Isis101's Journal

Isis101's Journal


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16 entries this month

Hell's Kitchen...?

03:06 Nov 29 2010
Times Read: 1,215

Earlier in the week - before Thanksgiving - I walked into a huge blowout at work. D - one of the TA's (teacher's assistants) who is an asshole, by the way - was going off on the main shipping & receiving guy Cal, who is a nice, cool dude.

It seems that the TA took exception to Cal coming in for free coffee and stuff...nevermind that he has the okay to do so from the boss.

D: Well man - I'm a professional! *yelling...'professionally'* You need to stop hanging around eatin' and shit!

Cal: *raises an eyebrow, and says nothing*

D: We can take this shit outside, man! *gets up in Cal's face, removing his chef's jacket, flexing his muscles*

Various replies from many present: "Why don't you chill out, man! Nobody here wants a fight - why are you trying to start one?...You aren't in charge of the cafeteria, so why are you trippin'?"

D: "'Cause it ain't right! Who the hell is he?" *sounding like a whinny bitch now*

Cal: "You're a clown, man."

D backs down, walking back to his area, still talking shit. It's apparent that not many people are on his side. What an obnoxious asshole.

The funny thing is that I think Cal has Chicago mob connections, but he was totally cool throughout D's meltdown. I was half-expecting him to throw his cup of coffee in D's face.



09:37 Nov 29 2010

Wow is D always a knob?

13:10 Nov 29 2010

I have a workmate who constantly complains about other folk at work, only she seems unable to comprehend that what she complains about the others doing is what she herself does more often or not. Pah folk are just....idiots sometimes



19:12 Nov 27 2010
Times Read: 1,234

The holiday was nice - it was at my mom's. I was sooo glad to see my sis Ray and her family there - although her oldest was at his girlfriend's family's place for the holiday).

I didn't eat much, due to my wierd stomach condition. I did bring food home, and kinda' pigged out the following day, with no ill effects.

I have a ton of stuff from work too, ie an apple pie, sweet potato pie, 2 bags of dinner rolls, caramel-chocolate pie slices, fruit cups, etc...with the exception of the pies (which I bought) I got the other stuff for free at the end of the work day. Into the freezer most of it will go - lol!

I have enough food to last for weeks!



19:17 Nov 27 2010

I need to move to the states for this week every year.

Then I'd have two thanksgivings! Lmao.


A real convo at work today.

04:25 Nov 23 2010
Times Read: 1,262

M (another cashier): Naked Juice is too expensive. They cost too much!

Me: Yeah - $3 is a bit much...

M: Tooo much - I'm cheap! *laughs*

Me: Hell, if I add a quarter, that's half of what I spend each day on BART.

Grill Guy B: Ya'll talking about that Naked Juice?

Me: Yeah.

Elderly woman walking towards us: Naked Jew? Where? *looks around frantically*



06:24 Nov 23 2010

*giggles* I love old people. :D

18:04 Nov 25 2010

Lol I like it

08:02 Nov 26 2010


Oy Vey! :P

19:51 Nov 27 2010

An easy mistake to make... Jews. Juice. Practically homophones.

...and evidence, at least, she isn't homophobic about homophones....



04:13 Nov 23 2010
Times Read: 1,270

This picture was taken on November 17, 2010...NOVEMBER! It isn't even Thanksgiving yet!





This week...

19:59 Nov 19 2010
Times Read: 1,289

Earlier, I mentioned that I worked in a place akin to an insane asylum. I stand corrected - it is more like a really bad, unregulated recycling center.

I have to keep reminding myself that I am working at a jr. college...judging from many of the students here, the decline of western civilization is at hand.

*Remember the Asian kid with DS? While I was making my way to the coffee maker during the breakfast rush, he stops me to ask if he could get a discount if he showed his school ID. He had something - I forget what it was - for $3.95.

"If I show my ID, can I pay $2.00?" "No - sorry" I replied. He reflected on my answer for a few seconds, then said okay...as he walked off, I heard him mumble under his breath "Ho."

*Shakespeare/Spielberg dropped by one day to visit, shouting "Monique, Monique!" We spoke briefly, then I beat a hasty retreat. Good grief.

*We have a lot of guys - and a handful of women - in various green jobs programs. They are always in blue uniforms, so it's easy to spot them. They get a pretty good stipend for meals, and they eat - a lot. After they leave, a lot of the food is gone. About two-thirds of them are pretty cool - the others are assholes. I was told that the majority of them are ex-cons. Hey - they gotta' learn a trade and make a living too. Anyway - there are two guys that I just cannot stand. They are rude and on a good day, have the personalities of floating shit turds.

