
BathoryBabe carries the Mark of The Prince. The House of Umbrae Octo

Vampire Rave member for 18 years.

Status:  Sire (109.15)
Rank:  Member
Honor 0    [ Give / Take ]
Affiliation:  The House of Umbrae Octo
Account Type:  Premium
Gender:  Female
Birthdate:  Hidden
Age:  Hidden

Peterborough Ontario Canada



Bite BathoryBabe

Stalk BathoryBabe


Welcome Twilight...Welcome Night...Welcome Blackness...Only in darkness can I see your soul


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Hi I am here to have some fun and meet people of like mind. I wish I could have transferred all my info into this new space but looks like I have to start over. So here goes: I am Crane Clan of the Ojibwe tribe of Hiawatha first nations. I am 5' 7" and have dark eyes and black hair. and I am a bigger girl but will make you wonder what you saw in those skinny little things.LOL. I love all things Vampyre and vampire. Read all the books and seen all the movies.
I am an eclectic vampyre. I am a friendly person until I get provoked when my house or family is threatend I turn into a mama bear.
I am a big music buff and pretty much like all types of music but I listen to metal mostly and have a wide variety of bands I like. HIM being at the top of the list along with charon, sentenced,blutengel, Funerary Dirge and Dusk ov shadows, the Rasmus, Apocalyptica and I am a bit Disturbed fan.
Big into sci-fi and horror movies not a big one for chick flix, I do like anything that has to do with real crimes and fake ones like CSI.
I am a book collector as well I love to read as much as I can and have a varied assortment of books that I just can't seem to let go of I just build more book shelves.
I am very much into magic of all kinds but do like candle magic. I try to make sure whatever I do magically is good just for the fear of karma but have done a few different spells and have had them turn out quite nicely. I am also into astral traveling and finding out what the mind is capable of doing.
I dreamed of being a archaeologist when I was a kid but don't like the idea of big bugs crawling all over so I keep my interest to books and discovery channel. I will watch anything to do with the Egyptians and mummies and even learned some hieroglyphics. When I was a kid I even went to see the relics from king tuts tomb which was awesome. If you haven't noticed yes I have a tendency to prattle on so I will stop now and if I think of anything else I will add it.

This is such an awesome site for music and musicians of all types and one I belong to as well being the music lover that I am.

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These are the people who mean so much to me and who's support, love and protection I value so much. Thank you for being there for me.

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This has quickly become one of my favorite songs not only because it is an amazing song and video but because a good friend of mine wrote it and him and my daughter Raven are singing it. Blows my mind every time I hear it.

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Rose in the devil's garden is a song that shows for the most part how I have always felt about myself and because of the song got a black rose tattooed on my ankle.

November Rain such a cool song had to put it in here

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Vampire Rave - The Ultimate Vampire Resource and Directory - http://www/VampireRave.com
Raziel has been a good friend of mine for the last couple of years and always good to talk to

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This is my oldest daughter SMiTTeNKiTTeN aka the beautiful Mina 24

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My daughter and a wonderful kid Raven (Ra3Exavior18) she just seems to get prettier all the time 18

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This is Moon (XDarkSecretX)17 my daughter and classic little beauty

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This is my Baby and super smart kid Kaja 16

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My wonderful friend and absolutely beautiful person Aaron (PrinceCerberus)

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This good looking fellow here is one of the first people I met here on vr and has become like a brother to me Luv Ya Ryu

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This good looking guy is DarkDread my best friend in the world I love him like crazy and am glad I have him in my life.

