Xzavier's Journal


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21 entries this month

09:41 Jan 29 2010
Times Read: 739

Oh I had a very unexpected yet seriously sweet thing happen earlier. I was out eating with a friend when this occurred, I'm not going to get into it (only a few will know) but it made my night sooo much better.

Now if only K will learn to not fall asleep when I'm talking to him online! lol




04:25 Jan 29 2010
Times Read: 748

Well it's done. Since my brother didn't get the tags of his car in his name and since he still hasn't paid for it and most importantly since he's been driving drunk etc the guy who legally still owns it came and took the car away. To avoid my bro hurting this man we did it while he was asleep. He still doesn't know.

The way we did it was moms idea and she told me to just hide away once the shit hits the fan so I called a friend to come get me. It's a super crazy situation and I can't believe that my brother has turned so white trash etc. I just hope this ends, in a good way, real soon.

It sucks that my journal is pretty much the only place I can really talk about things *sigh*




16:36 Jan 27 2010
Times Read: 763

Ok so my first memories right?

I have a few of me being really young. One, I was in the sink getting washed and mom was using an off white, maybe greyish washcloth.

The next memory I have was me in church when I was 3. If I remember correctly it was a Methodist church. The preacher was talking about heaven and hell and I recall really listening to the sermon. We got home and I was sitting on the couch in the living room, thinking. I was thinking to myself "why would I want to give my life to God". For some time I thought, debated and thought some more and then I made a decision. I got up and walked into the kitchen a told my mom point blank "Mom, I'm going to go get saved" . She asked if I wanted her to pray with me and I said no that it was something I wanted to do by myself. I went back into the living room, sat next to the coffee table and prayed for salvation.

Now a lot of people look at me funny when I tell that story. How could a 3 year old really understand what he was doing and the answer to that is, I did. And ever since I've been a strong committed Christian.



16:40 Jan 27 2010

You were ahead of your time my man. Great minds usually are.

17:54 Jan 27 2010

I remember getting washed in the kitchen sink lol

18:14 Jan 27 2010

...in Xzavier's kitchen sink?

Man... that's crazy!


11:37 Jan 27 2010
Times Read: 771

Well that was a fun day yesterday. Nothing like the feeling of your stomach being ripped out with a hot poker. Basically what I figured happened was this past week I was taking more pain meds then I should have to try and help me sleep (note to self, pain meds are not for sleeping) and that mucked up how my GI system behaved and I paid for it today. I really hope it's all over. I'm still tired and a bit tender which sucks because my tummy is so pretty :P

In other news my brother was driving and his car ran out of gas. So he walked back here (maybe a mile) all pissy and asked me for some money. Now normally I wouldn't have but I've been in the same situation before and it doesn't matter what problems you're involved in if your car runs out of gas it's going to suck.

Well I gave him $4 which was more than enough to get the car back home. He ends up calling a few hours later and mom answers. He tells her he had no money for gas and that he's staying with a "friend". He called later and ended up hanging up on her. Now, he just walked through the door (5:30AM).

I'm going to talk to him today and I'll take care of his ass. I'm the most forgiving person on Earth but I have limits and he's found mine. If he wants to live like a bum, pawning everything for "gas money" and sleeping around with felons then he can take his ass out of my house. I'm tired of listening to his lies, being treated like shit, having my mom yelled at and all the rest. It's over big boy.

So that's what happened yesterday. I woke up about 45min ago and I'm watching Logo and eating some snacks since I didn't eat anything at all yesterday.




02:59 Jan 26 2010
Times Read: 786

I think I'm going to start telling my life's story. Each day I'm going to start talking about my first memories, things I did etc and go on from there.

Would y'all like that?



03:19 Jan 26 2010

Yes!! and pics too.

14:04 Jan 27 2010

Would ya pm me when ya get to the dirty parts please ?


10:56 Jan 25 2010
Times Read: 809

Ugh. I was talking to a friend and he was telling me about a boy that lives across the street from him. Any time they're outside at the same time he'll wave and they might talk for a few minutes. Well the other day they were talking and this woman who lives around there called the cops!

I understand wanting to protect kids from predators and stuff but seriously folks. When did it become wrong for an adult to talk to a kid? It wasn't like he was trying to get him in his car or some bull like that. They were just chatting outside. Kids these days need positive adult figures, boys need a kind man and girls needs a self respecting woman.

