slipknotbabe356's Journal

slipknotbabe356's Journal


Honor: 0    [ Give / Take ]


18 entries this month

20:15 Mar 30 2016
Times Read: 1,103

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I will say this one time and one time only and put it to bed once and for all. If you do not know the situation, don't stick your nose where it doesn't belong. Don't go picking teams when you don't know the facts. You obviously have no idea what has been going on here since you obviously haven't been here long enough to know a damn thing.

Let me enlighten you on something before you start pointing fingers. It's easy to point fingers and call someone a bully. The term bully or bullying is a overused term on here, in fact it's used for things that aren't bullying. Now that I've gotten that point across you can call it what you want. I call it standing up for myself and other people. You obviously didn't really read my journal enough to know what really happened on here.

While I hate to have to reopen old drama and I apologize ahead of time for having to do this even if I have to open this slightly, I feel like I have to just to get my other point across. Since you like to read one half of the story and not get the whole picture. I will tell you what really happened and then be done with this all together.

This whole mess started out with a girl who thought she deserved to be rated a 10 on her profile. Even though there were many errors on the account, I rated her a 8 and told her if she corrected them I would re-rate her. I then get a message from her ridiculing me when I offered to help her. Then the next I checked I was rated a 1 and block and added to her shit list along with others for not rating her how she saw fit. Not to mention she made light of people committing suicide and called them stupid afterwards and made excuses for herself by blaming dyslexia, chromosome 22, and a sticky keyboard. All of which she doesn't have except for the sticky keyboard.

She has made many accounts on this site to infiltrate covens to steal coding from others and she shat on people who tried to help her. Everytime she was caught, she self deleted and started it up again. She brought it to the point where a Prison Coven started initiating her inductions because no Coven Master wanted her ass in their covens!

She trashed and bullied people on her profiles by once again starting a shit list on her profile and at the time threatened to steal an account from someone. Is that someone you really want to defend now? If so that really says a lot about your character.

This whole thing was put to rest a couple days ago and we both decided to coexist peacefully, but here you are stirring the pot and starting shit with things that don't even concern you! Once again I will say this, if you don't know the facts or the details that have gone on here with this individual, kindly shut the hell up!

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With other people who likes to complain about being dishonored, I find your bitching about it hilarious. Why? because the imaginary number you're bitching about doesn't impact your way of living, nor does it impact the way you level up. It however impacts everyone perspective of you. It shows that you are going to run your mouth and start drama that already was done and over with, because you are bored with your life. I mean you're so bored with your life you are pretending to be a vampire and are e-threatening people with your e-fangs. You are so laughable.

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The same can be said of you too and it could've been avoided, but no without talking to me first you rated me a one. Honey one's don't do a thing to me since my base score is well over 100. Though after your last stunt you have lost all chances of you contacting me, so you can deal with having your rate returned and a block. You started this shit up and I'm going to be nice enough and finish it for you.

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So kindly fuck off!



20:35 Mar 30 2016

Exactly. Don't START no shit, there won't BE no shit. Now, don't mind me and my ebonics. However, truer words were never spoken. If you don't know the situation or the people involved, than why involve yourself? All this stupid ass did was make themSELF a target lol

20:35 Mar 30 2016

I will try to get my hands on this girl as well ugh my work is never done

21:14 Mar 30 2016

I wasn't wanting to reopen or start shit up again, that wasn't my intention. But to stick your nose into something that is none of your concern is like playing with fire and you can bet your ass that I just burned her.


03:18 Mar 30 2016
Times Read: 1,171

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If you're going to message me, at least try to make me want to speak to you. Messages like this with only one word, don't make me want to talk to you. They just prove that you are unable to hold my attention, nor would you be able to hold a conversation with me.

In fact the several times you have messaged me on this account and my other accounts today, don't make me want to speak to you much either. So really you are just wasting my time and yours by messaging me and for wanting to get in my e-panties. Yeah I know all about that, since you have done it to other girls on this site.

Really don't waste my time or yours unless you are planning to donate your body so I can perform a lobotomy on it.



