dabbler's Journal

dabbler's Journal


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5 entries this month

Can You Say Coulraphobia?

23:04 Jul 29 2010
Times Read: 722

A what?

If they didn't have Coulraphobia before this, they sure will after.



00:35 Jul 31 2010

lol...of course that is here in Florida too...;)

13:22 Aug 03 2010

WTF... resisting arrest at 9.19 seconds. I don’t call that resisting at all. I felt as if he wanted her to resist so it would give them an excuse to bully. She was just stating that she had been duped by Coco, then Coco goaded her. Bloody power hungry rozzers lol

20:13 Aug 03 2010

I noticed that alot in the later episodes of Cops.. the cops get this Puffy chest, Hamming for the camera


Little Johnny

14:43 Jul 29 2010
Times Read: 736

The Importance of Listening

Little Johnny sees his Daddy's car passing the play ground and go into the woods. Curious, he follows the car and sees Daddy and Aunt Jane in a "passionate embrace".

Little Johnny finds this so exciting and can barely contain himself so he runs home and starts to tell his mother excitedly . . .


Mommy tells him to slow down. She wants to hear the story.

So Little Johnny tells her. "I was at the playground and I saw Daddy's car go into the woods with Aunt Jane. I went back to look and he was giving Aunt Jane a big kiss, then he helped her take off her shirt, then Aunt Jane helped Daddy take his pants off, then Aunt Jane laid down on the seat, then Daddy . . "

At this point Mommy cut him off and said, "Johnny, this is such an interesting story, suppose you save the rest of it for supper time. I want to see the look on Daddy's face when you tell it tonight".

At the dinner table, Mommy asks Little Johnny to tell his story. Johnny starts his story, describing the car going into the woods, the undressing, the laying down on the seat, and . .

"then Daddy and Aunt Jane did that same thing Mommy and Uncle Bill used to do when Daddy was in the army."

Sometimes you need to listen to the whole story before you interrupt!!!

Located at :http://www.ebearweb.net/humour/littleJohn.htm



15:51 Jul 29 2010

Very good dabs.

17:46 Jul 29 2010

~giggles~ very funny

18:04 Jul 29 2010

hehe...this is one of my favs

23:51 Jul 29 2010

Love it!



09:22 Jul 22 2010
Times Read: 753



Nonstop Nonsense

23:59 Jul 21 2010
Times Read: 777

What a twit sounds like. Note the Name Dropping by a person who claims to "know too much".


Profile for AlieNation


Shaitan (64)


Jul 21 2010


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Really now, thats just rude and I am surprised at how shallow you have become.

Your posts and beliefs have become too focussed on you and your own beliefs.My friend your obsession is bordering on psychosis so do yourself a favour and take a break before your mind unravels completely.

On 23:56:08 Jul 21 2010 (-0 GMT) dabbler wrote:

your a loser with nothing but delusions, and stop being so presumptuous you impotent, arrogant twit.. "research" you are so fucking deluded, you assume I really care two shits about anything you say.. go away.. fade out like the fart you are


Profile for AlieNation


Shaitan (64)


Jul 21 2010


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I only told a little of what I know and the fact it makes you so mad and says more about the state of your own mind than my own.

Reflect upon your own behaviour, the words antipathy and ignorance spring to mind.

Any way I am not going to get into a slagging match you have your research and I have my own.I will not trouble you further or annoy your precious beliefs. Just know this my friend...I am right and metallica a taste a punishment coupled with agitation and shaking if they are not fed properly but with all your research you would know that, right ?He He.

On 20:54:53 Jul 21 2010 (-0 GMT) dabbler wrote:

'Yes well if you or Upir got off your fat arse and went to see Aracon or Cecile and the bikers you might learn something but that would be risky right?'

Delusional much?

Mr. Nonsense-many Names.

Why are you so pathetically desperate?



00:37 Jul 22 2010


00:49 Jul 22 2010

O0-o wow

01:22 Jul 22 2010

When the fool scribbles gibberish on walls, that others cannot read, they applaud themselves as cryptic, and wise.

14:21 Jul 28 2010

"stop being so presumptuous you impotent, arrogant twit"

Thanks dabs, I just lost my coffea on my keyboard!


Warning Real Skull Drudgery

08:55 Jul 21 2010
Times Read: 787

a Fine Example of how far Delusions go, in a nurturing environment.. or what happens when mental people are encouraged!

