
Quote: Single...but don't want any booty calls. I block people for those. But, I want to seriously date. j/s

Hello, and welcome to this place in which I dwell. Pick a patch and comfort yourselves in the safety of my abode. Lend me your ears for a while so, I may share my record. This is not a happy tale but I share to inspire. I ask not for sympathy, but comfort knowing I could save another from my sorrows. Here I will also pleasure thee with things which invoke my joy. So, sit in comfort as I open myself to reveal my mending heart and rattled soul.
I have started a blog, which has my writings as clickable links where they can be read in Microsoft Word. If you would like to read, please message me and I will provide the link to the web page.
Hair: Medium Short, Brown
Eyes: Hazel
Height: 5’ 4” – 5’ 5”
Skin: White/extra light tan
Piercings: 5 (4 in left ear, 1 in the right ear)
Status: Single
Weight: N/A
The Dark
It was December of 2008. I had met a man, Donald Shane Wilson, which would make the next few years the worst years of my life. I began dating him and things were ok around other people. However, after I moved in with him, things were disastrous. He threatened me constantly. He said, “If I ever catch you with another man, after I kill him, it will take all I can do not to kill you.” He scared me into being extra careful around every male we encountered over the age of 15. He even made me scared of his brother. He also would get angry, so fast; he would grab me and throw me into things. He threw me into doors, walls, tables and other things. I have scars where a sharp, exposed, part of a door cut me, when he threw me one time. He would everyday say racial remarks, which have made me have to start reprograming my brain, so I will not think badly of certain races of people. In his fits of rage he would sometimes slap me. He would also grab me hard enough to bruise my arms. The next to worst part of all of this, is twice he did things, which would be considered rape. This man also, openly cheated on me with a woman we had taken in out of charity. He also put me under so much stress, that I lost three babies. The babies did not even last over a month and a half before I lost them. He also would get mad and walk off after screaming at me. I would never get a chance to talk about my side of the situation. If I brought the situation up later, he would get angry all over again and the cycle would repeat itself. I dealt with this until August or September of 2012. It is when I finally pulled enough courage together to leave him.
As a result, I have rare occurring Post Traumatic Stress Episodes. The last episode I had lasted a few hours.
The Light
As a 25 year old, I am slowly putting myself back together and catching up. I have earned my first Associates Degree in Science. I am a part time student and a part time dog kennel worker. So, college takes up 7 hours and 30 minutes of my week at least. My GPA is roughly a 3.2 or more so I’m not complaining. I still have to get my driver’s license. I am also teaching myself American Sign Language and taking a class to learn Japanese.
Amazing Grace (The Movie) (This makes me cry at the end every time.)
75% of all Mythical Creatures
Anime – Naruto, Inuyasha, Vampire Knight, Full Metal Alchemist, Sailor Moon, etc.
Manga – Hana Kimi, Dazzel, Full Metal Alchemist, etc.
Disney/Pixar Movies and Studio Ghibli Movies
Games – Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Fable, Mario (All Titles)
TV – Big Bang Theory, Elementary, The Biggest Loser, Sleepy Hollow, Once Upon a Time, Once Upon a Time in Wonderland, Jeopardy, Wheel of Fortune, NCIS, etc.
Music – K-Pop, Country, Rock, Rap, RNB, Dub - step, a little 60’s, 70’s, 80’s 90’s, a Little Gospel, Pop, a little Motown, etc.
Reading, Writing and Learning
Multilingual People
Respect (The Regard. I like the song to but I like the regard better.)
Moo Goo Gai Pan and Ramen
Favorite Books

No organization at all
Physical, Verbal and Mental Abuse and Harassment of any sort
I was Honored to Receive this April 5, 2008.

Dream Guys
Johnny Depp (Cry Baby)
Ryan Gosling (Crazy, Stupid Love)
Chris Hemsworth (Thor)
Orlando Bloom (Lord of the Rings)
Taemin and Minho (Shinee)
Paul Walker (Fast and Furious Movies) (R.I.P.)
Jamie Campbell Bower (The City of Bones; The Mortal Instruments)
People I’d Want to Talk Too, If They Were Alive
George Washington
Abraham Lincoln
William Shakespeare
Leonardo Da Vinci
Queen Elizabeth the First of England
Walt Disney
Aristotle, Socrates and Plato
Mother Teresa
Ramesses the Second of Egypt
Nicolas the Second of Russia
My Great Grandparents
My Diseased Grandparents
Special Part of Me
I’ve been told by a few that I have the souls of my past lives and a few of the greater beings are intertwined with my existence and destiny. I am only 40% sure that this is true. I reveal this to ask for assistance and guidance to learn the 100% truth about this. It is important to me and I don’t take this subject lightly. I trust that I will neither be misused nor made fun of for my beliefs. Please, if you can truly help me with this, I will be grateful. If you do decide to help, I require you to answer a question to prove the validity of your ability.
I will share one piece of information. The answer to the question I will ask is related to the information I will provide. The information is this: One of my past lives names is Summer.
Thank you for visiting and listening to my tales. Come again and remember you are safe here and will be welcome again. However, unless we otherwise part on angry terms, you will not be welcome until your trust I earn again. Rate me as you see fit. I ask before you go to know if you wish to be friends, ask and I will accept and return the favor.
My Protectors

The Pack I Run With


Member Since: | Mar 14, 2008 |
Last Login: | Mar 14, 2017 |
Times Viewed: | 10,989 |
Times Rated: | 696 |
Rating: | 9.734 |
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