03:24 Mar 30 2016

Fair enough; you can have the body, but I still need that kidney! :P

Seriously, if a guy is going to message me on here, his best bet is to be intelligent and funny; by funny I mean make me laugh with him, not at him. LOL and yet even then, he still has a 0% chance of getting into my e-panties.

03:42 Mar 30 2016

I mean at least be witty and funny and try to carry on a conversation. Or at least send me something funny. That's how you win me over!

Seriously when the lobotomy is over you can have the kidney. I'll even tell Dray to wrap it up and tie a bow on it. XD

04:07 Mar 30 2016

Great, now kidneys are going to be the next thing dipped in chocolate in the coven. o_0

04:17 Mar 30 2016

Whatever makes it taste or smell better ;)

04:33 Mar 30 2016

Umm.. So. If a man wants to get inside of some e-panties? Would he need to do the e-cleaning?

19:11 Mar 30 2016

I want your e-panties hehe =)


00:49 Mar 27 2016
Times Read: 1,233

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I find it absolutely hilarious that you constantly feel the need to message me and beg me to stop talking about you. It's the same song and dance with you like usual Felicia. Maybe you should take a look at yourself and think, hmmm...what should I do so people stop talking about me? How about not creating so many accounts to steal from others, Trash people on your profiles, change the names of your accounts and lie to pretend to be someone new when you're not, and let's not forget about the infamous shit list. You know, it says a lot about you when you have nearly -500 honor points. That means people are tired of your bullshit.

You obviously haven't cleaned your hands from my journal or profile, since you constantly stalk both. You want people to stop talking about you? Learn what it means to live in the shadows on this site and don't draw attention to yourself. It's easy, simple to do and keeps you from looking like an ass in the end.

It's up to you on whether or not this continues. The ball is in your court now.



00:56 Mar 27 2016

ok i get you i ll just stop doing what im doing and just level i guess i did the drama and created it ,now i just want to be left alone that is all okay..

02:12 Mar 27 2016

I've lost count of how many times we've heard that one now.

She might as well get used to the fact that some people will never want her around; those same people have long memories and aren't gullible nor malleable.

02:43 Mar 27 2016

im just tired of it and want it to stop that is all can i even have that peace now i got nine people blocking me and now your comments, it hurts you know after a while, people have feelings, No i do not have a life this is my life, and i will not leave cause of your comments and what is said in this journal , cause im a strong person who does not take shit from anyone!

03:17 Mar 27 2016

You can make it stop if you want to. It's all up to you whether it does or not. You have hurt a lot of people on this site by your actions alone. Your actions are why you are being dishonored and why you are being blocked by others. Like I told you before, people have long vivid memories of what happens on here. People almost never forget the bad things that happen on here. People remember when you screw them over, talk badly about them, etc. People may have feelings, but you certainly forget others have them too. If you truly want a peaceful existence, learn to live in the shadows and don't draw attention to yourself. In other words keep on the down low and maybe this will blow over. I'm being nice when I say that and that's all I'm going to say.

03:37 Mar 27 2016

i know hon and im sorry for putting you through my shit i bet your tired of it by now , im just gonna keep silent for now and hope it will stop like you said im gonna take your advice and stick it out,

04:01 Mar 27 2016

yeah and I am going to be president of the United States tomorrow right


01:59 Mar 25 2016
Times Read: 1,333

Someone is still butthurt! LMAO oh and before you insult me you might want to try to attempt to figure out spell check, bitchcakes because you still look like an imbecile. Oh and I do hope you enjoyed my response. LOL you see when you don't use spell check, some person may come around and actually correct it for you.

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Felicia you silly hoe don't be such a hater. I mean look at yourself.

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I mean look at you crying and boohooing over people dishonoring you on this site like the fucking child you are. Bitch you are the last person on here that should be pointing fingers and accusing people of being thieves. Last time I checked you were the one who stole from others and hell you probably are still stealing. Once a thief always a thief. People like you never change. Oh people are dishonoring me, I don't know what I did to deserve such dishonor. You know exactly what you did twatwaffle and everyone else knows what you have done as well. It's much too late to play the victim now.