Am I wrong here? Should adults not be allowed to be friends or even talk with minors? When did everything become about sex and all an older man (aka over 20) wants is to molest children? It just drives me up a wall at times.



11:06 Jan 25 2010

i don't think you are wrong, it gets on my nerves too

my husband loves kids, when we were dating his neighbor's kids were always coming over to play video games or basketball, or whatever with us

he worried about how that looked to their parents, but thankfully they were cool and didn't think it was strange at all

it made me sad that he had to worry about that, thankfully no one called the cops on him

11:29 Jan 25 2010

Think about this...the person who thinks another is a perv is more than likely harboring the thoughts in their minds.These people are the ones that bitch about nudity on TV and in public but they are the ones that watch porn and secretly lust after others.

21:34 Jan 25 2010

Yeah, we have grown ignorant as such level; I guess is an overprotective parent- given the world out there, but it is an exaggeration to call for the enforcement officers.

03:22 Jan 26 2010

What a nosey old douchbag. She needs to mind her own business. Next time it rains, go over to her front yard with a bottle of liquid dish soap..squirt liberally....she will have a nice foamy yard! Heh heh.


05:15 Jan 25 2010
Times Read: 814

I just got back from seeing 'Avatar' and I gotta say blue never looked so sexy. I thought it was an amazing flick and the plot/technology/planet wasn't that far from reality or possibility.

If you haven't seen it, do!

Seriously I could go on and on about it but I won't. It's just bloody great :)




11:07 Jan 24 2010
Times Read: 825

Nothing like a good ole complement lol

K: "oh blah...everyone calls you sexy so they can molest you :P "

He actually used the "R" word but I don't wanna tick someone off lol




09:44 Jan 24 2010
Times Read: 829

So I was sleeping and then woke up around 3AM and got all sad because I noticed I was sleeping alone. Yeah I've been sleeping alone for a few years now but every once in a while it hits me. *sigh* Somebody come cuddle with me! lol



09:45 Jan 25 2010

*Sniffs*....I can relate hon.....I usually cuddle a pillow called Brad, but please don't tell anyone.


04:08 Jan 24 2010
Times Read: 833

I was going through my channel guide trying to find something to watch and I saw a few shows about Michael Jackson. One of the was about his life/death and music that had interviews with his musical peers according to the description. Well, no offense to anyone in the musical world but Michael Jackson didn't really have any peers at least very very few and even fewer who are still alive. Michael Jackson was on a whole other level and because of him these "peers" have careers that would be vastly different had it not been for the amazing work, on and off the stage, that MJ did.

Just a thought.




09:05 Jan 23 2010
Times Read: 855

Seriously folks, wearing sandals or flip-flops more than 25% of the time is beyond cheap and tacky. That's one of my pet peeves and drives me insane and I will NOT tolerate it in my house!

It's just gross.

/end rant



10:21 Jan 23 2010

I live on the beach so I will have to admit to being a little too enthusiastic about flip-flops.. I know when to put them away though.. I went to a wedding once and a person had a pair on.. WTF is that?

11:18 Jan 23 2010

I don't wear them at all and I always wear either sneakers or boots.I feel like my feet should be covered all the time,protected in a cocoon of leather.I don't live near a beach or go near water so I have no reason to have them on.Even in summer I wear sneakers...all the time.

21:17 Jan 23 2010

Unless you live near a beach or are hosting a Gilligan's Island themed party, put those things away! Tell your brother to put some decent shoes on, btw lol.


08:39 Jan 20 2010
Times Read: 879

I can't stand va jay jay's but boys piss me off. What am I to do? lol



08:44 Jan 20 2010

Seek life on another planet?? maybe a Klingon??

09:01 Jan 20 2010

I have been thinking asexuality sounds good :D

09:34 Jan 20 2010

:( it is not for everyone man, that is all I was saying in the journal. gotta keep it in reality, right?


08:45 Jan 19 2010
Times Read: 897

I got some crappy news today. A good friend of mine who also happens to be my ex just told me that he has stage 2 lymphoma. What's worse he's decided to not fight it, he's 21. Hopefully this weekend we'll get together and talk about everything.

The rest is a bit of a rant and just thoughts out loud.

