Xzavier's Journal


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12 entries this month

20:12 Jun 30 2008
Times Read: 828

So I decided to sell off the remainder of my silver supply and place the funds in a money market so it will earn more than just the metal. I sold a single 1oz piece the other day and printed off a $5.00 shipping label, well I waited until today to put it on the package and taped over the barcode...can't do that.

So now I have to actually go to the post office and spend another $5 to ship it...so $10 total to ship a $18 piece of silver...damn me! lol

PS I still have a good amountof silver coin/bullion if your interested let me know :)





16:53 Jun 28 2008
Times Read: 843

Well I have always wondered why I had a hard time naming colours and telling them apart. The obvious answer is that I'm color blind, the problem with that is I see every individual colour and the colours which make up another colour. It's just been a problem of separating them.

Anywho I just took some tests and it seems I'm rather red-green colour blind...oh joy!!

I join 7% of the US male population, I just keep hitting the minority buttons haha.

Male- 49% world population.

Born Again Christian- 15% world pop.

25% Cherokee- .05% US pop.

Gay- 3-8% world pop.

Left-Handed- 7-10% world pop.

Colour-Blind- 7% US pop.

IQ- 2% world pop. (had the throw that in hehe)

Blue eyes- 8% world pop.

If I did the math right I am so rare that out of 6.5billion people I only make up .92857 of a single person...or 9/10ths of a person, total population :)



18:28 Jun 28 2008

*Wonders if we should put him in a cage*...lol

04:36 Jun 29 2008

You are very unique, but that is amazing.


05:58 Jun 24 2008
Times Read: 858

Once again I'm messing with my profile. I'm hoping by the time it's over it'll be uniform and thought provoking. Thinking about changing the song too, not sure though.

So bear with me and don't hate it too much :)



06:46 Jun 24 2008

It's already thought provoking... And, I like the song! ;)

But, what do I know, lol ;P


13:24 Jun 22 2008
Times Read: 885

I'm going into space!

This is the second mission I have been able to publically support in such a way. It's always nice :)

My message was simple and holds to my own ideals but I think it also speaks for a good many people.

For the 2009 Kepler Mission:

"The Universe was made by a great and awesome God. In the same likeness, we too were made. Let us never forget the importance of exploration, knowledge and wisdom so one day we can reach for the stars in peace.

With this mission we continue our quest for truth and reaffirm our pledge to the advancement of Humanity."

This will be recorded into the spacecraft.



13:31 Jun 22 2008

Are you serious??!!??!! mmm think I can fit in a carryonn? Wow



17:45 Jun 22 2008

Perfect message to be in the stars. You got everything into a beautiful and concise message.

Spectacular. I wish I could sing my name under yours.

18:04 Jun 22 2008


19:57 Jun 22 2008

That is awesome Doll.

19:59 Jun 22 2008

;] That should be fun, aye? Lucky bugger ;P



08:45 Jun 19 2008
Times Read: 902

Well Monday morning I went to my doctor and got the 2 medications I get from his office, pain and sleep.

We talked for a bit and then he just randomly increased my dosage. I took the scripts to my pharmacy had them filled and all I can say is thank God for my new Rx savings card. Without the card I would have had to pay $380 and with it just $85 :)

Later that evening I went to my friends birthday party. We were all having a great time until her hubby got sick (probably from drinking bit to much). And being that my car was broken down I had to rely on the 2 of them to take me home.

Well the bday girl got sick as well, and then so did I.

I wasn't because I was drinking (only 1 glass) but since I was without medication for almost 2 weeks plus the added dosage it was like I had almost no tolerance to it at all. I was able to pull myself together and drive her car to my home (less than 2mi. away). I spent the next 5 hours hugging the toilet.

Thankfully, now my tolerance is back but sadly even with the help of my sleep meds I'm not getting a whole lot of it. The few times I get some sleep I am plagued with a mixture of scary and plain freaky dreams...thus waking me up.

I have so many projects I am working on both on and off VR but it's almost impossible for me to maintain the strength or in some cases even a coherent thought. To boot, I'm broker(er) lol.

On a good note the car just had a bad battery which my brother fixed for me today :)



18:51 Jun 19 2008


02:47 Jun 20 2008

perhaps you should start limiting yourself so you have more strength for some instead of no strength for all.

13:30 Jun 22 2008



08:47 Jun 16 2008
Times Read: 906

Ugh! Well this is going to be one of those "low points" entries.

I have a doctors appointment in about 6 hours so of course I tried getting some sleep...you guessed it, didn't work.