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If you don't care about people and their grudges then your life will be a living hell here. You see the people here? They never forget what happens on this site. You fuck someone over, those people will retaliate. Actually they already started, but let's be honest, you really do care. I mean why go out of your own little pathetic way and complain about being dishonored in your journal like some little cry baby who had her candy taken away? We know it's eating you up inside.

Let me tell you the difference between a screenshot and copy and paste. Copy and paste is where you copy text, but screenshot is where you take a photo of let's say of a comment, journal or anything else. Copy and pasting shit does not get you taken seriously on here. So I'm doing a lot better than your retarded ass is.

Honey I have a life compared to you. Let me remind you that I'm not the one sitting on my ass all day making profiles, waiting for my social security checks to come in so I can blow it on PMs for my accounts. Nor am I begging other members to supply me with PMs either like I'm a prostitute trying to pay a pimp.

Actually it hasn't been two weeks, more like a week ago. I gave you the chance to get your shit together for a chance to have a normal existence on here and meld in the shadows, but you keep spouting off stupidity.

Once again I will remind you, if you're going to try to insult me or point your fingers and accuse me of starting anything. You might want to make sure you use spell check. Nobody is going to take an elementary school drop out seriously. In fact it just makes me want to laugh at you. I mean how did they let you go through school and graduate without learning proper grammar and spelling?

If you are tired of drama why are constantly instigating it? You have had all the time in the world to get your stupidity in order and yet you're constantly putting it all out there to stay relevant. Hell I'm just here to call you out on your bullshit and stupidity. Which by the way it's a great insult to compare you to me. The difference between you and I is well...I am better educated than you, I know the difference between copy and paste and screenshot, I'm more original with insults, I don't make profiles that state that I'm married, engaged, I don't whore myself out for PMs, and most importantly I don't blame my issues on dyslexia, sticky keyboards, or chromosome 22, like your low life ass does. I own up to my shit when I do things, you don't. That's the difference between you and I.

You can say you have said your peace, but the truth is you haven't. You will end up crawling back to respond to journal because you thrive on what keeps you relevant. You have no room to tell me to shut the fuck up, but whatever keeps you happy darlin'. How about you tell the people you stole from and fucked over to be quiet. No that won't work and you know it too. You have lost all rights to tell anyone to shut up. You on the other hand have still not learned what it means to shut up.

Many people on this site have been victimized because of you. You have no idea how many grudges you have created, so keep whining and crying over your so called "stolen honor" you deserve every single negative honor you have received. Also I don't give two shits about whether or not you add or rate me fucktard. Keep assuming away because you obviously don't know shit.

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02:08 Mar 25 2016

I may catch heat for this and I don't care, but there should be certain things government checks SHOULD NOT be allowed to buy.

Why the hell should our tax dollars be conducive to her drama, lying, stealing, etc...?

02:15 Mar 25 2016

I am so with you on that so no heat from me. It's always nice to see where your money is going.

02:22 Mar 25 2016

I've been sitting back and laughing my ass off at all of this. It's always some moron who can't take the heat for their actions whining and crying. And I agree with both of you. Funding internet drama is not why you collect gov't checks.

03:26 Mar 25 2016

hell she is now an acm for a dead coven and its inside ladybloodmoons alliance lovely Magic25UK is dumb as shit

03:40 Mar 25 2016

leave me alone dammed. I"am done with you wipe my hands clean and See, You are the bigger mouth look at your journal compared too mine , not one inch of drama on it.!

04:01 Mar 25 2016

Shut the fuck up Felicia. We all know you aren't finished. I mean after all you did just post in my journal like I said you would. Whatever to keep you relevant right? ;)

04:14 Mar 25 2016

Yep, she wiped her hands clean yet still felt compelled to comment on this journal; LOL I repeat, she should be sodomized with a machete.

04:30 Mar 25 2016

DayDream anyone who grants that parasite a high ranking position is dumb and it sets them up to have their shit stolen.

