immortalxkiss's Journal

immortalxkiss's Journal


Honor: 961    [ Give / Take ]


50 entries this month

16:57 Jul 30 2013
Times Read: 1,638

It hasn't even been twelve hours, but I hate not having Acolyte on this account. It's just so weird.




07:22 Jul 30 2013
Times Read: 1,670

Lol. "I've been an Acolyte for the past five years. I know this shit." I fail it by one freaking question. Freaking hilarious.

Haha. I fail. I want to blame my stupid computer for lagging like crazy when I was taking it, but, really, it was all on me. Well, I stil have it on three accounts, so it's all good. I'll get it back in thirty days.



07:24 Jul 30 2013

Haha. :P

17:23 Jul 30 2013

I failed it by one question one billion times.

17:26 Jul 30 2013

But, as I said, I have held the position for the past five years, so it's just a little sad that I failed the test after all that time.


09:29 Jul 29 2013
Times Read: 1,682

Still looking for a place to stash my Demure account. I have an idea, so I will probably look into it tomorrow, but still, for now, the account needs a home! Wont you take me in?




03:14 Jul 29 2013
Times Read: 1,701

I had an idea while talking to some of my family members earlier today. I want to create a Coven that is dedicated to enlightening people about different religions and belief structures. I have been a all over the board as far as my personal beliefes go, so I have a pretty good understanding when it comes to certain religions. However, if not handled correctly think it could go south really fast. Religion is such a touchy subject, and you have to be open-minded when discussing other practices.

It's just an idea. I doubt I will ever do it. I don't have that real desire to run a Coven. I open it, get all excited for a few months, then get over it and grow bored with things. So yeah. I just thought it would be an interesting concept.



03:23 Jul 29 2013

Why not do a mentorship for it? I actually really love this idea. :)

03:49 Jul 29 2013

I lose interest in mentorships far faster than I do Covens. Plus, membership is limited to members who are under level 80. I am not a big fan of such limitations.


01:59 Jul 29 2013
Times Read: 1,709

I want to start embracing aspects of this site I haven't really embraced in a long, long time. So, I think tonight I am going to start posting in the main forums again. I haven't really spent much time there since I was a Dominar. But, I think it's time to get back into it. Hopefully I can find some worthwhile threads to post to.




05:48 Jul 28 2013
Times Read: 1,737

Well, me and my luck when I'm behind the wheel of a vehicle never fails. I got into an accident this evening. It is nothing major, at least from what I can tell, but even so. I was pulling into the road of my complex, and this idiot in a Mercedes swerves out of her lane into mine. I saw it coming, and attempted to stop before she hit me. Unfortunately she didn't see me, as she said she had dropped something and was picking it up, so she side swiped my car. So yeah... another accident in less than a year. And again, it wasn't my fault. Her car looked far worse then the Ford did, and seeing as it's a Benz, it's going to cost a shit ton to repair. I swear, flat tires and people running into me, those seem to be things I attract. So, we'll see how messed up the car is come Monday when it goes into a shop. Hopefully it's nothing too bad.



01:51 Jul 29 2013

I just hope YOU are ok. Cars can be replaced but you? Not so much!


14:24 Jul 27 2013
Times Read: 1,745

I am looking for a place to stash Demure. Any Society Masters out there who would want me in their Society, let me know.




08:23 Jul 27 2013
Times Read: 1,757

The few insects skittered away,

in hopes of a better pastime.

I kissed you at the apex of the maelstrom and asked

if you would accompany me in a quick fall.

But, you made me realize

that my ticket wasn't good for two...

I rode alone.

- A.F.I. - Untitled (from the Sing the Sorrow album)




07:12 Jul 27 2013
Times Read: 1,764

I don't know which is more idiotic. The people who claim that they've changed time and time again when their actions say otherwise. Or those who buy into the act time and time again, when they can clearly see it's not the case.

People, I shall never understand them.



07:14 Jul 27 2013

They're equally profoundly annoying.


05:57 Jul 26 2013
Times Read: 1,785

Never let anyone say that I never cared...





