moonkissed's Journal

moonkissed's Journal


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32 entries this month

13:18 Jul 30 2014
Times Read: 931

My sleep was full of dreams. I don't always feel rested when that happens.



21:42 Jul 30 2014

Me either. Like I need more weird shit in my head...


17:57 Jul 29 2014
Times Read: 938

Myth will be home tonight. He decided to take a day off in order to help the boy get to his appointment tomorrow.




18:08 Jul 28 2014
Times Read: 964

My son was called for an interview! It is tomorrow.

I guess he will be starting his new job soon.



19:51 Jul 28 2014

Fingers crossed and good luck :)

20:08 Jul 28 2014

Thanks! They called and rescheduled for Wednesday which is posing a minor transportation problem but if he can get there the job is his.

20:40 Jul 28 2014

Good luck to him! Hope he gets it jobs are hard to come by! Good luck!

21:12 Jul 28 2014

He was very lucky. He knows someone who works there and has done yardwork for the Head Manager of the plant.

21:29 Jul 28 2014

I hope he gets the job! Cool!

12:11 Jul 29 2014

Got to start somewhere and its good to see that he is being guided in the right direction. Hope it goes well for him and that he makes it still :)


02:13 Jul 28 2014
Times Read: 970

Was going to make pizza but I ended up wrestling with a clogged sink drain for an hour. After much consideration I have decided on Quesadilla with Green lettuce side. Easy.




18:27 Jul 27 2014
Times Read: 974


It is a lonely day and this particular Sunday is also a boring day. My usual Sunday sit around is not happening. The kids have taken over the computer and Playstation; leaving me with the laptop and my experience has been that once I start watching anime or something on the laptop my son decides to watch or play something that will conflict with it.

School starts in a few weeks and with that my daughter will be dividing her weekends between time with the boyfriend and time at home. My son will be starting work probably about the same time.

I hate it and still look forward to it. The being alone in the house.




00:12 Jul 27 2014
Times Read: 986

Normally I would say lazy Saturday but not today.

It wasn't productive but I think I can safely say there was some exhaustion involved.

Got to bed super late, sandwiched between sleeping man and whimpering dog. I slept a little but it was uncomfortable. I accomplished folded laundry and it still isn't put away...yet. I will put it away after I post this.

Considering a beef and broccoli dish for dinner or maybe just a meat and potatoes. It really needs to be easy to chew though.



01:02 Jul 27 2014

I slept until noon today...WTF?

01:10 Jul 27 2014

I took a late nap.


01:13 Jul 26 2014
Times Read: 994

Miku just had new excitement.

The neighbor got a new dog; a German Shepard pup named Marco. Pup is already bigger than my collie.

When they brought home Marco they had to make new arrangements for their little dog Bird. He bit Marco and Marco tried to reciprocate.

Tonight Bird ran off and we were all out looking for him, he came home and I told Myth to bring the phone so I could call the neighbor home. Miku was in the neighbor's front yard and when the back gate opened Rowf and Marco saw Miku and ran straight for her. She stood her ground and smacked the pup on the nose.

Not to worry, she is safe.



01:59 Jul 26 2014

The lil' rascals! lol I hope that they are all well (Bird is back home, right)?

03:55 Jul 26 2014

Yes Bird is home.


17:13 Jul 25 2014
Times Read: 1,019

Not feeling good today. First it was my knees and now it is my shoulder. Not so great for being productive and helpful.



18:28 Jul 25 2014

Sorry you arent feeling well. Hope in the time we havent spoken you are doing over all well.

19:11 Jul 25 2014

It is probably nothing. I spent a few nights on the couch and it probably caused the shoulder issue.

Thank You

19:22 Jul 25 2014


From what I know of you, you will bounce back in no time. But...do feel better. Try to pamper yourself, woman!

23:35 Jul 25 2014

I am taking it easy. The hard part will be litterbox maintenance. I took an extra long nap and it helped until I put my hair up. I tried Myth's pain pills and they did not touch it. I may have to dip into the pain pills leftover from my leg.


03:16 Jul 24 2014
Times Read: 1,020

My legs really hurt tonight and I have no idea why. I haven't walked a lot. I most certainly haven't exercised but they hurt as if I had.




22:20 Jul 21 2014
Times Read: 1,026

Just popping in for a short little visit. My daughter has friends over and supervision takes precedence over being online.

I wanted to share a funny little thing though.

My neighbor has dogs in his yard. In the past that yard has been death to cats, rabbits, possums and basically anything not a dog. The older dog died and she was the primary hunter. The younger dog tried to take her place.

Last night my Siamese jumped the fence and Rowf(the younger dog)took after her. Apparently Miku let that dog have it on the nose with both paws because the dog did not have cat last night. Miku sat in that yard intimidating that poor dog until my son jumped the fence and grabbed her, then brought her back inside for the night.