07:55 Mar 25 2016

@ Kamria (because I know you will read this) At least Slip does not wipe her journal when someone leaves a comment. Do you again even remember how this started again? You popped up on a profile claiming you were new. You had a ton of spelling errors. Slip message you and offered to help you fix them. You blasted her and you had started a shit list. Citizen was on it and one other person. Slip made it on the list when she offered to help you fix the mistakes on your profile. After all you were claiming to be new. Before long your Shitlist had like 10 names on it. As I posted in your journal before you deleted it, you create these profiles and each one has something different on them. Your brand new! You have been here 5 years. You are married. You are single. You are divorced. The only thing you post that I can only guess is the truth is you are 41. You have a daughter. You have a disability that you get a government check for. Yet you have the physical well being to sit at a computer for 8 hours a day and make profiles. I know what I post to you goes in one ear and out the other. I am going to leave you with this: Lose your temper and you lose a friend; lie and you lose yourself.

14:38 Mar 25 2016

This is by far the funniest shit I've read all week!!! Buh bye..... LMAO!!

16:40 Mar 25 2016

You know I was absolutely nice to her when this whole thing started. I rated her an 8 on her account and was nice enough to tell her what was wrong with it. Some people just leave a rate and don't explain what's wrong or how you can make your profile better. She flew off the handle and gave me an attitude and suddenly I'm blocked, rated a 1 and added to a shitlist. That list is still in my journal. I've been nice from the beginning to her. Now all of a sudden I'm the bad person and a drama starter. Nope I'm just a person who's tired of the bullshit, nor am I the one who started drama on here. Last time I checked I didn't steal codes from anyone or make various accounts.

VenusFire I aim to please! Lol

16:49 Mar 25 2016

Oh and to add one more thing. For someone who claims that I'm "Obsessive" you sure seem to stalk my profile and journal quite a lot. I think you're the obsessed one, Felicia.


21:04 Mar 24 2016
Times Read: 1,372

Since everything has to be apparently spelled out for you, I will do you the honor of spelling it out for you. YOU are being dishonored for BULLSHIT YOU CAUSED!!! YOU stole codes from different members on this site after YOU created many accounts to infiltrate covens to STEAL from them. YOU also started a SHIT LIST and listed names of members who rated you as THEY saw fit! Trust me your account didn't deserve the 10 rating you thought you deserved with all of your grammatical errors.

To create a journal entry and complaining about dishonor is downright hilarious. You have no idea how many people are laughing at your stupid ass right now. You can do however many name changes you want and make however many accounts you want; A leopard doesn't change its spots and everyone knows who you are. You are not fooling anyone anymore Felicia.

Also since you hid my comment that I made with another account of mine, I will again post that here just so you can read it.The people of VR have long vivid memories as to what happens here and what happens here is and never will be forgotten. People tend to never forget when you screw them over and steal from them like you did with stealing codes from them. Nor do they forget when you place them on a shit list or trash people on your profile. People will retaliate either by blocking, dishonoring, down rating, etc. You did all of that and now you're suddenly playing stupid as to asking what you did? Bitch please, you and all of the members from VR know what you've done. Stop playing stupid, then again that's all you know how to do is be stupid.

Also let's try not to name call, because Felicia if the shoe fits, lace those bitches up and wear them. You are, after all a liar and a code thief.



00:57 Mar 25 2016

Yeesh, and I said you were nicer. lol

01:40 Mar 25 2016

*drops the mic* :P

05:46 Mar 29 2016

If the shoe fits, you lace that payless mother fucker up and keep walking lol ;)


00:11 Mar 24 2016
Times Read: 1,422

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If you're going to sit around and bitch about negative honor, you need to seriously rethink your life. Honor is just a number and it doesn't impact your level any shape or form. In fact it is there purely for fun as a way to honor people people who deserve honor or for those who don't deserve honor. Maybe you should ask yourself, I don't know..What you possibly did to cause people to dishonor you? Afterall the people of VR have long memories as to what goes on here.



