
Limbus Patrum (Coven)

Vampire Rave member for 16 years.

Status:  Vampling (25.46)
Rank:  Member
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Affiliation:  Limbus Patrum (Coven)
Account Type:  Regular
Gender:  Female
Birthdate:  ?

Up my own ass


Bite Scaria

Stalk Scaria


Destiny...it changes...for good, for bad...for everthing

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Sonya-Wisdom(Latin Meaning)
Diane-Celestial Hunter(Latin)
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.Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Greetings my friends and those who knew me..I have been gone for quite some time..but I am back again.Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketIn my absence I learned many things, the common things are not what they seem and the wisdom to acknowledge that things are they way they are for a reason no matter how we wish to change them and also things once thirsted for are better left untasted(like vodka)
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I've graduated now from my small school in NFLD which is Newfoundland on the far east of Canada. I am in the old sense a fisherman's daughter who tries to apprieciate her father's hard working for the things she often gets. I am getting better but alas still spoiled:) Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketI realised in donning my grad gown and standing in front of the camera lense that things never stay the same...no matter how much some of us which they did. I once said time waits for no man, man waits for time. For how can we tell time to stop for a moment, we hold the moment forever in our minds which is the only way we can, the only way it should be
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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketNEWFOUNDLANDPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Time it seems to me is slow when we desire it to be fast and fast when we wish all would just stop...it is that way for my homeland Newfoundland...once her shores were teeming with atlantic cod..so thick ships could barely get through..but we were selfish or the government saw fit to as they do...take away. the moretorium of the 1990's devastated the entire province and delivered a crippling blow to our fishing industry...a Newfoundlander is essentially in heart and soul a fisherman or fisherwoman, take that soul and she dies just as the heart that beated in Newfoundland faded unto a dull thud like the silence of the tears on the eldely faces who remembered the good ol' days.
Every morning the women would awaken and await their husbands gone for some couple hundred pounds of cod or codfish as it is called and then they'd spilt the fish..leave it on the flakes to dry then stack them..this was a way of life for dozens of years...hard work on hard worn hands..now all for naught.
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But on to lighter tones...since I was very young I knew I was different..I was very hyper...and oddly intelligent for my age. I would often throw montrous tantrums and have eisodes of trying to fly...I was highly interested in noises...very against other noises, and very very particular..but getting to the point I was diagnosed finally at the age of 12 as an Autistic child, but mine was a mild form known as Aspergers Syndrome...sometimes Autistic children are known to be highly intelligent which I was. I was also known to barely smile...and I wasn't very sociable at all with other children..heck I'm still paranoid today...but life goes on as mine has. I am very sensitive to smells(ugh strong cologne) and highly acute to noises. Well thats a tidbit on my syndrome...if you want to know more,,message or look it
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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketI am also a proud member of thePhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
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Coven of Skull and Crossbones
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Some poetry for your viewing

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketVelvet DragonsPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Allow me to careen good knight around that iron clad heart
And I’ll tell you a tall that will most certainly give you a ward
It is not of old gutsy glory, of honor by written chart
It is of velvet ecstasy between the darkened and her Lord...
How do you say, have you come across so ludicrous a tale?
Bah say, listen closely for dear me the wind is blowing blind
Now open your ears, prepare your hearts sail
For what In, about to say may seize your heart and melt your mind
This deed goes through whispers unspoken
So give me your attention and I’ll give you this token

Twas on the full moon when the beasts room that o’er ttreetops did she glide
With a howling beast upon her misshapen back did rant
He ripped he did, tare till she cried
No more of this she screamed, for she fett his weakness heard his pant
So sacrificing her devotion to lover sky she plunged for earth’s embracing kiss that soiled
But her will won through and she took him to the ground,
And threw the annoying creature to the ground oh how his mouth boiled
Once she was finished, smeared in victory he did not make a sound
The blood smeared her face
Though her unreal beauty it did not displace

Then the rains came, soaking her tattered clothes to the skin
Cursing the angels tears as they burned her flesh
Soon the unbearable cold over her firm resolve did win
For she was a dark one, against the light she could not mesh
And in her darkening world did she wail
Such heart wrenching cries that sounded through the valley
She searched for shelter but to no avaiL
And upon hearing the sound the armor clad mean hurried, no daIly
The cries of a angel pierced their hearts
Quite as lightning the horse flew faster than darts

