immortalxkiss's Journal

immortalxkiss's Journal


Honor: 961    [ Give / Take ]


51 entries this month

23:08 Feb 27 2014
Times Read: 1,926

I still have two accounts up for grabs, if anyone wants them. Shoot me a message.

For now, I am going to go play Portal 2. Man, I seriously love the dialogue in those games. It is hilarious.





22:09 Feb 26 2014
Times Read: 1,954



16:15 Feb 26 2014
Times Read: 1,974

A seven+ hour call, and the majority of it was spent asleep. It was cute and I love it.



16:22 Feb 26 2014

I love little moments like this.


14:22 Feb 25 2014
Times Read: 1,996

I think, when it comes time to rename a certain account, I am going to go with something personal for me. Something that means so much, and that makes me smile every time I get called it. A was lovely little pet name given to me by someone amazing. Yup. It's gonna be awesome.




09:29 Feb 25 2014
Times Read: 2,007

You can't get anywhere without taking that first step. You will never know the answer unless you ask the question. Fear can't rule me forever...




00:42 Feb 25 2014
Times Read: 2,028

Silhouette and now Soliloquy. I have a serious attraction to beautiful words that start with the letter "s". Now I just have to figure out what to write on that profile. How unique can I be when it comes to describing myself? Well, not very, as I have absolutely no idea what to say that I haven't already said time and time again.



01:42 Feb 25 2014

Go all out with photoshop.

02:28 Feb 25 2014

I would, but it is going to become a free account on the first, so there is no point. I don't have the money to renew the PM on it right now.


23:40 Feb 24 2014
Times Read: 2,040

Eh, scratch that. I think I am just going to hang on to it for a while. You never know when having that extra account may come in handy. Now, to just think of a new name. That is always the hardest part.




23:29 Feb 24 2014
Times Read: 2,048

Well, I find I have my once named Ephemeral account back in my possession. And, again, I would like to find someone willing to take it. It has a PM which runs out on the first of March, so that needs to be kept in mind. Only offer to take it if you have the means to pay for a PM, or if you fall under the requirements to own a free account.




18:48 Feb 23 2014
Times Read: 2,068

I just have to say, gospel music can be some of the most beautiful music I have ever listened to. There are just some songs that can bring tears to my eyes.



19:30 Feb 23 2014

I agree.


06:52 Feb 23 2014
Times Read: 2,083

I was watching The Prince of Egypt tonight, which has been one of my favorite movies since I was a kid and first saw it in the theatre with my brother and father, and I got to wondering why DreamWorks didn't do more of those kinds of movies. It presented the story of Moses in such a captivating way, the music, the voice acting, and the animation were all suburb. It is a little sad that they stopped after Joseph: King of Dreams. I would have loved to see them take on the story of Noah and the Ark, or some of the other Bible stories.

Even when I was lacking in my faith in the Lord, I continued to love those two films. I continued to read the Bible. I guess it was a habit I never quite grew out of. My parents instilled in my brother and I faith in the Lord, and though I strayed some for a while, I never forgot that deep down. We used to attend church every Sunday as a family, and I would attend Mass on the major holidays like Easter and Christmas with my dad's family, so I was always around people who were pretty devout in their beliefs. And, honestly, I like that I am slowly working my way back there. I started going to church again, and I am really enjoying it. I have started to find my way back to that Light, to that Love. I have started accepting Him back into my life. And it feels so wonderful. I know, no one really wants to hear me blabber on about how I am rekindling my faith, but to me this is so important. It is a major change in my life that has been such a long time coming. And as this is my journal, I want to be able to express how I am feeling about all of it.



18:14 Feb 23 2014

I care and I want to hear about it :) that's awesome. I want to find a church that fits me but I'm having a hard time finding one that fits me. I love the church I grew up in- but I have too much history there and don't feel comfortable, since everybody sees me as a kid still. Even though I'm 20. Haha. I remember watching The Prince of Egypt in Sunday school- I loved that movie. I wanna watch it again now!