00:44 Mar 24 2016

I demand all your honor everyday for the next month, or else I'm going to block you and rate you a 1. LMAO

00:49 Mar 24 2016


02:30 Mar 24 2016

You're gonna end up on someones shit list again. lulz

02:52 Mar 24 2016

What's new about that? LOL It's not the first time or the last I'll ever be on a shit list. XD

18:23 Mar 24 2016

get a dam life slipknot dam. stop obseessing over me

21:10 Mar 24 2016

I think you mean, "Get a damn life, Slipknot, damn. Stop obsessing over me!"

At least try to spell shit correctly! It makes you look stupid!

22:25 Mar 24 2016

you really think i care about the people and there damed grudges over me i don't and so what if i change my names is my dammed profile everytime i write something in my journal or profile you copy it to your journal too add more shit about me so whens it gonna stop never cause you have absolutly no life, i have stopped saying shit to you for 2 weeks then you bring up my journal again cause i whine about my honor being stolen, so whos the drama starter now not me i been silent , and keeping my mouth shut and profile empty cause im tired , of you adding it to you journal, and im not the only one you point fingers and laugh at them for being stupid , You have done the Fates for stealing there coding, well done slipknot ,bravo you can copy and paste like me enjoy your journal cause i said my peace and im done with your silly lame comments, about me dam why dont you shut the fuck up and keep quiet and ill do the same, Goodbye. forever" and yeah i wont be adding you or rating you cause your not fucking worth the effort.

01:23 Mar 25 2016

I think you mean.

You really think I care about the people and their damned grudges over me, I don't. So what if I change my name on my damned profile every time I write something in my journal, or profile. You copy it to your journal to add more shit about me. So when is it going to stop? Never, because you have absolutely no life. I have stopped saying shit to you for 2 weeks and then you bring up my journal again because I whine about my honor being stolen. So who's the drama starter now? Not me! I've been silent and keeping my mouth shut. My profile is empty because I'm tired of you adding it to your journal and I'm not the only one. You point fingers and laugh at them for being stupid. You have done that at TheFates for stealing their coding. Well done Slipknot, bravo. You can copy and paste like me. Enjoy your journal because I have said my peace. I am done with your silly lame comments that are about me. Damn why don't you shut the fuck up and keep quiet and I'll do the same. Goodbye forever. Yeal I won't be adding you or rating you because you're not fucking worth the effort.

Since you like leaving idiotic comments in my journal, I thought I would do you the solid and correct your bullshit comments. Like always your ass is showing because you haven't learned to use spell check to correct your grammar or spellings.


04:19 Mar 20 2016
Times Read: 1,472

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Just so you know, but begging for honor in the main forums is very dishonorable. Honor is supposed to be given freely to those who deserve it, not asked for. You want honor so badly? How about you try earning it instead of asking for it.




04:51 Mar 19 2016
Times Read: 1,541

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I'm going to say this once and one time only. I don't mind if people want to come to me to rant and rave about somebody else. Though what I do mind is someone ranting to me about someone else and putting me right in middle like I'm the pawn to their little game, in what seemed like a needless worthless war.

I don't need someone to be mad at me for no reason whatsoever. I will however say this and will put this journal entry to rest. Don't point fingers at anyone on this site unless your hands are cleaned, because the last I've checked people have called you out for stealing as well.



05:40 Mar 19 2016

She's the first to throw others under the bus before looking at herself

05:50 Mar 19 2016

That is very true and now I see her for who she really is.

14:37 Mar 19 2016


15:36 Mar 19 2016

Time is always the truth in answers.;)

17:02 Mar 19 2016

Indeed it is!

19:15 Mar 30 2016

The whole thing was actually a misunderstanding. You can even ask Cat. Misunderstanding all thanks to guess who ;)


06:41 Mar 17 2016
Times Read: 1,627

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Looks like the little drama whore can't keep my name out of her whore mouth. Really bitch keep running your damn mouth. It almost got you in trouble in the vamp box tonight. You should learn to listen to people when they tell you to shut the fuck up, it may save your ass someday!

