Nightgame's Journal

Nightgame's Journal


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6 entries this month

My first one :)

22:39 May 26 2009
Times Read: 948

Well I just got my first revenge down rating since becoming a Dominar. Strangely enough I expected it long ago but while I do follow the rules I do so while trying to treat everyone respectfully. It's funny really this member is 13 years old and describes themself as an "emo". I truly hope in life that this is the worst thing that happens to them but I somehow doubt it. Perhaps they'll at least learn to grow up in how they handle being corrected. Otherwise high school is going to be a nightmare. lol



00:11 May 27 2009

Only one? Jeeze, now I feel like an asshole. lol

02:35 May 27 2009

Nope I've just been lucky so far.... it had to happen eventually to break my streak right? lol

03:47 May 27 2009

For my entire time as a Dominar I only received 3 down rates. Most people shrug off the correction without a problem. Of course maybe I was lucky and all the down raters went after MBK rather than me lol

08:30 May 27 2009

Did it make you feel all warm and fuzzy ? lol

10:22 May 27 2009

The fact that it is just 'the one' shows how sweet you are ... sod her! lol

13:32 May 27 2009

Thanks guys it did make me feel all fuzzy inside :) Meeper I think that's it everyone's been concentrating on MBK... He makes such a great front man :)

17:56 May 29 2009

Madam N? An extremely good record and testament to the Self. Such unwarranted 1'sare pure Ignorance and can be disregarded, as the ones dealing them out as the Initiators are in fact to be pitied, if without good reason. Exhale and smile!

Ade Xx


15:05 Jun 04 2009

The fact that you only have one shows that you do a very good job!....Of course the other Doms must of been unlucky!

I keep thinking of kissing and sucking now..was thinking of another entry of yours lol


What a wonderful day :)

19:23 May 25 2009
Times Read: 972

shortly before 6am the horn tooted and I was waiting at the door to rush right out. A huge grin on my face I met one exactly like it on Kay's as we slid out in the wee dark hours of morning to hit the road for a meeting we were so very excited about yet nervous too.

Like VW, when I joined Images was already a mastervampire with her own popular house and a strong and respected voice on the site. I was nearly as excited as VW when she got invited into House Eternal and told her to go for it immediately. lol

The prospect of meeting her and her husband in person was way too good an opportunity to miss. While I didn't know Scott before we met I am happy to say he's a really nice person (in his own respect) not just as Mr. ImagesinWords (j/k)

He's very intelligent and it was fun to discover we shared similar ideals and concerns in our world. Seeing them interact together was proof positive these two people compliment each other very well.

We arrived quite early and forgot the time difference as we discussed the do's and don't's of proper behavior. *no cussing- no cussing-no cussing* was my mantra! VW's biggest concern is avoiding soiling her clothing when she eats (with good reason) I am never quite sure how she manages to drop things sometimes.

We drove around and checked out the area while we waited and stopped off at a walgreens drug store for restrooms and I wanted cough drops since the humidity there was making my lung congestion really bad. Cannot talk to folks when you're coughing. Figures on such an exciting weekend I'd mess up and let myself get ill. Luckily it wasn't anything contagious or dangerous just uncomfortable.

While at the drug store VW asked an employee about a sleep mask (if they carried such) she didn't know and while she was asking another employee I headed to the restroom. A short time later VW joined me saying they didn't have it and we took care of business only to be shocked speechless when the door flew open and that saleslady yelled I found it! I waited to see if Rat would respond and got dead silence from her stall so I knew she was shocked speechless! Do you realize how hard that is to do???

I rushed out to meet the lady and took the mask and said it was perfect and laid it on the counter while I went back to the stall to collect my purse. While I was doing that the door popped back open and she said she'd have to take it back out since merchandise couldn't be taken into the restrooms.