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About Me Personality Quiz
What Is Your Name?:BathoryBabe
How Old Are You?:old enought to know better
When Is Your Birthday?:august 12
What Is Your Zodiac Sign?:Leo
Where Were You Born?:Toronto Ontario Canada
What Color Eyes Do You Have?:Dark brown
What Color Is Your Hair?:Black
How Tall Are You?:5'7"
How Much Do You Weigh?:214 lbs or 97 kilos
What Is You Ethnicity?:mixed
What Is Your Worst Fear?:to stupid to list
What Is Your Greatest Achievement?:my kids
Are You Dependable And/Or Trustworthy?:yes been told I am
If You Had A Choice About How You Were Going To Die What Would It Be?:in my sleep
Do You Suffer From Depression And/Or Anxiety?:yes both
Have You Ever Tried To Commit Suicide?:yes
Have You Ever Purposely Caused Harm To Yourself Or Someone Else?:yes
Are You A Paranoid Person?:no
Do You Get Jealous Of Other People?:no, no point
Are You Obsessive And/Or Compulsive?:nope
Are You Hyper Active?:sometimes
Are You A Violent Person?:not unless I have to be
Do You Take Your Anger Out On Other People?:no would rather be alone
Do You Blame Other People For Your Mistakes?:they are my mistakes why blame others
What Is Your Favorite Strategy Game?:risk
What Is Your Favorite Movie?:Labyrinth
Who Is Your Favorite Band?:Tough one I like so many but HIM for now
What Is Your Favorite Song?:Bittersweet
Who Is Your Favorite Actor/Actress?:Jack Nicholson
Who Is Your Favorite Celebrity?:Jeff Dunham
What is Your Favorite Color?:Red Black and Purple
What Is Your Favorite Food?:KFC
What Is Your Favorite Drink?:Coke
Are You A Virgin?:hahahahahahahaha
Are You Kinky?:can be
Do You Masturbate?:Duh anyone who says no is lying
Do You Watch Pornography?:with the right person
Have You Ever Dyed Your Hair An Unusual Color?:oh yeah
Have You Ever Shaved Your Hair In A Socially Unacceptable Way?:yep
Do You Have Any Religious Beliefs?:no but I like to learn about all of them
Do You Have Any Self Inflicted Scars?:a couple
Does Pain Turn You On?:not mine LOL
Do You Stand For Originality And/Or Creativity?:for sure
What Do You Like Most About Life?:moments that seem to slow down
What Do You Dislike Most About Life?:ignorant people
Have You Ever Pierced A Body Part Yourself?:most of mine are self done
Have You Ever Hd To Beg For Dinner Money?:thank goodness NO
Do You Own A Car?:nope
Have You Ever Been To Jail, Yet?:nope
Do You Have Actual Scars From Hardcore Shows?:nope
Have You Ever Had To Vomit While Making Out?:nope
Have You Ever Held A Job For Less Than A Day?:nope
Have You Ever Felt You Had To Fuck Stuff Up For No Good Reason?:oh yeah
Have You Ever Been Kicked Out Of Your Parents House?:once
Have You Ever Been Fired From Your Job Because Of Your Attitude?:nope
Have You Ever Been Fired From A Job On Your Off Day?:nope
What Is Your Sexual Orientation?:my business
What Is Your Occupation?:homemaker
Does The World Piss You Off?:sometimes yes
If You Were A Seriel Killer Who Would You Be?:fictional freddy cruger
If You Were To Kill Someone How Would You Do It?:with an ice cylce then the evidence melts
What Would You Do With The Body?:freeze it till summer then they cant predict time of death
If You Were Gonna Commit Suicide How Would You Do It?:not sure
What Is Your Ultimate Goal In Life?:find true love
If You Had A Chance To Meet Anyone You Want Alive Or Dead Who Would It Be?:Percy Shelley
Do You Have Any Tattoos And/Or Piercings?:yep both
What Is Your Favorite TV Show?:star trek, star wars and supernatural
What Is Your Favorite Book?:to many to list
Do You Smoke?:yes
Do You Drink?:yes
Do You Use Illegal Drugs?:I did before
Do You Party Alot?:to old for that now
Did You Graduate High School?:no
Do You Have A Nickname?:Barbarian
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I got this blue rose from a wonderful man who has showed me that romance is still alive. Thank you Aaron ( PrinceCerberus)

Thank you Aaron you always know how to brighten my day

To The Queen Of My Heart

By Percy Bysshe Shelley


Shall we roam, my love,
To the twilight grove,
When the moon is rising bright?
Oh, I'll whisper there,
In the cool night-air,
What I dare not in broad daylight!

I'll tell thee a part
Of the thoughts that start
To being when thou art nigh;
And thy beauty, more bright
Than the stars' soft light,
Shall seem as a weft from the sky.

When the pale moonbeam
On tower and stream
Sheds a flood of silver sheen,
How I love to gaze
As the cold ray strays
O'er thy face, my heart's throned queen!

Wilt thou roam with me
To the restless sea,
And linger upon the steep,
And list to the flow
Of the waves below,
How they toss and roar and leap!

Those boiling waves,
And the storm that raves
At night o'er their foaming crest,
Resemble the strife
That, from earliest life,
The passions have waged in my breast.

Oh, come then, and rove
To the sea or the grove,
When the moon is rising bright;
And I'll whisper there,
In the cool night-air,
What I dare not in broad daylight.

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While you are here please go and rate my NWO (Native World Order) brother's profiles they are worth a look.WendigoSaint and DoomPrince

I normally rate only 10's unless you rate me low first. I only rate what I get.

Member Since: Feb 06, 2007
Last Login: Oct 15, 2022
Times Viewed: 49,497

Times Rated:1,792

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Dec 30, 2024
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Jun 17, 2024

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Real vampires love Vampire Rave.

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.

Apr 05, 2024
Real vampires love Vampire Rave.

Without reflection one does not know from daily life that their subtle transgressions divulge their true nature. Reflection then becomes the bitterest reminder of who we are and who we will become…~bows~

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