immortalxkiss's Journal

immortalxkiss's Journal


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14 entries this month

08:54 Jul 28 2016
Times Read: 1,588

But how do you walk away from everything you've ever wanted?




06:33 Jul 28 2016
Times Read: 1,599

Every time I speak to Chris about our relationship and what may come about, I'm more and more certain he is just stringing me along with false hopes that one day we'll get back together. I love him. I love him so immensely, but this is killing me. Maybe I should just let him go once and for all.




09:19 Jul 27 2016
Times Read: 1,617

Tonight was...nice.tonight was really nice. I missed him. And, my God, that chemistry is still there, every time we see each other. Maybe I should stop trying so hard to win Chris back and instead focus on the one person here who actually wants to be with me.




21:33 Jul 26 2016
Times Read: 1,626

I'm going to go hang out with Dan tonight, at his work and then, I don't know where after that. Maybe just his place or a park. Go catch some Pokémon or something. I haven't seen him in a few months, so it'll be nice to just hang out.




06:03 Jul 20 2016
Times Read: 1,702

You know, I know this is old news, but it still makes me cringe when I think about how someone stole my words. Stole so much of my profile, tweaked it here and there, sometimes not at all, and claimed it for themselves. It makes me sick, this website and the utter lack of class, some members have. The English language is not in the least bit limited, and yet you stole me. You stole me, pure and simple. You stole my words, you stole who I was, for a fucking profile on a stupid website. And, yeah, I'm bitter about that, even years later, knowing full well you couldn't give less of a fuck. Why? Because you stole who I am.

I think it's time for me to just overhaul everything. New name, new profile, new look. Just, everything. And then again, I don't really have the desire to do so, because who's to say that person, that vile fucking waste of space, won't just steal what I write out again for another one of the million profiles he has here.



06:19 Jul 20 2016

I'm actually pro "overhaul" but for my own selfish reasons, I want to see what you'd come up with, especially graphics wise. I was actually just thinking about the time your content was stolen, like just a few minutes ago when I viewed your profile. I was thinking of all the beautiful crests you've made and how great it would be to be able to click onto your page and view them whenever. I hate that they stole from you. I totally want to see all of your graphics displayed again. I suggest posting them but utlizing large watermarks. It's so weird you posted this entry when I was just thinking about this lol.

06:21 Jul 20 2016

Also, I don't know that you've ever told me the story of your content being lifted, if you have, I've forgotten, I'm being nosey lol, message me?

07:13 Jul 24 2016

Don't let these peons get you down, dearest. They're just pissed they aren't as awesome as you are. =^.^=


23:01 Jul 18 2016
Times Read: 1,742

If you truly didn't care about a rate or a block, you wouldn't be making journal after journal about it. You care more than you want people to think you do, and yammering on about how you don't care, when it's painfully obvious that you do, just makes you look silly. You don't go on tirades about things you don't care about.




21:20 Jul 15 2016
Times Read: 1,756

There's a really great Pokémon GO community where I live. I've been going to a local park in the "downtown" area, by the library and a police station. There are about seven PokéStops in this small area that you can walk around. But, the great thing is that people just constantly throw up lures, so for hours you can have all these stops with lures on them and catch a crap load of Pokémon. It's pretty great. Plus, most of the people are around my age, those of us who grew up with the games and the cards and the tv show. And, everyone I've met has just been super awesome. I've noticed there seems to be very few Team Valor players in my area though. It's majority Mystic and some Instinct. I've met maybe ten fellow Valor people. This game is amazing. That's all that can really be said. You hear some horror stories, like people being robbed and whatever, but I've encountered nothing but nice people who just want to catch some Pokémon and have a good time with like minded individuals.



23:49 Jul 18 2016

So envious! I live in a PoGo dead spot, the best we have is a single gym and two pokestops :)


00:01 Jul 13 2016
Times Read: 1,775

One of these days I'm going to chuck my phone down on the sidewalk, or hurl it into the street because of Pokémon GO. I just know it.



