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22 entries this month

00:53 Nov 30 2008
Times Read: 910

1) If a light year ( 9,460,730,472,580.8km) were represented by a single pixel you would have to make a line 246,212.1212 miles long to measure out the size of the universe- 156 billion light years. The Moon is only 238,856.95 miles away.

2) If you lined up all the dollars end to end, from the $700 billion "stimulus package" it would reach 67,834,595.9595 miles out, passing Venus and Mercury.



02:33 Nov 30 2008


05:41 Nov 30 2008

I'm afraid most of it looks a bit like this, Oceanne.

Memory Chip

Only 3% of the U.S. money supply actually exists as printed currency. The rest exists only in a kind of micro-circuit fantasy land.

09:10 Nov 30 2008

Teehee, show me the money too! I don't know if there is even that amount of money printed!


08:00 Nov 29 2008
Times Read: 933








This is the Universe, it is big. If you don't feel small after this there's something wrong with you. From one end to the other it is 156 billion light years (ly) across.

The Milky Way has 100 billion stars in it.

The Universe has 200 billion galaxies in it.

The last 2 images I made :) the calculations and scales should be right.



08:20 Nov 29 2008

our universe maybe but still very small on a dementional scale.

08:55 Nov 29 2008

The first time that I have ever seen something so detailed. Great work Zav.

On a deminsional scale AYW, you might be right. But remember that great things come from small packages. Who knows what else is out there that we don't know anything about. :)

11:40 Nov 29 2008

Small? How about completely insignificant? When one is comparatively less than an elementary particle on a molecule of a bit of dust on a sand grain in the crevice of a small rock in wash cutting down the side of a hill in a mountain range, "small" is an under-statement.

:-) It explains a lot... a whole lot.

16:05 Nov 29 2008

But all good things come in small packages right ? lol


20:12 Nov 28 2008
Times Read: 951

This makes me sick. Nothing like a bunch of over indulgent defectives killing a guy just to get to a sale.

NEW YORK – A worker was killed in the crush Friday after a throng of shoppers eager for post-Thanksgiving bargains burst through the doors at a suburban Wal-Mart, authorities said.

At least four other people were injured, and the store in Valley Stream on Long Island was closed.

Wal-Mart Stores Inc. in Bentonville, Ark., called the incident a "tragic situation" and said the employee came from a temporary agency and was doing maintenance work at the store.

"He was bum-rushed by 200 people," co-worker Jimmy Overby, 43, told the Daily News. "They took the doors off the hinges. He was trampled and killed in front of me. They took me down too. ... I literally had to fight people off my back."

Nassau County police said the 34-year-old worker was taken to a hospital where he was pronounced dead at about 6 a.m. The man's name was not released and the cause of death was not immediately known.

A police statement said shortly after the store's 5 a.m. opening time, shoppers "physically broke down the doors, knocking (the worker) to the ground."

A metal portion of the door was crumpled like an accordion.

Shoppers around the country lined up early outside stores in the annual bargain hunting ritual known as Black Friday. Many stores open early and stay open late, and some of the most dramatic bargains are available in limited quantities.

Among the bargains offered by Wal-Mart for Friday were Samsung 50-inch high definition Plasma TVs for less than $800.

Witnesses told the Daily News that before the store was closed, eager shoppers streamed past emergency crews as they worked furiously to save the worker's life.

"They were working on him, but you could see he was dead," said Halcyon Alexander, 29. "People were still coming through."

A 28-year-old pregnant woman was taken to a hospital for observation, and she and the unborn baby were both reported to be OK, said Sgt. Anthony Repalone, a Nassau County police spokesman. Four or five other people suffered minor injuries, he said.

Ellen Davis, a spokeswoman at National Retail Federation, said the group knew of no other incident where a retail employee has died working on the day after Thanksgiving.

Wal-Mart is working closely with police, company spokesman Dan Fogleman said.

"The safety and security of our customers and associates is our top priority," Fogleman said. "Our thoughts and prayers are with them and their families at this difficult time."



Every single person who was in that crowd should be shipped off to Africa where people die trying to get water every day.



22:58 Nov 28 2008

so fucked up

00:26 Nov 29 2008

could always just sterilize them...


02:48 Nov 28 2008
Times Read: 958

I was reading some UK blogs and was seeing lots of people bad mouthing Americans for not being intelligent, not knowing about our own history, government etc. It got me thinking about the massive number of Brits (generally 25yo and less) who have no clue what the Queen does or the purpose of the Royal family.

They were also complaining about the cost (60p per person per year) it takes to pay for the Monarchy.

At least we know what the President does. It costs Queen Elizabeth II around $20,000 to travel to Australia, it would cost the President nearly $1 million.

So the Brits (and everyone else who thinks we have issues) stop slinging mud, your house is far from being in order.

At least we can maintain our nation, the UK is just a few island today :) (yes I know that was a cheap shot) lol

This was a bit of a tongue n cheek entry, I deeply respect the UK and it's thousand year history.




21:17 Nov 26 2008
Times Read: 985

Seriously, married guys, guys with girl friends...do us a favor if you're on the down-low just jump off a bridge.

If your gay or bi then say it but don't go around lying, hurting your supposed loved ones and putting them in danger because you're a selfish horny jack ass.

You guys make me sick, grow up, don't have sex or off yourself.

I understand men coming to understand their sexuality once they're married but you don't have to put others in harm or violate your oath (which means you're a coward and a whore). Get a divorce (or break up) and go live your adult life.

The dl scene is disgusting, offensive and makes our struggle for equal human rights even more difficult.

