immortalxkiss's Journal

immortalxkiss's Journal


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13 entries this month

22:24 Dec 26 2023
Times Read: 377

It's been a really good Christmas. I spent Friday and Saturday at Logan's, and on Sunday we came out for my mom's family Christmas Eve celebration. We drove up with my mom to Hesperia, where my aunt Sue's new house is, and spent a lovely evening with my family. I'm so glad my family has been so welcoming and accepting of Logan, my aunt Stacy loves him. I relish in the time I get to spend with my mom's family. All of us don't get together all that often, so when we're all in one place, it's nice. On Christmas Day, my mom and I went to spend the day at my brother's house with him, Liz, and the kids. I enjoy a big Christmas, it's what I gew up with on both sides of my family, but there's something to be said for a small, intimate gathering. Just immediate family. Logan had Mina, so he had gone home after the Christmas Eve party, so we didn't get both days together. But, that's okay. There's plenty of time for all of that in the future. I'm actually not sure what Christmas will look like when we move. With his family, and my family, and his daughter... But, we'll figure things out.

It's our two year anniversary today, and we won't be seeing each other until this coming weekend. With his work, it's just impractical to go out there when he finishes around 8, spend just a few hours together, and then make the drive back home. So, we'll do something this weekend. It's funny, we've only been together for two years, but we'll be on our third new year together.



02:52 Dec 27 2023

Where does the time go....

16:40 Dec 27 2023

Congratulations on the three years.


11:52 Dec 20 2023
Times Read: 450

Still looking to give away a few accounts. Both are under level 40,both are Premium. Both can be sent to whichever Society you wish. Shoot me a message if interested.





02:30 Dec 20 2023
Times Read: 473




00:39 Dec 19 2023
Times Read: 511



01:58 Dec 18 2023
Times Read: 547

Does anyone have and tried and true fudge recipe? Yes, I know I can just look online for one, but I'd rather do one that someone knows is good. None of my family has really done fudge before, so I can't ask them, and I really want to make some for Logan's family for Christmas.

So if you got a good one, let me know!



05:18 Dec 18 2023

I sent ya a message on the face space with a couple. :)


04:38 Dec 16 2023
Times Read: 610

"What do you want for Christmas?"

I dread this question. The things I really want and need aren't tangible, they aren't things you can pick off a shelf and wrap in pretty paper and place under a tree. So, it's been really hard for me to answer this question. What do I want? I don't know. I have the things that matter, and I've never been someone who just wants things just because. And the things I do want, they aren't cheap. I'd love to be able to go to Disneyland again, something I haven't been able to do since California shut down during Covid. But that's expansive, and Logan and I already have plans to go sometime next year. I need new breaks for the Versa, but that can be put off for another month or two. As far as things to ask for for Christmas, I have no idea. There aren't any games I've been excited to play. I guess Baulder's Gate 3, but that's not something I need right now. And if I really wanted it, I'm sure Logan would get it for me, no hesitations. 8d rather everyone just save their money and not worry about me. It's tough these days, and I feel bad asking for stuff. Spend the money on me on presents for the kids. Or, donate it somewhere. Do some good with it. I don't need more stuff, I'm trying to declutter as it is, because while it's still a bit off, that inevitable move to Texas will be here sooner than I expect. This year went by in the Blink of an eye, I'm sure next year will be the same. And then it'll be time to leave. I don't want to have to take that much with me if I don't have to. Maybe I'll just ask for a gift card, I could always use more garb for Faire. But, then I fall into the whole, I don't want to take that much with me when Logan and I do eventually move mindset again. Bah. Conundrums. I guess a gift card wouldn't be awful. Maybe for Selkie or Amazon or Xbox or something. I don't mind gift cards. I can shove them into my wallet until I'm ready to use them.

I other news, I want to do something for Logan's mom and her husband. Last year I got the family an Edible Arrangement and they enjoyed that. This year I wanted to make them something, since they seemed to like the cake I made him for his birthday, but I'm drawing a blank on what. I found a recipe for these tiramisu chocolate covered balls, but I don't like coffee, so I wouldn't be able to determine if they tasted good. And I don't want to make something that I can't taste first. So I've been looking for recipes for stuff online, but I haven't really found anything worth making. Time's running out, so I need to figure it out quickly.



06:48 Dec 17 2023

Black forest cakes are amazing. Maybe you can find a recipe for one that sounds good? (It's my favorite cake)


08:47 Dec 11 2023
Times Read: 683

I've got 2 profiles I'm looking to give away, both under level 40, both with some amount of Premium Membership on them. Shoot me a message if interested.




08:19 Dec 07 2023
Times Read: 735




21:49 Dec 05 2023
Times Read: 786

Logan got me the expansion for Disney Dreamlight Valley that came out today, and I was hoping to put some time into playing, but I feel like shit. I'm pretty sure I picked up something at the Stevie Nicks concert and it's really hitting me hard today. I have no strength to do much of anything. I'm just gonna crawl back into bed, hope this nauseated feeling goes away so I can get some more sleep.



23:04 Dec 05 2023

Oh no. Feel better

23:16 Dec 05 2023

No! Feel better! You just got over the other crud! Lemme know when you feel better how the expansion is. :)

00:40 Dec 06 2023

No you rest and I won’t spoil it for you. Since Matt also got me a copy *giggles*

10:49 Dec 06 2023

Oh no! I hope you feel better soon. Nausea sucks.


09:24 Dec 04 2023
Times Read: 845

As I've written about a lot in the last few weeks leading up to it, I saw Stevie Nicks in concert on Saturday evening at the Kia Forum with Logan. I had bought the tickets back in May, and I'll admit, that six month wait was rough. But, the concert was amazing and I couldn't have asked for anything more than what she delivered. I've shared some pictures and videos of other songs on other social media, but I figured I'd share one of my favorite songs here, Bella Donna. I started filming just a tad late, I missed the first couple of lines to the song, but it's okay, it's still great. And, that shawl, it's the original from the album artwork, so that was pretty amazing to see. She wore a few of her originals at the concert, which was awesome. Sorry there's a lot of talking in the background, the people sitting in my general vicinity were really annoying.




20:17 Dec 03 2023
Times Read: 871

Stevie was fucking amazing! She was everything I could have asked for and then so much more on top of that. I can't believe it's taken me this long to see her live, but man, was it worth it. She can still belt them out like she used to. And Landslide was her last song of the night, and it brought me to tears. No other artist I've seen live has brought me to tears like that. I'm going to have to see her again, now. Anytime she's at a venue near me, I'm going to have to see her.



11:09 Dec 05 2023

I am so glad you loved the concert!


02:03 Dec 02 2023
Times Read: 897

Last in my favorite Stevie Nicks songs for the week, I have two. My absolute favorites, Dreams and Rhiannon.



06:44 Dec 02 2023

Both great songs!


02:20 Dec 01 2023
Times Read: 784

Landslide. From yesterday's San Diego show. This is what I get to look forward to Saturday. I cannot express how utterly excited I am.



02:37 Dec 01 2023

I am both jealous but so excited for you!

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