23:47 Jul 25 2013
Times Read: 1,786



09:01 Jul 24 2013
Times Read: 1,800

Looking at the things you gave me for Christmas, and I want to cry. I miss you so much. Reading that card, reading how much you love me, how you're always thinking of me... It hurts. Do you still care? Are you still thinking of me at all?

I loved you. So very much. And, even though it's been so long without whisper, I still care. It's hard to move past it all when I don't even know what happened. I wish you'd come back. I want to talk to you again, see your smile, hear your laugh. Hear you say you love me. I want that so much.




16:42 Jul 23 2013
Times Read: 1,841

The ignorance and closed-mindedness of some people around here really amazes me. And what's worse is that I don't think some of these people know just how ignorant and bigoted they sound to others.

I never had much of a high opinion about one member here. I have never interacted with them outside of messages they sent bitching about the rate I gave them, and them being generally rude to me. But, after what I was shown last night, and what I read today, I am, quite honestly, glad I never talked to this person. I don't understand how people can be so... Ridiculous. Especially when their reasoning makes absolutely no sense. People, they never cease to amaze.



16:49 Jul 23 2013

No they really don't. They have huge egos and think that they're fucking god send, that nothing they say is wrong and that they're always in the right.

21:32 Jul 23 2013

They amaze me everyday too... although I'm at the other end of the spectrum still as most here ceased amazing me quite some time ago... Now I tend to just find them irritating and also a slight annoyance.

Stupid really should be painful.

01:27 Jul 24 2013

It doesn't amaze me anymore, it amuses me.

04:59 Jul 24 2013

I have to agree with Bones. People are amazingly amusing once you can get over the fact that stupidity is commonplace.


07:32 Jul 23 2013
Times Read: 1,849

We just got home from dinner. We had to wait about two hours before we were seated, then about another half hour before our chef started cooking our food. All in all, we spent about four hours at Benihana. But, the food was totally worth it. My dad bought us all drinks, so I had their Benihana Punch, which is so freaking good. And then my brother paid for the dinner. They gave us a 20 percent discount because we had to wait so long, which was awesome. It was a good night, but now I am ready for bed.




03:36 Jul 23 2013
Times Read: 1,853

So, my brother got a certificate from the city we live in, in recognition for the whole deal. Now we're waiting for dinner. It's going to be about an hour and a half, but Benihana is totally worth it. Japanese goodness. So yummy.



16:44 Jul 23 2013



04:01 Jul 22 2013
Times Read: 1,864

Miso soup and jasmine rice for dinner. And it is delicious.



04:31 Jul 22 2013

Miso soup yum!!!


01:34 Jul 21 2013
Times Read: 1,892

There is no reason for this entry, aside from the fact that I just wanted to post this...

The end.



01:39 Jul 21 2013


01:40 Jul 21 2013

Still a better love story then twilight.


20:19 Jul 20 2013
Times Read: 1,921

FALSExCURE is a pretty kitty. Don't let him ever tell you otherwise. :]



20:22 Jul 20 2013

-cracks up-


23:14 Jul 19 2013
Times Read: 1,943

I've come to a major decision in the last few months. Considering all I've had to deal with since the start of the year, I think I should really try to find religion again. Only, I don't know if I want to go back to Christianity, or Catholicism. I think I'm going to start looking into Buddhism again. I've looked into it a number of times, talked to people, gone to a temple, so I have a slight grasp on all of it. But, I never looked at it seriously, as a real belief system. But, things are changing, with me, with my life, with everything, so I figure I might as well see it as a real, viable, religion I could follow.

Thankfully, I live near areas where there is a strong Asian culture, so finding people who practice isn't hard. There are a number of temples around where I live, where my grandmother lives, and where my mother works. So, I have the resources that I would need at my fingertips. And my mother is super supportive so I am sure she'd be willing to go with me to talk to people and such. I think this is what I really need right now. I've felt so lost lately, it'll be nice to have something to hold on to, to help me find my way again.




02:07 Jul 19 2013
Times Read: 1,966

New season of Project Runway! I seriously love this show, and seeing what the designers can come up with under such time constraints and pressure.




