Xzavier's Journal


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8 entries this month

08:20 Dec 31 2009
Times Read: 726

I don't know what to put here anymore.




22:36 Dec 25 2009
Times Read: 741

This has been a very unique Christmas for me to say the least lol.

We'll actually start this tale from last weekend.

I started having some GI problems and was afraid it was the start of an 'episode'. Well from last Wed/Thurs until this Wed I did have periods throughout each day of pain, cramping etc but they'd only last a few min-hours and for the most part I was able to sleep each night. It was basically an episode without the teeth. I was starting to get scared because I still wasn't feeling well this Wed but when I woke up on Christmas Eve I was feeling pretty darn good.

So the day (xmas eve) started out nicely. My moms eye had been hurting her for a few days but it didn't seem all that bad. Well, she woke up and her eye was red, swollen and she was in a lot of pain. I told her if it was still hurting Mon to go to the dr but since it was x-mas eve the buses weren't running and we really didn't have any way to get to the dr, or anywhere for that matter. Like usual she sucked it up and went about cooking, cleaning etc

My brother's family was supposed to come over in the afternoon like they do every year.

My brother and his wife have been having issues for the past several months and like the kind woman she is she cut his phone off the 23rd. This came in handy bc his car broke down after working for 14 hours and he had to hitchhike the 35 miles to home.

Around 2ish they showed up. Just about any time they would talk to each other (kindly for the kids' sake) you could hear to passive aggressive and'subtle' remarks and insults.

Things on the whole though were pretty civilised.

By 5pm it became obvious that mom shouldn't have to keep dealing with her eye and since brother was here we could go to the ER. While we were supposed to be getting things ready to head off to the ER wife and bro went at it and delayed things a good 45min...thankfully it wasn't a heart attack right? He finally dropped my mom and me off and we actually got to see the doctor within 20 minutes (which is a small miracle in itself). Some how her eye (cornea) had gotten scratched so they gave her some antibiotic eye drops and oral pain meds. Why they didn't give her any actual analgesic eye drops I'll never know. Went to the pharmacy and then came back home.

My brother left and mom took the meds and tried to sleep. Sadly the pain meds didn't really do a thing and she was up and down all night.

Christmas day.

My brother shows up here bc wife and kids had left to spend Xmas at her moms house (Like every year) and since he has no phone he came here to make some calls. Their relationship pretty much ended today...Christmas...when she told him she didn't want him to spend Xmas with them or the kids. She didn't tell the kids he wasn't coming so after a while they were able to call him here and he had to explain that he couldn't come.

My moms eye was also really hurting. I switched the pain med the dr gave her with one of mine and now thank God the pain is getting better.

For Christmas I got a 21 speed mountain bike, a model car for me to put together (I've never had one so this should be fun) and a dated teddy bear (like every Christmas).

We knew this was going to be a relatively sparse Christmas all around but what makes it so special is having a front row seat to the end of a 14 year marriage. If that part could be erased then things would have been decent. I'm really wanting my brother to leave the apt so mom and me can talk and have a few moments of peace.

Oh well, at least moms eye is doing better and I'm feeling good.

I did get a couple cards from VR peoples and they were great. Thanks to everyone who sent me one :D

I'm off to get high on modeling glue lol




03:06 Dec 15 2009
Times Read: 765

Technically it's not my bday for 43 more minutes as I was born at 9:42 PM but it's been a long day nontheless.

Apart from my mom the most bday wishes etc has all come from VR and I thank all of you. Y'all have been seriously kind to me.

Mom and I went out to eat, did a bit of shopping and then I took a nice long walk. So, I'm pretty tired and I think I'm actually going to go to bed here in a few.



03:39 Dec 15 2009

Happy Birthday!

04:55 Dec 15 2009

happy birthday old man lol

05:35 Dec 15 2009

Happy belated Bday. I hope it was good.

00:30 Dec 16 2009

Hope you had a wonderful birthday and you got lots of little treats :)


05:43 Dec 13 2009
Times Read: 787

Well I found some more details about my ancestry. I've got a 75% complete genealogy for the years 50AD-859AD...took a while but I got it! lol

And I was able to fill in some areas on how Egypt, the Celts and Scythia are connected.

Only 1 day till my birthday *sigh*

Does it seem like VR has sorta died a bit lately? Just seems like so many of the more regular/'older' members haven't been as active and since most of em are my friends VR looks rather vacant. I'm sure it's just because of all the stuff that goes on this time of year.



06:56 Dec 13 2009

We are around... peeks in....ya I would love to find out more about my moms family but being as she was adopted....I'm at a dead end.

07:50 Dec 13 2009

yeah we are here now stop ignoring us lol

08:30 Dec 13 2009

50AD?? That's wild.

16:02 Dec 13 2009

Damn. In 50AD my people were just beginning to walk upright, I'm sure.

20:08 Dec 14 2009


Happy Birthday :)

I am an old member and yes am still alive :D


00:33 Dec 11 2009
Times Read: 813

I'm watching the 1956 version of Moby Dick with Gregory Peck and it's one heck of a film. I really miss the old way of acting. Most of todays actors lack real passion and depth and many of the directors/producers lack the same, only caring about making a buck but not about the medium which they work and drive to life.



00:36 Dec 11 2009

I LOVE that movie. Greg Peck is one hellovan actor. He can do sensitive, he can do manly...yum yum!

01:16 Dec 11 2009

That is a great flick, no doubt.

02:52 Dec 11 2009

ahh yes when actors were actors ;]

05:15 Dec 11 2009

uh huh,,,you just watched it because you saw moby DICK and gregory PECK.....sicko lol

13:44 Dec 11 2009

Woohoo! Yeah! Another classic lover :)


08:28 Dec 09 2009
Times Read: 827

Obama: "We have to spend our way out of recession."

