12 entries this month
21:48 Oct 24 2013
Times Read: 1,127

15:30 Oct 24 2013
Times Read: 1,135
I'll be watching and I will see whatever the Universe wishes to show me. Not with my eyes, but rather with my EYE! This has been true all my life. This gift has never made me wealthy, but it has made me blessed and aware of things I shouldn't have known about since I wasn't there physically. I LOVE it and I am very Grateful for all my gifts.

22:27 Oct 23 2013
Times Read: 1,139
This is the Sigil & Tattoo of Lord MOGY (WARLOCK)
My Sigil is comprised of three magickal symbols.
1. The Pentagram - A Symbol Representing Paganism & Magick.
2. The Ankh -An Ancient Egyptian Symbol Meaning Eternal Life.
3. The Eye of Horus - An Ancient Egyptian Symbol Of Protection, Royal Power & Good Health.
In short, Royal Magickal Powers in this life & the next. Protector & Keeper of Wisdom, Customs, & Traditions of my Warlock Magickal Faith & Practice.

02:08 Oct 20 2013
Times Read: 1,159
The only way out....

01:32 Oct 20 2013
Times Read: 1,160
I'll probably be finished with this small book by the end of the night. Talk about Dark & Black Magick. Wow! A person would really have to have been on my bad side to put the kind of negativity will written about in this book into the universe for action. Jeesh! Some deep dark stuff in here. Wicca Witches (of which I am NOT) don't believe or worship the devil, but some non-Wicca Witches & Warlocks do. They call upon Lucifer and all manner of demons and evil spirits to do their will. I don't! I believe in one source of universal power and that is God. No, not the God of Abraham and Moses sorry. My God is SOTU (Spirit Of The Universe). Through him, MY will be done! ^_^

11:25 Oct 16 2013
Times Read: 1,173
And Behold She Shall Wear The Mark Of The Warlock On Her Lower Back

10:22 Oct 15 2013
Times Read: 1,184

I was asked of everyone I know, all of my ex-wives, family members, friends and especially enemies (if I had any), who was the single individual that caused me the worse pain in all the years of my life? I thought long and hard before giving my answer due to the fact this person would be someone unlike any other person in my world that had accomplish something unique. My answer was simple. Me!
They asked how so? I said every soul is like a universe. I believe that the universe has a center. From the center of the universe all power is maintained. It is both the strongest point as well as a major point of weakness. I allowed the person I was in love with passage to the center of my universe. There were no barriers, no walls, no secrets, she had complete access to all that I was and would become. Many people refuse to allow themselves to love so deeply as to give another human that much access to their inner being. Why? Because humans aren't perfect. Humans are born to make mistakes and bad choices. I believed that my ability to choose to love and trust someone to the level of allowing them to reach the center of my universe was a step that I had to take on my journey towards ascension. I took the risk. I'd never done that before and I've not allowed myself to do it again since.
I was asked who had I given that much power, that much honor to? My answer was my 3rd Wife.
However, as the saying goes power tends to corrupt. When she became corrupted by both internal and external forces, she caused a hurt at the center of my soul that can not be explained in few words. It was so bad that after her departure, there was a very, very brief silence. Then came a sound that I couldn't believe. It was very faint, but yet there. It was my heart beat. I wondered how this could be since the pain I felt seemed it should have surely killed me, yet I was still alive.
During that brief silence I feel a part of me did die and then something else was born. Something else came into existence. Something primal. Primal is defined as something very basic and powerful. Every choice I've made since her fall from grace has in some way resulted in a continuous transformation for the better I feel. I have a new awareness I've never experienced before. Her actions were the catalyst for my rebirth and transformation into something the world has never known.
Karma will judge her actions as I continue towards my destiny. I forgave her deception and betrayal, but I can never forget. However, it is true that sometimes, just sometimes....From Pain Can Come SOMETHING AWESOME!
04:06 Oct 15 2013
Times Read: 1,190
Not quite, but close enough. I love stuff off of eBay. ^_^

01:43 Oct 15 2013
Times Read: 1,198
Well I finished painting the podium I purchased for $25 at the Salvation Army to place my Book of Shadows on once it arrives. I also had some space underneath to place some of my collectibles.

17:26 Oct 14 2013
Times Read: 1,223
Some women claim they just don't know what to make of me so I'm going to break it down to the basics.
~ Serenity, Love, Sex, Happiness, Magick ~
That's what I'm all about.
I challenge you to step into my circle...and STAY!

13:22 Oct 12 2013
Times Read: 1,229

06:56 Oct 08 2013
Times Read: 1,261
My new goodies...

Venerable Sire (135)

Haunt (40)

Venerable Sire (135)
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