My name is [Hal]ey. Hay-Lay Anne, Liz-bit.
I'm a very shy person, but brave. I'm not afraid to take chances, but I hate being shoved violently into situations I have no control over. I crave adventure, unfortunately, I work and have a heavy course load this year, so most of my adventuring is done vicariously thorugh the characters of books.
I'm not rude, but I am set in my values and beliefs. I'm not a religious person, I just have boundries (something not many people can say anymore). I am somewhat old fashioned, but I do have a sense of humor! :] Sometimes it's a little off, but generally I'm surrounded by friends who share that off-ness and understand me.
I have an old soul. I believe that people now are too self-absorbed and get too caught up in the drama of the right now instead of looking at the big picture. I like to live for the day, though I do think of how the things I do now will affect me later. I'm very impulsive. Sometimes even spontaneous. :] Life's too short to be scared of new things.
I'm a poet, an artist, a musician, a lover, a fighter, free, a hippie, creative, tempted, scared, zealous, a tea fiend(Holiday, Green, Chai, White. Hot.). I am confident, easily ammused, the proud owner of a bright green spork, open-minded. I am an animal lover, dissapointed by people on a regular basis, amazed by human psychology, passionate. I am me. :]
I'd like to meet someone who's not afraid to go balls in. Someone who'd risk it all just to have a few hours of amazing fun. Someone brave, clever, that has half a brain! Someone musical, artistic, a thinker, maybe even opinionated. :]
Things that annoy the living hell out of me include, but are not limited to;
Ignorance, hypocrisy (don't preach if you don't practice!), shallow people (people are not what they wear!), arrogance (you are not better than everyone else!).
Some things about me:
I enjoy Chuck Norris jokes.
I speak some French.
I'm a very sesual, somewhat sexual person.
I'm a very liberal conservative. Contradictive? Yes. But I promise if you talk to me you'll understand. :]
I'd love to live in AK.
I want to travel a lot.
Foriegn languages and religious studies are a passion.
Books= love
I'm a total jazz nerd.
I drink A LOT of tea.
I don't drink often, but I can drink any man under a table.
Nature is my boyfriend/girlfriend/lover.
I spend a lot of time outside gardening (vegetables, herbs, flowers) and walking through the woods. I love it because you could walk the same path everyday through the same forest and something will always be different. :]
I'm Irish and Native American, and very proud of both.
I enjoy cooking.
I plan on being either an ER doctor or a pediatrition when I'm older. I'd love to save up enough money throughout my life to be able to go to a poor country and administer healthcare to those who can't afford it otherwise.
I think that being a parent is one of the most rewarding things a person can do, beside being a faithful spouse.
I'm a hopeless romantic. (In case you couldn't tell) hahaa.
I LOVE colors.
I don't wear ALL black ALL the time. However, most of my wardrobe is either black, purple, or green.
I LOVE music. I play the saxaphone, violin, guitar, and piano, and I sing pretty often as well.
Being a Halo fiend...

Blowing a kiss...

With one of my babies...

Showing some love for my country roots...

Having crazy hair. (Not unusual, by the way.) ;]

Demostrating my oral fixation...

Being a funny-faced duckie...

Being tired at around 5 in the morning...

Letting my art be my anti-anger.

Displaying my high cheek bones. :]


Being a goofy outlaw...


Looking like a gypsy...

Attempting sexy...

In my everyday attire...

I'm an artist, but a lot of what I do is just random doodling that turns into an explsion of sharpie ink. I paint for fun, because I love it, and not because I care about what people think about it or because I want to make a living out of it.
However, I do hope you enjoy it. :]

the following are my own variations on "word play". :] Kudos if you can figure out where all of the letters are. The phrases used for each form are written either beside or under each one. More to come!

After the ice cream ball incedent... hahahaha.

Like two eggs in a hanky! :]

I win! She was sad becuase she couldn't make ice cream. ]:

But then we were happy again. :]

In the process of getting ripped... :] Hahahaa.

Completely obliterated. -_- :]

It's fun getting into trouble! (but only if you can figure out how to open the bag!)

Because we wubbles eachother. ^-^

These are my closest friends in the whole wide world! :] More to come!
Me, Stacy, Sam, and Jethro! aka. Biology [squared].

Emmy Boo and I! (I love me some Mamma Hyatt!)

Bradley Boo! My ex and one of my bestest!

Joe and Nate! Gay lovers, and two of the best guys ever!

Chantea and Ashley.... doing.... wtf are they doing? Lol!

My best friend fire. It got me through the most boring times of my life. ^-^
