Greetings to you..
My name is Rachael Ann,
But many refer to me as Rach
Which ever you feel comfortable with.
I am 20 years old
A Registered Medical Assistant (RMA).
I plan on returning to college to become a (RN).
On Aug 10th, of 1990 I took my first breath of air.
Born to a dysfunctional family.
Full of volience, pain, and anger.
I still deal with those anger issues to this day.
Makes it hard to trust anyone but yourself.
However, not here for a pitty party moving on.
I have an amazing sense to read people.
But I often become blind when it comes to myself.
My heritage consists of Irish, Scottish, and Cherokee.
Shy, quiet, random, sarcasm, sweet, caring, loyal, honest and passionate
Are some of the words that describe me the best.
I'm a very open minded person.
I have my own views and thoughts on everything.
Rather I choose to share them or not.
I crave knowledge and the unknown.
Which can be somewhat dangerous,
I've learn to proceed with caution.
I give respect to everyone,
Only til you disrespect me.
Truely honest I am.
I hate to be lied too, so please DON'T
A loyal friend I can be,
Or a exsisting foe.
Will not deal with immature drama.
That will result in a block.
I don't seek revenge,
It will come to you eventually.
I have three loves; art, music, and writing.
Spend most of my free time reading
I am a animal lover, I have 5 black cats
Jack, Jasper,Bella, Shadow, and Black Jack.
They are my pride and Joy.
I am a night owl,
I have a sleeping disorder.
I have a stuffed animal bat named Batty,
and I sleep with him everynight.
If I don't have batty,
I don't sleep, Simple as that.
I also have a glareing problem,
I often don't know when I'm glareing.
People often seem to think I hate them,
Because of it.
I cannot be in the sun for more then 5 mins,
Or I begin to burn.
Which is annoying due to the fact my family,
All loves the sun and tans very well.
They love to drag me with them,
into direct sunlight.
I do constantly tweak my profile,
From time to time.
Considering my random mind,
Thinks all the time.
Well that is all I can think of for now.
Feel Free to Message me if you have any Questions.
Or wish to know more.
Thanks for visting my page.


I am proud to announce that I am happily taken :)
Or better yet engaged to the amazing man above this.
His profile on here is theobserver2142
Or better known as MY Justin♥
He is the most amazing man on earth.
Kind, funny, sweet, caring, loving, sweet, Affectionate, passionate, intelligent, and perverted lol
But I still love him anways. :)
He made me realize that true love is not dead.
That it does exsist.
Sure it all happen so quickly to some.
But we feel as we have known each other our whole lives.
We feel confident in our relationship,
and I plan on moving to be with him soon.
Its almost scary how much we have had in common in our past and present.
For that, we have such a strong bond.
He is my best friend, my future husband, and future father to our children.
He is simply my everything..
He makes me smile and laugh.
He makes me feel like no other man has.
Thats when you know your happy.
I am proud to call him mine♥

I was born in early August,
which places my zodiac sign as Leo the lion.
Element: Fire, Color: Gold, Planet: Sun
Ruler of the fifth house: Pleasure
It is a sign of strength and leadership.
I am proud to be a Leo Lioness

+ Graveyards
+ Thunderstorms
+ The human Body
+ The Human Mind
+ Jack The Ripper
+ Myths/Legends
+ Martial Arts
+ Knowledge
+ Roses
+ Bats
+ Art
+ Music
+ Poetry
+ Tattoos
+ Cats

Ehhh..I don't tolerate..
+ Ignorance
+ Drama
+ Liars
+ Cheaters
+ Theifs |