Well if I knew you could spend your way out of debt and near bankruptcy I would have a 2011 Aston Martin right now.

How the hell did this idiot make it out of Harvard? I know how he became President....Americans are dumb shits for the most part. Seriously, this is the best they can come up with? *shakes fists angrily*

My throats been a bit sore today, I hope I'm not getting a cold.

I go from one science subject to another, rarely focusing on an issue for more than a few days and for the most part that habit has been fairly successful but there are times I wish I could pick up something and run with it for an extended period of time.

Even as a young child I've always tried to understand the universe, life and everything in between. Although I've had a fair amount of education I tended to focus more on gedankenexperiment aka "thought experiment" and following my own ideas than keeping with strict academic paths. My personal path of understanding, discovery etc has actually followed (nearly exactly) the actual history of modern science. A lot of people in similar situations often "rediscover" something either by accident or intentionally without already knowing the specifics of the problem/answer. In the 4th grade I rediscovered the source of the Earths magnetic field, in the 7th grade I had created a detailed map of a black hole and by the time I was Dr Xzavier the leading edge of my own research was also the furthest (still accepted) boundary of theoretical physics. Which has caused problems from time to time whenever I had to work with other people on their projects lol

I say all that to say this, that I wish I could focus on one area for long periods of time. My main focus in physics has been a theory of unification (the "Theory of Everything"). Because of this I've used the method of finding out and then solving (if needed) the smaller problems about the universe. For example, what *is* time, what *is* gravity and so on. For only then can you really discover and more importantly understand the "ToE". For the last 5 years I have found myself focusing more on quantum entanglement than anything else and given its nature I've had to do a lot of work on gravity, quantum foam, negative energy, light and higher dimensions. But, inevitably, one topic will lead me to another and then to another and I'll end up lost in some place that has nothing to do with the original topic.

Like I've said before most of these entries are nothing more than me thinking out loud and trying to keep notes (since my handwriting is frightful). I guess it's because I'm interested in just about everything and lack the self discipline to stay focused but on the other hand if I come across a problem that stands in the way of my goal I have to fix it (or at least try to) or else it's pointless to keep going. Right? But at times I feel that if I could just stay focused and power through the issue then perhaps I might find the solution sooner.

Well, I guess that's about it for now.

Only 5 days until my birthday (the 14th). I like living but I don't like getting older.

Oh, Ive gained back all the weight I lost from the latest episode and now I'm back at 120lbs. My appetite has been pretty good actually so I'm going to keep eating as much as possible. If I could be 130lbs by New Years I'd be the happiest boy on Earth!



14:17 Dec 09 2009

I'm glad to hear you are doing better. I love me a physicist with some meat on his ass!

And if Obama wants to spend his way out of the recession, he can start by buying everyone a house!

psst...gonna try and wrap up Tim Gunn for your b'day. :)


04:45 Dec 09 2009
Times Read: 846

Is anyone else having issues getting on to VR?

Well my lawyer said it was ok for me to work part time so I'm looking forward to it.

Also, I'm going to start buying gemstones as well as coins. I just bought 2 black diamonds :D (of course they're not very big but it's a start)



05:03 Dec 09 2009

again you dont listen to your old buddy ayw, diamonds are a bad buy because of the flood of them on the market with so many new strikes being found.....gold gold gold and silver as you know is the buy.....even though gold may drop 60 dollars here and there its on an upswing and is the best metal investment platinum also and not just for its use in technology a lot of new investors are giving gold a hard look again these days.....*sighs* will you ever learn? lol

05:14 Dec 09 2009

Ya I had issues getting on but seems to be resolved now...oh sparklies huh hmmm...

05:56 Dec 09 2009

I didn't say I was buying them as an investment silly man :P I know diamonds are about to drop lower than they've been pretty much ever lol. I just like em :)

06:10 Dec 09 2009

xzavier just likes things that sparkle hehe

09:30 Dec 09 2009

You leave xzavier alone mister.... there is nothing wrong with things that sparkle... I rather like them myself sometimes... don't you fret. Doc... I can keep him inline....


02:59 Dec 04 2009
Times Read: 874

So I disappeared for a week and no one sends me any messages?!?!? *cries*

Thanksgiving was fine, better than I was expecting really.

My niece's broken arm shifted so now she'll have to have surgery on Monday to have pins placed in her arm. This blows but at least she is young so it'll heal faster and the memories will fade faster as well, at least I hope.

I was having a health episode from Fri (day after Thanksgiving) until Wed. It was pretty much hell and I got down to 110lbs. The reason it got so low was because the timing between episodes seem to be getting shorter leaving me with less time in between to gain the weight back.

A bit of good news, I go for a drug test tomorrow for a job :D It's just for 2 days a week at the local gas station but it'll give me a little bit of play money, something to do, keep me from going mad and a better sense of worth. According to the manager (yes I did tell her all about my health) I should be able to start before Christmas. I can't work full time and even standing for a few hours causes a ton of pain but they're willing to work with me and will even give me a chair to sit in and during certain days they will have me working with another person so I won't have to do things like stock etc.

I'm loving the price of silver rising but at the same time I miss buying silver by the lb for like $112 lol (today it's $307).

That's all I can really think of right now.



03:49 Dec 04 2009

Awww you were missed... good luck on the interview. Ihave just been anti social

05:41 Dec 04 2009

i gotta admit ive been watching silver and think its a bargain right now, believe it or not so is gold at 1189.oo an ounce but silver is more obtainable to the average person i think....mt prediction for gold is it will hit 1305.oo an ounce in the next 6 months, providing we dont go into a major hyperinflation sooner than later...in that case gold will just skyrocket and it wont even matter lol

04:38 Dec 05 2009

*leaves a message* :)

04:57 Dec 09 2009


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