In part because I've been having some pretty icky joint pain the past several days but mostly due to sleep paralysis.

Most have one or two episodes of SP over the course of their lifetime but some of us lucky people get it all the time.

There are several variations of SP but the one that gets me the most is where I either fall asleep or am sleeping and then wake up unable to move and numb over my entire body. Since I can't feel anything I'm not able to know if I'm breathing.

I start to thinking myself to breathe but with each breath they get more shallow and difficult to do. With enough concentration and will power I can "snap out" of it with in a minute or two, but the damage is done. I'm stressed, wide awake, out of breath etc. this happens several times in a row.

So now I'm very tired but can't go back to sleep...oh yeah and pissed.




05:32 Jun 16 2008
Times Read: 910

Well it's about time I finally made it to "Destroyer"

Your Status:


Pages Viewed:


Time Spent:

36.47 days

You have completed

9% of this level.

Makes me uber happy..only 3 more to go! :)



05:36 Jun 16 2008

Congrats. =]


09:34 Jun 14 2008
Times Read: 928

Perhaps I'm dense or maybe humble..or completely self absorbed, I forget which is which :)

Anyway I have just now become aware of the fact that I do indeed have a type of reputation on here and that people have a good many perceptions about me.

To my knowledge no ones gone so far as to write a journal entry about me (well 1 and it was bad but oh well) or discussed me to anyone else. However, the types of messages, comments and thread replies I receive show, to me at least, that "Xzavier" has made some mark on VR, no matter how small it may be.

On one hand I feel humbled but on the other somewhat exposed and a little freaked. Should I season my speech further? Or leave my personal life out of public view? Should I write more in the forums or my journal? Should I leave well enough alone?

For someone who's spent his entire life in the public eye I am still rather taken aback by the idea that people may actually follow what I say and do.

Kinda cool and really appreciated :)



09:49 Jun 14 2008

That reminds me ...*goes off to write*

10:20 Jun 14 2008

all i can say is you make an impression. and, for me at least, it is a very good impression

14:33 Jun 14 2008

Very much so..and you really are.

~BIG hugs~


08:52 Jun 13 2008
Times Read: 938

Is it bad that I only eat 700 calories a day?

Never mind the fact that I'm 6'2 and that for my age I should be eating around 2500 a day :)

I've been asking myself why I eat so little and heres what I came up with:

Stress- can cause loss of appetite.

Illness- makes me feel full after a few bites. Plus cooking hurts..standing up and all that.

Lack of sleep- again, causes loss of appetite

Guilt- for whatever reason I feel that eating more than a little is an extravagance..always felt that actually lol.

Fear- I am afraid of getting fat even though I know it's not possible. It's not that I think I'm fat (not in the least) but that I'm afraid of "letting go."

Laziness- This is from a mix of pain and thinking there are better things I could be doing than making a sandwich.

And finally forgetfulness.

I don't know what I'm going to do about this. I suppose I'm hopeless in so many regards haha.



09:05 Jun 13 2008

Well this is going to sound harsh but....think less of the conspiracy stuff and get your act together re food.

Your body has probably now gone into famine mode....with everything else you have you don't need an eating dissorder.

09:16 Jun 13 2008

Your right, of course, it's just the difference between my mind "knowing" something and "understanding" something. Unless...the government did it to me! jk...again your right.

15:18 Jun 13 2008

I eat very little because of stress aswell. I'm already fat, so I'm not afraid of getting fat. XD Lol. Just too much stress that a normal 16 year old shouldnt have.


Some Update thingy 6/7/08

02:31 Jun 08 2008
Times Read: 952

I should really practice what I preach :) Due to my lack of patience and lack of pain forbearance I am now out of pain medication...for 10 freakin days!

It's not all my fault because my Dr. gave me a reformulated version thus 30 less pills but it still sucks. Usually I wouldn't care that much as I always run out a few days before my next appointment but the gods have seen fit to bless me with extra issues this month.

The past week I have been having some extreme parkinsonian episodes and a lot of numbness in both arms. Of course my pain meds can't do that much for those problems but they do, at least, take the edge off. Oh well I'll survive.

I got several forms in the mail I have to fill out for my disability, about 20 extra pages worth. I'm not sure why they want me to fill them out as I answered the questions in my formal application. I guess they just want a bit more detailed info.

Normally it wouldn't be such a big deal but due to the hand tremors my writing looks like a 2nd graders :)...(as opposed to a 3rd graders) and it takes me a good 2 hours to fill out 1 of the 4 forms.

As many of you know I really like Spongebob however, the past few days I have found myself asking "why." Obviously I have some sick fascination with cartoons that have gay undertones.