The following is from an uninitiate message from AN AKA Fallen STar, and Green Night..


Profile for AlieNation


Shaitan (64)


Jul 21 2010


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Yes well if you or Upir got off your fat arse and went to see Aracon or Cecile and the bikers you might learn something but that would be risky right?

If I am direct it gets removed.Full-stop! and I like my neck the way it is, three I know of are without theirs. Do you really think all the military on here are just for kicks; yeah men who kill goats is just a joke.As for knowing those who score over 50 % and recorded it chronologically.I am impressed; instead of me showing you everything lets turn it around.You tell me or show me who is better than me since I am decidedly mediocre.

On 06:15:42 Jul 21 2010 (-0 GMT) dabbler wrote:

No you misunderstand, I am literally unimpressed by any thing you present, and no, you are not chqllenging, you are nonsensical, the fact that you are nonsensical is why I don't follow anything you say.. test? Big whoop.. Oceanne neve3r said she met a person, she read an article, and she read the updates.. your phishing..

you may fancy yourself to be all deep, and involved in cutting edge iderals.. but your lacking in presentation, and articulation.. so what of all your claims.. where to go from here? You piece things together like noted yarn, and when people attempt to unravel it you sit back amused.. as if it even makes sense to you.. bring something tyo the table.. your getting trite, and cliche, and your nonsensical referances are pointless.. "some is just hints.." you say.. that is pathetic, i mean come on..

On 06:00:31 Jul 21 2010 (-0 GMT) AlieNation wrote:

I understand, really I do. Much of what I say is questioning and indeed challenging, some is just hints. Much is what could be what maybe and some is what is.For instance I mentioned eye changes which is generally dismissed as impossible.Yet Oceanne has met a man who is able to generate photons through his eyes under lab conditions, take it from me he is not the only one.Quite why or what it means, well thats for you guys to figure out.Today a science journal proved depressed people see in black and gray, let me tell you it goes further than that, at night to black and red and I am not the only one who knows about this, aracon, the batt etc also know.

As for the psychic test, the scores were true and I would have continued with the test but I know many websites track the user so 30 questions was enough to make my point.

If you and Upir are indeed on the cutting edge of research I must question your own motives, why Alienate?

On 23:53:18 Jul 20 2010 (-0 GMT) dabbler wrote:

my world is sufficient without all the mystic hype shit, see I figure you for a sensationalist, always pressing for fantastical, and astonishing.. yet I have shared company with far more compelling people. I sincerely wonder why you are so desperate to make a case.. see only a fraction of what you carry on about is coherent.

Such is the manner of those who subscribe to fringe beliefs, and ideals.

On 22:51:53 Jul 20 2010 (-0 GMT) AlieNation wrote:

Pessimists get surprises! I think I am quite realistic about they way things are going. Just think logically, if you were a god like creature looking down upon they way humanity spend most of their time fighting and screwing one another over. How would you view those creatures, what would you do? We are no different to any other pet species and when pets misbehave they get punished or erased.99.999999 % of species alive 300 miliion years ago are now dead.

Of course it maybe we punish ourselves, that is if thoughts are things.

Here is a real pessimist who brings the maths upon himself.


I have a similar problem with lightning, 1 strike in my car 1 strike on my roof, three near misses outside. Now I have studied I know, well I think I attract it...my wife berates me, more happy thoughts, but I am naturally dark?

Or is it I just see things they way they really are.

On 19:25:16 Jul 20 2010 (-0 GMT) dabbler wrote:

I just suggest you place your post in context, you get so vague, and abrupt, with no context, like this message is a better example.. if your post were as involved, it would help relate your ideas better.

As for precognition, I find most pessimist are constantly fretting so that it is not to far fetch when something happens that they fancy themselves to have premonition it.

On 05:52:17 Jul 20 2010 (-0 GMT) AlieNation wrote:

I was very surprised by my scores, 6;5;4 out of ten, I thought maybe 4 on average double the norm but 50/50 pretty good.

BTW I do not think it is being a psychic I am not, well I do not think so. I attempt to shift my concious mind a few seconds to see what is about to occur and one has to feel it in ones gut.BTW- A fellow Vamp gave me that tip.