05:54 Feb 22 2014
Times Read: 2,139

I was happy to get on with life and move past what has happened here the past few days. But, no, someone can't let things go. So here, messages! Bottom up, as I am on my phone and don't have the desire to fix it.


Profile for Kyna


Transgressor (54)


Feb 22 2014


Block User



To Saved

Email to Self

New Dark Network Message

cause your not letting it die so im not :) have nice life everyones gonna Know how much of a shit you are to me!


FROM: Kyna

take the shit off your journal

-She blocked me before I could respond to this one, but this would have been my message:

No, I will not remove anything from my journal. I am free to write what I please as long as I don't break ToS. Calling you out on your bullshit doesn't, so I am free to keep them up.

And, as you may have noticed, I haven't written anything about you since the last entry where I showed you saying you would steal whatever you could off my profile. That was what, eight, nine hours ago? I hadn't looked at your page, he'll, I haven't been here. I had other things to see to in my reality. I was done. But now you're here bitching at me for things I didn't even do to you and demanding I remove entries from my journal. Yeah, no. Just no. You are clearly the only one here who wants to keep stirring this up. I even posted the bit about my books shipping to get away from the negativity.


secondly if i choose not to leave vr is my fucking choice again I pay and im not doing anything wrong to you SO most of the people in this world would move on and be bigons i said my piece im done with you r shit ass fucking bitch slut whore stuff,

On 05:27:31 Feb 22 2014 (-0 GMT) immortalxkiss wrote:

Uh, I haven't taken your Honor today. And if I did, I would leave my name. I don't do it anonymously. Don't jump to conclusions. I am apparently not the only person you have pissed off.

On 05:23:03 Feb 22 2014 (-0 GMT) Kyna wrote:

stop stealing my honor !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


of course im not your clearly not leaving me alone after i said stop and let bigons be bigons, I am the drama queen i dont think so FIrst time was a mistake second time you pissed me the fuck off i wont stop until you stop I can be a bitch too !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On 05:36:10 Feb 22 2014 (-0 GMT) immortalxkiss wrote:

Honestly, I don't care anymore. What's done is done. I am happy to move on, but you clearly are not.

On 05:35:17 Feb 22 2014 (-0 GMT) Kyna wrote:

Ok let me post it ill show u

On 05:34:09 Feb 22 2014 (-0 GMT) immortalxkiss wrote:

I haven't written anything about you since all this ended. You are the one coming after me, it is not the other way around. And I paid money for my PM just like you. That doesn't mean you get to get away with the shit you start.

On 05:32:13 Feb 22 2014 (-0 GMT) Kyna wrote:

then stop the bull shit ok i had enough of your child hood drama i have paid good money for this site, u twat leave me alone and fuck ur self, u done and pissed me off contiuing to write about me in ur whiney as journal with ur whiney bitch friends ! i dont care fuck off and die somewere,! u prolly live at home in a basement i own my own home have a family and a car and a job!!!!!!!! i dont need 5 profiles to prove im good,

On 05:27:31 Feb 22 2014 (-0 GMT) immortalxkiss wrote:

Uh, I haven't taken your Honor today. And if I did, I would leave my name. I don't do it anonymously. Don't jump to conclusions. I am apparently not the only person you have pissed off.

On 05:23:03 Feb 22 2014 (-0 GMT) Kyna wrote:

stop stealing my honor !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But no, I am the bad guy. I am the one in the wrong. Her attitude towards everything is atrocious. I am happy to see other people taking her Honor. She clearly deserves everything she gets.

I am really just waiting to see what she takes from me next. Will it be another layout, oh, maybe she will try using on of my pictures again. Or maybe this time she will go for broke and steal my very words. Honestly, I wouldn't put any of it past her.