The problems with my brother still haven't really gone away. It looks like he may be getting back to acting like an adult but that leaves us with a man who's 14 year marriage has fallen apart. For the past 3 weeks he's been staying here and a problem with that is he tends to come and go as he pleases, usually coming in after 1 AM and spending a further hour + talking, yelling etc. Today I finally told mom that he must be here before midnight and stay here once he's inside, using the night for sleep or at least as little drama as possible. Hell when I was working and going to school full time, not doing anything bad she told me I had to be in by 12 and she wasn't even working then! (I was supporting her bc of a temp disability with her arm...how about that for irony). Well he came in at 12:30 (waking us up), they talked and now according to mom he can come and go as he pleases because he's heart broken.

I get that, I understand pain but surely some structure is needed as well right?

She goes to work in the mornings and has troubles sleeping as it is and now things have only gotten worse, shes also become depressed.

And me, well apart from a physical disability I've also got major depressive disorder and have suicidal tendencies. Am I not allowed at least the nights free of drama where I can sleep? For example, I have to be up in the morning to go to 2 appointments and I also have problems sleeping. But with him coming in all the time and not knowing when he'll walk in next...not very stable.

Something should change, yes?

Maybe I'm just being selfish and mean I don't know. I do know though that I've only recently started to get better emotionally and mentally and now the last 3 weeks all of this has gone on with no end in sight. I have no where else to go but my own freaking home and I have no other person to talk to (in person) other than my mom who of course can't be objective and can't help but fall all over which ever son has the most obvious/dramatic issues.

When I see Connie (my therapist) in the morning I'm going to talk to her about everything and get a more objective view. And I'll do whatever she says. If she says I need to deal with it, I will but if she says there needs to be some structure and rules...oh believe me I'll make sure there are some.



14:15 Jan 19 2010

Hugs Doc.... I'm sorry to hear that !

01:15 Jan 20 2010

Brothers suck sometimes. Sounds like he is too concerned with his own issues to care that anyone else has to get up in the morning and do things. I truly hope some compromise can be made. We all need structure!


08:17 Jan 17 2010
Times Read: 913

I tried, lord knows I tried! And you all saw it too.

I spent hours at a funeral home today watching several people I care about cry and cry so I'm sort of in a sensitive mood, who wouldn't be right? I tried to go to bed but can't sleep for more than 30min without waking up. So, I hopped on IM to find someone to talk to. Not to talk about my problems or that I'm sorta sad, just to talk that's it.

Here's what I get:

coinmanj: howdy

"DarknessandShadows": hi

coinmanj: hows it going?

--: Is there sopmething you need?

coinmanj: no why

--: I don't speak to my ex's this weekl

coinmanj: say what

--: I don't speak to my ex's this weekl

coinmanj: any reason

--: My heart was shattered.

coinmanj: by whom

--: Why

coinmanj: look i just wanted to talk, if you want to be rude fine.

--: What did you want to talk about?

coinmanj: i dont know, friends chat right?

--: Do they?

--: Listen.I'm going.

--: I said that I don't speak to my ex's this week.

coinmanj: guess you just dont stop

--: My heart was shattered.

--: Stop what?

--: I'm not trying to provoke you.

coinmanj: being a fuckass. a few days ago everything was fine, we were talking, moving on. and now all i wanted to do was talk to a friend but all i am is some dreadful ex, not even a human, so you can't talk to me. OK, I wont talk.

--: Because my heart wasn't broken then.

--: Fine.

--: Let me say it this way.

--: I'm not talking to people who I was once in love with for the next 24 hours.

--: You messaging me brings back emotions and feelings that I'm not ready for, love.

--: That was the only reason.

coinmanj: well thanks for the warning. it's always nice to kinda wish to talk to a nice person and get "I dont talk to my ex's this week!"

--: It wasn't an exclamation mark.

--: It was a typo.

coinmanj: yes its allllll my fault. then dont talk, i'm getting off here.

--: Wait

--: I didn't blame you for ANYTHING

--: I'm still in love with you, Jacob.

coinmanj: but i still have to suffer

--: How are you suffering when I asked not to speak to my ex's this week, which is over tomorrow night at 11:59?

--: Why are you so sensitive?

--: Is this about your brother again?

coinmanj: How would you feel if you THOUGHT you were going to talk to a friend, as friends do, and get some lameass remark as "not talking to my ex's this week". I don't give a damn if you're having issues, if you can't at least pretend to be respectful. I had no clue you didn't want to talk to me until just now. Would that not tick you off?

