LadyDarkRayne's Journal


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6 entries this month

21:38 Jan 26 2011
Times Read: 929

I look out my window to see the weather change from rain to slush to snow and thencycle back again to rain. I hope spring comes soon.

I was loking through the seeds I have that I will be planting in my little pots inside perhaps this weekend so that when Mother Nature decides to end this Love Affair with Jack Frost, I can transfer them outside.

The flowers I will have this year in my flower beds are: Moonflowers, Ice Gerber Daisies, Baby's Breath, Jasmine, Dinner Plate Red and Pink Hibiscus and Purple Double Bloom Datura.

My Herb Garden will have :

Lavender, Catnip, Mints (Chocolate, Pepper, Lemon) Dill, Chives, Rosemary, Belladonna, Hearty Sage, White Sage, Thyme, Sweet leaf Stevia, Oregano, Parsley,Lemon Balm, Cat grass, Basil, Cilantro, Borage, Chamomile, Mugwort, Motherswort, Coltsfoot.

(I am sure I will be adding more to this list.)

I also have a some Lilac seeds and some old fashion hummingbird vines that I am going to plant by the front porch so they climb up the dividers.

Now as for veggies, I am going to have to make some raised beds. In one I will have :

1. Boston Butter Lettuce, Spinach

2. Green beans and Peas

3. Hot peppers and Green Peppers

4. Cucumbers and Zuccini and Yellow Squash

I will also have my Topsy Turvies for my Tomatoes and my baskets of Strawberries.



22:48 Jan 26 2011


you just need a beehive now, you're planting a Bounty of Forage!

let me know if you have any questions; those crops will need a hefty load of extra calcium (i usually side-dress with a scoop of powdered milk at the roots every 2-3 weeks, it dissolves with watering); you just dig down, shake the powdered milk around the roots, and re-cover with dirt.



04:58 Jan 26 2011
Times Read: 944

Today marks one year since I moved down to Tennessee. It seems as if this year has gone by very quickly. Seems like just yesterday that I was packing all of my possessions into the uhaul and saying goodbye to some dear friends.

The road hasn't been easy at times but I have adapted to the changes for the most part.



06:42 Jan 26 2011


00:24 Jan 27 2011

Been that long? Well you are a southern gal now. ;)


17:02 Jan 19 2011
Times Read: 982

Well, finally I have a court date. Feb 8th I will having my day in court for custody of Alex. As most of you know this has been a long time coming. I am excited and nervous at the same time. So if you think of it on the 8th around 9am good vibes would be great.



20:32 Jan 19 2011

For you Hun anything but only for you.

21:25 Jan 19 2011

You got it woman! All of it for YOU and ALEX!! Hugs

21:38 Jan 19 2011

Consider it done, sugar- I wish you all the best of luck

13:17 Jan 23 2011

I will be sending good vibes for you and Alex!


08:56 Jan 12 2011
Times Read: 1,021

I was sitting here thinking the other night, when I realized that it has already been four years since I orginally first joined this site. I gave my orginal profile away, so this one doesn't reflect the four year batty, but my first log onto to here was January 9, 2007.

I was thinking back to how it was way back when. I was taking the time to reflect on the societies that I had been apart of. The first, coven I was inducted into was Stone Guardians, and then there was another one, that I can not recall at this time, but it disbanded. And then Wildchild inducted me into The House of Madadh-Alluidh, back when TD was HouseMaster and I was there for along time. I remember making personal stamps for each member of the House.

I was then traded to MysticalDarkness when Steph was Coven Master and was there for a long time as well. That is where I got very close with several members, JannellieJuice, HunterAja, Pinky to name a few. At that tiome I took a 6 month leave, due to medical issues, but I would check in periodically to find messages in my inbox, from Wilder, and JannellieJuice saying they missed our chats and wish I would come back.

I ended up coming back in June 2008. And have pretty much been here since. There was a falling out in the coven that I was in, for reason I don't care to get into and I left. I had my reasons, and I went to Moonies coven for a bit and then I was sent over to Festival Of Decay, because at that point, me and AYW were an item. He then was made CM, I became ACM. For which time I was there until the end, had a brief stay in Nocturn Felinity and then opened up my First Coven. Atrum Templum, which opened it's Doors March 2009. Hard to believe that it has been almost 2 years. January 2010 I opened my second Coven The Council of Witches, under my second Sire profile Mystic. Again it is amazing how fast a year goes by on here.