They stumbled into dream for this could not be real
Soft skin so light as pearls and eyes so blue it was unbelievable
For this Angel to their roguish eyes did appeal
Little did they know any other time theyd be her meal If achievable
But her shaking hands grasped warmth offered
Till exhausted she accepted no pride’s indulgence for staying
And through the dense wet mud soaked valley she was offered
And away they took her, no animal daring to come near, no wolf, no bear
Her summons for the pack to follow
Was answered adequately,the men’s throats at the wolves did swallow

To a large stone high towered castle they stole her to safety within
So it was with gentlest care
They removed her at the maid’s chagrin
And the maids the household took her from there
When she awoke her eyes were in an illusion
They ushered her through protests and soft hisses
For surely this velvet world could be nothing more than delusion
To plunk her in a hot herbal bath against her wishes
She splashed and soap In my eyes she did complain
But from the many hands leverage she could not gain

Pampered her they did and she thought she’d be bared
She could see clearly their minds; they were as a clutch of hens
Little did she know she was to be hosted by their Lord
Clucking and cackling with glee to no ends
All about one male but she bad no interest in their kind
She stood there about to have apoplexy when he entered
She sneered at him, all they did was expect body, not caring for the mind
And their eyes meeting both were uncentered
Memories ran awash at the other’s shore
Looking at each other they thirsted for more

All seemed unreal and he took her hand
Did these foolish chits know who this was? This delicacy for the eyes
A contained power was evident that was his to command
But they had no wit they knew only how to spread lies
So the pair swirled of into a embalmed world that all seemed so
But with her fox’s mind ever so sty, she wondered to herself
what does he want?
And the young man drunk her in and asked all she do
He laugh and said, my dear it is my dreams you haunt”
She stood by his side watching the moon
So many things were happening so fast and so soon

She stood and stared for she was numbed with shock
She saw now the familiar glowing eyes of coral green
He wasn’t who she’d thought he was and it hit her like a stone
And the agetess smile that tears from her eyes did ween
For nothing is stronger than the dreams of immortals
She felt the velvet danger of his kiss and knew she was Cost
For, for their minds there are no blocked portats
This creature had her soul she’d already paid the cost
lie held her eyes and skin in his palm
And so lightly did he caress to her it was a balm

Their memories converged a embracing of the purest truce
So it was as they laid down their heads
For their souls had already been bonded their hearts together
That they once again held each other as velvet dragons in soft
nestled beds
Each god worshipped hue of skin
He heW her head close to his heart
That their souls shone from within
They both knew that this was the beginning of the start
The dreams come true that much was certain
As true as the tove behind the gossamer curtain

So you see a love as pure as to last through ages
Did not your Elizabethan theatre writer once say?
Only love grows stronger in its unending stages”
That the moon is night and Juliet the day?”
Love cannot be repulsed by the unruly and uncouth
For Cove spread genteet scarlet wings
For love that springs eternal last forever from the fountain of
And joy to the partakers of its tight it brings
Their love lasted forever internal
That the ages of time did not make It infernal

So dear knight as you press your sword against my scaly throat
Are those eyes understanding? Is that why you no longer gloat
And if you let me free I’ll once more be a dove
This lesson I have set into your soul
That glory and tove cannot be utterly from blood
In the hopes to let you know
But from faith of the heart to earth and to the ones you tove
So ride that rustic steed into the dawn
And we shall part, this ancient lesson forever to live on

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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketCry My Wolves DivinePhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

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It happened one day
That I should come to misfortune
Hunting deer for my family
When the first signs of winter fell upon me

It was soft and powdery at first
Then it became angry and imposing
The white swirls clouding the scents and my vision
The icy shards piercing and nipping the coat I wore

So I sought desperately for shelter
Any small niche to cover my body
The cave hidden amidst pines was small
But then, I was never very big

There was no fire, no soft covering on the ground
But I never much needed fire or blankets
I never had need for any of it
I had myself to comfort me

The wind whistling in the cave was cold
It’s howling voice whispering to me
At first I thought it was my family
But it was merely the wind and fretfully that night I slept

I woke on the morrow to a startling sense
The frost bitten air prickled my nose
And my face and coat were sparkling
I rose achingly to see what had befallen

What met me at first was like a sword slash to the eyes
The white stuff glared in my face, blinding my keen eyes
I could not register what was around me
But as my pained eyes adjusted they saw

