I am not here to flirt, to cyber, or any of that crazy stuff.
If you want someone to bend over for you go to Slaveskeep.
I am here to have fun and enjoy being
around people. I have made many friends on here
and will continue to do so. If you do not like me,
then don't talk to me, but if you are a personable
person, then I will talk to you.
I don't want to hear about how you are looking
for a slave or any of that bull, because I am not
going to be your slave so don't ask.
Other than that, I am a laidback person and
will talk to anyone who has something interesting
to talk about.

The people who really have my back.
They will tell you to back off real quick.
I am a 32 year old human female.
I have green eyes and brown hair.
My skin is not ghostly white, but some
say I am a bit pale. I think it's the Irish in me.
I am 5'5" tall and weigh about 130 pounds.
I have always wanted to meet a Vampire.
I know they are not like the ones on television,
but so much better. I will admit, I'm not completely
dumb but I do not know alot either about Vampires.
I would love to learn. I want to learn. I need to learn.
The fire burns inside of me to know more.
Since I was a small child
I have always known that other
creatures besides us humans lurked
in the darkness. I thought maybe, once,
it was just the darkness of my soul,
but I have come to determine,
that it is not my mind nor my soul that they lurk in,
but instead it is theirs that I lurk about.
It may be true that during the daytime it is
our's to have, but at night, in the darkness,
it belongs to them.
I want to lurk in the darkness, so I can find them.
As you can probably tell I love Edward Cullen
and Bella Swan. They are characters from the
Twilight series. I read the Twilight series by
Stephenie Meyer and now I am obsessed.
I can't wait for the last book.
This is a little something that I wrote for the
Vampires of the world.
You and I!!!!!!
For every breath I take
You take none.
For every ray of sun I take
You take none.
For every heartbeat I have
You have none.
For every meal I have
You have none.
So to make you and I even
To make us one
I give you myself
My breath, my rays of sun,
my heartbeat, and me----
Your meal.
It's hard being a lonely soul,
especially when you are merely human,
thinking no one or no thing wants you.
But when that special moment happens,
you know that you are taken and loved for
who you are and what you are, there is
nothing more sweet and intense and
spine thrilling than that.
It seems that you search forever
and just as you start to give up,
some inner strength tells you to move on.
Trust this inner strength.
For those of you who do not believe in Vampires,
all I can say is that is your choice.
I will not try and convince you and do not try
to convince me otherwise. I will not listen.
I know what I believe, and I know how I feel.
No one will have to convince you.
They will do that themselves.
That is if you are worthy of this knowledge.
If they desire you and seek you for friendship,
mates, or to feed upon, if it's you they desire
then you will know.
To let you find me and devour me is of my truest submission.
I love making new friends.
If you want to add me, please do so,
only if you let me know you are going to.
Do not add me if you do not plan on talking to me.
That's not a friend. I am not here to help
with popularity contests just as you are not
here for that reason either.