Moreish's Journal


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17 entries this month


22:24 Jan 31 2008
Times Read: 618

When I think about it, it seems so strange that we as a civilisation have gone from a lack of food, starvation (yes we still have that now) to such an adundance in the western world that us fat asses need to eat less and excercise more.

Not only that, but over 1/3 of the world population wonders where their next meal is coming from while we throw food out that has gone off in our fridges because we bought too much, cooked too much etc

I say all this as I eat a bowl of gooey porridge, have lunch in the fridge and know I cam going for pizza for dinner with friends tonight as I play to do a 7 km run in the morning followed by a 1 hour weight training session just to stay slim....

I'm a hypocrite.



22:40 Jan 31 2008

Is is good or evil to send enough food to starving areas that local farmers are driven out, leaving all future local markets to megacorporations who were able to influence aid details?

I don't know what the answer is.


Broken Record

22:21 Jan 31 2008
Times Read: 621

It's official, i've had my first staff resignation in over 4 years.

Albiet I've fired a few in that time!

Young fellow, only been with us for 2 1/2 months. Just finished his degree and started his own company

Could have been honest and not taken the role wil us!!!!

So after 3 companies, over 35 people working for me..... the little twirp ruined my perfect track record.

Remind me to make a voodoo doll tomorrow.



22:23 Jan 31 2008

You are too sexy to be a witch doctor :p



21:52 Jan 29 2008
Times Read: 630

I think it's too young to retire in your mid thirties..... but then again as I am feeling this morning, tired, grumpy and totaly over it - retirement looks good about now.

Must remember to buy myself a lottery ticket on the way home tonight, I might just be able to retire on my own winnings :D

That would pose a whole heaps of other questions - what to do in retirement? I have my own therories:

* learn a language - french needs a good brush up

* loads of travel - and i mean loads.....

* take up salsa

* find some hot hunky to stalk

* buy a sports car and terrorise all the asians in my area as they cross the road on foot

* buy more puppies!!!! and dye them pink hahhaah

* become a nucsiance and join my local council and torture the bastards for once.

* call my plastic surgeon for a make over

* sue somebody just because their shoes don't go with their outfit

* invent something that's useless

* become a mature aged model and refruse to diet

* get a personal trainer

* Move to the harbour

That sounds like a plan :)



22:23 Jan 29 2008

Lol nice plan :D

22:33 Jan 29 2008


Asians? Come here and fix up the old people. Gawd! Waiting at zebra crossings while they decide whether they will step off the curb 'n cross the zebra crossing. I got worked 'em out tho'. Old people only move when you do, so you sit there pumping the accelerator and yelling at them to hurry up.


A New Low.... Even for Me.....

02:25 Jan 25 2008
Times Read: 649

Fired someone - by e-mail......

It's a long story as to how it came about but it sat badly on my stomach for days.

Question for those that acutally read my pathetic excuse for a journal, what was the worst way you were fired and why?



03:48 Jan 25 2008

The worst way I got fired was through text messaging. I was so pissed off and upset that I broke my blackberry.

07:13 Jan 25 2008

Nope! Can't say I could think of a worse way to fire somebody.


Resistance if Futile

02:12 Jan 25 2008
Times Read: 650

I get loads of quotes during the day from my various teams.

This was in the case of telling a customer what they needed to do to rectify a problem they had on site and were resisting to try it out.

I resisted all day from having an Easy Way tea - iahe sucumbed to a large coconut milk tea with coconut jelly and pearls....yum....

He was right, resistance was futile.



07:16 Jan 25 2008

I have dreams about getting served those types of delicacies by a dark and comely islander, topless and in a grass skirt.


Aging Gracefully

05:56 Jan 24 2008
Times Read: 672

Just had a chat with a friend regarding aging gracefully or plastic surgery to which he replied, be a Sophia Loren and stay natural to which I replied the following:

"she uses one of the best italian surgeons and often does trips to new york so don't give me that!

and let's be honest there is nothing graceful about tit on your stomach and nipples on your thighs.....

there is nothing gracfull about jowls scratching your neck or dragging your saggy ass around on the pavement....

there is nothing graceful about old age...

and let's also be honest, men age so much better or rather are far more accepted by society then women

so i will keep the plastic surgeon on speed dial until further notice...."

After recently watching some terrible programs on aging I have made some drastic changes in my live (I say this while eating organic 70% chocolate).

This is a subject I will be talking more about as I am a plastic surgery nut.

And for the record, I don't care if you're against it, we are all entitled to our own opinion it's what makes the world interesting.