05:56 Feb 22 2014

keep doing this and ill keep it in my journal too we can keep going and both look like morons i don't care is a website get over it,

06:03 Feb 22 2014

As is apparent by the messages here, YOU are the only one who can't get over it. I was done, and then I log into a message demanding I stop taking you honor, which I hadn't even taken. Well, I took it now, but you see, I attached my name to it so you know it's me. You are the coming off as a self-entitled fucktard demanding things from me. As you said, it's a website, get over it. I did until up until you started all of this again.

13:06 Feb 22 2014

"im done with you r shit ass fucking bitch slut whore stuff," - wat. What?

They're exacerbating all on their own.

00:56 Feb 23 2014

just out of curiousity... ( I checked the VR manual intensly and the Terms of services) how do we "steal" honor? Cause I did not see that anywhere in the feature description and details and how to from Cancer's , news, Vr manual and ToS?

I mean I want to know, cause I would "steal" some to give it to the needy ones, because as far I could read, we only each have 5 honor we can give a plus or minus number to... no where does it say we can steal it...

Just curious, as personnally, I lost interest in that feature. Unless its one of Morry or Moonie,s honor comments, those woman make me laugh so much its really pleasant to read, and most of all when they give some plus or minus to Cancer, those are the most hilarious one hahahaha


23:04 Feb 21 2014
Times Read: 2,169

My Halo books finally shipped! I'm so happy! They should be here within a few weeks. Yay! I ordered a few of the novels and a collectors edition of a game guide. I cannot wait to get them!




22:07 Feb 21 2014
Times Read: 2,189

On 21:43:08 Feb 21 2014 (-0 GMT) LadyDarkVampire wrote:

then ill take what i can off your profile and u can suck it.

And I should get over it? Lady, you are one funny bitch.




21:21 Feb 21 2014
Times Read: 2,207

Funny thing about being blocked, I will ALWAYS know when you change your name. And I will be more than happy to strike. Just thought you would like to know. Oh, but since you're totally leaving VR, I guess it doesn't matter what I rate you.



21:22 Feb 21 2014

if she is leaving...... why change the name at least twice? today alone.

21:25 Feb 21 2014

Exactly. She claims she is leaving, but we all know better. She changed her name to LadyDarkVampire thinking I wouldn't notice. But I do. She can change it all she wants and I will know, because when you're blocked you can see who has you blocked, and name changes don't hide.

21:29 Feb 21 2014

I was thinking the same thing...why change the name if she was deleting. Hm.

01:02 Feb 22 2014

take a break. yeah, do so. not change your name 50 million times LOL


18:43 Feb 21 2014
Times Read: 2,270

"took it off please give me back my tens n honor thanks"

Not a chance in hell. I was willing to look past you stealing my layout, but I will not forgive you stealing my very artwork. And, changing your name isn't going to keep you off my radar. You are a pathetic little thief, and I will make sure you don't pull this stunt again.



18:54 Feb 21 2014

Its things like this that really keeps me from making my own stuff. all my stuff can be found on google imagines. so if people 'take' the pic's and gif's... i don't get mad. But i know this sucks due to you worked hard on things.

19:41 Feb 21 2014

I wont ever pull the stunt again and your mature level is funny, u say your a nice person why dont you act like it i personally dont give a shit, i pay 22.95 a year and this is the bull shit i get in return i changed everything to make you happy now u wanna make me Miserable do you feel good about your self?

19:44 Feb 21 2014

Your piece of work im gonna place this in my journal as well cause i can :)

19:52 Feb 21 2014

Yeah yeah yeah, ive got better things to do,

20:17 Feb 21 2014

I am acting like a child? Yeah, okay, I didn't know wanting to protect the things I do is childish, but hey, let's go with that. And, need I remind you, you are the one commenting here. If this is childish, what does that say about you? I didn't start this nonsense, you did. You reap what you sow. You are perpetuating the drama by constantly leaving comments.

