Isis101's Journal

Isis101's Journal


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11 entries this month

I hope that I don't do a faceplant in my book again...

00:12 Jul 29 2010
Times Read: 1,286

...time to study. Yipee.



11:13 Jul 29 2010



00:11 Jul 29 2010
Times Read: 1,287

Wow...two friends here today stated that they like the music on my Playlist. They even hung around my profile to listen to it - lol!

Thanks, guys!




Keeping fingers crossed...and grinnin' from ear to ear.

01:47 Jul 28 2010
Times Read: 1,301

I had an interview at a local grocery store yesterday - a major chain store. It went well. The pay sucks, but they do give raises, and there are benefits. It's also a union job. I am hoping that I am one of the four they plan on hiring.

In any case, I must keep on looking...

On a brighter note - I rescued three kittens from the streets today. I was on my way out to do a little grocery shopping when I walked up on them. They were merrily eating away at some dry cat food someone left for them. I've seen them around a few times - they are totally socialized. Over the weekend, some kids had them, playing with them. The kitties didn't seem to mind, but I had to remind the kids that kittens are not toys...

I tortured myself over the weekend, worrying about those kittens. (I always get like this over stray cats and dogs. I wish assholes would spay and nueter their pets). So, I was very happy to see them today. They came up to me to say hi. I rushed back to my apartment to get two cat carriers. Fortunately, the kitties were still where I left them when I returned. I had no problem putting them in the carriers.

I brought them inside, but left them in the carriers as I fed and watered them with good wet food and clean water. Then I called a cab, to take me and the kitties to the animal shelter.

My cats were curious, of course. They were probably thinking 'Oh no - she's bringing in more cats'...Well, they were cute. One was solid black with longish hair; another was black and white (not a tuxedo though), and the third was a brown tabby with white. They were all very cute, of course. The black one wanted to get out to check out my cats, but I didn't let him/her. (Too bad I neglected to take pics of them with my phone - duh)!

Anyway, the shelter was very nice - it was my first time dropping in. Playing kittens were on display everywhere. And a cute lil' fat daschund-looking dog was walking around behind the reception desk. The shelter is right next door to my vet...I never even noticed it before (I guess the bushes between the two places kept it hidden from view).

What was cool was the fact that there were other people bringing in kittens and cats that they found too. I told the receptionist who helped me that the three kittens I had were siblings; she said that they would keep them together for as long as possible...

No more worrying over those three kitties. I left the place with a huge grin on my face.



02:44 Jul 28 2010

Good luck with the possible job..prospects sound good so far!

Kittens..who can resist those adorable balls of fur? I'm sure I would have kept them, birds or not. Hopefully your three will find good homes now!

12:19 Jul 28 2010

Good luck with the job, as for the cats, well Kipper is proud of ya hon.

11:12 Jul 29 2010

The temptation to keep them would have been too much for me.

16:50 Jul 29 2010

If my financial situation was at least what it use to be, I'd have considered it...but I already have five cats, so mosty likely, no...

I couldn't leave them out on the streets though, so getting them, feeding them, then taking them to the animal shelter was the best I could do. I still get a warm fuzzy feeling whenever I think of them!

21:11 Jul 31 2010

Well...no job. I am always looking anyway, so the search goes on...


Boy, can I relate to this. 'Dumbing down' resumes, looking to make half of what I use to earn...yeap, I can relate.

20:52 Jul 19 2010
Times Read: 1,327

One morning in May of 2009, Marguerite DiGaetano put on her best suit, stuffed her briefcase with chocolate roses, marched into a Miami office building and asked to see the human resources manager. Having received no response to her online application for an executive assistant position, she decided to personally deliver her resumé with a little something extra to get herself noticed.

DiGaetano says the receptionist told her the HR manager was not available and promised to pass along her resumé, cover letter and chocolate roses. She never heard back from the company.

"I never even got a thank you for the chocolates, let alone an interview!" she told HuffPost. "No one can believe that."

DiGaetano says she had been unsuccessfully looking for a job for almost five months when she decided that she needed to get a little more creative. Having heard a few success stories about other people's unconventional applications, she thought she might as well give it a shot.

"Last year, I had read some place that someone sent a shoe to an employer with a note saying they wanted to get a foot in the door," she told HuffPost, "And I thought, 'Oh my goodness, that's so tacky'. But then after months of not even getting an interview, I thought, you know what? I gotta try something different. I was sick of emailing my resumé and cover letter to basically a black hole.'"

It's now been 18 months since DiGaetano was laid off from her job as an executive assistant, and she says she has tried every trick in the book to get back into the workforce. She has heavily dumbed down her resumé, divided her salary expectations in half, hand-delivered her materials to potential employers, and even printed out her resumé on hot pink paper with a footnote that said, "P.S. No, I am not a rock star, nor blonde (legally or otherwise). I'd be tickled pink at a chance to interview for this position."

She never heard back from that company either.

Story continues below

"No interview," she said. "Just crickets."

Factors that would not have hurt DiGaetano in a job search three years ago are now working against her: she is 58 years old, vastly overqualified for many of the positions she seeks ("I have more experience than I care to admit," she said), and she was making more than $50,000 a year at her last administrative job, a significantly higher salary than any employer is willing to pay for an administrative position now.

But even after lowering her expectations and "dumbing down" her resumé, DiGaetano says she still can't fool potential employers.

