Angelus's Journal

Angelus's Journal


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34 entries this month

so I feel ...

22:52 May 31 2010
Times Read: 879

.. just wrote a ratty letter to the hospital that 'cared' for my Mother. so I feel good: as I am watching 'Solomon Kane.'




... I earned it.

23:47 May 29 2010
Times Read: 896

I was so exhausted from doing the hedge, I fell asleep in front of the PC, in an attempt to talk to you and, go on VR. I got awoken by Dad at 3:00, so went to bed.

Saturday afternoon, after my coffee-mate search; I gave myself a headache, getting two different systems to work, one VHS and one harddrive, besides the expected headache, I earned a bottle of whiskey.



23:56 May 29 2010

I think we have all had those kind of days and nights!

17:37 May 30 2010

the hedge looks great! thanks for the pics. now you wanna come over here and fix my flower garden? lol...blows kisses...

20:13 May 30 2010

You deserve the rest.


For a change I listened to him...

12:38 May 28 2010
Times Read: 910

After a good night on the project, meaning it went busy and fast, I had a slab of enamel come off a tooth, so had a restless night. So Dad says, “Phone up, don’t call in later.”

For a change I listened to him and, got an appointment for 10:30, so we rushed the bank, did the shopping and I had got to my appointment, with time to spare. I got an emergency filling, and then came home to help Dad with the Beech Hedge at the back…



01:48 May 29 2010

i hate the dentist as i am sure many do


"how are you?" she asked.

01:30 May 28 2010
Times Read: 918

f.u. ... totally ... but ppl got fed and, i will wind down eventually; and I got my story finished and up. that was cool.



05:17 May 28 2010

You do such good things for people.

And your story is finished? Will we get to read it????? :D

05:18 May 28 2010

Oops..you said it is up? Where?


... the one with The Holocaust.

01:42 May 27 2010
Times Read: 927

Wednesday morning I took myself out Eastham Ferry and, walked amongst the green of the woods, to The Tap overlooking The Mersey and a pint, which had tasted as good as I recall tasting in 1976 and in 1992. And I took three cameras’ with me, to show Dena and Kris from VR what I saw; I killed the camera’s: two full, one battery drained; and a headset for my walkman caught on Mikes bike and torn in two. I had walked home in the light warm rain. I got home so tired that I slept most of the evening away, having had as good a holiday as if I’d been away for a week, or so. The night got amusing with an episode of ‘Family Guy’, the one with The Holocaust.

But “Man-oh-man, Stuey singing ‘Rocket Man was boss!”




Beware the Sock Monster!

13:02 May 25 2010
Times Read: 943

I woke on Tuesday and went through to the kitchen to get my coffee, to find drops of water on the floor: an, as I was barefoot, it was easy to find them.

Dad had washed my mattress cover, which had been on the line and, over a cup of tea, he told me the rest of the story.

He had washed the mattress cover with two socks. When he got the mattress cover out there was one sock missing. In frustration, Dad turned the spin-drier upside down and thumped it goodstyle and a sock came out, just not the right one. Do he had gave it yet another couple of good whacks and, another sock came out. An yet again, it wasn’t the right sock.

So Dad had given the spin-drier another whack and, sure enough the sock he was looking for came out.



22:08 May 25 2010


i have a sock monster as well.

22:29 May 26 2010

Well, now we know where all OUR socks are...ROFLMAO

21:54 May 27 2010

lol sock puppet is more like it XD

20:31 May 28 2010

So thats where the hole in my dryer leads to! give my socks back Neil! lol


...not in my small world it don't.

17:00 May 24 2010
Times Read: 955

After the Monday morning housework, Dad mowed the lawns: and, I looked on at the front with chagrin. The edging needed to be done and, with my head in full whirlygig mode, it seemed to be a good idea. Then the phone rang. It was Mike and, I told him why I wouldn’t be gardening in the afternoon, as I’d expected.

“So instead of paying you, the son and grandson are going to be doing it?”

“Aye. It was only a while after she phoned to cancel, that I recalled her telling her daughter what I was doing. It all seems like politics really.”

“So do you hate her…”


“And you got £20 pound from it…”

It was obvious Mike didn’t understand, so I summed it up succinctly.