This is why I belive psychics are usually poor at this test since they tend to be good with living brain activity.I just like to shift forward but it makes me tired and is totally pointless.I knew I could do this because I gamble on red and black and sometimes cards with fluctuating results depending on mood and how tired I am. Truthfully I am more open than most and yes I play the game but it is necessary. Hope this helps your research, I promise everything I have stated is true including the reaction to lip balm Banana Boat spf 20-45 . I know you are curious so you should focus on what ingredients cause otherkin to get cottonmouth...a very odd phenomenom.


Profile for AlieNation


Shaitan (64)


Jul 21 2010


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p.s. re being vague I do it to prevent stuff being intercepted or annoying my kin.


Profile for AlieNation


Shaitan (64)


Jul 21 2010


Block User



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I understand, really I do. Much of what I say is questioning and indeed challenging, some is just hints. Much is what could be what maybe and some is what is.For instance I mentioned eye changes which is generally dismissed as impossible.Yet Oceanne has met a man who is able to generate photons through his eyes under lab conditions, take it from me he is not the only one.Quite why or what it means, well thats for you guys to figure out.Today a science journal proved depressed people see in black and gray, let me tell you it goes further than that, at night to black and red and I am not the only one who knows about this, aracon, the batt etc also know.

As for the psychic test, the scores were true and I would have continued with the test but I know many websites track the user so 30 questions was enough to make my point.

If you and Upir are indeed on the cutting edge of research I must question your own motives, why Alienate?

On 23:53:18 Jul 20 2010 (-0 GMT) dabbler wrote:

my world is sufficient without all the mystic hype shit, see I figure you for a sensationalist, always pressing for fantastical, and astonishing.. yet I have shared company with far more compelling people. I sincerely wonder why you are so desperate to make a case.. see only a fraction of what you carry on about is coherent.

Such is the manner of those who subscribe to fringe beliefs, and ideals.

On 22:51:53 Jul 20 2010 (-0 GMT) AlieNation wrote:

Pessimists get surprises! I think I am quite realistic about they way things are going. Just think logically, if you were a god like creature looking down upon they way humanity spend most of their time fighting and screwing one another over. How would you view those creatures, what would you do? We are no different to any other pet species and when pets misbehave they get punished or erased.99.999999 % of species alive 300 miliion years ago are now dead.

Of course it maybe we punish ourselves, that is if thoughts are things.

Here is a real pessimist who brings the maths upon himself.


I have a similar problem with lightning, 1 strike in my car 1 strike on my roof, three near misses outside. Now I have studied I know, well I think I attract it...my wife berates me, more happy thoughts, but I am naturally dark?

Or is it I just see things they way they really are.

On 19:25:16 Jul 20 2010 (-0 GMT) dabbler wrote:

I just suggest you place your post in context, you get so vague, and abrupt, with no context, like this message is a better example.. if your post were as involved, it would help relate your ideas better.

As for precognition, I find most pessimist are constantly fretting so that it is not to far fetch when something happens that they fancy themselves to have premonition it.

On 05:52:17 Jul 20 2010 (-0 GMT) AlieNation wrote:

I was very surprised by my scores, 6;5;4 out of ten, I thought maybe 4 on average double the norm but 50/50 pretty good.

BTW I do not think it is being a psychic I am not, well I do not think so. I attempt to shift my concious mind a few seconds to see what is about to occur and one has to feel it in ones gut.BTW- A fellow Vamp gave me that tip.

This is why I belive psychics are usually poor at this test since they tend to be good with living brain activity.I just like to shift forward but it makes me tired and is totally pointless.I knew I could do this because I gamble on red and black and sometimes cards with fluctuating results depending on mood and how tired I am. Truthfully I am more open than most and yes I play the game but it is necessary. Hope this helps your research, I promise everything I have stated is true including the reaction to lip balm Banana Boat spf 20-45 . I know you are curious so you should focus on what ingredients cause otherkin to get cottonmouth...a very odd phenomenom.



09:43 Jul 21 2010


18:28 Jul 21 2010



They [Alienation/ TheGreenKnight] also told me that Banana Boat somehow gives someone "metallica"....um... I thought that was a band.


20:59 Jul 21 2010

When the fool scribbles gibberish on walls, that others cannot read, they applaud themselves as cryptic, and wise.

03:08 Jul 22 2010

Aster reading all this I really must say that you deserve kudos, my one and only Dab, for at contributing to the forum posts and such...and not taking up wasted space like some members here.

14:20 Jul 28 2010


Didn't know you could get wound up dabs ^^

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