My computer has been running a bit slow which concerns me. The last time I had a computer do this it crashed without warning. I've cleared out around a gig of file space and 300mb of RAM as well as de-frag and stopped using multiple browsers (IE, Firefox etc.) but it's still a bit slow.

I did some research on my computer and was surprised to find out that the graphics card, processor and RAM are among the best they make. The reason why it's surprising is because I bought it, new, for less than $600 lol

I started expanding the Ab Actus which is proving to be a bit of a challenge. Some 81 verses all of which needs further explanation.

On the political front I have to say that Bob Barr is an absolute idiot. When asked a question about the 2nd Amendment and the Patriot Act he said that we were in no danger of losing any of our "Right to Bare" liberties. Not to mention the fact that he looks like a freak. At least Ron Paul looks like some cartoon carachter..minus the gay undertones :)

I love Ron Paul and have publicly endorsed him (not to mention gave him a ton of money) but in keeping with my previous entries I am now forced to support Obama. As I've said before, Obama will ruin us financially and McCain will have us all killed. I'd rather be alive and poor than rich and dead.

Currently I am watching Man vs. Wild, I swear I'd do him till he bleed! I'm also chatting with this boy I know who has done more the past few months to piss me off than anyone could imagin...but I love him :)

Well me thinks I'm done with this very long and psychologically pathological dissertation of associative looseness! Damn that made my brain hurt.

Anyway bye :)




03:42 Jun 08 2008

I didn't know that you had Parkinsons. I've seen some of your posts in the forum and catch your journal from time to time and have come to believe you are one of the clear and lucid thinkers on this site.

My mother in law has parkinsons. I've never experienced it, but I have seen it first hand. I hope things go well for you.

08:17 Jun 08 2008

10 is a long time to be without your pain meds, is there nothing you can do before then hon ?


22:29 Jun 02 2008
Times Read: 983

I don't mind having idle chat and "shooting the breeze" with people, especially on here. I really enjoy talking to everyone on VR about anything and nothing.

But when it comes to my "real" life and those I know it gets soo freaking boring. There are only 3 people I know who I can have a conversation with about anything, or at least something other than the mundane "hi".

The more I talk to the other people the more bored I get. My life doesn't change much so I rarely have any new stories to tell, but that doesn't mean I can't talk.

I can go on for hours about literally everything you can think of. Since I'm not in regular contact with the "3" I have to try and talk to the other peoples in my life.

Person "Hi, hows it going?"

Me "Not much, you?"

Person "I'm ok just hanging out."

Me "Sounds like fun."

P "I guess"

M "So what do you think about...."

P " I don't know, I really don't care about that stuff."

M "Oh, ok well wanna talk about..."

P "I don't have a clue what you just said."

...end of conversation

20 min. later P "What are you up to?" *rolls eyes*

Is it any wonder why I get bored so easily and spend most of my time on here. At lease here I can talk to dozens of people a day from chatting to debating.

I should just get my phone disconnected and stick to those who can carry on an active conversation :) Or perhaps I can move out of State and join my friends in Texas.

Ugh I hate getting bored with people so quickly. Maybe I should be happy with the 5 sentences a day I get in real life.

*I have seen the future*.."No you can't do anything about and for God's sake stop saying your sorry, just do something about it"

Damn that sounded mean lol



22:45 Jun 02 2008

I know what you mean, I prefer coming onto v.r and talking to my friends on here rather than talking to my friends that actually live around me because I have run out of things to say to them. I mean I have one friend that I usually hang out with but she's out of state for the rest of the weeks so I will be spending more time on here than usual.

19:16 Jun 03 2008


I think there's just a shortage of interesting people in the world. I'm lucky to have people that have as crazy of a mind as I do, I will talk about weird stuff and they just bounce back with even weirder shit to talk about.

It makes life 10x more bearable.

13:53 Jun 22 2008

It is so damn difficult to get a decent debate on here. The majority of people either don't want to talk about anything but their daily lives, or they mindlessly agree with you for the sake of peace, or spit their dummies out if you don't agree with them.

17:29 May 17 2009

I love talking to you, you're an amazing person and intelligent to boot. :)


21:24 Jun 02 2008
Times Read: 988

While I wait for my disability to kick in I've been trying to find ways of cutting down on my med. costs.

I found a discount card which my pharmacy accepts, if it works as planned I will be able to get the dose increases and still be able to cut price by 50%. So a savings of $1,400 a year..not to bad :)



21:29 Jun 02 2008

Pleased to hear it.

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