01:12 Jul 19 2013
Times Read: 1,995

So-and-so stole x account from so-and-so! Blah, blah, blah.

Uh, you people do realize that if you give out your passwords, your forfeiting any right you have to that account, right? If you don't want someone to "steal," and I use that term lightly as it's really not stealing, your account then don't ever give out your password. It's that simple. Cancer warns against it, the Admins warn against it, it's in the freaking Manual. Three times, repeated one after the other. Really, how much warning do you really need? Do not ever give out your password. If you do, you have no ground to stand on if someone takes it from you. Since you allowed it to happen.



01:14 Jul 19 2013

If your going to share accounts you might as well put the password in big bold letters on your profile.

01:17 Jul 19 2013

No kidding. *shakes head* Like us acolytes don't already tell them enough as it is. They'll always whine about this because they obviously never learn.

02:06 Jul 19 2013

Why, Immy perhaps you need to tell your CM that? Of course, this presupposes that no one on here can be trusted. Well, maybe they can't?

I would disagree with you comment that it is not stealing, as I pointed out to the always self righteous, Images, if there is an agreement that one owns the profile and that agreement is breached by the other, as to deprive the owner of the profile, then that is stealing. It doesn't matter about your little TOS that you genuflect towards.

Of course, let's call a spade a spade. There is a total lack of honor on here as has been pointed out time and again. I do think Images had a valid point earlier, in her journal, when she said the "current" situation was a password issue. Yes, I personally think that is true. :) Let's see if the same mistake is repeated again.

02:59 Jul 19 2013

There's also a total lack of sense. If she hadn't been stupid and given out the password, and HEEDED what Cancer says, then she'd still have per profile. She gave it over for all intents and purposes, when she disclosed the password.

23:41 Jul 19 2013

"always self righteous, Images"- interesting coming from you of all people, Fangor.

23:42 Jul 19 2013

Fangor: Telling you someone else's written terms of service makes 'me' self-righteous... where'd you put your dictionary, dude? You know... the one you've been using to journal all these definitions that don't apply to shit?


00:54 Jul 19 2013
Times Read: 2,002

I put my portfolio back up. I took it down in April for reasons I don't wish to discuss. I removed all images except those I have created for myself and others, and that pertain to VR. So, only Crests, Alliance, and Mentorhips Banners remain.



00:55 Jul 19 2013

No photos to make wallpaper with?


06:43 Jul 18 2013
Times Read: 2,018

Well, my brother and sister-in-law are back from New York. It's good to hear that they had a lot of fun at the game and at the parade. Kevin totally deserves that kind of recognition and reward. He told us that he is getting an american flag, the one they flew over the Angels stadium either Memorial Day or the Forth of July, he can't recall witch, plus they got one for my dad, the flag the had flying on the eleventh anniversary of September 11th. So, that's pretty awesome. Plus, he got a one-of-a-kind Angels jersey, it has the all-Star patch on the right sleeve, and a patch that has People Magazine's Tribute for Heroes on the left. He also got an old school angels hat, with the CA on it, way back when they were the California Angels. I remember those days. I think that had been the last time I'd ever been to an Angels game, outside of the one I attended for the contest. He really got a whole bunch of stuff, but those were what I can name right now. Monday he's being honored by our city, so that's cool. And, he'll be on Fox Sports again on Friday. So, I'm happy to hear that this was such a good time for him. For all that my brother has done, he totally deserved it.



06:49 Jul 18 2013

That's awesome. :)


23:09 Jul 16 2013
Times Read: 2,029

I am being roped into watching the All-Star game. Just on the off chance that they might show my brother and the 30 other winners from the People Magazine Tribute for Heroes thing on TV. We were watching the Homerun Derby last night, and it really sealed in my mind that baseball is boring.