You can thank Dr. Phil for this entry :)



21:43 Nov 26 2008

I'm confused, does this happen often enough to warrant a Dr. Phil show? Someone explained this to me because I had no idea what they were talking about when they said a friend was on the 'dl', but I understood it was something of a oddity and not common at all.

22:37 Nov 26 2008

The show was about sex addicts but it's focus was on a married man who had many gay relationships. Generally being on the DL refers to black men in prison who do what they "need" to until they get out. But, nowadays it applies to any so called "straight" guy who is in a hetero relationship but then goes out and has sex with men in secret.

23:57 Nov 26 2008

I had a lesbian friend who used to point out gay females who were with their 'beards'. She had to explain that one to me. I am just not familiar with the life style or terms. I am trying as a reformed bigot to at least try to understand without judgement. It is completely alien to my experience. I would like to make friends with a gay male to get a third perspective on some things without there being any kind of advances as I am really not interested in pursuing the lifesyle or experimenting. What advice would you have? My motives are to understand and also I have been told that gay males have a better sense of stlye in clothing, so that is something they could teach as well as the why of seeing other men as attractive. I really understand the lesbian view because, duh, we love the same things about women. Anyway, now that I have hijacked this thread (sorry) I will quit.


19:35 Nov 24 2008
Times Read: 1,021

Yes I get it America is an evil country, sorry for not doing more.

WWI, we saved your ass

WWII, we saved your ass again

Billions a year to Africa

Billions a year to S. America and Eastern Europe

Panama Canal, that was us

S. Korea and Taiwan (yeah we helped keep them alive too)

Israel, we've been their biggest supporter

Man on the Moon, USA

Atomic energy and medicine, USA

Nobel Prize, we have 309 of them

Obama, Lincoln, Washington, FDR, Kennedy..all us

Emerson, Twain, Poe, Stowe, Melville, Whitman, Frost...USA

Bifocal Glasses, Refrigerator, Reaping machine, Threshing machine, Combine Harvester, Toilet Paper, Vacuum cleaner, Blue Jeans, Telephone, Cash Register, Skyscraper, Coca-Cola, Dr. Pepper, Electric Motor, Radio, Zipper, Air Conditioner, Airplane, BAND-AID, Bubble Gum, Particle accelerator, Photocopier, Nylon, Microwave, Defibrillator, Radiocarbon dating, Polio Vaccine, LASER, Computer mouse, Artificial heart, Minicomputer, Apollo Lunar Module, E-Mail, Calculator, Digital Camera, TCP/IP, Stem Cell line, NASA, WMAP, HPV Vaccine...USA

What has Iran, the 50+ countries of Africa, Brazil, any single European country done recently that can compare with us?

Yes America has flaws and so does your country, but never forget that without America most of the worlds foreign aid wouldn't exist, most of the technology you take for granted wouldn't exist and so on, and so on....

Could we do more, yeah but so could you. Should we do more? Not really, not until you do.

(This wasn't really aimed at anyone here but after reading some recent articles it got me a bit hot under the collar)



19:53 Nov 24 2008

I would love to stop the aid to the Middle East, simply because we give them all this aide....and we get shit upon. You make good points hon.

19:54 Nov 24 2008

*Mops his brow with a cold cloth*...lol

20:32 Nov 24 2008

All well and good but where's that finger being pointed?

20:47 Nov 24 2008

Mostly to Belgium BLOODLIFE lol. Had a guy ream me on the evils of America and how Europe is the salvation of the world. It annoyed me slightly :P

20:51 Nov 24 2008

*phew* I was thinking the worse ...

Belgium! I passed through there once but I missed most of it as I blinked!

20:58 Nov 24 2008

I'll come up with something to say about the UK soon enough lol I do support Scottish Independence after all *runs away*

21:14 Nov 24 2008

No need to run from that one ... we never do .. lol

21:50 Nov 26 2008

Standing on the shoulders of giants ;-)

Scotland - steam engine, television, telephone, fax machine, anaesthetic, modern economics, the Scottish Enlightenment, Sean Connery, bicycle, the tyre, the steamboat :-D


17:10 Nov 24 2008
Times Read: 1,036

I've been saying this from the beginning and I still stand by it: Obama is a total joke when it comes to "change."

More bailouts, which, if you've noticed the TRILLION dollars worth already haven't done anything.

More Chicago, NYC and DC insiders in appointed positions.

Obama is smart but he's a total joke and one step away from being Americas first declared socialist president.

I'm glad he won and not McCain but please people don't be fooled into thinking he's going to do anything but continue more of the same and put the government into every aspect of your life.

"We have to first focus on getting the economy on track, then we can deal with the long term issues." Um, you can't get the economy back on track without dealing with the underlying -long term- causes. How on Earth do you expect to see any progress when you don't consider the long term implication of what you're wanting to do?

Silly Americans, reading is for kids.



17:38 Nov 24 2008

He isn't actually your President yet - but a dose of socialism is what America needs. The economy there, as it is here, is in a mess because of the failure of liberal economics - you need an interventionist approach to turn it round. He is fortunate in so much as FDR and Keynes have shown the way to resolve this kind of situation.

17:53 Nov 24 2008

Not yet but Bush is pretty much powerless unless he wants to execute PD 51, which I doubt he will.

A socialist approach is ONE way to try and fix things but there is another way, called capitalism. Government intervention never works out, a good part of the reason why we are in the situation we're in is due to the policies of FDR.

This country has gone from one of personal responsibility to one of "cradle to grave" government. People need to loose money, businesses need to go bankrupt and the government needs to get out of our lives.

I'd rather have 5 years of hardship then a few years of less hardship only to fall on our face totally and take decades to recover.

