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You sowed the wind And now you reaped the whirlwind...Before the dawn the darkest hour
Classified as a male Lilin-demon. They are said to sexually attack females in their sleep. Prolonged and repeated attacks are known to be detrimental to the victims health, and in some cases, even results in death
The cravings,the lust,the hunger..They drive you onward; into the night, as you search for your prey. The call is like a beacon that pulls you ever closer;guiding you in, as you reach the night's target. Gazing down upon the one in slumber that all but screams out for you to taste. Offering their life-force for that small moment in time of being ultimately consumed.
Over time,there have been many names for us. Most call us either nightmares,or wet dreams. Some live to tell the tale. Some give all they have.
I am the specter that most say they fear,yet most secretly long for, in the dead of night. The one that holds that final kiss. That last taste of bliss, as you close your eyes for the very last time. I am the one that takes away all of the pain and breaks down every barrier that you have ever erected.
I will coax your soul to the surface. I will awaken the animal inside of you, and then release it. I will teach you to explore every deviant little fantasy that has ever roamed within the dark recesses of your mind. And when you have nothing left to hide..I will drink you in. Consume you. And as you sigh your last ragged breath, I will gently kiss your lips and smile as you slip quietly from this world.
Lust. Hunger. Want. Desire. As long as it is there;as long as it is sought..I will be there. I've been among you since the beginning,and I shall be here until the end. I am unavoidable. Every time a secret desire plays within your mind;every time the animal deep within you prowls within the confines of your soul. I am listening.
Darkest Greetings...You have been Rated Fairly Please feel free to Add me ...If you Add me please let me know so i may return the favor. .....Mentor Mistress Of Souls Of The Lost ... if you are interested in joining Please message me .