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Since you love to copy and paste messages and send them to me in my inbox and then post them in my journal. I will again post my response to you in this journal entry, so maybe you will get it, if your tiny ass brain can process it.

Heh right there is the reason why I don't believe in your apologies. The only way you know how to code is from stealing from others.

Actually you do owe me an apology bitch since you constantly slander my name. I was nice enough to give you some advice without being a bitch about it and of course you are here running your damn mouth like usual.

Also who's hating? Not me! Like I said I was nice enough to give you advice and there's your stupid ass taking it the wrong way like usual.

Oh but dear you're wrong everyone is very interested in you. You know why? Because every time you open your mouth or make a profile, you make an ass out of yourself. You see everyone is looking right at you, ready to grab your accounts and send them off.

Believe me when I say this, but no I am not a drama queen. I'm just someone who's tired of your fucking worthless bullshit. Actually I'm sure everyone is tired of your bullshit. If you want to speak about obsessions I'm not the one obsessing over making several accounts and using them to steal from other people. I'm not Obsessed with stealing someone's culture like you did when you claimed to be Native. Oh and I'm not obsessive enough to come stalk your profiles every 5 minutes just to see what is being said about me. I don't give two shits what you have to say about me bitch face.

You come crying to me with crocodile tears in your eyes about how you want the drama to be over and done with and how you're tired of fighting and wanting to be left alone, but here's your retarded ass still stirring the damn pot and running your damn mouth. Here's some advice for you, Felicia, learn when to shut your damn mouth up. When you learn to shut your mouth, that's when you won't hear from me anymore, but if you keep running your mouth I will continue on. It's your choice!

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Also for future notice, if the admin tells you to be quiet and stop fighting, for fucks sake learn to shut your mouth up and stop fighting! You did yourself no favors tonight. I did not start the fight in the Vamp Box tonight, you did! By not keeping my name out of your mouth. Once again you attacked me first without me doing anything to you. Not to mention you attacked another person as well and many thanks to her for defending me in the box. It was most appreciated. You have once again proved to everyone what an asshat you truly are and how you are all about being that drama whore that likes to ride the drama train.

Don't speak to me about attacking you because bitch please you have done that plenty enough to me here lately. I'm only defending myself. Just know that I'm done playing games with you and if I have to, I will go full blown bitch on you. A word of advice, "Don't play the game against someone who can play it better."



06:54 Mar 17 2016

She has nothing better to do all I told was to stop while she was ahead but no it started war ugh. No problem on defending you it was my entertainment this evening lol

07:14 Mar 17 2016

One of these days she's going to be one of those people who gets her ass kicked for not knowing when to shut up or behave. Once again thanks for defending me, it was highly appreciated. :)

15:41 Mar 17 2016

No problem hun

15:53 Mar 17 2016

She makes yet another apology and then heads to the Vamp box and starts it up again. Why am I not surprised. Her apology's mean nothing. Slip, I actually think she is obsessed with you. You might want to look into internet stalking laws. But then who can blame her at least for that. You are a nice person. I did try to help her for one day, well one hour. I advise her what to do. She was good for like one hour, then she self deleted that apology, made a new profile and started back up again. At least she is consistent in being a douche bag. Now she has Admin warnings. And on it goes....

16:25 Mar 17 2016

She's really just a waste of sperm and egg; regardless of who she's pretending to be that day, she's still a disgusting person.

Honestly, at one point I had the heart to be more merciful on her because sadly enough, VR is the only life she has; then she kept up the drama, lying, stealing, insulting me and my friends.

That dumbass needs to realize that a disability is no excuse for her behavior. Oh, and on some profiles she claims she's married; on others she's looking to cyber and hookup like a hooker whose pimp is collecting money tomorrow morning.

It doesn't matter how many times she apologizes at this point; I know bullshit when I see it.

16:30 Mar 17 2016

Dakotah, I think the both of us have given her advice lately, but she doesn't want to listen. One of these days her mouth is going to get her IP banned from this site and she'll have herself to blame for it. I told her that she should private message the people she screwed over because not everyone reads journals. Then of course it's suddenly about me. Its never been about me it's about the people who were stolen from and screwed over.