"You'd think employers would be grateful to get someone overqualified," she said. "I've had to dumb down 'office manager' and just say administrative assistant. I've taken off my GPA and my honors, minimized my skills. They ask salary history and I say, 'You know what? My salary is history. No one I know who's entered this workforce has received the salary they left at, and I don't expect to either.' But still no job."

DiGaetano says she was living on a meager $269 a week in unemployment benefits before they expired earlier this month due to the Senate's failure to renew the extension. She is not alone in her predicament: The U.S. unemployment rate is still soaring at 9.5 percent, and more than 2.5 million unemployed people have lost their benefits since June 2, creating a growing number of desperate jobseekers and a fiercely competitive market.

Tomorrow, the Senate is scheduled to try once again to restore aid to the long-term unemployed whose benefits have lapsed. Until then, DiGaetano says she will be depleting her savings to stay afloat.

"I live like a little turtle," she said. "I turn on C-SPAN and I think, these old coots have no idea what people are going through!" she said. "When I hear the stupid remarks of people like Orrin Hatch, I don't know whether to laugh or cry! You think we are all sitting home on our sofas popping bonbons in our mouths for $269 a week? What a hoot."

As part of our Bearing Witness 2.0 project, HuffPost is rounding up stories of former middle class people struggling to stay afloat in the recession. If you have a story to tell, please e-mail it to Lbassett@huffingtonpost.com.

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14:11 Jul 27 2010

I was lucky to get a job after 9/10 months, although it's half the wages I am used to and doing a job that I am not that keen to do!

It's as bad here as well : (

04:51 Jul 28 2010

Do they accept stories from business owners who want to put people to work but can't because other businesses are stagnant, not taking initiatives and using services?

It's tough for all of us...


21:12 Jul 17 2010
Times Read: 1,346

Life kinda' sucks right now.



21:28 Jul 17 2010


22:52 Jul 17 2010

~Hugs~ Cheer up doll..it will pass and things will be good again.

23:54 Jul 17 2010

*hugggss* Im sorry to hear this :(

08:09 Jul 18 2010

More *hugs*.


Well fuck a duck...

01:56 Jul 17 2010
Times Read: 1,349

I am so pissed off and bummed out right now.

How in the hell does an employment counselor confuse a job fair with their weekly job club meetings?

I was all gung-ho to meet with company reps looking for employees to hire.

And to top it all off - it's too goddamn hot!





Anyway...I hate beer.

23:50 Jul 12 2010
Times Read: 1,366

American beer is weak compared to English beer...but we more than make up for it with our TASTY food.



23:52 Jul 12 2010

lol i don't like beer either. i'm more of a wine cooler or fruit drink type and YUS tasty food FTW! :D

00:53 Jul 13 2010

an Englishman made this joke..."American beer is like making love in a canoe..it's fucking close to water!"

Our food is tastier, but they have better chocie. It's a trade off!

10:58 Jul 13 2010

I so love that joke....


So far, so good...

00:30 Jul 09 2010
Times Read: 1,389

In anticipation of the Mehserle verdict, people here - in San Francisco and Oakland - were leaving their jobs early in a mass exodus. They were afraid that riots would break out. So far, people are behaving themselves.

But just to be safe, I kept my ass away from Oakland today.

FYI: I think that dude should have received the verdict he got - involuntary manslaughter. No one could be so stupid as to cap a dude in front of hundreds of people, to get a murder verdict.



19:29 Jul 09 2010

I spoke too soon...later on during the night, some assholes decided to break windows, steal stuff, and set shit on fire.

01:22 Jul 12 2010

I've been in the middle of similar situations. I'm sending good, be-safe thoughts your way, Sister. Peace.


02:53 Jul 08 2010
Times Read: 1,398




The 4th of July

00:03 Jul 06 2010
Times Read: 1,411

I spent the day studying...got a nice surprise when Soraya called, as I haven't talked to her in awhile. We talked for over an hour, as we use to do. She wasn't feeling too well, but as her family did barbeque, she sent Julio over with a plate full of ribs, chicken, and corn, with a steak at the bottom! There was also some cerviche he made, and a litter of Coke - LOL! (I'll be eating BBQ for 3 days, but I'll have to be careful with the eating, as I can't have another stomach flare-up).

...later on in the evening, I heard some noise in the kitchen. It wasn't a loud noise...just the sounds that told me that a cat was on the stovetop.

I left the plate with the BBQ on the stove - it was covered in tinfoil. Part of the foil was lifted in one corner...and Whiskers was on the floor chewing on a huge rib. I took it from him, and rinsed it off. I be damned if that cat is gonna' eat my rib!



01:28 Jul 12 2010

Cats are crafty devils, able to open doors and pull back the tin-foil when theres ribs and such on the plate, but only when no ones looking. You should set up a camera to capture the beastie pulling his tricks-post them on UTube, and let me know if you film him opening the fridge; then I'll know I wasn't hallucinating when I witnessed something similar.

10:54 Jul 13 2010

Whiskers wanted you to share...meanie!

19:59 Jul 20 2010

I always share my food with the kitties - stuff that they are allowed to eat, anyway, that is okay for them.


Priest of the Month.

19:27 Jul 01 2010
Times Read: 1,445

July 2010




11:23 Jul 02 2010

Hmm.. I bet he has big piles ^^

11:30 Jul 02 2010

Wait....where's MY colour and month! lol

00:52 Aug 26 2010

You are NOT a priest! LOL!

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