*While my main job is cashiering, I do other mundane tasks as well. I was cleaning up and re-stocking the supply table, ie re-filling the utensil and napkin dispensers. I tossed debris into the trash container. I was immediately attacked by a woman who screeched "You just threw away my bottle top! You got gloves on - get my top out of the trash!" Her short fat ass was actually getting up in my face, being all ghetto and shit. Was she just standing there, watching me - waiting to start shit? I really wanted to punch her in her ugly face. I'm thinking -"Bitch - if you wanted it, why in the fuck did you leave it there with all of the other garbage?" Instead, I said - with a sweet smile on my face - "I'm sorry, hon. Let me take it out of the trash and clean if for you. I'll be right back"

So, I did just that. I was so damn nice to her that she was taken aback. She actually said thank you, and told me that I was a nice lady.

Bitch. She had so many piercings and shit in her face that she looked liked she got attacked by a Bedazzler.



20:25 Nov 19 2010

pah Im not sure Id have actually cleaned that bottle-top for her although I might have pretended to, you done well to keep cool :)

23:22 Nov 20 2010

Oy Vey, girl...Im so sorry.

You want, I break somebody's legs for you? lol...

lol @ bedazzler face. Shoulda told her if she got one more, she could be a flute lmao........

06:27 Nov 23 2010

You're a better person than I am. I'd have ripped them out of her face after I hawked a lougie in her bottle cap.

18:03 Nov 25 2010

I must say I would of rubbed my willy over the cap...You did very well.

19:14 Nov 27 2010

You guys are evil...of course, I though of a variety of shit to do to that damn bottle cap.

But - since I didn't want the possibility of being sued or something if the bitch got sick, I was a good girl. Plus - it was fun to fuck with her with my over-the-top 'kindness'...lol!

12:37 Nov 28 2010

Lol you are the better person!



18:39 Nov 19 2010
Times Read: 1,299

I was one the bus one day this week. A girl - late teens or early twenties - gets on with a toddler. After she and the kid get settled in their seats, she starts sucking her thumb...



19:01 Nov 19 2010

her thumb, or the toddler's thumb?

19:39 Nov 19 2010

Yeah, who's sucking their own thumb?

20:00 Nov 19 2010

The young 'lady' started sucking her own thumb.

04:18 Nov 23 2010

Oh, awesome. Imagine her buck-teeth!

06:28 Nov 23 2010

Hey now! I have buck teeth so that's not fair. Although mines genetic... All our teeth are that way. Ok, on second thought, pick away at her. :D

17:59 Nov 25 2010

So do I but it's the shape of my jaw...honest!

Poor sweet little girl.


20:04 Nov 13 2010
Times Read: 1,320

I was at my mom's yesterday. My sister was up from Twin Peaks, along with her oldest kid.

Mom has decided on buying a condo now...no changing her mind this time, I think. Spent around two hours at a real estate office, then back to her house for a bit. (Is she selling her house? I don't know. We just want her to be happy and comfy wherever she is).

My sis took me to my fave grocery store later on, then dropped me off at home.

I will order myself to study and do assignments this weekend...no ifs, ands, or buts!




Hey, KattrinaK...

00:38 Nov 12 2010
Times Read: 1,349

So, while I snooping around in KattrinaK's journal, I came upon her Dia de Los Muertos entry.

At the college, there was a ceremonial dance presentation by Mexican Indian dancers in honour of the day. They were very good. One tall dancer in particular caught my eye:


I wanted to get in closer to get a better picture, but I couldn't. So, believe me when I say that he was gorgeous...face, muscles, feathers, and all!



00:49 Nov 12 2010

nice, didja ask him out?

: )

00:52 Nov 12 2010

No - lol!

I'm not in dating mode...plus, I think I'm old enough to be his mother.

02:36 Nov 12 2010

Very yummy pic!! No ladies though!! :)~ Thanks for visiting my journal Isis!!!


Repeat offender day.

23:50 Nov 11 2010
Times Read: 1,353

Yesterday was almost 'normal'...except for the following:

* A big kid was staring at me when I came in in the morning. When I emerged from the office to start work, he said "hugs!' then attempted to give me a bear hug. It was The Hugging Guy! His teacher was with him, and stopped him from squeezing me. "You can say hello and shake her hand - do not grab and hug, okay?" she admonished. We shock hands.

* Shakespeare/Spielberg dropped in during the busy lunch crowd to say hello. I was off of the register at the time, making coffee and keeping other stuff filled. He was all in red again, and wore these HUGE round red sunglasses, a-la Paris Hilton. It was hard to keep a straight face, especially with other co-workers making faces at me behind his back. He thought that he was looking really good...I thought that he looked like an insect, with those big-ass glasses.

* The creepy Institution Man dropped by in the afternoon to bother the shit outta' me. When he walked away to order from the grill, I sneaked away to the office, and waited until he left...good grief.



00:05 Nov 12 2010

*laughs* :D I'd have done the same as your co workers. :P

17:56 Nov 25 2010

Lol and me!


The week at work.

20:12 Nov 07 2010
Times Read: 1,393

First off, I don't want people to think that I only write about my job to make fun of people - it's more that I'm reporting what I see, as some of it seems unbelievable, ya' know?