20:39 Feb 21 2014

Nope, you pay 22.95 a year and are in return given the same amenities and site features that other premium members enjoy.... You created this situation on your own through your actions...being a premium member has nothing to do with it. :)

23:08 Feb 21 2014

I got vaguely the same message. I'd be fucking horrified if someone was using my photographs and images. They continue to take yo' stuff. Pretty sure they entirely deserved that 1.


06:37 Feb 21 2014
Times Read: 2,312

It never ends with you, does it, starfall? What is this fascination you have with my work? Either way, you stole an image of mine, something I created, and used it as your own. I don't give people permission to use my backgrounds. The only person who does have such permission is WallFlower, because I create a lot of things for his personal use. I don't know where you found a version without my watermark, I tend to make sure all of them have it, but, I'm not happy about it. Why must you constantly take from me? Why me? Why not MooniePie or Morrigon? People who create things far more beautiful than I can ever hope to? What is this sick fascination you have with what I do?

Oh, I know where you got it now, you sneaky little twat. You nicked it from my portfolio when it was still up. Because that is the only version I had that didn't have a watermark. When you scale it up to the size you did, it comes out exactly the same. Clever. But it is MY work. You can't have it.



12:49 Feb 21 2014

It's in their portfolio, too.

19:35 Feb 21 2014

I have erased it all please stop with the endless drama about it changed name just for you so please take off my name on everything and be and adult?

19:42 Feb 21 2014

Yeah im fascinated by this artist

20:37 Feb 21 2014

What a twat. Immortal is my artist, get your grubby mitts off her! Back! Back foul beast!

In all seriousness, you have committed one of the worst forms of trespassing someone can commit here just short of hacking, and you are asking that she move on. It isn't that simple. As an artist myself once someone out right steals something you have created, or even ripped off a concept of yours...well...once that nerve has been irked, it stays irked...and you deserve whatever fury she has in store for you if not more. Thievery is not something I condone, especially not against someone that I care about. Use photobucket as a source for your profiles, leave immortal alone. She is not a website intended for public use/photo sharing, she is an artist.


05:30 Feb 22 2014

I have left her alone and she wont stop and i did not mean to take it the first time the second fime i did not either i thought she would not care if i borrowed a background so for that being said i do what i can to survive , if you want to claim im a thief i took it all off like she said and i said sorry even

05:32 Feb 22 2014

Don't even try to make me out as the bad guy here. People have seen the messages you sent me. Your attitude about everything was just so wrong. You stole from me, you even said you would do it again. I don't buy your bullshit. And no one else does either.


02:36 Feb 20 2014
Times Read: 2,352

Blah. I got over it. The person in question altered their profile so it doesn't look like mine anymore. That's all I had wanted of them.

Images was right. I can't stop them from taking from me, but I can call them out when they do. There will always be people like that, who would rather just take than put in the effort to create something of their own. I can't stop them, so I might as well just accept it and move on.



14:23 Feb 20 2014

People are bastards. Bastard-covered bastards with bastard filling.

And I admit I stole that entire line.

19:43 Feb 21 2014

your not over it.

19:53 Feb 21 2014

mmm bastard such a nice word,

20:20 Feb 21 2014

I was and then you promptly stole my artwork.


20:37 Feb 19 2014
Times Read: 2,405

starfall, did you really just steal my profile layout? Holy shit, man, I must be hot shit for so many people just to outright steal things from me. You know how I know you lifted it from the source code? My image links are still there for the opacity I use on my tables, and the set up I did with the CSS. There are so many shades of blue... Why did you have to take mine?



20:55 Feb 19 2014

Imitation is the best form of flattery, supposedly or you know, something like that..

21:15 Feb 19 2014

There are all sorts of profile help forums and tips on this site to use instead of stealing from someone else and there's always asking for help too!!!

Some people!!

21:26 Feb 19 2014

She finally used one of the premade layouts. But god damn, her attitude before. "I changed the background, so it's not the same anymore! LOL!" Yeah, yet she was still using the opacity images for the tables, which were mine and linked back to my storage file. Uh huh. This wouldn't have been such a big deal, had people not stolen layouts and my very words before. I'm so sick of the entitled attitudes of people around here. God forbid someone put the work into t make something their own, something that is an extension of them. No, they all want to be lazy and take things from people they must consider better than them.

