The origins of the term 'Left-Hand Path' ("LHP") can be traced back to the form of an East Indian religion called 'Tantra'. The LHP systems are focused much on individualism, freewill, freethought, intelligence and talents usually associated with the enlightenment of the Self. Right-Hand Path ("RHP") systems focus on the symbolism of wholeness, goodness and willful submission to Gods and authority. In the RHP practices, the Self is often denied in exchange for association with a higher power.
"Why is the Left always associated with big-E Evil?" you might ask.
The very word, 'left' in Latin would be read as 'sinister'. Therefore, this translation from Latin to the English language, in its essence, literally stands for big-E Evil! It is no wonder that controversy and debate surround this concept. 'Left' is usually and commonly regarded to be a harbinger of the negative, the dark, the shadow-self, and all things related to the Unknown. Individuals who are on the LHP are often a tad bit outside the mainstream and who do not veer away from controversy.
However, over the years, the modern Occult sphere corrected themselves that it is not the Path that is negative, but, it is the Intent and Will behind such workings.
The LHP is also known to represent the "weak" disposition of an individual. The left hand, in some ancient cultures, had been considered to be the use of the weaker hand and the right hand, the stronger one. Also, many left-handed individuals had been ostracised and treated duly by forcing them to use their right hand to write instead.
In actuality, beings who prefer to be on the LHP method, find it to be a path of personal empowerment. Within the LHP systems, individuals find it to be a path of self-empowerment and frankly, quite "selfish", as much is focused on the "Personhood" of that being, which really is not quite the understanding that modern LHP systems are attempting to clarify and project to everyone else.
"What exactly is the LHP and RHP all about, then?"
There can be three elements drawn from the LHP Initiate:
(1) Individualistic
(2) Emphasis on 'freewill'
(3) Personal
+ Individualistic +
The individual and his spiritual development is the primary concern in the LHP. Arguably, most of the esoteric traditions throughout history have been individualistic in character, but, the distinction of the LHP systems is that they can be dissected and be stand-alone explicit ideologies. This is different from other RHP systems, which are usually represented as a whole, rather than be broken down into digestible pieces. This is where an Initiate is able to draw a distinction between his subjective (individual) and objective (from a third-person's view) realities.
+ Emphasis on 'freewill' +
There really are no concrete dogmas surrounding this relatively recent and modern experimentations of the LHP systems. The beauty is that the Initiate is allowed to so-called experiment with his LHP system, and without being blasphemous or explicit, is able to discover his Path without the stringent and stiffling "rules" of other systems. The "rules" in the LHP systems are almost always mere guidelines, pretty much like the Black Veil used by most Vampires.
+ Personal +
There is a lack of propagation of any sort in the LHP systems. This gives much personality to the Initiate that no particular single system in the LHP can be the "correct" one. As the Age of Aquarius dawns upon us, we may find that more and more systems in both the RHP and the LHP are to be molded into a much more relevant and ideal concept that can be extremely personal to a being.
Therefore, it could be said that over history, the use of the term 'LHP' may have become distorted and hold otherworldly notions. The LHP is focused on the Present, not the Future, though one may speculate on his own. All aspects of Life are embraced, even the Shadow-Self of our beings.
(Lucifera aka Tristesse aka BloodRoseX)