I decided to buy a pendulum. I was going back and forth with it, but then I stumbled across this one Inked Goddess Creations. I love it. It reminds me of a vintage fortune teller. It comes with the cloth, the little carry bag and the pendulum. Other cloths (mats) I came across were more expensive and didn't give me that 'I really want to use that' feeling.
I can't wait to get it!
New Pendulum horror movie, starring MooniePie! Oh, I can see it now! LOL!
I like it.
I have a few one is an agate one and the other is obsidian.
I'm excited. It's purty.
I'd totally rawk in a horror movie, Zombeh!
Moonie slahes and guts evil couples doing drugs, drinking alcohol and having premarital sex.
In the end, Moonie wins. They all die. End credits.
Basically I'm Jason with more attitude and a bigger rack? lol
Does anyone use Pendulum Divination? Either by itself or in combination with tarot?
I think I'd like to dabble with it.
I use mine for healing with crystals, helps me pinpoint the energy points or lacks meaning blocks. I have not used mine with my decks, maybe something to think about.
I use the leader times, while I’m on the throne.
I used a pendulum the whole time I was in the Marine Corps, only by itself and with nothing else. Just for simple yes or no questions. That pendulum is still around somewhere but I’m not exactly sure where I’ve placed it. I got a new one over the summer but I don’t like the way it moves. I think the specific chain on it makes it a little shaky.
Your board is super neat, Mogy.
Is there a better chain than others? or even places to get them from?
I don't recall shopping for the quality of the chain knowing I could replace it if need be, but I did like the color of the stone and I usually shop Etsy, eBay or take a drive to my local Pagan Store in town.
Man, I get so tired of seeing/dealing with people who act like complete garbage fire assholes. I'm pretty laid back. I don't get angry very often. I get more annoyed than angry.
I had a feeling this Dr. I had to see Friday was going to be an iffy experience. The way he acted when he questioned me about my disabilities rubbed me the wrong way.
I am so, so, SO OVER this whole thing. I am legit angry. I am legit sick of it. My patience is gone.
I hope things turn out alright with your medical situation Moonie
It will turn out okay or I'll light some people on fire. :)
Aww. Tanks, Mogy.
I like it when you're angry. Sure it's sexy, but it's also justified. Fuck those people who disrespect you or invalidate your experiences. They can go piss up a rope. That guy can't get it up unless his mistress jams her finger up his ass and he has the gall to judge OTHER people?
If doctor dick wiggle doesn't fix himself up, let me know. I'll make a stop during a road trip and pay him a visit.
I just got a lady boner. Holy Lady-rection, batman.
Some people that I come in face to face contact with underestimate me because I can be happy and understanding when things happen. Then they learn I'm not all smiles and laughs. I will cause a scene. My chunky ass will ride in on high speed on my scooter and set it off like no ones business. I want them to look in my eyes and realize I might be a little bit unhinged and there is a very good possibility that I'll grab and ink pen and shank a bitch if my shit doesn't get handled. Behind those smiles and laughs hides a pocket of ghetto-crazy. Bitches beddah rec-o-nize.
You know, like I've always said, you're really sexy as all hell when you're pissed:p
I truly hate meeting new doctor and specialists. They know nothing about you except the blank and white on your chart - they have no idea of the daily struggles and when they try to push things off right away I just get up remind them they work for us and if they have an issue with that I will gladly walk right out the door.
Mammograms, pap smears and a trip to the wound clinic. Look out 40! This hot mess.. emphases on the mess..is cruisin' in like some kind of 'ol jalopy.
lol.. More like lukewarm. Tepid you could say.
Okay docs, she's comin' in like baby bath water! >:O
Big old hot waffle, straight up in your face. lol
Waddlin' like a baby too! I'm like Bengermina Button 'n shit.
Hot Waffle was probably a stripper name I had in a past life. Probably before I used the name Chocolate Thundah.
Oh my, Mama Firefly.
Wait, Bengermina Button, are you gettin'...younger/older? That's Depends to Pampers as opposed to Pampers to Depends. LOL!
She, using pull-ups.
lol I am in pull ups. My minds getting younger while my body is turning into a junkyard.
Just wait until 45! Ha!
Oh Lord - Just had a flash back of years gone past Vamp Box chat of picking out stripper names and I am some how sure that there were dwarfs involved lol
It looks like in April they are going to re-realse one of my favorite Tarot Decks. Gilded Tarot Royale . It looks like it's going to be just as beautiful, even not more so, as the Gilded Tarot.
I might have to look into buying it. The artwork looks bright, detailed and just all around gorgeous.
21:20 Feb 16 2020
Damnit! I just wanted everyone to know that I had one! >:(
21:31 Feb 16 2020
I saw this and it's perfect LOL
Life is all about asses...
you're either covering it,
laughing it off,
kicking it,
tapping it,
kissing it,
spanking it,
busting it,
trying to get a piece of it,
or behaving like one
:::crack dat whip::: LOL
22:52 Feb 16 2020
lolol @ both comments.
22:57 Feb 16 2020
I don't think I can be JUST and asshole.
Nahh....I have to be the entire rectum.
And everyone would know it.
Damn my Ego!
I'm a work in progress.... *sighs*
23:34 Feb 16 2020

Another typo?
FML...I'm usually too high to type...Er Go...Gifs and Memes.
There...The secret is out!