08:58 Feb 21 2014

I had this problem with a member a few months ago. I actually recommend copyrighting your artwork if possible. It is the only thing that gave me any leverage in my instance. That and well, I'm a lawyer. Lol. If you need some basic info about obtaining a copyright for you original works, send me a pm and I will try to help you. It really sucks that people cannot be original enough to create their own stuff.

19:40 Feb 21 2014

is all gone erased no more starfall go on and move on and be happy. i was in love with your work thats why i did it i was happy with it now im simplydarkness and have a blessed day!!!!!!!!!!!

19:51 Feb 21 2014

Leave me alone


07:05 Feb 19 2014
Times Read: 2,424

I went with Silhouette. I have always found the word to be quite lovely.



07:15 Feb 19 2014

That's one of my favourite words, too. :)


03:43 Feb 19 2014
Times Read: 2,442

Well, now I have to think up a new name since I got Demure (formerly) back. I hate myself for making this mistake to begin with. Had I not I could have kept the name. Oh well, change is always nice.




03:14 Feb 19 2014
Times Read: 2,447

Whew, got all that sorted out. Man, did I ever feel stupid and horrible. Well, at least I am remedying the mistake.




01:24 Feb 19 2014
Times Read: 2,469

Well, fuck. I gave away an account I didn't mean to. Stupid me for switching Demure and Ephemeral up like that. I am a complete idiot.

I had promised someone I wouldn't give the account away, since they so generously put a year PM on it for me. And what do I do? I give it away. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.




01:06 Feb 19 2014
Times Read: 2,477

I am still looking for someone who would like to take my Nymphaea account.




02:48 Feb 18 2014
Times Read: 2,497

The Monuments Men was really, really good. It is depressing to know how many pieces of art were destroyed by Hitler, but, it is uplifting to know how many pieces were saved by those brave souls who faced a war in order to preserve art. I definitely recommend seeing it.




23:14 Feb 17 2014
Times Read: 2,523

Bah, back down to 157. Man, losing a Mark is killer on the status, but, as it is my fault CF lost an account, I volunteered to have mine removed so the other three lovely ladies could keep theirs. If I really wanted to, I could bring in Ephemeral to boost the number of members and get it back, but, meh.

I am going to go see The Monuments Men in a few. It looks really interesting, so I am eager to watch it. And, staying up all night doesn't quite agree with me anymore. I am getting too old to be able to pull it off. I feel so tired. Tonight I am going to be dead to the world.



01:48 Feb 18 2014

me sorry?

02:25 Feb 18 2014

Something was worked out! :)

Isn't it weird how the universe works sometimes? Like it is a good feeling when synchronicity happens.

It really is.

I saw bad grandpa the other day. It was the first new movie I had seen in a while. Loved it! I watched the movie twice in a row. Lol. I know, it is crude humor, but I loved that movie.

01:14 Feb 19 2014

it does. :)


00:33 Feb 17 2014
Times Read: 2,547

The thing about my Nymphaea account, and why I won't give it to just anyone, is because I want that account to stay in Cognitive Fabrication. I want to give it to someone who will benefit the Coven, who will actively participate and contribute to what CF is all about. That's why I am being picky about who it goes to. So if I said no to you, well, sorry but I just felt like you and CF wouldn't be a match. The account is still up for grabs, but you have to be pretty awesome for me to let it go to you.




21:51 Feb 16 2014
Times Read: 2,561

So, the only account I have left to get rid of is Nymphaea. If you are interested in taking it send me a message.

Again, it is a free account, so you must have the ability to put a PM on it, or fall under the requirements to have a free account (Lifetime member or have at least five existing Premium accounts). I do not want anyone to go against ToS.