10:11 Jul 16 2013
Times Read: 2,044

I forgot to mention that I got his drawing in the mail today. Along with a recommended reading list he sent. Regardless of how upset I may be about the Coven thing, I look at the drawing he did that is now hanging on my wall and and I can't help but smile. That kid is a pain in the butt sometimes, but he's a good friend. Even if he does leave without warning... I said some harsh things in that last entry that talked about him. And, well, he really doesn't deserve that kind of attitude. Like I said, I was upset when I found out he deleted, and then why he did it, but, even so, it was wrong of me. I think I should send him something as awesome as the drawing by way of apology.





03:14 Jul 16 2013
Times Read: 2,069



18:02 Jul 14 2013
Times Read: 2,100

It was brought to my attention yesterday, this "new" Coven concept of yours. And really, I didn't give it much thought. You have proven to me who you are with actions you took once before. Rehashing my old ideas is not below you in the least. And, really, it's just that, an old concept. I am not mad, nor really annoyed by it. You're more than free to use my second-hand ideas for your own. But, I am not the only person who finds it just a little funny. So long as you don't steal my words, have a ball with this new creation. It's just pride on my part that I was the first, and that people liked my ideas so much that they followed suite with imposters. It's not the first time.



18:05 Jul 14 2013

That's what you get for being so darn talented, unique, and interesting.


09:59 Jul 13 2013
Times Read: 2,117

Well, I just got done with the name change on Vergil. It's now HeartandSeoul. I thought it was hilarious and cute. Of course, I'm lame like that. And it could just be me, as it's just about two in the morning and I'm getting a little loopy. Plus, I didn't want Kpop in the name, as Saetan already choose KpopFever for her account that's going to be ACM in the Coven. So, it works.

All that's left to do is figure out what I want the content to say. I have an idea, but I need to write it out and refine it so it meets my personal standards.



18:11 Jul 13 2013

I actually love it and you are right if you made it read SimjangGwaSeoul, no one would know what it meant, even if you were to tell what it meant on your profile. I still get questions asking what MyAngmong means and its on the top of that profile, lol.

I can't wait til the Coven is open. It is definitely going to be original. And now verrewulf is VERY obsessed with G Dragon, lol. I've got her completely hooked. It's awesome. Spread the infection!


02:28 Jul 13 2013
Times Read: 2,143

So, I did it. I submitted everything with my account, Vergil. The name translates to Korean Dreams. Thanks to Saetan for that one. I can't freaking wait!






02:41 Jul 13 2013

Very welcome, I can't wait for it to open!

05:10 Jul 13 2013

Very stunning! You also do a great job designing your things. :)

09:30 Jul 13 2013

I like. The crest is perfect, too.


00:57 Jul 13 2013
Times Read: 2,151

Okay, that's it. I'm going to do it. The only issue I'm having is finding a suitable name.

I do have rep picked out, after giving it a whole lot of thought last night.

The three-legged crow known as samjoko seems the most like it just shouldn't exist. But during the Goguryeo Dynasty, the samjoko was considered a symbol of power, superior to both the dragon and the bonghwang. In East Asian mythologies, the three-legged crow is a symbol of the Sun and is said to live there.

It remains as a symbol of the Goguryeo Dynasty, and can still be seen in contemporary Korean historic dramas, such as Jumong.

I also have a Mark made... Like I said, I have been giving this a lot of thought these last few days.




07:56 Jul 12 2013
Times Read: 2,164

I got around to adding some more Kpop groups to my playlist. Before it was just U-KISS, Infinite, and TVXQ. And while I love all three of those groups immensely, it was time to add more. Now I've got some 2PM, MBLAQ, BTOB, B2ST, Nu'est, and of course, Big Bang, which I was really missing. I'll probably ad more later on, when I get around to it. But for now, it's good. It's still dominated by U-KISS though. Kevin is, and forever will be, my bias.




02:46 Jul 12 2013
Times Read: 2,181

I am getting art from NeverMind, and seriously, I just saw it and it is amazing! I cannot state just how awesome the drawing is. It's just so freaking amazing! I cannot wait to get it and put it on my wall!



02:49 Jul 12 2013

I am glad you like it. :)


22:01 Jul 11 2013
Times Read: 2,187

I really need to get some new books added to my library, as I have read all the ones I own multiple times. I think it's time to hit up second hand stores, the library's bookstore, and a few websites to see if there is anything worth getting.