Socialism may work in Europe, but many European socialist nations also have monarchies, less of a moral compass to laws, etc. Don't get me wrong I'm a huge Anglophile, but I'm also a proponent of following OUR rule of law called the Constitution. If we only got back to actually doing what it said things would be much better.


19:49 Nov 23 2008
Times Read: 1,067

Originally posted by

darkXwhisper - Quick question about witchcraft

I don't want to make a full thread out of this and i will delete it as soon as I get a few answers.

How do you determine whether a which is earth, air, fire, or water? If you can please provide a link because I can't find anything on it. Thanks guys



I don't know the answer but I think I've heard before that a witch is the element either they were born in or just have a personal affinity for. Again just an idea, I don't know :)



Well I thought it had somethin to do with your birthday, like astrology. But I don't think that is correct.



depends on the individuals spiritual capacity. Astrology is a fun reference point but doesnt usually mean spit about the real nature of the individual.



here is a page I found. Im not sure if its what you were looking for or not but I just googled How to find your element.


sorry i dont know how to make a link



Why would you suppose a witch to only consist of any specific one of those primitive elements? A witch is not a supernatural being made up of some single elemental force or propety nor was ever believed to be. A witch has always been believed to be... Human.

- Upir'



Sometimes its just about what calls to you. Its something that is part of you, could be that it has to do with your astrology sign, but it could very well be something entirely different that calls to you. which element you feel most comfortable with, working with and such.



witches are different, and usually having an elemental affinity over a sole use element,

Elemental sorcery is different then elemental witchcraft. witches dont really differentiate between elements so much, as you might find the other break downs of caste doing. Were some might stick to a fire, earthy, airy, watery medium as their casting styles shift.

They do not use the spirit of fire, spirit of water, etc...in ways that other castes do, as well as say ones who command the will of the elements as their own.

Oh there i go again sounding either mad, or like some rpg guru...haha or someone who has said way to much on the subject for the neophyte. AHAHAHA....good luck and dont play with fire if you cant handle being burned.



Upir - I don't think he opened this to debate what a witch is or isn't or argue about each little difference on every aspect of witchcraft etc. Nor did he say a witch was a single thing or any supernatural being.

The question was how do you determine if a witch is Earth, Water, Wind or Fire? In other words how do you figure out the primary operational element of those witches who follow that particular path?

Personally I am also very interested in hearing peoples answers as well.



Xzavier -

I was NOT attempting to define a witch but, instead, to understand why HE defines a witch as being comprised of a particular element (e.g., water, fire, etc.).

- Upir'



Don't forgett that a which is a wiccan. If you look for wiccan pages rather than with it might be easier to fing what ur looking for.



For one. Wicca has NOTHING to do with witchcraft. Not one damn thing. They are completely seperate. Wicca is a folk practice (not a religion) where as most people whom practice witchcraft worship some sort of god. Wiccans do not.

Upir. I didn't say I believed in any of it, but the fact is; wicca (and I believe witchcraft) have a coven. In some covens there are 4 witches. They represent earth, air, fire, and water. And all of them as a whole represent spirit. What I want to know is how they determine whom is earth, air, fire, and water. Watch the film "The Craft" it will give you an idea of what I'm referring to. Thank you all for the post, but I don't think my question has been answered at all. So please continue.




You answered my question completely! Thank you. The earth, air, fire, and water, are determined by your astrological signs. Therefore I believe it is only used in Wicca. In witchcraft, a coven contains 13 witches. In Wicca, it is 4. The 4 witches represent these signs. I am a Taurus, therefore i represent Earth. Thanks DarkFairie! I will keep this open for a little while so everyone has a chance to read this.

There are four elements in magick: Fire, Water, Air, and Earth. How do you find out what your element is?

The easiest way to discover your element is to look at your astrological Sun sign. The Sun sign is the core of an individual, the overriding nature and will. The twelve zodiac signs are grouped by element. Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius correspond to Fire. Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces correspond to Water. Libra, Aquarius, and Gemini correspond to Air. Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo correspond to Earth.

Once you know what element is attributed to your Sun sign, you can begin to explore. Take time to learn everything you can about your element. Dive deep into the correspondences, do meditations, practice magickal rituals focused on that element. Here are a couple suggestions.

One great practice for this purpose is learn which Major Arcana card from the Tarot is associated with your Sun sign, preferably using one of the decks inspired by an occult tradition such as Rider-Waite, Crowley's Thoth deck, or decks from the Golden Dawn or BOTA. Read the source text about the card, research each symbol, contemplate it, and see how the ideas exude in your personality and actions.

Spend time with and pay attention to the physical manifestation of your element. Visit a park or the woods if you're Earth, go swimming if you're Water, build a fire (carefully!) if you're Fire. If you're Air, meditate on your breathing, go to a mountain peak, pay attention to the wind. Gather items that remind you of the physical element and keep them in a place where you will see them regularly.

You can also contact the Elemental appropriate to your element for guidance and understanding of that element. Gnomes govern Earth, Sylphs govern Air, Undines govern Water, and Salamanders govern Fire.

You can do many other things to bring yourself in tune with your element, but these are some basics to get you started. A couple of excellent books packed with many correspondences to the four elements, among other things, are 777 by Aleister Crowley, and The Magician's Companion by Bill Whitcomb. With these books and a little imagination, you'll find other ways to explore the elements. You can also visit the Four Elements section of Asiya's Shadows for meditations and correspondences.

Credit: Taken from the link posted above by darkFairie



darkXwhisper it is not ONLY used in Wicca.... I am of the druid faith and we stand in our appropriate corners during circle. Which element you are considered is based on ones birthday which yes goes with the astrological bit of it.