I honestly do think she's obsessed with me. She drags her various accounts to my profile daily just to see what is being said about her. Hell I bet she's doing that right now. Obsess away honey bunch.

16:53 Mar 17 2016

Magdalena the way I see it, any future apologies and messages begging for me to let the drama be over and done with will be ridiculed at laughed at.

I've noticed that she likes to play pretend to be married than pimp herself out. She's constantly doing that to various members on here. Maybe that's how she gets her premiums for her accounts.

I'm done with accepting apologies from a shit for brains person who wants to be sorry one minute and than start her shit back up the next minute.

Any sick fuck who lies about being disabled, makes light of people committing suicide and say they are stupid for doing it, should burn in hell for it. For one don't use dyslexia, a sticky keyboard, or chromosome 22 as a way to cover your stupidity. Also for fuck sake don't call suicide victims stupid, or say they are worthless sacrifices for sacrificing their body. Seriously do your research on this subject!

17:42 Mar 17 2016

You know what, I have come to the conclusion that she gets off on the attention. I think you should just completely ignore the bitch. She's definitely an attention whore.. I guess Mommy and Daddy didn't give her enough while she was growing up. :/

18:00 Mar 17 2016

For awhile I wasn't giving her any attention, since I was off the site and with the family. Nothing was going on until a couple days ago when she decided to run her mouth about me on her profile and kickstarting the drama up all over again. Then she has the gall to message me yesterday afternoon begging for the drama to end. I gave her advice twice maybe three times or more on what to do to end the drama. No she just wants to sit around and point fingers and say I'm the obsessive one and its all about me.

Never once was it ever about me. It was about the people she victimised. She is obsessed with keeping this going, so until she decides to trade in her little girl panties for big girl panties and woman up. This will keep on going. Only she can put a stop to it. The choice is all hers.

19:28 Mar 18 2016

She honestly bores me I am focused on leveling my accounts and just sticking to those who mean something to me. Hell maybe she will pull her head out if her ass but I doubt it.

19:58 Mar 18 2016

She bores me as well, with her constant name changes (which she's changed her name again), her constant begging me for the drama to end, the constant half assed apologies that she doesn't mean, and let's not forget the flamming of others. She's a broken record really. I made sure to mention to the admin the other night about her other accounts. If she keeps her mouth shut, it will be over and done with. It's that simple. But she gets high off of the attention, so she due to make noise anytime now.


02:16 Mar 17 2016
Times Read: 1,662

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You know it's really nice of you to want to come clean and everything, but you're still lying. Also who gave you the coding for your journal background? Last time I checked you didn't know how to code and nobody wants to give you and codes. Silly me, but I almost bought your apology. The accounts you have listed are not all of your accounts. There are plenty more on this site that belong to you. Do yourself a favor and delete every single account that you have and just keep one. Learn to keep to yourself and maybe just maybe you will make friends. Also while you're at it, you should message and apologize to every single member that you shat on and stole from and not to mention unblock people. Not everyone is going to read a journal. That's my advice to you!



04:52 Mar 17 2016

I will not delete anything and i do know how to code i never said i did not know how too.

For your information this apology was not meant for you it was meant for others.

I will not argue with you know more so keep hating me if you will it only makes me laugh and want to continue on with my life and sire.

you seem to think my profiles i have are all about you and my coding that i have are none of your business i did do this one my self.

As that is said just leave me alone and back off do something besides posting my whole life in your profile , is boring anyways and no one really cares what i do. Cause if they did they would be sending me messages.

So with that said you keep bringing it up over and over and over your a hypocrite cause your just as much of a drama queen as i am, I have not done nothing to you, Have not stolen your profile so why , you so dam interested in me? Obsessive much! pathetic person need a life other than vampire rave. and harrasing me

06:00 Mar 17 2016

Heh right there is the reason why I don't believe in your apologies. The only way you know how to code is from stealing from others.