20:35 Feb 16 2014
Times Read: 2,591

I am giving away three of my accounts, Demure, Dream, and Nymphaea. All of them are free so don't offer to take them if you can put a PM on them, or if you aren't qualified to have a free account (either by being a lifetime member or someone with at least five profiles with Premiums already on them). I don't want anyone breaking the rules.

I simply don't get on here like I used to, and as such, my accounts go unused. I feel it's better to just give them to people who will actually log into them and be active. I don't and I can't see that changing anytime in the future. This place doesn't hold my attention like it used to. Anyway, message me or comment here if you are interested in taking one.

Edit: I lied, Demure's PM runs out on the first of March.



20:50 Feb 16 2014

I would like one if at all possible.

21:20 Feb 16 2014

I would love to have Demure I have the ability to update the premium


07:40 Feb 16 2014
Times Read: 2,627

I don't say this often (or really, ever) about people, but really, it should be said.

You are a cunt.



09:43 Feb 16 2014

I didn't know that you noticed me that much, or cared. ;_;

*happy sobbing*


02:45 Feb 16 2014
Times Read: 2,648

Mirror, tell me something...

Tell me who's the loneliest of all.

Mirror, tell me something.

Tell me who's the loneliest of all.

Mirror, what's inside me?

Tell me, can a heart be turned to stone?

Mirror, mirror, what's behind you?

Save me from the things I see.

I can keep it from the world,

Why won't you let me hide from me?

Mirror, mirror, tell me something.

Who's the loneliest of all?

I'm the loneliest of all...



04:11 Feb 16 2014

Your not alone


02:41 Feb 15 2014
Times Read: 2,665

So, I was playing Dead Island with Slain and Kevin and Slain's two friend were also in the party but in their own game when my Xbox decided to freeze, causing the game to become corrupted. So now, all that work I put into it the last few days was thrown away and now I have to start from scratch. So I said fuck that and got everyone to play Halo 4 with me instead.

Best Valentine's Day ever. Aside from losing all that work, of course.




19:21 Feb 14 2014
Times Read: 2,670

I was serious when I said I was going to hack up some zombies for my Valentine's Day. I played a bit of Dead Island with Slain, but he had to cut it short so he could go play with his Littlefoot out in the snow. Which actually sounds like it would be pretty fun, even to me who is a total SoCal girl and doesn't do the whole "snow" thing.




14:58 Feb 14 2014
Times Read: 2,681

I think today I am going to go on a fairy tale romance binge. First up, Tangled. Because really, no one does fairy tale romances like Disney does. Plus, Tangled is probably one of my all-time favorite Disney movies. Then, Beauty and the Beast, and The Little Mermaid, and after that I may just throw on the 10th Kingdom. Because I love Wolf.

Valentine's Day got a whole lot better in my eyes. I don't need anyone to share it with, I have me, myself, and I, and that's better than having to try with someone else. Maybe later I will go buy some strawberries and chocolate like I did last year.



15:04 Feb 14 2014

I watched "I Love You Philip Morris". I may upload "My Bloody Valentine" to watch tonight.


04:58 Feb 14 2014
Times Read: 2,701

I don't know why, but I keep thinking about Brannan. One Valentine's Day he took me to his house, after clearing it out so we were alone for the night, and he cooked me dinner. Then we snuggled up in his bed and watched a few movies and smoked some hookah. It was all innocent and just enjoyable. I just can't get that night out of my head. I hadn't expected it, we hadn't made plans and then he picked me up from work and just surprised me. It was the sweetest thing he had ever done for me. And I just really enjoyed that night. I miss that I don't have anyone to do that kind of thing with anymore. I miss mattering to someone enough that they plan something special for us to enjoy together.