“I… just don’t like feeling used…”

“But everyone uses other people…”

He still missed the point.

“No Mike… not everyone uses people…”

At least, not in my little world they don’t.

But, his remark had sound a lot like the one young John had made.

“All people are twats.”

“No John… not everyone is a twat…”

At least, not in my little world they are not.

And, what’s that perennial favourite?

“All men are bastards…”

Well, in my little world they’re not.

“All women are the same…”

Well, I learnt they’re not.

“All men are the same…”

Well, not in my little world they are not.

This sort of negative stereotyping does no-one any favours.

And, with that thought in my mind, we shortly after finished the call and, I went back to the lawns and the small privet hedge, to finish what I started.




.. needing attention.

00:39 May 24 2010
Times Read: 959

The end of Sunday night found me watering the front lawn, then the back. It’s hardly rained for months and, the lawns need it; an as it was, it had been cooler and, at ten, obviously less sun in my eyes: and, time to think…

Saturday, Dad had been sitting death to tape to watch a documentary on the death of capitalism. Well, neither of us had been too surprised, when the darn thing refused to work, less than twenty minutes before it was due to start.

Needless to say, I’d woken with the sun and, went into the kitchen, seeking fresh coffee, to find my Dad working on the television, which was spread all over the kitchen table: ‘Mr. Fixit’ at work.

I’d gone to Karl’s dressing smart for a Sunday and, Karl’s Mother: a mistake in the heat: but hey, I’d looked good. And as ever, Karl had a dozen cool idea’s for me and thankfully, the tv shows I like to watch.

Got home to my evening meal with Dad, with a good Chilean red. Then Janet and John called and John flew his small helicopter in the back garden; then, just as I was enjoying their company the phone rang. It had been the lady who’d done gardening for and, who I had been going to work for on the Monday. ‘My son and granson have been helping me and..’ I wasn’t needed. ‘Did I mind?’

Of course I didn’t mind; the loss of useful work and pennies; as it seems her son has finally decided to help her. As Janet said, perhaps you helped bring a family together.

And she had conjunctivitis, so couldn’t stay: yet boy was it good to see them both.

Shee-it, I’ve known her now for well over ten years Now. It’s so well cool to know that she’s still around, unlike so many I have known.

With all that in mind, I decided to water the lawns…




..relieved by the doctor..

00:32 May 23 2010
Times Read: 966

I watched Doctor Who and, relieved some angst, with an old-fashioned two-part cliff-hanger: it reminded me in style, of 'The Green Death', and that was a drilling story 'an all.




.. need.

15:50 May 22 2010
Times Read: 976

.. the need for the bandage is either too much typing or watering lawns.. nothing I can stop doin, so I'll have a bath, a smoke and relax, for Doctor Who.




happy, again!?!

15:41 May 22 2010
Times Read: 978

I was up too early for a Saturday: about 9:00 to make an inroad on the piece I’ve been prevaricating over proof-reading as it’s so irksome to do, what with inserts, grammar, spelling, punctuation and, the formatting, all needing work.

Thankfully, it’d been the third consecutive day feeling ‘happy,’ so even the fact that I was indoors on a pleasant day, while kids were sounding happy somewhere out back of where I sat pouring over a keyboard and monitor, just didn’t faze me.

There was something: after my break, during which time the white robe got hand-washed, I had to bandage up the lower portion of my arm, as it felt like the left wrist often does. And, the left wrist suffers from Tendonitis. So either the darn thing hasn’t liked all the gardening it’s been doing, or the typing.

Either way, bandaged up, I carried on, until I went for a relaxing bath.




still so warm...

01:15 May 22 2010
Times Read: 983

By the end of Friday night, my hands, covered in Savlon, were testament to the fact that the day had been a long one.

First off was dad having his hearing done, as I wrote then watered. And, on his return decided, ‘shopping.’ So, still in the good mood I’ve enjoyed for days, we toddled off to the Azda, to do the weekly shop, on a day that was a degree less than in Barcelona.

Anyways given the chance, before eats, I decided to bring order to some concrete slans and, do some weeding.

