A Wizard is perhaps one of the most popular types of mythical beings. person who practices and uses magic. However the original Wizard is quite different from what you might expect. - See more at: http://www.mythicalcreatureslist.com/mythical-creature/Wizard#sthash.xc93Xx55.dpuf
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Originally the term was very generic. It was used to as a word for a male Witch. The Witch was originally a person who followed the power of nature by learning all they can about so that its powers can be manipulated by them as needed. This was in the pre-Christian era. Later when Christianity became popular and widespread across Europe, those that practiced magic were demonized and perceived as sinister people. Witches became a derogatory term and the word Wizard was created to describe a male witch. Medieval Christianity taught that a Wizard was a person who had sided with the Devil and created magic spells to harm. There were Sorcerers who used their supernatural powers to possess and control, and Shamans who can talk to spirits. - See more at: http://www.mythicalcreatureslist.com/mythical-creature/Wizard#sthash.xc93Xx55.dpuf
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Some Wizards are spiritual people with great knowledge in natural phenomena and create or know the whereabouts of enchanted items.
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