HOWEVER as I said its not simply Wicca... Wicca is a NEWER form of paganism that yes does also use the elements, but it goes back LONG before Crowley introduced Wicca to the world. As with any legitimate inquiry it does take a bit of research.

You are definitely correct in stating above that just because one is a witch... does not make them a Wiccan... as a matter of fact some witches may find the statement of being considered a wiccan offensive if it is not their beliefs.

As by reading your initial post, sounds to me as if you already knew the answer to the question but doubted yourself. lol. Don't you hate when that happens? I do it all the time. lol.

Seeing as how you already had the answer you were looking for I'm not sure that my post was of any help but if so then yay! lol.



The term "wicca" goes back centuries, the "faith/religion/practice" or whatever of Wicca is a very new thing. Wicca is a form of paganism in the same sense that Latter Day Saints is a form of Christianity, but that doesn't make them one and the same. Paganism is a category not a single religion.

The Wiccan religion is a perversion and amalgamation of 3,000 years worth of solid faiths. It has no distinct or real foundations.

My family comes from Druids, as early as 50AD. I can assure you that the Wiccan religion has no part in it nor do real Druids have any role in "Wicca" as it is currently understood.



But paganism refers to a group of many different British folk religions. And Wicca is only a little over 60 years old. ;)



I'm glad to see that I'm not the only person on here hasn't bought into the absurdity of Wicca. It is NOT a religion, it has NOTHING to do with true Druidism, all Witches are NOT Wiccan, nor does Wicca offer anything but rehashed rituals, stolen ideas and a "foundation" made up by the pure imagination of it's followers.

I know I'll get slammed for this but I don't care. Saying Wicca is anything more than a modern amalgamation of ideas with no real doctrine and no central authority (which means one Wiccan 'priest' isn't the same as another) is pure folly.

Stop worshiping the Moon for "universal consciousness", grow and up and pick a religion that is actually REAL. Think for yourself, quite whining about the evil Christians and how your "high priestess" follows the "Path of Enlightenment set up by the Great Pubah of Universal Wisdom."


(hugs DarkxWhisper)



03:55 Nov 24 2008

I believe to each his own, that is true! But as for Wicca, I think it's a complete crock of shit! It's a little over 60 years old, it has NO real roots either. And it IRRITATES me like no other when people call it a religion! It is NOT a f*cking religion! They prey to decaying logs and hug trees. There is NO god involved, it is NOT a religion. And another thing, people; please stop confusing Wicca and Witchcraft! One has nothing to do with the other. And a person whom practices Wicca is NOT a witch I am sorry. Witches don't pray to dead trees, and they don't as a plant permission before they pick a berry, LOL!

12:48 Nov 24 2008

*rolls eyes* Xzavier? I think you actually behaved, for once... Bless your cotton-socks! Now, if a witch were full of fecal matter, let's say -- would you call it a combination of eart and water? I don't mean to start a thread... just wondering *grin*


06:04 Nov 23 2008
Times Read: 1,084

Gravity, to the general public visions of apples and Newton spring to mind, to some Newton's equation also comes forth. According to Newton gravity can be described as the attractive force between two masses divided by their distance to each other squared.

However, thanks to Einstein, Newton's gravity no longer holds much weight in our relative universe. Our good friend Einstein came up with this (simplistically):

Gravity is a result of an object with mass bending space-time (causing curvature).

Gravity warps s/t and as we sit on Earth s/t is being drawn in towards the Earths centre. Since we also exist in s/t we are being pushed onto the Earth, not being pulled.

The same can be said with the Suns gravity and orbit. All things in the universe are in a constant state of "falling." We are falling and being pushed onto Earth, the Earth to the Sun and so forth.

But, this only gives us an idea of whats going on in relation to objects. We have very little clue as to what is actually causing s/t to curve or why everything with mass has some amount of this "gravitational force."

A lot of people point to the rubber sheet experiment and say "Look, the large ball curved the sheet drawing the smaller ball toward it." This is however, a dangerous misconception. That isn't what is actually happening and even many excellent physics students have a hard time breaking themselves of that concept.

All objects want to go to the centre of gravity, which happens to be the centre of a mass. The large ball in the centre of the rubber sheet is being pushed towards the Earth, the sheet provides a resistance and since it is weak it bends. The smaller ball also wants to go to the Earths surface, the reason why it goes to the larger ball is because the large ball creates the path of least resistance.

Why does gravity alter s/t in a 4 dimensional universe?

What is the mechanism that gives mass gravity?

Part of understanding and in time answering these questions is learning to unlearn misconceptions. Learning to think not with eyes that can only see the visible but thinking in terms of the unseen. Stepping out of the shell of our comfortable world and placing ourselves at the doorsteps of the universe.

As "Oceanne" can attest to I've been able to explain a lot of the mysteries of the universe via equations and math but, for some reason, I have yet to glimpse the fullness of this funny force, this gravity.

-- Mr. X



06:18 Nov 23 2008

Everytime I read Einsteins theory I seem to get it more...and I read it 100's of times

19:59 Nov 23 2008

Well,you arent done yet.;)


03:32 Nov 23 2008
Times Read: 1,094

There is little more beautiful and yet so misunderstood than lightning.

Just a lovely image for your day :)



03:52 Nov 23 2008

I love lightning. That's beautiful, X..thanks for sharing.


The Answer is 4

14:05 Nov 22 2008
Times Read: 1,125

This may blow some peoples minds but here it is.

The true answer to the everything in the universe is... 4

Lets take relativity, e=mc2:

Energy equals matter times the speed of light squared = 45 letters

Forty-five= 9 letters

Nine= 4 letters


How about Xzavier:

Xzavier= 7 letters

Seven= 5

Five=4, Four=4

Or Vampire Rave:

Vampire Rave= 11

Eleven= 6

Six= 3

Three= 5

Five= 4

Why not my all time favourite?