Of course, what I really want is Neil Gaiman's new book, but that one has to wait. I could buy the e-book version off iTunes, as I have a ton of gift card money, but I rather have the physical book. I am not a big fan of e-readers.



22:57 Jul 11 2013


Also like you said library book stores are awesome. I used to go to the one in this area and not only did they sell old library books, they sold books that were donated by people who had no use for them anymore and by the families of the recently deceased.

Every book was a quarter no matter the condition.

I seriously need to go back!

Message me what kind of book you are looking for?

Also do you have a goodreads?


08:33 Jul 11 2013
Times Read: 2,201

And... Just like that I get sucked into looking at Kpop gifs on Tumblr. This is my life. The never ending scroll full of Kpop idol awkwardness. I wouldn't have it any other way.




08:15 Jul 11 2013
Times Read: 2,216

So, I removed a few entries from earlier this month. I am not a negative person, and therefore I do not like to be tied to such negative emotions. And, after giving the issue some real thought, I found I was in the wrong. So, allow me to apologize to one member, TyrionLannister. It's really not my place to judge so harshly over a profile. I mean, sure, it's well within my right to rate as I so desire, but I do admit, sometimes I go a little overboard. Who am I to really say what's worthy and what's not? After all, it's just the internet.

So, this is me admitting to my faults, and apologizing. A profile is yours to express yourself as you so desire. I may not fully agree with what you have to say, but it's not something I should poke fun at or criticize so harshly in my journal. And, while I know this isn't much, it's what I can do to right a wrong.



08:22 Jul 11 2013

I thank you. And I accept this apology. My son will be here in a moment.

08:30 Jul 11 2013

Thank you for apologizing. I need to do the same. I sent you a mean message and I had no right. Sorry.


06:41 Jul 11 2013
Times Read: 2,238

And, thank goodness for Bones. :]



06:44 Jul 11 2013



06:12 Jul 11 2013
Times Read: 2,256

Sweet baby Jesus, what the hell is going on around here? Man, if only I still had my Dominar position...



06:15 Jul 11 2013

If only you still did.

This shit is cray cray.

07:35 Jul 11 2013

Cray cray, indeed.

07:49 Jul 11 2013

I wish you still did too!


04:41 Jul 11 2013
Times Read: 2,260

I noticed something while watching Master Chef on Fox... The contestent, James, really reminds me of Dan. Just with a shorter beard. It's pretty damn depressing.

I wonder if he knows how much I miss him. Or if he even cares...




21:45 Jul 10 2013
Times Read: 2,298

Well, today I get to announce the great news I got last week. It's been hard keeping quiet, but it was necessary. I wanted to thank all of you who voted for my brother in the Tribute for Heroes competition. Thanks to everyone's votes, he is the winner out of the three finalists for the Angels! Which means he gets to go have fun at the All-Star baseball game in New York City. So, again, a huge thank you for those who put in the time to vote for him. I know he can't say it here himself, but believe me, he is so very thankful and aappreciates everything everyone did for him.



21:52 Jul 10 2013

That is awesome!

02:20 Jul 11 2013


04:16 Jul 11 2013

That is great! It's to bad you aren't really a baseball fan, you could go with him. :)

04:20 Jul 11 2013

Heh, nah, Kevin would never take me. His lovely wife is going to go with him. And, we're he not married, he would take my dad or one of his Marine Corps buddies before offering the trip to me.


05:41 Jul 09 2013
Times Read: 2,341

Vestige put the idea in my head, and while I dismissed it before, it is beginning to actually sound like something doable. A Coven for all things K-Pop. I have no idea what you'd call it, or what would be used as a representation, but it's an interesting idea.

It would be a pretty niche Society, as there aren't many running around here who are into K-pop, but I'm good with niche groups. I prefer them. I'm all about quality not quantity, which is why my Covens have never been large. It's just something to think about. I wouldn't shut down Unnamable for such an idea, but I do have four other accounts, and if I really wanted to, I could level the ones in the 70s to Sire. I don't know, but the more I think about it, the more I like the thought.



