
Quote: you may do anything you like, but you must never be rude, being rude is being weak, and we must never be weak-Moriganna
What you are about to read is a comprehensive look into my brain. It was written in my late teen years. I have often thought about deleting gigantic portions of it.Though In the end
I have decided to leave this the one spot on the interweb that is completely honest true description of me and my actual thinking process. Since then I have stopped smoking marijuana,even though I has a physicians permission.This does not mean I have gone straight edge , I simply drink beer because I am of legal drinking age. As far as either of those pleasures go I suggest to anyone who is not fully developed to stay away from both so when you are more physically mature you will be able to fully enjoy the sweetness that is. Now that I am done attempting to seem like a normal functioning adult ,please read on and enjoy.
The only way to lead is by example
People really should take responsibility for their actions 100% of the time to deny your actions is to deny who you actually are, taking of said responsibility will lead to telling the truth
you have been here before,not on this page on this planet and you'll be back later so take care of it.
Stop smoking its bad for you and you knew that when you were a kid and you'll know it when you get old.
welcome strigoi mort and vii alike to my profile :: Please, don't touch anything.
this is pretty cool huhYou want one don't you
don,t you
Member Since: | Jan 09, 2005 |
Last Login: | Jan 03, 2008 |
Times Viewed: | 7,119 |
Times Rated: | 645 |
Rating: | 8.989 |
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As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…

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Whelp (1)
02:55 - February 13 2025

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06:27 - February 09 2025

Scrounger (4)
22:53 - February 06 2025
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