Just to get this out of the way- I will rate you what you rate me!
We all have our own ways of expressing ourselves here on VR through our words and pictures and if you don’t like the way I express myself, you can well jump off a cliff!
I will not change my page to suit you!!
Add me as a friend if you would like.. Just give me a heads up.. so I can add you.
Greetings… My name is Ellyse (a-lease) I am a single mom of a beautiful 15 year old girl. The two of us live with 4 cats, 1 dog, 2 Chinese Dwarf hamsters and 1 Beta fish… And my life would not be complete without them.
I have to say that my daughter is the love of my life… I would die for her and I would kill for her. I used to tell her that if anyone tried to hurt her and said “Don’t tell anyone. Because if you do I will kill your mom”…. I told her to make sure she said “Buddy, you don’t know my mom… she would hunt you down and kill you if you touch me”…lol…
I never knew I could love so deeply…. ANYWAY… so to that I say.. seize the day!
I have an unusual obsession with Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV series) and Angel. I have a collection that has now exceded the 10K mark. I will be adding pictures of some of my things as soon as I can. I named 3 of my cats after the show.. Buffy, Angel and Willow... the other cat is named Mina for Mina Harker in Bram Stokers Dracula... My dog is Blade... and my fish is named Louie after Brad Pitt in Inverview with a Vampire...
So... am I crazy about horror or what?
I am an avid reader... Most of my books are of horror... erotic horror...anything about serial killers or forensic science. With about 235+ books in my collection... I keep adding more and cant seem to part with any of them... I love them all.
If I am not reading... I am playing on my Xbox or PS2. I have few games, but love the ones I have and play them more then once.
Things that I love…
- My daughter Kasandra
- That my daughter still holds my hand, and she is 15
- My cats Willow, Mina, Buffy and Angel
- My dog Blade
- My fish Louie
- Reading
- Playing on my Xbox, Xbox Live or my Playstation
- Horror movies
- Pizza
- Warm summer days
- Warm summer nights
- The shore
- Sunsets
- Thunderstorms (when I am home)
- Tattoos
- Men in blue jeans, white tees and boots
- Honesty
- Kind souls
- Darkness

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