00:09 Feb 14 2014
Times Read: 2,726

I am not the biggest fan of the holiday, but I had hoped that this year it would have been different, that I would have had someone to call my Valentine. Alas, nothing ever seems to work out the way I want it to, and so I am to be a party of one. Again. I guess I don't mind it that much, I don't really go out, so I don't have to see couples do their thing. The worst I have is Kevin and Liz, but they always go out on V-Day, so I won't have to witness their being all cute to each other. It is also a bit sad to realize that I am not wanted by the one person I had assumed would always want me. But, such is life. My Valentine's Day will be spent hacking zombies to pieces. That's romantic, right?



00:42 Feb 14 2014

Immy, you are a strong, beautiful woman. He should be so lucky to have you. One of these days, YOU will have the chance not to want him. It will happen. Until then, hack away! :-)

01:20 Feb 14 2014

Finland and Estonia

In Finland Valentine's Day is called Ystävänpäivä which translates into "Friend's Day". As the name indicates, this day is more about remembering all your friends, not only your loved ones. In Estonia Valentine's Day is called sõbrapäev, which has the same meaning

So Happy Ystävänpäivä!


10:17 Feb 12 2014
Times Read: 2,754

Man, Dead Island is seriously entertaining. All the zombies to kill, it is so much fun. I got to play with Slain earlier in the afternoon, as well as two of his friends. That was a good session. Those guys are funny. Plus, one is an RvB fan, so that alone made it awesome. And then he and I played again tonight for a few hours. It lightens my mood, being able to hang out with a good friend and kill zombies together. It makes me forget about the unpleasant things that have been on my mind a lot as of late. And, I really appreciate that I have someone there that I can just let loose and have some fun killing things with.



13:29 Feb 12 2014

Which main character are you playing with and what level is he/she at? Sorry. Just wondering.

13:32 Feb 12 2014

I play as Purna, and currently I am at level ten.

01:36 Feb 14 2014

I mostly play on Riptide, that I have about 312 hours on steam. I have about 3 to 4 Purna characters. My main Purna character is at level 70. I have a orange shotgun that can kill most to all zombies with two shots.


03:25 Feb 12 2014
Times Read: 2,765

Man, nothing beats a free meal. There is a Chipotle opening just up the street where we live, and they were training their cook staff tonight, so they handed out vouchers for a free item from their menu. I actually have never had their food, so this is a nice way to try them without forking out seven or eight bucks for something.




09:23 Feb 11 2014
Times Read: 2,783

Played some Dead Island with Slain tonight. I never realized how satisfying killing zombies can be. And the mood I have been in lately, well, thankfully I can take that aggression out in video games again. I really need that outlet, just to let loose and cause some destruction virtually instead of in my actual reality. I have ruined enough in my reality, no need to deal more damage.




18:45 Feb 10 2014
Times Read: 2,804

This is me giving up. I can't do it anymore...



19:52 Feb 10 2014




08:06 Feb 10 2014
Times Read: 2,821



05:18 Feb 10 2014
Times Read: 2,834

I am so tired of constantly fighting for your attention. I am at the point where I don't even want to try anymore. If you want me, you know how to reach me. It's all up to you now.




17:31 Feb 09 2014
Times Read: 2,850

So, we tried a new church today. I really enjoyed the one I found, but after last week, they just made me feel uncomfortable. While having your opinions is fine, when the pastor tries to press on the congregation those opinions and beliefs, it just rubs me the wrong way. Especially when I don't share those beliefs and I feel like I am ostracized for it. The pastor expected us to just nod in agreement when he spouted nonsense about "alternative lifestyles" (those of a non-heterosexual persuasion) not being allowed to participate in the church as pastors and teachers. I don't believe anyone should be kept from participating and teaching, regardless of what their sexual orientation may be. So, yeah, I was not going to go back after that. But, this new church is a lot better. They don't focus so much on the songs and the band like the other one did, and the pastor is really nice and the people really welcoming. It felt more personal, more intimate, not just a bunch of people packed into a huge room, not really connecting. It was nice. I will definitely be going back next week.