000,000,009,711,234,578 =









ndfivehundredseventyeight = 265 letters

two-hundred sixty-five = 19 letters

nineteen = 8 letters

eight = 5 letters

five = 4!

Even if something had a googolplex letters

(googolplex = 10^10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,




Googolplex has 10 letters

Ten= 3

Three= 5

Five= 4=4

If all the matter in the universe were converted into "0's" you would need

1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 times the number of particles in the ENTIRE known universe and about that many times the current age of the universe to write it all out.

So you see, EVERYTHING in the universe equals 4.

Please have a nice day :)



15:14 Nov 22 2008

Universe=4 makes sense

15:19 Nov 22 2008

I am going to be sitting here doing that all freaking day now. lol.

16:35 Nov 22 2008

4 huh... makes since...some people i know seem to mentally stop matureing at 4 years old.....

18:04 Nov 22 2008


03:48 Nov 23 2008

everybody knows that xzavier lol

05:36 Dec 05 2008


this is funny


06:04 Nov 22 2008
Times Read: 1,135

The only common denominator in multiple failed relationships is -you-. If you keep getting dumped you have to ask yourself whats wrong.

Are you to emotional, jealous, needy, looking for a father/mother figure, falling to fast, afraid of commitment, shallow, self confidence issues...?

Stop blaming your 12 ex's and start asking yourself the question "is it really me?" Many multiple and recurrent break-ups (not all but many) have to do with problems on both sides. Don't hate yourself or be afraid to confront the real issues.

But, for gods sake stop acting like the world is against you, like there is nothing wrong with you and start acting like a mature person who takes personal responsibility and honour seriously.

Frivolous relationships hurt both people, turn you into a slut (regardless of if you did anything) and warps your state of mind. Having a warped mindset only puts you up for repeated failure.

Think about it.




06:12 Nov 22 2008


06:16 Nov 22 2008


-falling to fast

-afraid of commitment

-self confidence issues

-hate yourself

-the world is against you

All these describe me.


17:35 Nov 20 2008
Times Read: 1,149

If you think you are the centre of the universe, then perhaps you are.

The universe is so vast and it's expansion rate is nearly the same everywhere that is has no real centre. Which means that theoretically any point (that would be you) could serve as the universes centre, according to the relative observations of the observer.

How's that for an ego boost?





13:54 Nov 21 2008

Yes, but with that being said, we are all the center of the universe. *ego boost kicked in the balls* lol


Member Conversation 4

05:56 Nov 19 2008
Times Read: 1,174

This a conversation I had with a member on the topic of multiple universe. It was a very informal and quick conversation which is why the grammar is horrid. I do hope you will all enjoy it, I know I did.

From: -

Infinite universes as in it never ends?

Why is that?


As in there are an infinite number of universe. There could be a trillion you's each just a tiny bit different but they exist. And with every action, thought etc you take you then create a whole other universe.

It's really so freakin cool to think about.

From: -

that is cool, but how is that your creating them?

universe like in space?

you know what I think is funny but is cool to think about.

You just reminded me of the movie "animal house"

and there getting high with the teacher and there sitting around high and the kid is like " so your telling me under my finger nail could be a whole world and were just another speck under someone else finger nail?"


There is a rule "Anything that can happen either already has happened or will happen"

So lets say you're walking down the street and come to a crossroads. You have a choice to go right or left, you go left. In this universe you took the left path but because you could have gone right the universe actually splits in half and in another universe you're going right.

Some universe are smaller than an atom and other universes called "branes" connect and create universes like ours.

Universe also follow a "yes/no" path, which means some universes will go on forever and others will poof out of existence almost instantly. Imagine you crossed a road and almost got hit by a car, in this universe you're alive and things go on but in another universe (because you could have been hit) you get hit by the car and die which means that universe ends. Yes/no is sort of like 1/0 in computer code.

Does any of that make sense? lol

From: -

so there like and/or gates. either 2 different things happen and the kind only one results can come from it.

The other just goes away.

but if for the "and" one. What is the difference between the path I choose and the other one? What happens to that one. I mean there are only one of me?

so then you believe in things like walking under a bridge and going right into another realm?

If that is possible that really is amazing.


Kinda yeah.

There is a possibility (really small but it's there) that you could walk under a bridge one day and walk into another realm.

There is only one YOU but there are billions of "you" one has blond hair, another weighs more than you by an ounce etc.

Technically though, there are billions of you existing all at once in whats called a type 3 universe. The only diff. between you and you is a few atoms.

Did you read my journal entry about socks? The parallel universe can effect us by making things like socks disappear but also one day could save our lives. In about 3 billion years the sun will be so unstable life on Earth wont be able to live. And Earth could be the only planet in this universe capable of having life. So one day, we might need to cross over into one of these other universe to find an earth that can support us.

From: -

OMG thats so cool.

what I'm confused about is "the other me part"

ok so if there are other me's out there. Are they just like me living and breathing and thinking?

Like right now as this jennifer rites to this xzavier there is another xzavier and jennifer except a this time jennifer is whareing a hat and ur wearing a shirt with strips and has a mush stash lol?

and as real as I am to myself is how they feel about them selves?

so lmao what if im not me? but just one of those trillions?

am I alwasy going to be the orginal person?


Yes exactly.

You're the original you, as in the only one exactly like you are now. But, the billions of other Jennifers are also the only exact one of them. Of course "who was the first Jennifer" no one knows, you could be the "other" one.