I yelled okay and listened to the door shut before both VW and I burst out laughing. Myself I was glad she didn't spot the postcards I had left laying on the counter that I was buying. Hey I didn't see any sign saying no merchandise and there was no where else for me to lay them. But it did set the stage with laughter for a wonderful meeting.

We waited at a tourist center for them to meet up with us and I hadn't even see their car pull in before Rat yelled "there here" and was getting her door open. Yes she does get that excited :)

Images was both a comfort and a shock as she has this very cool presence of being comfortable and yet in charge of herself but still very very friendly. She hugged VW and I and then VW was hugging Scott who when I was introduced to him for the first time just looked at my outstretched hand and said "we hug"! Christopher was sweet and shook my hand most solemly but with this great twinkle in his eye. You just knew he wanted to say "what's with this?" lol

We soon decided there was nowhere close to eat that wouldn't risk an uncomfortable trip home so headed downtown to find something better. We ended up on Beale St at the Hard Rock Cafe which was great since VW had never been to one before. It was my third one and while similar still different from the one's in Louisville and Denver I'd been to before. We headed upstairs to a big comfortable table where we could still talk and hear each other. There we spent about 4 hours talking and talking about life, the world and VR of course. We discovered we all had different reasons for being on VR and different things had kept us there too but all with the similar theme. How cool is that?

We managed to snap a few pictures I however did not even bring a camera I know my limitations and photography is a big one for me. So for pictures you'll have to look elsewhere all I can say is it was a wonderful visit and the trip was so very worth it. As VW and I drove back we were in complete agreement on that and how happy we were that we'd done it.

The trip back was rougher since we ran into some serious storms with very heavy rain at times but I was a very lucky person to have VW driving since she's the best driver in the world. She even let me slide off to sleep while keeping me entertained with her vocals to some great music. :)

Of course there was the one moment when I was awakened from my doze with a "whoops"! I raised up and looked out where she said she thought she'd maybe missed the exit off I65 while singing a particularly good song. I watched for a moment and yep she sure had missed it but only by a couple of miles so we turned and went back getting onto the Cumberland Parkway EB and I said Okay don't turn anymore till we get home and went right back to sleep on her. :) You gotta love a friend that will let you do that to her. *hugs Rat*

Oh we did congratulate ourselves on the way home she didn't drop food and I didn't cuss! Yipee our Mama's would be proud :)



23:12 May 25 2009

It sounds like you two had a good day. I am very glad that you made it a safe one. :)

17:13 May 26 2009

What a wonderful adventure :)


Hey Rat :)

05:25 May 22 2009
Times Read: 995

I've uploaded a couple of new pictures to my port would have done more but my internet is slower than a tic in molasses tonight. I did put a new one up for my avatar too. Rat did my makeup and I've cut off just over 6 inches of my hair so it's swinging again. She's so wicked with the makeup and can take such amazing pictures I hardly recognize myself in them... such as my new avatar. But I did see that no matter how much she tried those darn freckles showed through. lol Thanks sis for making me look pretty darn good.



06:25 May 22 2009

You do look pretty in them.....even more so than usual. :)

22:32 May 22 2009

I happen to like those darn freckles.


Wouldn't you know it!

13:35 May 21 2009
Times Read: 1,010

A holiday weekend and me with some great plans for a little trip with Rat and I find myself sick. :( It started out as my sinus' acting up but quickly got into my lungs and now I'm trying to cough one of them up while my throat is so sore I'm croaking like a frog. (no it doesn't sound good) lol

I called my doctor yesterday afternoon and was able to grab a cancelled apt at 10:30 this morning so I'm going in and begging for a couple of shots... decadron to dry up my head and one heck of an antibiotic to clear up my chest and get rid of the fever and body aches. I will be well by Sat or throw a hissy fit!

Bad thing is while I know I've not been exposed to the horrible flu that's got everyone scared there's a sign on the door says you have to tell them immediately if you're having any flu symptons. :( Wonder what that'll do?