Good bad ass kitty.



00:47 Jul 26 2014

Sounds like my Spazz!


21:47 Jul 18 2014
Times Read: 1,038

Out to the Antique Mall today and picked up a quilt from the 1850's. I have been wanting it for quite a while. It was falling apart in that place.

I paid more than I would like to but it was worth it to free it from being chewed to pieces by mice and things.

 photo P1010042.jpg

 photo P1010044.jpg



04:31 Jul 19 2014

Pretty In Pink...LOL

I like it!

16:48 Jul 19 2014

It's old. I am a little afraid to wash it and will need to do a little research in order to ensure proper care. It is all cotton.


13:06 Jul 18 2014
Times Read: 1,049

Yay Yay! Grocery day!

I am hoping that we can also finish paying taxes on the house thereby finally getting the budget on track!

Mostly I just want to have a happy day!



16:14 Jul 18 2014

Make it so! :D

16:17 Jul 18 2014

Taxes are paid!


01:41 Jul 18 2014
Times Read: 1,054

The neighbor has a new pup. A 13 month old German Shepard named Marco. I met him this morning, cute and rowdy beastie.

Drove into town to look at my daughter's graduation photographs and got to see, in person, the antique shop that burned on Tuesday. Tragic loss, all of those antiques. As for the building, it is made of good sturdy brick and the main walls still stand.

The pictures were great but my daughter became overwhelmed trying to decide which ones she wanted and the sizes and how many. We promised to return at a later date.

We arrived at home in time to meet up with the boyfriend's mom, not mine my daughter, returning the pet turtle who had mistakenly been left behind this morning. From the state of the turtle I may request that it no longer be taken on sleep overs. The poor dear needed clean water and a bath!

I was very disappointed.

I had a nice talk with the other mom and a nice phone conversation with a friend.




19:07 Jul 15 2014
Times Read: 1,067

Two of my antique cook books have ice cream recipes which do not require a churn, just sweetener, flavoring, milk and an icebox.

I have a freezer so it should work.

I am thinking about it, really thinking about it.



01:58 Jul 16 2014


02:34 Jul 16 2014

I have a half gallon of milk and some chocolate syrup. I think I will do it in the morning.


17:43 Jul 14 2014
Times Read: 1,078

Last night I used Gorgonzola on my pizza.

It did not suck.

I like to use real butter with garlic an salt added to it.

Spread, not brushed, over the entire crust.

I had the perfect crispy thick crust and thin.

Toppings of the day were grated Parmesan, pepperoni, bell pepper, onion, bacon, mushroom, tomato, sliced mozzarella and crumbled Gorgonzola.

It was almost too rich.



18:26 Jul 14 2014

That sounds great :)

18:50 Jul 14 2014

It was!


14:08 Jul 13 2014
Times Read: 1,090

Yesterday we took the truck out for a spin with it's new title and temporary tag. Switching from the Mustang to the truck is an experience in itself and takes me back to childhood horseback riding. I actually have to hop into it, like with mounting and dismounting.

We went to a local flea market and I got a new food scale. Nice and rusty but it works and that is what makes it valuable to me. My other one looks nice but can't weigh worth a damn.

We also went to Restore and picked up a few odds and ends. Two cabinet doors were nicely turned into a shelf for my kitchen and gave decoration for my little rustic spice cabinet. The cabinet was a $1 find, homemade too. I love it.


 cab and shelf



00:29 Jul 14 2014

Love finds like this!

00:45 Jul 14 2014

Isn't it great! Best of all I finally have a place for some of my utensils and spices. Everything on the shelf is something I have used except the cookie press. I might use it this fall. I need to take some good pictures of my cookbooks. Those are my treasures.

01:58 Jul 16 2014

I love how you always manage to find cool stuff for cheap!

02:32 Jul 16 2014

I am lucky that way.


02:42 Jul 13 2014
Times Read: 1,100

Stuffed burgers, yeah.



04:28 Jul 13 2014

Stuffed with what? Onions? Mushrooms? Cheese?

It sounds yummy, whatever you did...lol

13:51 Jul 13 2014

I love mushrooms but I kept it pretty generic. Just cheddar and bacon. Always good.


00:02 Jul 12 2014
Times Read: 1,108

Catch up time. I got a little busy but also haven't had much to say.

Yesterday we spent the day entertaining my daughter and her current boyfriend. He seems nice and I really like his mom. she holds nothing back even sharing things that she knows could keep me from letting my daughter spend time at their house. The environment is much like ours in some ways and in others very different. The heat and humidity has had everyone out of sorts with headaches and upset stomachs. Resting does little to improve the situation and sitting in a cool room just proves exhausting. The heat isn't bad. We have had triple digits for two or three days at a time in the past but they always pass and the 95 degree days are a relief but this has been persistent. Daily mid to low 90's with 75 to 100% humidity. I am looking forward to a good chill spell.