--: I'm sorry, Jacob.

coinmanj: Then let's not pretend. You love me but can't figure out a way to treat me as a normal person. I'm not in love with you but tried to treat you like a friend. Guess that was too much to ask for.

-- Have you ever had your heart broken, Jacob?

coinmanj: yes and I never acted like a child about it. Hell, I even took the man that did break my heart to the theater for his birthday soon after we ended. It hurt like hell but I know how to handle myself.

--: And you moved on.

coinmanj: yeah

--: Maybe if you knew the exact facts, you could see that there was a reason why my heart is shattered. There's a BIG reason.

coinmanj: Well I asked you but you said you didn't want to talk to me

--: Because even though you didn't seem to really want to have any kind of future with me all along, I loved you.

--: And I still do.

coinmanj: which gives you the right to treat me like crap? rriigghhtt

--: Speaking to you when my heart was virtually crushed to dust, speaking with someone whom I still love very much is painful.

--: You take everything so personal.

coinmanj: According to you we broke up what 4 months ago? So it still hurts to much to talk to me..even though things were fine a few days ago? Um gee why do I take it personally....you're making it all about me.

coinmanj: goodnight

--: wait

--: Things were fine a few days ago because I was with someone who was a replacement for you.

--: And no, I'm making it about all of my ex's actually.

--: The last one said, 'May I ask why?' when I told her what I told you.

--: 99% of my ex's agreed to give me space and were quite clear on why, and didn't think of it as a personal attack, but as a way to save a friendship

--: You're the only one who whines about it being a personal attack, Jacob.

--: You always were so damn sensitive.

coinmanj: I asked you why and you never told me you wanted space until now.

And then I just logged off.

How's that for wanting to be friends? I'm only putting this here so I can always be reminded and won't make the same mistake again. I'm not going to block him or anything like that, just not talk to him anymore. As long as he can keep calm and not go off on some tangent things should still be fine.

But I do ask you this, was I out of line, too sensitive? Or did I do what any normal person would have considering the history here?



14:54 Jan 17 2010

Hugs Doc, you know You can talk to me at any hour!

16:28 Jan 17 2010

YOU were great. That putz always turns it around and dumps on the other guy. Why can't he just answer a straight question?

08:25 Jan 22 2010

To say he has the emotional maturity of a child would be an insult to most children.


21:44 Jan 15 2010
Times Read: 932

My hearing is April 16, 2010..so 3 months, 1 day away :D And I have a meeting March 16 with my lawyer to discuss questions and everything else.

Happy happy.



22:47 Jan 15 2010

fingers crossed :)

00:54 Jan 16 2010

*grabs a noise maker & shakes it* YAY!! about darn time :)

01:07 Jan 16 2010

Woo! Great news!


23:55 Jan 14 2010
Times Read: 954

There is a GOD!!!!!

It's only been 2 weeks since my physical disability evaluation was completed and sent off to my lawyer. Well, today I got a message saying that they have already scheduled a hearing! :) Now it could still be months before the day arrives but the fact is it normally takes months and months from the eval. to the hearing -getting- scheduled so this is serious good news.

I'll be calling tomorrow to get the actual date/time.



00:02 Jan 15 2010

Good luck and be sure and ask your lawyer exactly what type of questions you'll need to be prepared to answer at the hearing. It really helps.

00:28 Jan 15 2010

True,the law can be very specific with what is said or written.

02:08 Jan 15 2010

WHOOO HOOOO!!! Your on your way. Good luck hon.

11:56 Jan 15 2010

Thts fantastic hun! Yes be sure to ask about te questions so you don't get side swiped like I did in my hearing. Oh and Ill be in Tn next week whoo hoo !


12:49 Jan 11 2010
Times Read: 978

**Please Help**

Ok I'm getting annoyed. I'm wanting to find a gif or some moving diagram/map thingy of the Earth and Moon system showing the actual process of the earth rotating and the moon orbiting the earth and rotating about its axis. I can explain about tidal locking until I'm blue in the face but some folks can't really visualize the system in action in their heads, which is fine but they should be able to have a pic showing the actual motions to help em out. It just annoys the hell out of me that I can;t find what should be a fairly common diagram!