From: -

Well if Im the original then I'd be the first as well right? If all these universes are connected why dont they mess with things in this one? is it because when something is made it cant be destroyed?


Right, once something is created it cant be destroyed by another universe. Remember how I said each action creates another universe? Well those universes (and ours) only exists until something else happens then it changes. Theres a saying "you can never step into the same river twice" and that means that when you step into a river for the 2nd time the water you originally walked into has moved on so your stepping into an different river. The same goes for the universe(s). We might think we're still in the same universe but with each though we kinda "pop" into another one, creating it in a way.

If your the original then maybe you'd be the first but not necessarily.

From: -

so these universe can cross paths?

but u cant tell because there is such a small difference?

but I mean how is it a different universe when everything is the same? or at least seems it?

I mean what is the difference between this one and that one?

I mean I know u for the xzavier for u are just like Im the only jennifer u know.

so if this true wouldnt we of met a trillion of our selves by now?

so does the whole world just go into another universe?


No because even though these universe are very similar and can even occupy the same space as us they exist in a separate dimension. Like people and fish live on the same earth (the same space) but unless we grab a fish it has no clue we exist bc it lives in a dif. dimension, the "water dimension" you could call it.

From: -

but u said we pop in out of universe?

so if were always poping into different relms

and we do this as individuals how come we cant tell something is different if t here is a difference.

so are u telling me as I talk t o you , you may not be the first xzavier I have talked to you lol?


We pop in, in the sense that we are creating a new universe. Currently we don;t know how to physically enter into a separate universe but we are always creating new ones. It's the ones we have just created that we "pop" into.

Kinda yeah lol in our present current form we only exist for a few trillionths of a second, the moment an atom moves, we have a thought etc we turn into a diff. person than we were which also means we have created a diff. universe than it was before.


I lost a few Q&A's so it doesn't flow as well as I'd like but I think it serves it's purpose.



20:50 Nov 19 2008

Evidently, this person recognized you as THE BIG BANG!


Full Globalization

07:41 Nov 18 2008
Times Read: 1,194

There is no greater advocate for national sovereignty and personal liberties than I but, these days are not for gay marriage and giant walls across borders. We can no longer, as a people, stand behind our fences and think the troubles abroad and at home will simply go away.

The check you bring home is connected to oil pumped in Iraq, the cars made in Japan, the produce picked in Argentina, the roads paved by your city and the laws passed in Washington. This is a global planet and so is your life. Global power is shifting away from the US and moving back to Europe and is making it's way to Asia. The problems you face are the same problems I face, the illness we fight are the same that Africa dies from.

This is the year 2008, there is no individual issue that outweighs the needs of the many and we have no stable force left. Disease, energy, climate, technology, war and anything else you can think of are issues that face us all. No one company, no single nation can pull humanity back from the brink and secure our futures.

As much as we enjoy the rhetoric of small town values and national independence we cannot base our future outlook by rose-coloured glasses. Nor can we simply agree that "something must be done." Action, strong and purposeful must be taken and our personal quibbles must take a back seat.

I never thought I would say these words but, in my strongest opinion, we should muster the efforts needed to create a single world, economically and politically. You can not keep looking to America for salvation and America cannot support the whole of humanity while our people starve and our economy collapses. Only a unified effort, as one race with one goal can bring stability and prosperity to the globe.

Not only must we join together to combat the issues of energy, poverty and disease but we must unite to put an end to any single nations ability to subjugate another. The US is learning it's lesson, it's people are tired and have come to understand the immorality of endless warfare. However, that lesson has not been taken by other powers and it is imperative that we, through peaceable means halt the aggressive actions of Russia, China, N. Korea, Iran and various African nations. Be it through absolute sanctions, incentives or, for a time, civilian lead revolts; no nation should think it has the moral right to conquer and no people should have to suffer at the hands of a militaristic regime.

The point being, only through greater unification and federal disarmament (governments not individuals) do I feel our future can be bright and secured.

The following is part of an extensive plan I and the Omni Research Group have come up with. Of course everything is subject to change and it's sole purpose is to provide ideas and potential solutions.

We propose that N. America, S. America, the Middle East, the Indian sub-continent, S.E Asia, Asia, Africa and Oceania join with the EU in forming solid economic blocs and creating political associations which would best represent the collective issues of their respective nations. These 9 socio-political associations would then work together in a global council to mitigate problems, keep peace, advance education, science and the arts.

Individual nations would have authority over their own populations when it comes to domestic issues as long as they follow certain international laws/treaties (Human Rights etc.). The individual would be allowed the fullest number of rights, privacy, right to self-defense etc. No single nation would be allowed to enter into warfare unless under threat of immediate invasion. If tensions were to escalate into localized violence the respective association would be allowed/compelled to aid the legally elected government in it's defense. Should a threat become global then the whole weight of the world would be brought to bare on the threat.

The key would be allowing the individual to maintain the fullest amount of liberty; the member nations to act on domestic issues such as immigration, stem-cell research etc.; preventing international war or provide the quickest restoration of peace should war break out; bringing full global ability to tackle any problem and alleviating undue strain on single nations currently attempting to solve a problem or support another country.


I didn't write that as a matter of debate. For the past 10 years the O.R.G has been tackling the issue and in 2006 decided that the best course of action is a globally unified effort. I only hope that the O.R.G and our partners are able to popularize the idea and show governments the many positive potentials it would bring.

(I do try to not always think on physics or religion)




09:52 Nov 18 2008

well if you guys would just get together and create a gay god you would have your marrige rights lol

20:52 Nov 19 2008

Says you! *grabs a cute chick, a cute X, a cute guy, chicken wire and proceeds to shield us from the outside world* ... tell me no borders, hmph!


