs. I wouldn't call myself a dog person, or a cat person. I have been around bad cats and dogs and that seems to have impacted the level of trust I have in both - I'll never full be one or the other - however - I am a rabbit person through and through.

Which reminds me, when/if my housemate moves out, I am considering rescuing a rabbit, but I am not sure how Mocha will handle this. He will be nearly a year old when/if I bring a rabbit into the house.




16:50 Apr 02 2015
Times Read: 1,120

Hilarity level - 100%.

There's Klingons on the starboard bow, Jim.

You caught him, you incredible sleuth, with your amazing powers of deduction! The text matches his spelling, his mannerisms, his way of speaking. Amazeballs! I myself didn't even realise he was doing it...

Oh wait, that's because it's... not... him?




17:22 Apr 02 2015

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