An Administrator from Vampire Rave is never going to leave any comment, anonymous or otherwise, on any form of petition to remove a member from VR. They have been done before and ignored. VR is ran by one person, Cancer. Petitions hold no merit on VR.
So, whomever is impersonating VR administration is falsely doing so.
I don't know why, and I don't care as to why, my name was dropped in whatever Circus orf Shit Show is going on. When I say that I don't mean the claim of 'Oh, I don't care', I mean I literally don't care as to why, but it needs to not happen.
I'm not here very much and I just don't interact with people here. Why? Because I got so tired of the liars, the shady people, the friend-enemy-friend mentality, the talking out both sides of the mouth and the people who are just behind the scenes twits. I got tired of watching people run around and demand change and suspensions of people who are constantly causing conflict, then run right over to them and condone every deplorable action by *friending* the persons. I don't have time, patience, energy, or the ability to conceal my loathing for the top maestros of absurdities. Or in easier terms the Ring Leaders of the Shit Show Circus.
If you want to meet by the monkey bars and duke it out, not my issue. If you want to fornicate with farm animals while the farmer punishes you and calls you by a pet name, not my business. I have my own things to handle.
Fornicate with farm animals while the farmer punishes you and calls you by a pet name?! Wait, WTF?! LMAO!!!!
I apologize for mentioning your name. I will not mention it again.
My issue was that I was *linked* in with people that are constantly involved in drama. The compliment was sweet, but I don't want the batshit crazy I've seen leaking into my zone. Lawd knows I got enough of my own to handle, I can't deal with that tsunami of crazy.
seems to be a lot of crazy going on as of late here in VR Land...stay away..stay far away from the land of crazies...LOL
Well I gave it 24 hours so I am done. I am going back to tacos, twinkies and sending weird things to Mogy.
Moons, you've dealt with enough crazy on this website already. :P It's not surprising you're saying "enough". You've got more damn patience than I do.