Well, some evening, I’d been glad to relax, with Mike, watching ‘Give ‘Em Hell Malone.’ I ended up at the end of the night, on VR sitting in just the white terry-towel robe and black socks: it was still so warm…




... busy, busy

23:56 May 20 2010
Times Read: 990

... we fed fifty Thursday eveing. Fifty! That's the most we have given meals to, for ages; new faces, some old .. but a busy, busy night.




hot, sticky & committed.

16:28 May 20 2010
Times Read: 1,001

hot 'n sticky afdter gardening. time to get ready for voluntary work, soon.

an this hot.. I hardly feel like it.

but I am a commited volunteer.. emphasis on the committed.



19:59 May 20 2010

Good for you! I am sure whoever it is that you volunteer for is very appreciative of your committment :)


feeling 'sticky'

16:21 May 20 2010
Times Read: 1,002

I worked over lunch-time - ish Thursday; for an elderly couple in their back garden, which was massive.

Then I came home and watered the lawns, as the sun came out, really warming.

And then, I started to slowly, very slowly, get ready to go out to voluntary work..




Ah, the joy’s of my mind.

01:15 May 19 2010
Times Read: 1,012

I spent much of the day with Dad in the garden on a sunny day; putting geraniums in and, weeding and; hanging up a hanging basket, for Mum.

I did get to see my regular shows, ‘Stargate Universe’ and ‘V’; though locating a working copy had been fun. I ended up with a weird combination of files.

Ah, the joy’s of my mind.

The green and blue terry towel robe having been replaced, by a white terry towel robe, I sat at the end of Tuesday feeling both thoughtful and, very imaginative.




I recall well...

00:52 May 18 2010
Times Read: 1,024

I watched ‘Fringe’ episode twenty Monday evening, as Dad watched some documentary, or other. After it finished I went through to sit and chat, just as he started watching Derren Brown, left leg crossed over the right at the thigh.

And, though he wanted to see the show, his eyes slowly fell. And I found myself thinking, ‘One day, not too far away, I’ll be without you Dad.’

So I sat quiet awhile longer, just pleased that I could do so…

And boy, did I recall well, as I did, living alone, last time.. and, how much I so hated it.



01:18 May 18 2010

Last comment so very true!

01:40 May 18 2010

I love and hate those moments.

02:43 May 18 2010

i cherish moments such as that. but i do not look forward to living alone either.


"How are you?" She asked.

17:47 May 17 2010
Times Read: 1,031

'..bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, with a lawn to water', I answered.



00:41 May 20 2010

As you more often than not are, lol.


Then sleep ...

22:15 May 16 2010
Times Read: 1,036

It was like summer today with a light, very light, chill to the air. After a bit of gardening, I went to Karl’s and got some well cool tv shows and, thanks to his Mum, some old tapes, all good films. Got home, to eat with Dad and drink red wine.

[Then sleep a little while.]




.. a little more chilled.

16:29 May 15 2010
Times Read: 1,051

Friday lunchtime found me feeling more relaxed that I have found awhile. Effectively I was broke again. Well, without the worries of money that is. And boy, did it feel good. Even Dad seemed a little more chilled; though it is difficult to tell, with him.

As I saw Mike out, after watching 'Species - The Awakening', we'd looked up & there up above, in an otherwise clear sky, was Venus, looking down at us.

I did go on the PC awhile, to try and catch up with emails etc. But, come late night, when I’d normally be on VR, I had an early night. Well, early for me; and boy did I sleep well, waking on Saturday to a sunny morning and some pleasant guitar being played on the radio while I sat down to type, before getting dressed.

I just had stuff rattling around up there and just had to get it down, prior to going to the shops, to find some green soap an a decent scouring pad: and, some cranberry sauce, of course.

Well, needless to say: I didn’t get what I went for. Instead I got a heat pad for Dad; and a bar of antiseptic soap, while enjoying a whiskey, while listening to my sounds.

I got home, to do some gardening, before enjoying a long bath.




.. figures whirling.

17:02 May 13 2010
Times Read: 1,060

Spent Wednesday having my head battered by bankers and money, that isn’t really mine, albeit held in my name, for when I’m alone; and with figures whirling through my head and, decisions that had to be made, my every thought about money: and truth be told, I found it truly debilitating, when I already had so much on my head already.

And, in keeping with our current theory, of “it’ll go wrong;” just before bed, I found that the lightswitch in the bathroom wasn’t working.