23:46 Feb 07 2014
Times Read: 2,895

I decided that I am going to stop chasing after you. I can't make you get involved with me again, and if you have reservations about it, it is probably best that we don't try. We will just carry on like we have for the past three and a half years, and I will attempt to be content with that. I love you, but I can't put up with the constant rejection. It hurts. You never say no outright, but I know it's there even when you don't voice it.




12:44 Feb 07 2014
Times Read: 2,914

I finally got around to watching the new Judge Dredd movie, Dredd, tonight. Now, let me state that I never read the comics, though I think I may have to remedy that fact, but, I am a fan of the original movie. It is the only Sylvester Stallone film I can sit through and enjoy. I actually fell in love with the film when I was, maybe nine or ten, much like the original Robocop (my parents were not really big on the belief that my brother and I should have such things censored because of our age). It was the violence, I think. And I think that’s why I really enjoyed the new version. It doesn't skimp out on my gratuitous violence. Plus, I think the story was really well done. It wasn't cheesy as sometimes such movies can be. There were no stupid one liners or quips, no, it was deadpan humor and I loved it. Karl Urban made for one fantastic Judge Dredd, and Olivia Thirlby was spot on as well. I really enjoyed her character and watching her develop during the course of the film. So, yeah, I think I may have to add that one to my film library soon. Definitely worth a watch.




05:13 Feb 07 2014
Times Read: 2,939

Oh thank goodness I have a Lifetime Membership and am allowed those three free accounts. I just checked on my alts, and Dream and Nymphaea are both free now, Nymphaea's PM just ran out today, and then Ephemeral's will run out on the first of March. Blah. I hate losing my layouts, but, meh, it happens. Nothing I can't fix when I do have the means to renew the PM.



06:58 Feb 07 2014

I do not know how people can juggle multiple profiles. I mean, I can just focus on one and level it, because I find leveling tedious so yeah.

Props to you and everyone that can multi-task with so many profiles though. :P


10:18 Feb 06 2014
Times Read: 2,959

Very progressive, Skyrim. I think it's time to find my character a spouse. I am thinking a lady, because who better to have a hot meal on the table on those rare days when I do come home after killing me some dragons and well, people in general. Because, you know, a woman's place is in the kitchen. When she's not the Dragonborn, of course.




03:52 Feb 06 2014
Times Read: 2,987

Stupid vampirism in Skyrim. I couldn't go and contract something awesome, like lycanthropy, no, I had to become a stupid vampire. Ugh.



04:00 Feb 06 2014

Actually, there is a part in Skyrim where you can become a werewolf. In the add-on pack, there is a whole storyline of the vampires. But, in one of the side quests of the main Skyrim game, you can become a werewolf. The werewolf side quest from Vilkas.


03:01 Feb 04 2014
Times Read: 3,007

I feel like all my hair is gone. I had to chop off about three and a half inches because of split ends and such, and now I feel like it is so short. I mean, it isn't even close to short, it still falls well past my shoulders, a little above the small of my back, but in my mind, it's all gone. My long hair is the one thing I really love, and when I have to cut more than an inch off, I get weird and feel like I did when I cut it in that bob that one time some years back.




18:23 Feb 02 2014
Times Read: 3,028

Went to church today for the first time in a long while. Since my dad no longer works Sundays, it will be easy to start attending regularly again. It was really nice, and I am glad I went. I may not be a firm believer in the Lord, but I am starting on that journey again. I can only hope I can rekindle my faith.



21:18 Feb 02 2014

You go girl.


07:03 Feb 02 2014
Times Read: 3,054

Oh, would you look at that, due to receiving some information from a dear, dear friend, I'm not jealous anymore. Heh. I just don't care at all about it. I'm indifferent, which is bliss, in all honesty.

In other news, I'm going to try going back to church on a regular basis again. Tomorrow is the first step, and I am eager to get back.




02:23 Feb 02 2014
Times Read: 3,077

Jealousy... It can hit you at the most unpleasant of times. I shouldn't even be jealous. I just don't like others playing with what I perceive as mine. Even if I threw that thing away first, in my mind it is still mine.



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