13:54 May 21 2009

Wishing you a speedy recovery hun .. x

14:36 May 21 2009

You better get well or I will.... I will...cook you cabbage stew. lol

18:18 May 21 2009

Ack!! Get well and go on your day trip...

08:18 May 22 2009

Omg not the cabbage stew ...lol


Nice wakeup

12:59 May 14 2009
Times Read: 1,048

I logged in early this morning since I knew I'd not get to be on for a while and found a member had apparently had a very bad night.

I ended up deleting 13 threads and deleting a post to another one from the same member using extremely foul language and terms to refer to other members, the site and Cancer over and over. Not sure why he went off exactly but in one of his threads another VR member attempted to talk him down but he said something about personal problems in his own life making him miserable. I'm sorry things are so rough for him but I just don't see how trying to ruin things for others can make him happy.

When I'm miserable I sure don't feel the need to spread it around I'm more like it's mine and I'm not sharing it.... so there! lol

Ah well I deleted all his threads and suspended him for a couple weeks, hopefully he'll get things worked out at home and be in a better mood when he starts posting again. Of course that's supposing he doesn't do something else to get himself banned from the site permanently.

My biggest question was to RIA or delete the threads but they were too many and too stupid to leave sitting there honestly threads titled with curse words or offensive terms are just a bit too silly.

It's cool how many good folks actually tried to steer him away from it last night when no one was online to stop him. Also good that as soon as I showed up online others let me know of the problem. Thanks is all I can say :)



13:28 May 14 2009

For some reason I doubt it was personal issues. I see him more as a troll. Probably will have an indefinite suspension to do later on, lol.

11:34 May 17 2009

Well I don't know who it was, but I'm possibly able to explain his reason.

Sometimes when people are in a bad/angry mood they will need to annoy others. This is a form of transference, it helps them feel better by making someone else feel like poo! Some on this site would almost call it energy stealing.....


A personal thing

16:48 May 12 2009
Times Read: 1,070

Here in the US it's offically the National Police Officers memorial week with May 15, being designated at the offical day by President John F Kennedy. In honor of those men and women who chose to serve and protect with their final breaths and in honor of the friends I lost during my career with the KSP, I remember them and pray they are all happy and at peace.

God/Goddess Bless them all

The top picture is off my car's license plate which here in KY is a Law Enforcement Memorial plate while the bottom was sent to me by a friend whom I'm sure found it on the internet. lol

Personally I remember only a few times when my agency lost an officer, for which I'm most thankful as you cannot imagine the pain and anger it generates. Unfortunately I too well remember a cold day in December one year when I was leaving the barracks and stopped in the driveway to chat with a friend just coming on duty. Johnny was a happy guy, ex-army who had always dreamed of being a trooper. We joked and insulted each other as was normal then said goodbye. I had no ideal that 12 hours later I'd be called into work early as a manhunt was underway for his killer. For 3 days and nights every person at our post and many from all over the state followed every lead and beat every bush but could find nothing to go on. On Christmas Eve we buried our friend on a cold rainy day were police officers from all over the states and Canada as well, stood at attention for long hours in honor of the loss we all felt. His only child is grown now and a lovely young lady I'm sure he'd be very proud of her.

His killer has never been found though the case will remain open until that happens.

If you know a police officer yourself, speak to them this week and see what a real person they really are, you might be very surprised.



19:19 May 12 2009

Thanks for reminding me of this week ..

19:25 May 12 2009

Such courage and service is nothing less than inspiring.

12:31 May 13 2009

It's a shame that a few police officers by their actions give other officers a bad name. In my country now the government are attempting to make it illegal to film the police while they carry out there duties....

This is because to many officers are being filmed breaking the law themselves by actions which they take against the public!

I raise a glass to those officers who uphold the law and who remain detached from outside influences.

14:25 May 14 2009

I am with Ban on this one....

I have meet his daughter- and she is more then what any father would want his child to be.

I also am sorry the loss is still there for you sis.


16:40 May 14 2009

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