05:47 Jul 09 2013

Lol he asked me if I was thinking about it too. I like that thought too. Might have to join on QueenxMorbid if you make one.

06:28 Jul 09 2013

That damn Vestige should be charging you for the idea. Well The idea was to tell you and Saetan and see who would open one first.

06:44 Jul 09 2013

LOL. I will leave it to Immy. I got Hell, and not enough time when I am off work to run two covens and be an AHM in the House.

10:32 Jul 09 2013

You should do it:)

21:55 Jul 10 2013

If I could ever make it to sire I would take over unnamable so that you could have a coven that was uniquely your's you know? I appreciate what you are doing for me though by allowing the unnamable to be open. Or maybe I would create my own unique coven. I don't know, it doesn't matter though considering I don't put much effort into leveling and will probably never see sire lmao.


12:24 Jul 07 2013
Times Read: 2,353

I started on a new Korean drama, 12 Signs of Love, on Netflix. And I absolutely love it. It's got humor and romance and great acting. And while the premise does make the main character out to be a bit of a whore, as she has to write an exotic magazine column on her intimate relations with the 12 Signs of the Western zodiac under a false pen name, it works and it is actually pretty endearing. You really feel for her as she goes from on man to the next, looking for love. I can't stand the ex boyfriend right now, though it is becoming apparent that he is, and really always has, looking out for her best interests. But, he is still a childish prick who doesn't know quite how to handle the whole situation. I am only five episodes in, but I seriously love it. If it keeps up on the track it is on, it may just knock Secret Garden out from my favorite Kdrama spot.

But now I have been listening to Hotel California on loop for the past half hour or so. It is a song that plays at least five times in the fourth episode and that song has this nasty habit of getting stuck in my head just with the guitar opening. Curse the Eagles and their unbelievably catchy song that bores it's way into my brain. I freaking love this song, I swear. I should be getting to sleep, but... Hotel California just started playing again and I can't stop it...

And still those voices are calling from far away,

Wake you up in the middle of the night just to hear them say...

Welcome to the Hotel California,

Such a lovely place, such a lovely face.

Livin' it up at the Hotel California,

What a nice surprise, bring your alibis.


Last thing I remember,

I was running for the door.

I had to find tackle passage back to the place I was before.

"Relax," said the nightman,

"We are programed to recieve.

You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave."



13:52 Jul 07 2013

Let me know when you finish if it stays great, cause I will probably be looking for something good to watch once I am done reading this final Sookie Stackhouse novel. I am still upset this is the end of them. I just finished Deadlocked and was so hooked on the thing I couldnt close the laptop and go to sleep and went ahead and started the last one so I am wired and no sleep yet, lol.


23:42 Jul 06 2013
Times Read: 2,361

Hit up the sushi place for lunch today. I got around to trying something new with my spicy tuna rolls, ribeye steak. And it was so freaking good. I also got a nice little external hard drive for the computer. I'm so paranoid that it's just going to up and die one of these days, so to ease my mind a bit, I now have all my important files backed up and saved elsewhere. So, if it does die, I won't be losing anything that I can't quickly replace once we get a new computer.



05:54 Jul 07 2013

Spicy tuna and ribeye. ...Lucky.

Glad to know you got yourself an external hard drive. Those things really are life savers. :)


23:16 Jul 05 2013
Times Read: 2,371

My mother took yesterday and today off so we've been having a few days where it's just us. And since Kevin and Liz are off on vacation, we have their car, so we can actually go places and do things. Today we finally got to visit the Korean restaurant near our house. I have been wanting to go there for months and it was totally worth the wait. Goodness, it was so delicious. So freaking delicious. I could eat it all day, every day. And soon, willing things go my way, I will.

We then hit up the local Ranch Market, which is our all things Asian and amazing store, to get some rice and Pepero for me. Now, we're gonna settle down for a bit and watch Beautiful Creatures before my dad gets home.