Ok I need the Earth to be spinning, the Moon spinning as well and going around the Earth all at the same time. Showing a full cycle of rotation and orbit. Not just circles labled "Earth/Moon" lol

So if you can help me out please do :) This is driving me nutty grr!



22:25 Jan 11 2010



22:33 Jan 11 2010

Ohhh so close! I have to be able to see the detail of the surfaces to see the actual rotation as well as the orbits (which that only shows in any detail)

But thanks :)

22:59 Jan 11 2010



23:00 Jan 11 2010

Or maybe http://home.hiwaay.net/~krcool/Astro/moon/moontides/TideAni.gif


02:27 Jan 11 2010
Times Read: 998

I just got back from having dinner with Jamie (remember the 19, now 20 year old from a year ago or so...we got caught in the rain, lots of lovin etc lol). It was a whole lot of fun. We talked for a few hours about pretty much everything but we actually focused on subjects of technology and human evolution being altered, by choice, from things like genetic engineered children, needing licenses to have babies, get certain jobs etc.

He had to get back home to deal with some things so our night didn't last as long as I would have liked it to (always nice to spend time with a person you like) but things did end with a nice hug and kiss.

We may be going out again this coming weekend.

He's wanting to move to Colorado but I'm hoping to persuade him to do otherwise and stay. It's not often I find someone I really like and I'm not wanting to have to just talk to him online or by phone.



03:30 Jan 11 2010

nah bring him down here to tenessee and make him a hillbilly lol

08:01 Jan 11 2010

Good to hear the date went well... Hopefully he's easily persuaded & will stay down here for ya

11:24 Jan 11 2010

Awww, sounds like a nice night man. Hope you get your desire.


06:47 Jan 07 2010
Times Read: 1,025

I went to the dr today and was finally able to have him fill out my physical disability evaluation. From his answers I'm thinking things are going to be very good and something tells me I wont have to wait much longer to get it. I called my lawyer and asked how long it usually takes from this point to getting law hearing...waiting on her to call me back.

Here are some of the more positive answers given by my dr.

A) In an 8 hour work day the claimant can:

Stand for 1hr, Walk for 1hr

B) Claimant can lift/carry 21+ lbs:


C) Claimant can use both feet for repetitive work: No

D) Would this patient be able to work 8hrs a day, 5 days a week: No

Comments: This patient does have an autonomic sensory neuropathy.

This on top of my psych. eval. makes me really confident I'll win my case and soon. *does happy dance* After more than 2 years of dealing with this disability case and 3 years of illness I really do feel good. As far as I know there isn't any room for them to say "Oh he's fine, he can do any type of work" like they did with my first 2 denials.

With the money I'll be able to get a car, pay off the rest of my bills, get new clothes, put some in the bank/invest, be able to see a neurologist on a regular basis, get my thyroid checked, get my teeth fixed and get some basic insurance (since it takes up to 2 years AFTER approval to be able to use disability ins.).

I just really hope everything is done, at least approved, by the end of March.



08:05 Jan 07 2010

Now that would be great considering that you've been fighting for this for a while now. I am happy for ya! So happy i feel like dancing with ya xoxoxo

11:46 Jan 07 2010

Thats great hun, I know all about the waiting ! Hopefully it wont take long for ya !

18:29 Jan 07 2010

finally some good news for ole xzavier.


03:04 Jan 06 2010
Times Read: 1,037

Woot! After having 'The Complex' on hold for 3 years it's finally moving again.

"The Complex" is a club/restaurant/lounge/store I designed for Nashville. It will be one of the biggest gay spots in the South. Now, we're not calling it a "gay club" because there's so much more to it but it will be gay friendly.

I'll be doing a near total redesign of the building to make it fit the modern plans and new economic outlook. I'm happy. It'll give me some work and will help bring this dream one step closer to becoming a reality.



07:53 Jan 07 2010

I call dibs on dancing in a cage!

08:01 Jan 07 2010

awesome! glad to hear that tings are up & running again :)


05:49 Jan 03 2010
Times Read: 1,047

You know writing a screenplay with an actual message is hard as crap! I finished my first screenplay in like 2 months, I've been working on this damn thing for over a year now.



05:51 Jan 03 2010

I'm still working on my book and wrote 3 screen plays about 5 yrs ago.

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