I am posting this here so other people can see it as well.
Part of the member conduct stats this:
You agree to NOT use the Service to:
Upload, post or otherwise transmit any content that is in VampireRave.com's opinion to be unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortious, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libelous, invasive to another's privacy (up to, but not excluding any address, email, phone number, or any other contact information with out the written consent of the owner of such information), hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable....
This website is a PRIVATIVELY owned website. It is not 'American Based'. So what you say about "VR can get in trouble" is incorrect. You are not allowed on VampireRave to give out a person's name, information, etc. Doing that is a violation of Vampire Rave's Terms or Service. And yes it is personal information. A person's name is personal information- "Personally identifiable information" (PII), as used in US privacy law and information security, is information that can be used on its own or with other information to identify, contact, or locate a single person."
People... it has never been some hush hush thing that giving out a persons information via this website is against TOS. It doesn't matter the reason.
ToS... its a good thing.
You can always tell the people who take this place waaaaaay too seriously.
02:31 Nov 19 2014
This crap never seems to end.
02:32 Nov 19 2014
Gotta love the ToS! >:D
02:47 Nov 19 2014
No, it really doesn't. And neither do the people who spout off the wrong information and claim it as fact.
Jeebus it gets so old.
12:38 Nov 19 2014
I posted something in IS to the member who said admins weren't doing their jobs (regret deleting what they said!) - it was similar to the journal entry they made.
Also really annoys me when people do the "this is an American site, American law applies" - uhm, HELL no. I resent being held to some ridiculous American laws - the same way people would resent being held to Australian or British law, whilst not being a citizen or visitor of that nation.