06:22 Jan 24 2008

I remember reading a book on the white nile, and the exploration of the 'vales of paradise' in Buganda. In it was a description of the kings wives-

[the king] kept an extraordinary harem of wives who were so fat they could not stand upright, and instead grovelled like seals about the floors of their huts. Their diet was an uninterupted flow of milk that was sucked from a gourd through a straw, and if the girls resisted this treatment the were force fed like Pâté de Foie Gras ducks of Strasbourg: a man stood over them with a whip.

Tits on your stomach and an ass that drags on the pavement, I now associate with all that is beautiful and exotic. I don't know if it is that association buy I have yet to meet a fat person that was not engaging. Bugger the surgery just drink more milk :)

21:29 Jan 24 2008

Puppet, we are talking of 2 different things, fat and sagging ;)

Fat can be beautiful, but to loose saggy flesh....

20:33 Jan 25 2008

One thing about plastic surgery is that the hands always give it away, which is probably why we see a lot of the mature stars wearing gloves.

I think the knife is extreme and should be used in the last event, however there are so many other less evasive treatments I would try first...like collagen, peels..etc :)

Overall, I am not adverse to plastic surgery but I don't think it is something I would ever consider until I was older.


To Swear or Not to Swear... that is not an option...

01:28 Jan 24 2008
Times Read: 678

I swear alot - in my every day life - I will drop just about any obsentity you can imagine and I enjoy the shock value of it.

I work in a corporate environment and happily refrain from it while I am here, once in a while one will escape with no problem

Yesterday I posted my first profanity in writting - not shocking news I realise for the rest of you but a major deal for me.

And I keep thinking about it....

While I do swear alot, I am old school. I don't swear on public transport as it's tacky and cheap, I don't swear in front of minors as it makes you look like you are ignorant, childish and not capable of person control - plus it's a respect thing.

So why the ramble? It bugs me that I swore in writting - isn't it interesting the personal standards you set for yourself and what you find acceptable or not acceptable can mean a completly different thing to someone else.

The moral of the story? Set your own standards and stick to them but always try to have some form of respect for those around you.

I can leave my little blurted out word as I think in this environment, it's acceptable.... or am I assuming again ;)



22:13 Feb 03 2008

Haha, this I know! I feel terrible too, I rarely spell it f.u.c.k. it looks better the Irish way, f.e.c.k. and sounds different to. People just laugh really when I do come out with the f.e.c.k word (sounds something like fackit. go figure!


Assumption is the mother of all fuck ups

06:18 Jan 23 2008
Times Read: 691

Quoted to me today when I praised a cocky staff member.

Do we really need to clarify everything these days?

What happened to taking a guess, where is the mystery gone?

Have we forgotten the thrill of risk? The uncertainty of a guess?

How I miss those days of flying by the seam of my knickers...... of course I much prefer the salary that comes with conviction....

call me a hypocrite ;)



20:03 Jan 23 2008

I know assumption, and in my work it is never my best friend. Quite has me tearing my hair out sometimes when cock-ups happen because people assume they know something instead of checking it out first.

Assumptions in general suck too, I wonder at times why people assume things about others, maybe it is because it is what they want to believe? Umm.. lame, well anyway....

*Thrills*? I am on for that 'tho!! !!!!


The Weekend

01:18 Jan 21 2008
Times Read: 698

One thing I can not tolerate is doing nothing all weekend.

Sitting around on the couch for 2 straight days is hell on wheels for me.

I thought I would give it a go, keep my partner in crime happy and see what all the fuss was about ....... won't be doing that again in any hurry

I feel as if i missed out on a whole heap of stuff and consolded myself in retail therapy on sunday afternoon by myself to the tune of $500 on his credit card - that will teach him for making me bored!!!!

I may have set my new years resolutions as "come what may" but when it comes to my social life I will remain the control freak .

I was born to socialise, work out, shop and shag ......




3 Month review

04:43 Jan 18 2008
Times Read: 702

Great news, my 3 month review occured today for my new job - all went well and they are going to keep me on (how could they not love me? haha)

Areas of improvement:

* delegation - need to pass more work down to my team

* make more decisions - more authority

Team see me as the leader and was a surprise to them that i have fitted in as well as I did

I now need to get to know the telco industry more and I will be right as rain!

what started as a crabby stressed day - i'll post another item regarding firing people shortly.....





23:12 Jan 15 2008
Times Read: 708

My best friend rang me yesterday and begged me to join her at boxing in the morning for a 6:15am class.

I growled and then agreed.