I have met some wonderful people on here, some of which I consider family. These are the one's that I talk to when I am off of this site. We talk on the phone, we check in on each other.

Sure there has been drama, and yes I am guilty of getting involved with some of it myself. But I admit when I am wrong and for my faults. I am not going to go and throw someone else under the bus just to prove a point.

There has always been some sort of just under the water drama, never really surfaces, but you see the ripples with each coming tide. It has gotten to the pont at times that you really don't know people as well as you thought you might have. You are unsure as to who you can confide in and who isn't going to go and make your private conversations public. There is a very small group of friends/sisters/family that I know what I say stays between them, and isn't repeated to their spouses or what not. Those are the one's that I consider true family. and if you have to ask yourself if your one of them, well that should answer your own question.

Yes we are human and we make mistakes, but in the end we either learn from those mistakes or we continue to make them.

The last two years have been hell for me in some aspects and wonderful in other ways.

Losing my Mom, and then my grandmothers. Being diagnosed with not one but possibly 4 Chronic Pain Diseases and two Auto Immune diseases, takes a toll on a person. Add into that making a massive life changing move away from everything I was familar with... well add that all together and it is alot to deal with. I am moody/angry/upset easily. I try so very hard to not let little things get to me, but sometimes it is unavoidable.

I can be my own worst enemy when left to my devices. But that is why I have some of the most wonderful people in my life whether close by or half way across the country that remind me, that I am never alone. And that they are just a phone call away. Some of which offered that If I feel the need to escape I am more then welcome to come and visit.

In the end, people are not always going to get along. We are all going to have our own opinions, and well we all know opinions are like assholes, we all have one. Not everyone I am friends with are friends with each other, some of you can't stand each other for one reason or another. I will not be torn in half by selfish behavior, I will not take kindly to snide innuendo's being said. We all make mistakes, own up to your mistakes, and move on. Do not continue to beat a dead horse , it is kind of pointless and it just pisses me off.

So all in all think before you speak, if you believe in what you are saying stand up for what you believe, but when it is proven not be so own up to it. Apologize for your mistakes, remind yourself that not everyone is as forgiving as you are, and it is their right if they chose to forgive or not.



08:58 Jan 12 2011

Nicely said!

09:08 Jan 12 2011

4 years I feel so young XP Hopefully you will be here for another 4 years or until I drive you insane! XP

10:11 Jan 12 2011

I still loves you Rachy Poo! :D

19:31 Jan 12 2011

Haha Ezio, you do not drive me crazy lol It's everyone else lol. Keri yes, I luvs you too .

21:07 Jan 12 2011

A to the Men!



Love ya girl.

22:26 Jan 12 2011

It just needed to be said -shrugs- I don't know I think people have lost their bloody minds over the last few days.

17:13 Jan 19 2011

How dare you not mention me! *cries* lol Love ya babe :*

17:44 Jan 19 2011

aww ya know I loves ya Doc,the ones mentioned were in that particular coven lol

04:58 Jan 22 2011

that is my sis always thinking and when the mind can't think no more you think. I know with out a doubt that any coven that you start will go along way. I remember when you first brought me here to this site. I didn't know what to expect but you always stayed by my side and that my dear friend is why I stay by your side. Huggles and lots of love


07:02 Jan 08 2011
Times Read: 1,051

Regarding the secret santa gift exchange

It would appear that some people that signed up for this,never recieved their gift from their secret santa. I am looking for the list of people that signed up. I am a bit sad at the fact that it is nearly the middle of january and things still have not been recieved.

If you signed up for the secet santa list, please contact me.



08:04 Jan 08 2011

Same thing happened with the Card Exchange hun.

: /

05:11 Jan 09 2011

People.. on VR... flakey?

I don't believe it! Haha


03:59 Jan 01 2011
Times Read: 978

I had a friend join the site she is family,She just joined yesterday, Her name is ShadowSister if you could stop by and rate and add her, that would be great !



04:29 Jan 01 2011

will go rate her now. :)

16:30 Jan 01 2011

I will too,for my friend.:)

04:32 Jan 04 2011

Did it!

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