We got title and tag for the truck today so now we can drive it. That is a big deal for us. Stopped in at a couple of thrift stores on the way home and got some books and a new table.

This evening I a search on the Internet, as I do occasionally, to see what my daughter's father might be up to. It is not that I miss him or even care about his well being. It is needing to know that he is still 3000 miles away. The last thing I had found showed that he was living in a particularly bad area known for it's meth traffic and other criminal activity. Today what popped up was a mug shot for a DUII from 4 years ago. He looked like hell. I feel bad for my daughter because she hasn't seen him in so long and he hasn't done anything to better himself. He is the same piece of crap that he was when we left.

Little changes and life goes on.



02:03 Jul 12 2014



01:57 Jul 10 2014
Times Read: 1,126

Life seems to pause when Myth leaves for work and starts up again when he comes home.

He found a new passenger side window for the car but is having some trouble installing it. I think the trouble was compounded by the killer migraine he was having when he got home. At least we have the window.

I talked to Granny tonight too. Second night of her second round of chemo. This one is making her sleepy but one of the tumors in her lung has started to shrink. The doctor said that is good. I am hoping to visit soon.

I have really not been feeling tip top this week. I don't know if it is stress or just a stomach ailment I just want it to go away.



01:59 Jul 10 2014

*hugs x 100*

02:00 Jul 10 2014



02:15 Jul 09 2014
Times Read: 1,135

Can I even begin to tell about how lazy I have been today?



04:45 Jul 09 2014

Go ahead. I was the same way today...lol

05:27 Jul 09 2014

Well, I started cleaning house because I am expecting company on Thursday but it got uncomfortably warm fast.


02:50 Jul 07 2014
Times Read: 1,146

Today has been very uneventful.

Last night before bed Myth went outside to close the windows on the car. Passenger window stuck and it broke when he tried to pull it up. Currently working on finding a new one.

Got up around 5am, got the Mister off to work, took care of the animals, had coffee. By 11:30 I was struggling to keep my eyes open. Stayed awake until around 2pm, read a little bit and napped until 5.

Fed the critters, did some light cleaning and made dinner for myself(no kids tonight)and then talked on the phone with Myth.

Very uneventful.



07:12 Jul 07 2014

Vey uneventful, yet a good day...well, except for the broken window. :)

12:13 Jul 07 2014

The broken window was a bummer.


14:48 Jul 05 2014
Times Read: 1,157

Went to the dump and Myth was a hero again!

It was pretty busy this morning and we were unloading the truck when this guy hauling a flat trailer pulled up. I was talking to the attendant and he say,"That guy should have pulled up closer before trying to offload that."

I looked and the guy in question was unloading a washing machine and trying to carry it around his vehicle to the bin! Myth hopped down and jogged over to help the guy haul it. Funny moment, the guy said Thanks and tried to fist-bump Myth and Myth just turned and walked away. Not rudely it was just that the job was done. I don't even know if he actually saw the guy ball up his fist for a greeting.




13:03 Jul 05 2014
Times Read: 1,159

Book keeping- I hate it but someone has got to do it.




02:53 Jul 05 2014
Times Read: 1,168

Good BBQ, now everyone is safely tucked away indoors.



03:05 Jul 05 2014

I miss doing the family and friends stuff like this. For me, everyone is either too far away now, or are dealing with some sort of own issues. :(

03:11 Jul 05 2014

I posted some pictures on my facebook. It was just three of us but it was nice.


15:33 Jul 04 2014
Times Read: 1,174

Fourth of July is here and Myth is going to keep himself busy.

Yard work first; mowing and line trimming and some other basic maintenance. I might get out there with him a little but my real job is to keep the ice trays full so he can have a tall cold glass of ice water when he wants it.

I will be making a small bit of slaw to accompany tonight's grill out. We will enjoy watching the stars show their faces and most likely be indoors by the time people decide to light off their fireworks,

If they light them. This year, so far, there has not been much if any preshow. Usually by now we have been hearing fireworks every night. People have already started a few noise makers this morning.

I remember in past years worrying over the condition of our returning and past war vets during the 4th and always being told that they expect it so it is ok. Now this year shaming people who like to spend lots of money to expend noisy, colorful bursts of fire is the new thing.

I just won't take part in it. Be noisy, be colorful, be safe.




03:36 Jul 04 2014
Times Read: 1,186

My new cook book!

Real Vampires love Vampire Rave



03:44 Jul 04 2014


You gotta' share some of the recipes with me!