04:16 Jul 14 2016

At least it works on your phone. The servers have been down ever since I caught my first one. Ah, modern technology!


19:22 Jul 11 2016
Times Read: 1,823

I can't post this anywhere else, as I have family on Facebook and such... So I'm just going to do a little rant to get shit out. Don't mind this, it's nothing important.

You threw up a stupid caption about a picture, and I offered you a different perspective. You don't have to see things my way, we are all entitled to our own opinions on such matters, but you have no right to call me ignorant, to say I'm "just like the media" in the fact that I have no regard for innocent lives lost or that I blame any victim. Go fuck yourself with that bullshit. I saw a picture, on one side was a group or Black Lives Matter protesters, on the other was a line of police officers in riot gear. Sorry I saw reason as to why said officers were dressed the way they were. Sorry I may have a little understanding and sympathy for said officers, all things considered. I mean, did we really forget what happened in Texas just a few days ago? I was in no way saying that those protesters didn't have a right to protest, they do. Let them protest, let them gather. But, don't condemn the police when they are geared up and prepared for anything that may happen. That is all I was saying. But, no... Just because I'm not black, I'm an ignorant moron who doesn't know what she's on about, right? You're family, even if it is through that asshole who is my grandfather. You still share a name, some blood, with me. And due to that I was calm and collected in my responses to you. But, don't ever say I'm ignorant on an issue just because I'm not the same color as you or those involved. Don't ever say I don't feel sympathy or outrage over police brutality. I can feel that and still understand certain things about life. It wasn't me being "negative" towards anything, I was merely pointing out why police officers were dressed the way they were. It had nothing to do with me siding with all cops on all matters that have or will ever happen. I don't. I just have a little more understanding because I have family who are law enforcement officers. My brother, my cousin Mario, so I see things from their perspective. But, hey, if you want to think I'm the worst person ever, which I'm fairly certain is exactly what you think at this point, all the power to you. I don't have to acknowledge you again, I don't have to take into account your hurt feelings anymore. That suites me just fine.




20:24 Jul 09 2016
Times Read: 1,836

Weird dreams about Chris' best friend Nathan really just weird me out. I guess let's because he was the last person I talked to before going to bed last night... Or rather, this morning. But, seriously, subconscious, that's enough of that.

Pokémon GO is my new addiction. Drains my battery life super quick, and I'm pretty sure my data usage has skyrocketed since I installed it, but I don't care. I have to catch them all. To be the very best, like no one ever was...



21:07 Jul 11 2016

Which team did you join?

21:19 Jul 11 2016

Team Valor all the way.

04:59 Jul 12 2016

I chose Mystic since Pokemon Blue was the first edition I've ever owned. :)


03:56 Jul 05 2016
Times Read: 1,858

It's been a good day at my aunt Sue's house with my mom's family. A nice barbecue with delicious food, they're going to set off fireworks, but I'm probably not going to be here for that. It kind of sucks to have work in the morning, and I still have to wash my scrubs. But, it's been nice. It's been really nice just spending time with my family. I love days like these.




06:04 Jul 04 2016
Times Read: 1,877

The fact that you actually think you're good at what you do is laughable. It really, really is.




03:03 Jul 03 2016
Times Read: 1,910

That's cute. Real cute. Makes me think of my old felina name. Something someone near and dear to me used to call me, among other things. Maybe, if I ever get my hands on or create another account, I'll bring the name back. I do miss it. It meant something to me. The likelihood of that, though, is slim. Very slim. But... If it does ever happen...




20:21 Jul 01 2016
Times Read: 1,922

Finished my week externship. I'm kind of sad it's over, I really enjoyed my time here. Tuesday is my official last day, I only work until noon, but the majority of the time will be showing the person replacing me how things are done in the office. Then it's off to campus to turn in all my paperwork and get things ready to be mailed into the state. I'm so close now. So freaking close. This is the last step and then I can get my state certification and be done with this already.



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