A world changed onto the one I used to know
A white blanket spread over the earth
The trees, grass, sounds, gone into a vowed silence
The sky was gray and unheeding yet it mocked my disposition

I knew not where I was
The paths I had traced were covered by the white stuff
And the chill made my limbs immobile
But through all the confusion and awe I felt I must move

My family would be waiting for news
Had I been successful in my hunt or had I failed?
I must hurry, a bad feeling registered in my mind
It itched at me like fleas and was demanding like hunger

All my hopes were crushed, everyone was gone
Nothing left save for a few prints and scrapes of my family’s last meal
Mere blood and bone strewn about the cave floor
I whimpered in fear and huddled in a corner of the shelter, filled with fear

I slept uncomfortably without my family’s warmth and love
I had only myself that night, alone and cold from outside
But somehow I made it through the night
But my dreams evoked strange sounds from my chapped lips

The next morning I knew I had to move
My family would be far by now; I had to catch up
There was not much time
The cold making their pace ever quicker to escape it

I followed, past marks
Past half indented prints by the white blanket
From a sound, to the unaiding sky above
Which mocked me in my fruitless journey for companionship

I followed until my limbs were sore and my soul weary
My nose was frozen like the saliva that came from my mouth
I was young, inexperienced
So with my wounded pride I made a small groove in the white stuff and slept

It was not long after in the twilight that I arose stiff
From my sleeping position and my eyes widened
Another storm had touched the earth
And my coat was covered in it so I looked like a woolly monster

It was crisp and clean
Untouched by the creatures that scampered about
Many smells touched my nose but I ignored them
I was thirsty that was all I cared about

I ventured down through the trees to a river
But some strange force had touched it
It was solid, like rock
And when I touched it and scratched at it, it was still the same

Curious I crept out onto it and licked at it
I did not realize my danger until I heard the snapping and breaking
My eyes wide and my mouth open I fell through
At once all was darkness

The torrent of the river swept me into its deadly embrace
The water was freezing and soaked my coat to my skin
It tossed me and slammed me on the bottom and against the surface
Everything was black as my last will allowed me to escape

A loose sheet had been my salvation
And despite my shock my endurance allowed me to stand
I stood up shakily and a scent made me look to my left
I ran over to it and found my strength
It was a fawn, not long touched my winter, still warm
My tongue and body longed for it
So my nails gained my access to the bloody warm meat
After I had finished I gave one last look of thanks and left

Another night I spent in the cold, with fever spreading in me
My family couldn’t be far now
I had now traveled four days
My will was strong, but my body was falling

That day I came to a cave
A strange one
With spears hanging down from the ceiling
And mouse sounds coming down upon me

I roared in anger at the furry fliers and they fled
I decided to entertain my curiosity and went further inside
I was greeted by ice moulds, making my body different shapes
Even a frozen underground lake, which I knew all too well about

I ventured into another part of the cave which was strange to me
There was no bottom but for a drop in front of me
This frightened me and I tried to leave but I lost my grip
I fell down through a slide and came out on the other side of the cave

I shook myself trying to rid the shivers
Then I continued on and with joy caught a scent of my family and ran towards it
I was not far now
And that night I slept with dreams of my family greeting me

Bang! Snap! I was woken abruptly by something crashing
I shot up from the hollow log I’d slept in and a thing shot at me, nearly slicing my ear
I cringed, my haunted eyes searching

Then I saw the act
A tree, filled with sap on the inside, frozen, exploded into pieces
Cowardly I ran as tree after tree splintered with cold
I howled for my family
Knowing that they would not come

At last I calmed down and began to slow my pace
I had not much energy but for the deer I’d eaten seven days ago
I was beginning to lose hope
But I knew I must not despair

Ahead of me, rising into the clouds was a mountain
Sighing a made my way up
The crags were slippery with ice
Twice I nearly fell but held on

On the third day on the mountain I encountered a large cat
She watched me with yellow eyes
And attacked at me, hungry for a meal
But I escaped her

I met a bear as well, but it just merely stared at me lazily
So I create around it
It just grunted and passed me by
That was the first bear I’d met alone

During my time on the mountain
I learned how to ignore pain
For instance, I had my ears frostbitten, but scratching at them warmed them
And for snow embedded in my coat I chewed it off

