Portfolio is being rebuilt.
Portfolio contains ?? pictures
'Hurt' by Trent Reznor, arranged by Johnny Cash, sung by Sabastion:
I do things.
I'll gain an interest in something and study it with such an intensity that it borders on obsession. Not to the point of neglecting things. I can usually maintain priorities. After I've become comfortable in my knowledge level I move on to something new. Often in a field where I have no previous experiance. There are a few exceptions. I have not yet become an authority on mystical arts. With over 30 years of studies, I realize how little I know.
I notice things.
I see that which others tend not to.
I don't pre-judge.
I treat everyone as my equal until proven otherwise. At that point you are treated accordingly.
I respect those who deserve it.
Don't ever mistake respect for a station or office as respect for the individual.
I respect the office of the President of The USA.
Don't mistake politeness for respect.
I'm polite to everybody.
I abhore those who are rude.
"Profanity is the crutch of a conversational cripple." ~ Jay Alexander
I mean what I say.
If I am unsure about something I will say nothing. Better to be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.
I am very proud of all that I've accomplished.
I'm not looking to impress anybody, simply because this is who I am. I am a sum of all I've done, people I've met, subjects I've studied.
I am extremely grateful to those who helped me when I needed it over the years. Whenever I can, I help someone who needs that little something that keeps them going. If its a word of encouragement or my last $5 for food, It's because of those who saw fit to assist me in a like manner. Thank you.
Interesting jobs and hobbies I've had and skills I've acquired:
Houseman to Linda Goodman
When I was 14 I was introduduced to Linda Goodman. I didn't realize she was an author at the time. She was a friend of my Mom. I knew Linda was wealthy. She owned one of the largest homes in Cripple Creek, Co. She offered me a job after school doing chores around the house.
After a short while Linda and I became friends.
She started teaching me different techniques for manipulating energy, astrology, and other disciplines that I soaked up like a sponge. That was an amazing few years.

Bristol Renaissance Faire
(6 consecutive summers while in college)
* Master of the Snake Whip
* Swordsman - not a master, but I can hold my own.(hehe..I've never been killed anyway)
* Chainmaille Artist (pictures in the portfolio)

Blacksmith ( I was an apprentice for 2 years )

A story about this is in my journal
* Specializing in the creation of original swords and daggers.
* No motorized equipment used except blower and fans.
* All of the swords I've made are combat capable..wherever they are.
Head Cook (Red Lantern Inn, Cripple Creek, Co.)
* I learned to enjoy cooking.
* I can cook a steak to perfection.
* I learned I never wanted to work in a restaurant ever again.

Artist (While in college and as a hobby)

There are other pieces in the portfolio.
* Published Illustrator - Over 300 images used in a video for children with lazy eye.
* Oil painting on glass and mirrors. there's about 20 or so floating around. My mom has 2 of them. There is (was?) one on a door on a farmhouse in Salem, Wi.
Private Investigator/Skip Tracer (Bounty Hunter)

* I've assisted in the recovery of over 225 bad guys over the course of 12+ years
* I've worked with the FBI, Illinois State Police, the Colorado State Police, numerous sheriffs across the country, and a few city p.d.s
Rarely did I work for bailbondsmen.
* I've ruthlessly hunted people for money.
* Hundreds of times. Successfully.
I am writing stories of my 'Adventures in Hunting Humans' in my journal.
* I was head of security for Aloha Gloria's Gentleman's Club.

Owner & Web Master of the largest cyber-mall in the western US in 1994.
I was so far ahead of my time on this one.
Station Manager/ Chief Operator for a television station for 5 years.
* I was responsible for making sure the programs were broadcast in compliance with a FCC class a format.
* I played a weather man on our morning news.
~ I'm not a meterologist, I just played one on TV.
* Hosted live programs daily
* Produced programs daily.
* Senior Editor (both pre and post production)
I produced and hosted a weekly two hour music television show called "The GenePool".

There are a few more pictures in my portfolio.
"The GenePool" was retired after it's 5th season. I played requested music and talked about whatever struck me. I played short films and a lot of music from unsigned bands. I had over 35,000 viewers from Western Arizona and Southern Nevada. Perhaps one day the show will resurface, but I'm not suggesting anyone hold thier breath.

2007 Bat's Day Disneyland
Licensed Massage Therapist
* I was fortunate enough to get to study Ayur-Vedic Massage with a royal physician from India for two years.
* I have 700 hours of formal western education.
* I am a 3rd level Reiki Master.
* As a part of my practice, I also do bodywork on canines. Our dog doesn't allow me to just 'pet' her any more.
* I tought anatomy, physology, and practical application of Massage Therapy.
A full time student of healing and other mystical arts.
The point is, I do things. I have led an exciting life and I'm confident in my knowledge and abilities.

My greatest and crowning achievement was the fact that I found and married my best friend.

My amazingly wise wife.
She is a true 'Jedi Master' of the games.
Don't let her fool you.
She's viciously competitive.
I've been around for a long, long year..

A vampire's paradise.

Just in case you get lost.
These get changed every now and then.
Check back and see what's new.
From my new line of parenting tools:

The next time you say "Because I said so." will have a lot more weight when you forbid them from going down this really cool looking slide "because you said so."

Jesus loved the Village People!

You are here.

One of my favorite 'fictional' characters

"Now I'm not saying that I've been everywhere and I've done everything, but I do know it's a pretty amazing planet we live on, and a man would have to be some kind of FOOL to think we're alone in THIS universe."
- Jack Burton

Truth of The Week

This image was created by: Morrigon