04:33 Jul 05 2013
Times Read: 2,382

Orajel and Ibuprofen are going to be my best friends until my silly wisdom tooth grows in fully. As it is now, I can't feel a thing and it is absolute heaven.

It's the fourth, but I am not out doing anything special. My brother and sister-in-law left for Hawaii early this morning, it's for their six year anniversary which will be on the seventh, so we decided not to do anything. It feels weird not to be barbecuing carne asada and chicken, but meh, there will be other days of to do that. And we don't do firework shows anymore since my brother and I are both grown. So, it's just a quiet night at home, doing nothing. I did get some Smirnoff drinks, so I may enjoy one of those later, but I don't know. I have no real desire to really do anything tonight, since I do have a slight headache. I might just throw on a movie and curl up in bed to watch it. I know sleep will be out of the question, the fireworks will be starting once it gets full dark here, and then it will carry on to around midnight, as people around here don't pay attention to the fact that fireworks are illegal in this city and set them off anyway.




01:16 Jul 05 2013
Times Read: 2,385

I am getting art from NeverMind, and I am so excited about it. His work is just so awesome.




03:31 Jul 04 2013
Times Read: 2,405

The wisdom tooth on my right side is coming in and holy hell, does it ever hurt like a bitch. I am at the point where I just want to rip off my lower jaw and be done with it. The pain is pretty intense that it's actually giving me headaches. Ugh.



03:39 Jul 04 2013

Wow. All of my wisdom teeth came in when I was in the 5th grade! I had them all pulled while in the Marines though. They sometimes pull them for 'preventative maintenance'- as it's too common to have issues with them.

10:14 Jul 04 2013

I know your pain. Had to get mine cut out in high school. Led to my being called "chipmunk boy" for a while. *Shudders*

Hope the pain goes away soon, dearest. *Hugs*


00:22 Jul 04 2013
Times Read: 2,422

I feel robbed. Vlad never attacked and besieged Unnamable!

In other news, I got some great news today that I can't tell anyone. I want to just say "screw it" and shout it to the world, but I can't. So, I'll sit here in silence until it gets officially announced.




23:35 Jul 02 2013
Times Read: 2,455

I finally got to sit down and catch up on this season of True Blood, HBOGO is a wonderful thing. I don't know why I keep watching the show, it's drifted so far away from the source material, but even so, I am hooked. It's my guilty pleasure. All the drama and the suspense, I must admit, it is all so captivating. Plus, I am so curious to see how things play out this season with the humans fighting back. Anyway, it's reeled me in yet again, and I just have to know what happens next.



23:45 Jul 02 2013

I feel the same way after reading the books, but I am hopelessly addicted to True Blood. I got to get my doses of Erik, Tara, Pam and Lafayette.


23:20 Jul 01 2013
Times Read: 2,648

So voting ended last night for the Tribute for Heroes competition my brother is in. We should be finding out in the next few days if he gets to go to New York to see the All-Star game. I removed all things related to the contest, as my last name is the same as my brother's (obviously since I am not married), and really, you people don't need to know it unless I tell you. So yeah. It's not out of fear of anything, I just don't like the idea of random strangers knowing my full name online.




09:22 Jul 01 2013
Times Read: 2,666

Oh my god, one of our cats, Mongo, just about gave me a god damn heart attack. He was crying, which he does when he wants something, and in this caseoofood it was food. So he was up on the little bannister thing on the hallway wall, which is about waist high nah or so, where he usually whines to get our attention if everyone is upstairs. And just as I am about the head down to get him something to eat, I watch him slip and fall all the way down to the hard laminate floor below. I don't know how high it is, but there is a good distance of space between the second floor and the ground. He is alright, thank god, but holy hell it was scary to watch. That has always been my nightmare, since all three of our cats hop up there from time to time. Just to watch one of them fall and get seriously hurt, or worse. That cat, I swear, it's a serious wonder how he is still alive.



20:03 Jul 01 2013

*Hugs* Glad he's alright.

00:54 Jul 02 2013

...and the thing about cats is that in spite of the fall you just know he's going to be right back up there again before the day is over. :)

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