Where'd all my socks go?

22:23 Nov 09 2008
Times Read: 1,234

We've all opened our dryers to find that we have socks (among other things) missing. It seems inevitable that we will loose things in plain sight with no explanation of how it happened. I am reminded of a personal story.

--I got home one afternoon and took off a lovely gold ring, placed it on a clear table and went into the kitchen. When I came back into the room I no longer saw the ring, it had vanished. I looked everywhere for it and after several days came to the conclusion that the "sock faeries" had grabbed it.--

Nearly everyone has asked the question "Where did my socks go?" I think I have a partial answer. And for the mathematical example I will use socks.

According to quantum theory everything that can happen will. If you flip a coin a million times and do that another million times it is very possible that the coin will sail right through your hand and hit a guy on top of the Empire State building.

So now imagine that we all have 10 pairs of socks, out of 6 billion people that comes to 120 billion individual socks. Now, lets say we only wash all of our socks once a week (there is 10 pairs so we always have clean ones). That comes to 6,240,000,000,000 times each individual sock is placed into a dryer and if we include the possibility that we loose them in the washer it's 12,480,000,000,000 (12 trillion) times washing and drying.

Lets remember that socks are only a small part of the whole of Earth which would mean we have a virtual coin toss thousands of trillions of times each year. It stands to reason that maybe, just maybe some of our socks really do cross into another dimension.

Food for thought,

--Dr. X



00:06 Nov 10 2008

So all of my socks are on top of some guy's head, on top of the Empire State Building?

*Goes and makes plane reservations*

03:56 Nov 10 2008

I suddenly wonder why I have yet to lose a sock to the dryer.

18:47 Nov 11 2008

*trips as I run away with sacks upon sacks of socks* Oh? Is that a fact? Hmm, good to know...

08:55 Nov 13 2008

Haha, I like that theory :) my socks keep dissapearing in the wash too!

Hmm, strange about your ring... never heard of a ring faery though!


23:37 Nov 06 2008
Times Read: 1,249

I've stolen bits and pieces of this from comedians and commentators but they've echoed my thoughts. Of course this may be offensive :)

Like I've said before people have called me racist or prejudice for some of my views especially on the Middle East and Muslim countries. Now the word prejudice means "to pre judge" without paying attention to the group. I've never pre-judged anything or anyone, nor do you have to when the proof is starring you in the face.

"Don't lump all Muslims in with terrorists" it's a little bit hard not to when you have city gatherings each week to behead people for being gay, having an affair, didn't convert.... The worst modern Christian extremists can do is point out the gay teletubby and watch Pat Robertson and Falwell make out with each other.

"We're just different, no group is better than the other" bull crap! Letting women read, vote and not wear a bloody sheet is better than being imprisoned for "disobeying" your husband. Having computers, internet porn and the rule of law is better than building a nation out of fear and autocracy. You morons scream bloody murder when anyone says the Holocaust was anything less than the worst event in human history and yet you seem to forget all folks Hussein gassed.

I can hear some of you now "well what about the Inquisition mister 'Jesus' man?" For one that was the Catholics ;) for two it was only a part of the Church and thirdly we stopped doing crap like that centuries ago! Have you actually read Muslim history? There's never been a time where they weren't killing folks for the dumbest reasons. How many authors have been killed the past few years for saying Muhammad had multiple wives?

Do you not remember journalists being beheaded just because they we're American or British?

I'm not saying all Muslims are bad people but you have to question anyone who thinks they're going to get 72 virgins when they die. Seriously, after a while you're going to want a pro.

"Hitler was a Christian" like hell he was. Hitler was a Jewish prostitute (or haven't you read a history book) who said Jesus fought for white supremacy. Just because Hitler admired Jesus doesn't make him a Christian. Did you never see the footage of Nazi's burning down churches and killing priests? If Hitler was a Christian then Obama is a domestic terrorist because he knows Bill Ayres.

Bottom line is the vast majority of Muslims are evil little bastards who deserve to get the crap blown out of them. You never hear of Al-Kindas now do you?

I get so sick of people telling Americans to not look at Muslims in the light of 9/11. It's about the same as asking a date-rape victim to think about the good dinner before hand - Thanks Dennis Miller

[Think about it folks] /word



23:49 Nov 06 2008


18:49 Nov 11 2008

You owe me panties. I peed when you wrote "Al-Kindas". You bitch. Ooo, and can I call you Dr. Jesus Man? It's kinda hot! But, you have to wear a toga. (no signifance, just mu amusement)


03:53 Nov 05 2008
Times Read: 1,268

It seems the "Solid South" is over, both ways. I know many have forgotten that the South was the Democratic strong hold for decades. In fact secession was carried on democratic tickets. Of course more recently the Republicans have gained control of the South due to political changes which have made the Democrats much more liberal.

If exit polls are right all thats over. Maryland, Delaware, Virginia and possibly Florida (who knows what other States will flip) will be carried by Obama and the less populous States as well as Texas will go to McCain. To me this shows just how much things have changed over the past 4 years (thanks Bush et. al).

Anyway, as both a Southern Independent and one who has watched politics all my life I must say I'm rather pleased, yet perplexed, by all this. Perhaps this means the South will take over the dems again (prays) but, if not, I think it will at least show you can never discount the importance of all of Dixie.



16:34 Nov 05 2008

The good ol secesh! Seriously, though, had it not been for so much built up throughout the Civil Rights movement, the overall view of the South was put in a (possibly) unfair light. I am guilty of having questionable opinions of the South. I also have had reason to, so maybe I am the exception.

Still, I firmly believe change is inevitable.