03:47 Jul 04 2014

Oh Oh I will do my best! Some of them need to be adapted for modern use but it will be fairly simple.

I actually have a small collection of rare old cookbooks.


21:18 Jul 03 2014
Times Read: 1,196

Busy day busy day.

Got a late morning start. First off to the insurance to insure the truck. Next the tax office to pay the taxes on the truck. Then to the DMV, It has been ages since we bought a car and ages since the guy who sold it to has has sold a car, the information was filled in wrong and we have to do more paperwork. Oh crap and well, at least it is insured.

We had to stop and eat. Let me just say that the Pecan chicken salad sandwich at Arby's or at least the Arby's we went to was more apple and pecan than chicken; in addition it was overdressed.

We stopped in at Restore to kill a few minutes after the upset at the DMV. That ended up being a bit of a bad idea(I think). Yes we found a few nifty things but it cost us time. As did the pit stop at the Salvation Army store. Groceries got skipped because the weather was starting to look a little nasty. We stopped at Tractor Supply for pet supplies and I was suddenly struck with the notion to ask the clerk if he knew where we could find whole raw cow legs for cheap. The dogs love them but haven't had them in ages because the butcher my neighbor had gotten them from died. It turned out that the clerk was related to the butcher's family! Told me where to find the butcher and who to ask for to get the bones for the dogs!

I am looking forward to going to that place and checking it out. I would rather get my fresh groceries from a local supplier than from a grocery chain.

We headed home out of concern because we left the house windows open when we left. It looked like rain was setting in but now after checking the radar it appears the bad weather is headed away from us. I don't know if it got bad in town or not but I am thinking maybe it is better we don't have to deal with the army of humans clogging the parking lots and grocery aisles, at least for today.



21:51 Jul 03 2014

Ah - serendipity in regards to the cow legs - lol!

And I hope that the storm coming dies down!

And...a visit to the DMV would make anyone go bonkers!

22:15 Jul 03 2014

The storm seems to be getting drawn into the hurricane but not to worry, the hurricane is far far from here.

Now it is just nasty hot.


13:47 Jul 03 2014
Times Read: 1,203

I gave myself a damn headache.

I was dreaming that we(Myth and I)were running up a mountain to escape my brother. He had become a demon who could inhabit dead bodies, additionally he was very fast and could defy gravity. The little bastard caught me and leaped high into the air. I realized that I was pretty well fucked when I could see the curvature of the earth.

He raced back toward the ground and smashed my head into the asphalt killing me instantly and taking over my body in order to capture and kill Myth.

The dream either was because of the headache or caused it.



19:56 Jul 03 2014

And I thought I had cray-cray dreams...

21:00 Jul 03 2014

At least I survived being killed!


17:45 Jul 02 2014
Times Read: 1,208

It was a good start to my day.




04:32 Jul 02 2014
Times Read: 1,222

And I say, ugh sigh.

I made a nice dinner and just as I was prepared to enjoy it, the phone rang. It was Myth so of course I ate in his ear. After talking with him I wanted to relax and do some sewing but the phone rang again and it was my Dad this time. Dammit, that dude has called three times today so I went ahead and answered.

It really was a very typical conversation but near the end he started talking about a woman he met on facebook.

Sigh, face in palm, wipe the nose and clear the throat...

He is still very new at Social Network. He has only had a computer a few years and he still trusts.

I say this because he is talking about flying to meet this woman. I told him that it is a bad idea, I told him that he trusts to easily and he seems to think this woman is his soul mate...I looked at her profile.

She isn't real. Several men are recent friends on her account and they are all trusting, desperate morons.



04:36 Jul 02 2014

Oh no...I hope that you were able to talk some sense into him.

And that you were able to enjoy your meal.

04:41 Jul 02 2014

No common sense was reached BUT I can call my brother and my brother will start embezzling funds again in order to keep Dad from buying a plane ticket. Also, Dad is hitting the poker machines again now that he can get transportation easier so I don't think he will actually be going anywhere.


18:32 Jul 01 2014
Times Read: 1,228

I just got off the phone with my sister. We actually had a good conversation and that never happens.

Now the suspicious part of me wonders what she wants but never got around to asking for.




14:45 Jul 01 2014
Times Read: 1,231

Summer days are the enemy right now. With nothing going on it means I have nothing to say. I have to search hard for any little thing because I insist on writing every day if I can.

I stayed up well into the early morning hours waiting for an auction on ebay to end. It was a camera lens and had sat at a first bid of $12 for a few days. Got down to the last two minutes. I might have jumped the gun with my bid. It held at $12:50 for about 20 seconds and then started climbing. I outbid again but it lasted about 2 seconds then climbed beyond the reach I was given. I finally decided that if I couldn't win I would drive the price up and I did. I one-click bid that price up to $28.

At least I tried.



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