Finally came the day when I came out on the other side of the mountain
Victorious, as my muscles had built up
My body was bigger and stronger
Though I had not eaten

But not long after I savaged a deer on my own and ate a hardy meal
Over time my independence was getting more admirable
The loneliness since the experience on the mountain had subsided
And I was better for it; I was an adult at last

All these adaptations I had acquired in mere months
I had given up the hope of finding my family
I was my family now

I marked my new trails
I made a new den for myself
And earned a reputation among the animals
As lord over the forest

One day the mountain cat returned
And I battled it, tooth and claw
It hissed and spat, but I snapped and growled
Taking it down at last to the witness of other people I knew not had been there

Their leader snarled at me as I began to eat at my victory
I snapped back, ready to defend what I had won
The male stepped forward, back tense as his family stood back
And I calmly crept forward, my coat bristling

And we attacked
He went for my ears, but I got his leg
He tried my back but I punctured his jugular
Making him howl in pain and fall at last defeated to the ground

The females and younger males of my kind stared at his body
Then slowly one by one they came over to me
The alpha female whose mate was slaughtered by me joined my side
And when the night came I made my claim

The next moon we all rose to greet the night
And I was among them, standing tall and proud
With my female beside me
And my new family beside me, all howling in thanks

My old family may have left me for dead
But I nonetheless prevailed
In the teachings of the winter and grew up
And came howling, as the new leader of my new clan

Cry my wolves divine!

If you wish to view My Dream Diary
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Just Go To My Journal

Things I like...


My Current fav Song
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketDo You KnowPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Enrique Iglesias - Do You Know lyrics
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I also love...

Linkin Park
Fort Minor
Benni Benassi
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I am also passionate about art being an artist myself...now I'm not the best but here is what I have to show you now
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I love my dogs...Shiloh...who is a mutt and Sammy who is a Golden Retriever...no other dogs could mean so much to me...I had Shiloh for my 13th birthday after begging my mother for a dog after the loss of my two cats Muffin and Tiger...he is a very clingly dog only about a foot high, he has followed me everywhere ever since I got him and he hid on my shoulder on my hood on the way back to his new home. It will be very saddening to leave him since I seem to be his night and day*smiles* Sammy I got a year ago...a large fat fluffy lazy eyed puppy in a Wal-Mart parking lot in Corner Brook and the little fucker(lol) kept whining all the way home..it was sad though...he missed his mom:( but he quickly grew from flopping haphazardly anywhere on the floor to a waist high(I'm 5ft) very happy and hyper dog and as sweet faced as a baby...he is very loveable though his size scares most ppl...All in all I'll always love my dogs and I'll miss them when I go to MUN
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Annddd... this will probably earn rolled eyes

I Love Harry Potter!

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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows kicked serious fantasy ass!
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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketMy All Time Fav DraculaPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
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I also have a passion for good and half decent vampyre and werewolf movies such as
2)Underworld Evolution
3)Bram Stroker's Dracula(new Version)
4)Van Helsing(For the Graphics)
5)Ginger Snaps
6)Vampire in Brooklyn(An ok Laugh)
7)Dracula Dead and Loving it(Parody)

Other Movies are

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Pirates of The Caribbean Series
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Star Wars lol(wat? I like Sci-Fi)
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Star Trek Nemesis
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Pitch Black

House of Wax
Scary Movies
Date Movie
National Lampoon's Christamas Vacation(the Griswald family christmas tree lol)
Beauty And the Beast
Finding Nemo
Swan Princess lol(c'mon it was my fav lil girl movie. tries to look cute and innocent)
Dracula 2000
The Chronicles of Riddick
Lady and the Tramp
Dante's Peak
The Day After Tomorrow
Deep Impact
Hannibal Rising
Blood and Chocolate
Narnia(newest version)
Ghost Rider
Lil Nicky!!!
And Many More...
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I also love history and if I put all the other things I loved well we'd be here forever so the things that aggitate me are...

2)Two faced ppl
3)Country Music!
8)Idiots who act smarter than they are
12)And everything in food that's lumpy, smells bad and looks disgusting(I'm a very picky eater)
13)Narrow Minded ppl
15)Frumpy looking shirts
16)Saggy Pants
17)You(Just Kidding)
18)My Hieght
19)Most Rap
20)God damn Dial Up
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Member Since: Jun 10, 2007
Last Login: Jul 18, 2008
Times Viewed: 4,927

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