* I haven't been bothered by the Shakespeare/Speilberg wannabe in a few days...another one seems to have taken his place. This guy is a tall attractive dark-skinned older man...who is giving me the creeps, as he can be stalker-ish, according to another cashier who had a run-in with him a few years earlier. I'm not interested in anyone at the school, so I don't really pay attention to whatever attention I seem to be getting...yet this guy is up in my face a lot, which irritates me. He comes in the afternoon, and is always asking me out. I keep politely declining, but he won't give up. What makes him creepy is that something about him smacks of being institutionalized...like either in an asylum and/or a prison. It will be nice if/when the school gets funding to have security again.

* The blonde surfer dude came in again - this time he had money. He bought a breakfast sandwich, for $2.95...mostly in nickels and pennies.

* A student worker was helping the boss with some of his paperwork; she set up a file for him in one of the filing cabinet drawers. She's a Latina and speaks English perfectly...a COLLEGE student. Why was the drawer listed as 'S-----'s fiels'...? None of us have the heart to tell her that she can't spell worth a shit. One day, I'll change the tag when no one is around.

* Remember how I mentioned earlier that most of the special needs students are nice and/or sweet? Well, there are a few exceptions. One - an Asian kid with Down Syndrome - kept walking around the cafeteria asking people for $5.00..."Yo - give me five dollars" he repeated, all gangster and shit. When he got to me, he asked for money. I told him that I didn't have $5.00, and asked him where his student assistant was. He stared at me for a moment, then said, "Yo bitch - you know you got five dollars"...

* Recall the kid who appeared to be about to spit on me? I saw him pick his nose, then put a booger in his mouth.



21:31 Nov 07 2010

...sounds like your job is pretty eventful I have to say, but good on you for doing it well. I worked with special needs kids and never knew what I was going to face minute to minute but, I loved it. People are real interesting aint they just.

09:23 Nov 08 2010

Sounds like you are enjoying yourself.

16:50 Nov 08 2010

I'm telling you - this has best seller written ALL over it! Hell if a guy who started a twitter just about crap his dad says can get a TV show, you've got gold here!

23:35 Nov 11 2010

Justin - lol! I wouldn't know where to start...!

Even though this is a cashier job in a jr college cafeteria, it can be strange at times.

My very first job was a summer job I had when I was 13 - I was a teacher's assistant for special needs kids. I loved it.

The so-called 'regular' students and the non-student strays are the ones one needs to look out for though - lol Well - lol kind of)...


Nap time...again...for now...

22:11 Nov 06 2010
Times Read: 1,413

Since it's the middle of the day, we'll catnap. Around 1 or 2 am, we'll start to party!

We'll disturb Mom's sleep, by climbing and jumping all over her, and we'll be sure to give her lots of kisses and face rubs, to show her how much we love her!

Why does she sometimes spray us with that damn water bottle? We just don't get it...




22:38 Nov 06 2010

aww theyre so cute! hehe

00:02 Nov 07 2010

Thanks! They're brats, but I love ma' kitties!

03:23 Nov 07 2010

LOL they have every direction covered! you are safe no where! LOL cute

23:13 Nov 07 2010

Wow! That is one big black and white kitty on the bottom left hand corner. Love how they have all the areas scoped out!

09:20 Nov 08 2010

Shouldn't that black and white one be in a zoo? It's bloody huge!

23:30 Nov 11 2010

The huge one is Crunch...he's 29 lbs!


Regarding work...

20:32 Nov 06 2010
Times Read: 1,423

Idiots/wierdos/bitches/assholes come in all colors.

So people won't get any pre-conceived notions on the people I write about, I will - for the most part - state the race and/or nationality. I don't want people to think that the people I write about are mainly black or white...they come in all colors here. (This is the San Francisco Bay Area, after all).

Also - I will refrain from using anyone's real name, of course.




19:48 Nov 06 2010
Times Read: 1,428

Damn...I haven't logged on since November 1st...I have some catching up to do!



09:18 Nov 08 2010

I know that feeling ^^


03:03 Nov 02 2010
Times Read: 1,453

I am impressed with the culinary department at the college. I really need to stay away from the desserts...

Mmmm...cream puffs.



03:21 Nov 02 2010

: )

05:30 Nov 02 2010

Oh no...........!!!

It would be so ugly if I was in your position lmao. I'd probably end up on a talk show with Tyra assuring me im beautiful.....oh nooooo. *drools* cream puffs.........

03:24 Nov 07 2010

Oh yuummmmm.

Next creme puff Iron chef??

09:18 Nov 08 2010

Cream puffs? lol


Whoo hoo ! We Won!

02:46 Nov 02 2010
Times Read: 1,457


San Fran - it's time to PARTY!!!


(And I'm not a big fan of baseball...lol! But - the homeboys did good)!




Priest of the Month

02:43 Nov 02 2010
Times Read: 1,460

November 2010




20:44 Nov 06 2010

he can give me my last rights anytime, in fact Id die for it

09:17 Nov 08 2010

Not bad lol

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