Then in the morning, as Dad took it apart, and it miraculously started working again.

We’re putting that one down to Mum, as we have much of the little weirdness of late.

Needless to say, I had a night of no sleep whatsoever, thinking I’d be getting it sorted on Thursday. Well, thanks to disagreements, order hadn’t been restored to my head, so I prepared for voluntary work, with a banging head, knowing full well that I still had my finances to sort come Friday morning.

Come the evening, I found myself work in a group of four people, when it takes us anywhere, from six to eight people to run the project efficiently. By the end of the evening and packing up, there had only been two of us, the project leader and myself: the two young ladies with us had gone to see a Bill Hicks film being shown non a big screen, for free. Well, anyone who likes Bill Hicks is good people and, these two are definitely good people. So Roger as I did as people should do for people like them, we allowed them to go early, while we cleaned up the church.

Needless to say, by the time I got home my body was aching goodstyle.



20:47 May 15 2010

*chuckling* mine is called Fred- he has followed me from three jobs, 4 households, and two countries....


... just two??

00:31 May 12 2010
Times Read: 1,071

.. having an emotional two minutes. and I can't decide whether I want to watch porn, science fiction, horror, or have a joint as distraction from it...




"... a guilty pleasure of mine."

23:54 May 11 2010
Times Read: 1,074

After a long day spent with banks, emotive promoting mail and, trying to understand a new pain in my right arm, Mikes visit in the evening was indeed anticipated.

And, thankfully he called at 7:00 so we could watch our Tuesday teevee shows ‘Stargate Universe’ and ‘V [2009]’ and thus help provide the adequate distractions I had found myself needing.

After he had left on his bike, I briefly found myself wondering why, ‘does the black top of the bottle of Patchouli disappear beneath the bed in the darkness beneath it?’

As you might.

Then a little later I sat to write, and tail-ended my distraction quotient with an episode of the new ‘Knight-Ride’, which I’ll concede her and now, is a guilty pleasure of mine.




... ‘twas bliss.

16:36 May 11 2010
Times Read: 1,081

Tuesday was as I described to someone, positively gloomy. Well, Tuesday began with light showers at one end of Bromborough and, finally got to me, in time for my walk to the dole. Thankfully, my Dad gave me a lift there in the car.

All I had asked from from the dole, was the required consistency, they talk of. And, thankfully Now I have it, so I don’t have to explain myself everytime.

But, then there’d been the banks: I need another account, so was seeking advice & was bemused to learn when I rung to seek clarification of an appointment, that HSBC don’t have a local branch number. I think they’re now off my shortlist of banks of interest.

And, the weather turned fine & sunny late afternoon, which meant that after all my exercise and hassle, I could relax in the garden awhile. Ah, ‘twas bliss.




'Iron Man 2'

23:24 May 09 2010
Times Read: 1,097

'Iron Man 2' was that rare thing, a good film; like the first, it followed the comics: abd unlike some, the fact that it was faithful to stories I knew, helped it immeasurably; and, I stayed till the final credits rolled and, learnt something of the film to follow it.




...comment that FangsInLove left

12:27 May 09 2010
Times Read: 1,126

When I left VR in the early hours of the morning irked at the repugnant words of the teen-child TheArtistRose, I had checked to see who had rated me, before I went.

“My bad!”

It had turned out that there’d been a child stop by to rate me a one, then come back to do the same again, with their second free account.

When I first arrived here and was a whelp myself, I would never have dreamed of going to someone’s profile and leaving a one and, an insult. But, this child had.

Well, TheArtistRose and FangsInLove are prime examples of why I don’t think children should be allowed on VampireRave, as I have been suggesting for a while.

Grant you, it would unfortunately affect a few sensible young people, some of whom I know, whom you can talk with; but it would make the place safer for others, protecting them from the vitriol that these hormonally imbalanced children spout.

[Hmmm, with the comment that FangsInLove left, I wonder if TheArtistRose has three accounts? I muse on that one as I write, as the grammar and wording was oh-so similar to hers. If that is the case, she has certainly learnt to be as duplicitous as her CM, who promised much, to acquire what she wanted; thus proving to me, at the time, that she has no honour.]