So this morning, I rock up for boxing to find she was a no show.

I got over it quickly when we started running around and boxing up a storm.

But guess who went down like a ton of bricks? You guessed it, you're truly.

25 minutes into the class, I could feel the pressure on my body to go down, my vision started to butterfly and my legs were giving out.

I said to my boxing partner, I am going down, she goes, no you're not, I said yes I am, she's nah, you're fine and the next thing, I was cross legged on the floor much to the shock of my partner and myself.

After a 5 minute recovery, a bottle of water and much attention from all the gym staff (they all know me very well) I was up and boxing again.

Fool you say? You're right, I lasted another 5 minutes until the trainer came up and said game over for you, floor time I'll take over.

So there I was for the next 15 minutes watching everyone run around like blue assed flies.... i joined them for the abs work out.

Moral of the story? No hard training when you're dieting and detoxing like me - a 2 kilos loss in 1 week was just too much for this bitch to handle. (that's 4.4 pounds for you USA etc people out there)

Am eating fresh sweet mango as I type this and toped up on a liquid multivitamin :o)



23:32 Jan 15 2008

Wow, a Morey journal entry! Best to have the hips slip into g-strings than a corset hunny :) Good luck with that.. I am on my RPM and body pump sessions again. Hey, check out Cancer's spunky pictures in the personal fitness section of his journal, and then imagine boxing that! haha *fun*


Maid for sale.....

23:22 Jan 14 2008
Times Read: 712

I cook, I clean, I wash, I iron, I do the shopping, the gardening, wash the dog..... i even do all the birthday and christmas duties of gifts, cards etc and I'm even a sure thing!!!!

I feel like a maid, so I may as well get paid for it! How many women agree with me?

Having had yet another weekend of no assitance, no offer and on my own I am formally resigning as the house slave and promoting myself to Wife and Mistress.

Therefore I have found a cleaning service and they start next week.

Me time..... here we come girls!

Pedicure, waxing and spray tan booked!





23:16 Jan 14 2008
Times Read: 713

Jazz has been off colour of late - sunday he had a nasty turn while i was home and then another while i was out

by the time we got home, he was walking funny and looking a little lame

we thought he had had a stroke

to cut a very long sotry short, an emergancy drive to the vet hospital at 12.30, returning at 2.30am, and $530 later, they don't know what is wrong with him

some meds later and today he is better. he can turn his head again and no more yelping in pain every few minutes.

was a hell of a scare. i know he's now 11 1/2 but he's still very active and very healthy other that this minor little brain tumor thingie (!!!??!!)

he's my baby and I can't imagine the state of me when i lose him. total devistation.....




Yes it's official

23:30 Jan 10 2008
Times Read: 721

I bought my first corset. ok, i lied, i bought 2

1 black and one gold/black.

Why did I wait so long? Good god dam question! Mainly because i felt guilty splurging on something decident.

Did you say you wanted pictures? well, I am a little shy......

Might slip one on this weekend and give the web cam a work out, goodness knows it's been long enough.....

Nex ton list will have to be black leather hipster pants, now that is what I realllllllllllllly want!



12:25 Jan 14 2008

sorry for drooling.......I'll mop up..LOL


The weekend

02:54 Jan 07 2008
Times Read: 722

Had an interesting experience on the weekend- eye problems etc but was given Panadine Forte as a script - what a great drug! I as off my face and out for the count most of the weekend which really helped!

Would fully recommend them for anyone wanting to wipe out a day or 2.... fabulous.

back to work today was going full steam ahead and just hit the lunch time wall..... what i need right now is a martini and pool boy wandering around..... now that would be what call work ;)




Coming out

02:23 Jan 04 2008
Times Read: 727

Now before you go getting all excited, I meant it in a goth sense

I have a new job, been here 4 months (been hard holding down a job with my health the past 2 years) and no one really knows me

Today they discovered i'm a non-practising goth - what that means is that I work in a corporate world, so wheni am here I am the perfect image when I am it's another story.

I wear black always to compensate for the retraint.

Suffice to say, today they discovered the truth, only to be told nearly 1/2 of them were too.....

Moral to the story? Life is to short to deny yourself....




Thursday 3rd of January

06:09 Jan 03 2008
Times Read: 729

Ever get the feeling time is dragging? I can assure you towards quit time it is today

I need rest, sleep and sex.

Over indulged in chocolate today and am feeling sluggish for it.

*yawns again*



19:58 Jan 23 2008

How about, chocolate, sex, rest and then sleep in that order? ;) and then some more!

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