2 entries this month
HAPPY OCCULT DAY20:26 Nov 18 2021
Times Read: 360
CORRECTION: Today is Occult Day.........Happy Occult Day, VR!
History is full of rich and mysterious religions, practices, and beliefs that shaped the world we live in, hinting at powers below the surface of the mundane world. Occult Day encourages us to delve into this mysterious world, to commune with spirits and seek the truths that hide behind the stars and between the shadows. If you’ve ever heard strange whispers or dreamt dreams that became prophetic, then Occult Day is your opportunity to listen a little closer, dream a little deeper, and reach for those mysteries that lie just beyond the reach of the common man.

Occult Day
Thanks for the correction Tr1n1ty01.....I posted the correct date, but the wrong Holiday. LOL!
"Darkness" does not always mean all the Negative aspects of Human Emotions and Dire Events as many have associated it with.
At least, not in my Reality.
To me, as I have added to my Path, "Darkness" is simply a celebration of all things HIDDEN and MYSTERIOUS. It's actually very psychological, as darkness represents the power of the subconscious mind. Our dreams, intuitions, emotions, and psychic abilities are all considered to be "dark" traits. This is where the idea of "psychic vampires" comes from... the concept of a person who feeds off psychic or spiritual energy.
"Darkness" is the Occult.

"Darkness" is a rejection of "Traditional Religion", but does not always mean 'Evil'.
"Darkness" is owning up to your own shit without using a scapegoat.
For even 'Evil' is found in "Traditional Religion". Hate, Rape, Murder, Deception, Every so-called Sin and more are found in the Light, but yet, the Light blames their Evil on Darkness.
For example, a Priest claimes that Darkness crept in and made him have sex with a little boy.
The only thing Dark about that is that he tried to HIDE what he had done, but the ACT itself was done by a lover of Light. Those who follow a false God made up by Humans in their own image as sheep.
"Darkness" did not FORCE his action. Light did! Why? Because Human Nature struggles with being controlled by anyone. Being a Slave to anyone or anything.
"Light" equals 'Follower' or 'Sheep Like Mentality".
"Light" exposes one's Evil Actions or Evil Intentions in which they tried to hide in "Darkness" and then blame "Darkness" for it.
"Light" places restrictions on basic Human Animalistic Behaviour that one's community/society determines to be toxic.
When those of "Light" do Evil, they try to hide their deeds in "Darkness" and since "Darkness" can't cast out "Darkness", then how is then that their actions are exposed? Why do you think it is called 'Brought Into The Light'.
"Light" has always been and will forever be a little Snitch Bitch! LMAO!!!
Any ACTION whether considered Positive or Negative, when done so in secrecy is Dark!
So one is not doing something "Dark", they are doing something In "Darkness".
Any ACTION whether considered Positive or Negative, when done so publicly is Light!
So one is not doing "Light" work, they are doing something In the "Light" (i.e. Public)

So NEVER forget that there is a bit of Positive (a.k.a. Good) and Negative (a.k.a. Evil) in both "Light" (Followers) and "Darkness" (Rulers of Self). For one can not exist without the other.

To walk the Path of "Light" is to continually struggle against one's Human Nature, Subdue one's Basic Desires, BLAME everything and everyone else for their own Actions and Choices and ALWAYS seek ATTENTION!
To walk the Path of "Darkness" is to reject Traditional Religions, take Accountability and Responsibility for one's own Actions and Choices, Study and Practice things Esoteric and Arcane for Power, Wealth and Enlightenment.
10:30 Nov 04 2021
Times Read: 394
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