13:21 May 09 2010

I just posted something similar to this in my journal. You're so right, kids should be encouraged to go haunt Vampire Freaks or some other like-minded site. Sometimes I feel like I'm walking through an elementary school playground here. Sigh.

14:26 May 09 2010

Good grief man, I'm not around for a day or two and 'mo drama....

20:00 May 09 2010

it is childish indeed to down rate because of childish games.

That is not the purpose of the rating system. We all fall victim to such games and I too grow tired of it. They need not be on VR or they should grow up.

01:45 May 11 2010

Welcome to the club, sugar- been there, done that, and I really need to make t-shirts for everybody...lol

Amazingly enough, I went to check out that profile, and there is no such user...go figure


.. yep, another case of VR Drama.

00:01 May 09 2010
Times Read: 1,154

.. so after a long evening trying to help a friend, you log on to VR, to learn that you're been insulted by a child: TheArtistRose.

Well, 'tis a pity she got involved in her CM's business.

That is.. the ACM who acquired the coven built for her, as she offered promises that I can only assume Now, were a ploy to get what she wanted.

Oh. I got used by a woman. Quel surpise? Not.



00:55 May 09 2010

be best to forget it all

it really isn't worth it

your real friends know who you are and that is all that matters

15:36 May 09 2010

I have to agree with you on the age requirement here on the rave. But in fairness not all teenagers are so ill equipped as most. As for the the juvenile attitude of said Artist Rose, or her paramour, children will be children. they want to act like children, treat them as such. I dont have the time or the patience to deal with these kids. My children are grown. Im not taking on anymore to raise, in the real world or here on the net.

I dont have any respect for the cm that traded you. If I had know you were up for trade I would have snagged you myself. I think you should have another coven. my services are at your disposal my friend if you want to start another one. :)

01:48 May 11 2010

The thing is...not all the juvenile attitudes come attached to children. I have gotten worse behavior out of people in their 20's and 30's...so I doubt an age requirement would deter them at all. But it would be nice not to have to censor everything we say and do for fear of the young uns


.. in need, of a coffee.

14:20 May 08 2010
Times Read: 1,164

I awoke on Saturday before Billy Butler joined me, to the sound of the microwave going ‘beep.’ I’d slept well, with pleasant thought of the woman I’d been chatting to on the PC before bed and, I’d been in desperate need of a coffee.

It’d felt good to be chatting with someone who was able to express her interests, needs and desires without need for artifice. And, I’ll concede that I’d felt flattered to be complimented, as I had been, by a lady I’ve grown to appreciate more and more, through her writing.

With the second coffee made I arose, still wearing my thigh length robe, the light one that I’ve taken to wearing since I’d had to dump my old favourite robe, the blue and green terry-towel, that had been moulting.

I had a phrase in my head that seemed appropriate to a series of recent events and, although unconnected to the previous nights company, it still gripped my mind.

So getting the Dell before me, sitting on a stool, so it was at the right level for me to sitting cross-legged on the side of the bed and opening up Word, I began to type.

“With great power comes great responsibility. Uncle Ben told me that and I never knew what he meant, until…” Peter Parker pronounced dully, tears pouring down his cheeks, as he stood there, finally realizing just how right the man had been.



15:39 May 08 2010

i am very pleased to hear this, Sir

it is refreshing - no?

to be able to chat with another openly


.. wind-down

02:36 May 07 2010
Times Read: 1,175

..we fed over fifty tonight.. well sound.

with only four of us.. almost hard work.

I've been winding down for hours Now.




Madame Acati and The Grey Lady

15:37 May 06 2010
Times Read: 1,181

Thursday and, I woke late, after being up till 3:00 a.m. finishing a story.

Needless to say, it being Thursday, Dad was vacuuming, so I was on ‘catch-up’, never a good thing, as I live with an eighty year-old Pisces dynamo.

So, I decided to ‘do’ the silver, as I’d wanted to do the other day: and I went to the cupboard, to get the crappy silver-clean cloths, I so disliked using last time I had cleaned the silver.

I opened the cupboard with the cleaning stuff sits, only to find some liquid Goddard’s silver polish and, the Fairy green soap, my Father had been looking for the other day.

And, this is after both he and I had been through that cupboard, a couple of times.