19:52 Nov 04 2008
Times Read: 1,281

If you live in west Philly and haven't voted yet watch out. According to some news stories the "New Black Panther Party" is out in force, with night sticks and picking fights.

"Vote for Obama or Die" some democracy lol.



20:27 Nov 04 2008

you mean republic? lol

16:26 Nov 05 2008

But, I liked the old Black Panthers! This is bullshit! *drives to Philly and threatens the threateners...* People and their lack of knowledge about history makes the rest of us look demonic. Grrrrr... Huey Newton is rolling in his grave so much he may resurrect himself!

13:56 Nov 21 2008

Isn't it odd that the Black Panthers allow members of any race, creed, or nationality? Where as the KKK has slaughtered black people for centuries! I like black people : ) lol


Separation of Church and State

20:25 Nov 02 2008
Times Read: 1,292

I'm not a religious nut however, I am an expert on Constitutional law. Every time hear about 'separation of church and state' qualified by the First Amendment I want to scream. I ask the question "how many of you can read?"

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances"

Who shall make no law respecting -a what- an establishment of religion? Congress. Say it with me "Congress shall make no law", got it? Good.

Whats the second part? "or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.." Now I'm not a pro at reading but if I understand correctly it doesn't say anything about states, cities, public or private clubs, individuals etc having to keep religion to themselves. I also don't see where cities or states can't have a baby Jesus for Christmas, a copy of the 10 Commandments or a picture of bloody Allah plastered on street signs if the general population is fine with it.

The darn Christians just wont give up. They infiltrate the military and talk about God and peace and being a good person to those sweet soldiers who are getting shot at and blown up. How dare the Christians give hope to a boy who's about to die.

Of course those pesky Wiccans can become "offended" and have their little symbols included everywhere even though wicca (not paganism) is not a real religion and is based on the words of a mentally ill Brit 50 years ago. Not to mention uses the same argument to promote religion while trying to stop another one.

Honestly I don't mind allowing other groups to place whatever documents of faith, anywhere, as long as the local population agrees. I do have a problem when Christians (or anyone else) is targeted as evil and must not be allowed to have "free exercise thereof."

I also have a problem with people not understanding what the word CONGRESS means. The Constitution is a "dead document" which means the letter of the law rules, not it's "intent." Do you know why it's a dead document? Because the meaning of "intent" is directly related to the temporary emotional state of a population and is governed by an absolute form of democracy. Absolute democracy is not what this country was founded upon, monarchies and dictators come from absolute democracies.

And don't give me the whole "clause" argument. The courts use those and the courts alone don't make laws only interpretations which can be accepted or declined by Congress, both federal and State.



16:40 Nov 05 2008

X, you and I would have been kicked out of so many law classes together! I had a professor imply that the Constitution was such a finely tuned document that it must have been written by the divine. I walked out of the class and turned in a paper called "Man is not God. God is not government"

I got an A on the paper and was respectfully asked to switch classes (which I didn't). Every time the prof opened her silly mouth, she would look at me out the corner of her eye. I miss pissing off professors...


07:51 Nov 02 2008
Times Read: 1,309

"Barack Obama appears within reach of becoming the nation's first black president..."

"... Voters deeply distrust government and crave a new direction."

That was taken from an article by the AP


Do you not see a contradiction in the logic of American voters? Regardless of which side you are on Obama is the "big government kid" who promises that socialist redistribution of wealth is similar to sharing toys in kindergarten (I'm nearly quoting him exactly).

Don't get me wrong, I'm not voting for McCain nor am I a Rebulican..not a Democrat either. I just find it strange and a testament to the poor education and shear stupidity of the vast majority of American voters today.

I didn't mean to go into a rant about the election I just thought it was an interesting issue.




Alcohol cloud spotted in deep space

00:34 Nov 02 2008
Times Read: 1,321

Astronomers say they have spotted a cloud of alcohol in deep space that measures 463 billion kilometres across, a finding that could shed light on how giant stars are formed from primordial gas.

The vast bridge-shaped cloud of methyl alcohol has been spotted in a region of our galaxy, the Milky Way, that is called W3(OH), where stars are being formed by the gravitational collapse of concentrations of gas and dust, the discoverers said in a press release.

Methanol, an organic (carbon-based) molecule, is a cousin of ethanol, which is found in alcoholic beverages.

Methanol is not suitable for human consumption.

The cloud was spotted by astronomers based at Britain's Jodrell Bank Observatory led by Lisa Harvey-Smith.

Their work was to be presented on Tuesday at a meeting of the Royal Astronomical Society (RAS) in Leicester, central England.

In 2004, methanol, also called methyl alcohol, was spotted for the first time in one of the disc-like clusters that form around nascent stars.

That discovery opened up a new area of debate in astrophysics, challenging the conventional view that interstellar chemistry could not provide the conditions for creating complex molecules, as they would be ripped apart by ultraviolet radiation from stars and other tough conditions.

Around 130 organic molecules have also been identified so far in outer space, fuelling speculation that these complex molecules may have helped to sow the seeds for life on the fledgling Earth.

From - http://www.abc.net.au/news/newsitems/200604/s1607840.htm

I guess if God made the universe that would mean he made a cloud of "beer" too. So happy drinking! Just don't get drunk.



14:18 Nov 02 2008

You know with the thought of a "higher power" or divine creation... I have to ask, how can anyone believe in God- and not think that this being has a sense of humour.

"Hey let's create this universe, and well let's make some laws. While we're at it, let's create creatures that will develop from these laws. Ooopsy! Did you see what just happened? Cool!

Uh, oh... they did not just do that... *laughter* Well, looks like I have my entertainment until the next universal shift occurs."

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