“And, you be careful where you put the silver polish away, you just never know…”

Dad said to me, awhile laters, after I had returned the silver to its spec.

After all, “First there was the soap and then, there was the polish…”


“And, I do believe in ghosts, after all, me ‘n Mum saw one. There’s no way it could of just disappeared through the hedge, like that…” It seems they’d seen The Grey Lady, down by the lanes, so like myself, he’s askin questions as to how things ‘just seem to happen’ round here, of late: a tad like when Dad was about to make afternoon tea, ‘n a cup that he’d brought down from the loft ‘just disappeared.’

So, I’d said to him, “She wanted a cook of tea.”

‘N just before I went on VR, perior to the project, I left Dad watching ‘Blithe Spirit’, a film based on the Noel Coward play. His late sister played the role of Madame Acati in rep in Basingstoke: and, I got to see her many years ago. She’d been good.




‘Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief’ and, an omelette...

17:58 May 05 2010
Times Read: 1,189

Tuesday night saw me watching my TV shows with Mike, then once they’d finished, the first part of ‘Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief’, a star-studded special effects spectacular, that seems to be aimed toward the Harry Potter audience. I had liked what I’d seen, an wish I’d put the rest to disc.

An the rain began to fall in the early hours of the morning, that drizzly sorta rain, which carried on throughout much of Wednesday, giving me the excuse, if one were needed, to stay in and, finish my correspondence: and, help sort out the phone-bill, when that arrived. That said, it was the reason I went for walk, in the rain, for the eggs I’d need, after making an omelette for two, for tea.

After our meal, as he sat drinking his tea, watching ‘The Weakest Link’, Dad informed me, “Len was watching you.”

He’s the fella over the road: and, I’d been clapping maniacally and scaring the wood pigeon from out of the tree in the verge outside our property, as a few years ago, the darn things killed off baby Blue-tits..

I just smiled at that, thinking, ‘At least I have entertainment value.’




..thank gawd

11:47 May 04 2010
Times Read: 1,198

Tuesday morning and it's sunny and am inside burning The Prisoner and prnting letters.. thank gawd for little laptop mark 2!!!




The meal was good...

01:40 May 03 2010
Times Read: 1,211

It was an everyday Sunday made all the stranger by the weather, which was either showery or very pleasant.

I went to visit Karl after seeing to the washing with Dad and thanks to him I got my latest TV shows and, got back to a roast meal, with my Dad.

The meal was good, as was the wine: the only thing missing was Mum.



01:52 May 03 2010

And these are the precious moments we hold on dear too...wonderful Neil!

00:09 May 04 2010

precious moments


.. warm eyes, at Hannah’s Bar, Liverpool.

00:14 May 01 2010
Times Read: 982

I was on the way back home from the project, still pleased someone had said ‘thank you for the meal, it was appreciated; an smiling even ‘coz of the fella who cleared up in front of the church to say thank you, as I went down the hill, toward the bombed-out church and the Chinese arch, to my left. And, I was taking photo’s of the street, the people walking by; and the pubs, so vibrant with life: mainly as I have a good camera that lets me do so again. And this big fellow, in black coat, with a bald-head and, warm blue-eyes, stopped me, in the street, saying to me; “I you want to take a really good picture of Liverpool …” an he directed me to Hannah’s Bar, where the guy on the door opened up for me, to go upstairs, as suggested. Well, needless to say, I had done so, meeting a pretty slim thing with blonde-hair, whose slim frame and impossibly long legs on such a short person stopped me, requesting to know what I wanted, with a smile. And that’s when I had told her of the fellow I had met in the street and what he had said, which was when she described the fellow with the bald head, I’d thought had warm eyes. An I said, “Well, you wouldn’t say ‘Boo’ to him.” Then she stepped aside and let me through to the promised view, amongst a group iof seated young trendies, all well-dressed, some eating. An lens pressed to the window, I took a spectacular shot, of the old bombed-out church, with a golden tinged clouds layered in the background, as the sunsets; then I left to go home to cook my tea.



00:39 May 01 2010

Now how cool is that! Lifes small pleasures sure can mean alot.

21:30 May 01 2010

It never fails to amaze me how you can get the greatest gifts from the people you least expect it from....

02:05 May 03 2010

Ever feel like Alice in Wonderland?

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