Actually you do owe me an apology bitch since you constantly slander my name. I was nice enough to give you some advice without being a bitch about it and of course you are here running your damn mouth like usual.

Also who's hating? Not me! Like I said I was nice enough to give you advice and there's your stupid ass taking it the wrong way like usual.

Oh but dear you're wrong everyone is very interested in you. You know why? Because every time you open your mouth or make a profile, you make an ass out of yourself. You see everyone is looking right at you, ready to grab your accounts and send them off.

Believe me when I say this, but no I am not a drama queen. I'm just someone who's tired of your fucking worthless bullshit. Actually I'm sure everyone is tired of your bullshit. If you want to speak about obsessions I'm not the one obsessing over making several accounts and using them to steal from other people. I'm not Obsessed with stealing someone's culture like you did when you claimed to be Native. Oh and I'm not obsessive enough to come stalk your profiles every 5 minutes just to see what is being said about me. I don't give two shits what you have to say about me bitch face.

You come crying to me with crocodile tears in your eyes about how you want the drama to be over and done with and how you're tired of fighting and wanting to be left alone, but here's your retarded ass still stirring the damn pot and running your damn mouth. Here's some advice for you, Felicia, learn when to shut your damn mouth up. When you learn to shut your mouth, that's when you won't hear from me anymore, but if you keep running your mouth I will continue on. It's your choice!

17:45 Mar 17 2016

ohhhhhh OK!! So you DO know how to code, and you just STEAL THEM ANYWAY??? SO NOT ONLY ARE YOU A FUCKING THIEF?? YOU'RE A FAT FUCKING LAZY THIEF. :/

17:49 Mar 17 2016

Now I am sorry, but enough is enough. That comment just made me see red. This bitch just does not know when to SHUT her fucking mouth. SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH. DON'T START NO SHIT, WON'T BE NO SHIT. You ever hear that??? That means, KEEP YOUR FUCKING MOUTH SHUT AND YOU WON'T HAVE ANY PROBLEMS!

It's not enough that the gov't pays her to sit on her ass all day. She wants to be a lazy VR member on top of it. Now that just pisses me off. Why the fuck are YOU entitled????? WHY?? I've been through HELL but you don't see me living off the fat of the land. :/


21:32 Mar 16 2016
Times Read: 1,694

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Let's get something straight since we seem to keep repeating the same song and dance here. You are wanting me to let things go, so you can have a peaceful existence on Vampire Rave. Honey you have had plenty of chances on here to let things go and move on, but you still keep riding that drama train. You have stolen from many covens on here because you refuse to learn how to code and you have showed no ounce of remorse when you were caught. People have spent many hours and sometimes days creating something unique only to have you come around and steal it from them. There are Coven Masters on here that don't even want you in their covens because they know you are a thief. You also threatened to steal someone's account. You were in the wrong because you trusted someone with your password when the TOS said not to give out your password. So yea you fucked up there. Also let's not forget that you CALLED OUT me and two other people on your profile and slandered my name along with theirs too. Like I said before, when you are ready to stop being a drama whore all of this will stop.

Honestly you know damn well what's wrong with you. It's called not knowing when to keep your mouth shut when you should. You have dug your grave deeper and deeper the more you create profiles to stir shit up. If you're truly sorry you would quit, but then again you won't since we keep uncovering your accounts and the temptation is too great for you to stop.

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So if you are wanting things to be let go, then why do you keep coming to my account to do this? By the way I returned the favor and I can almost bet that you noticed that I sunk your rating. Sorry not sorry, but you struck first. You can keep apologizing but until you truly mean it, I will not accept it. Every apology you gave was nothing but a bullshit apology. How about you apologize to the Coven Masters that you fucked over and stole from and the people you have trashed in your journals and on your profiles instead of apologizing to one person. Then again you really don't know how to be very sorry because the cycle will just start up again and keep continuing, so please excuse me for not buying what you're selling. You are a mental case and you need psychological help. There is something wrong with someone who feels the need to have to make many accounts and then change names and identities on the said accounts along with pretending to be from a culture that they are not a part of. Everyone knows that you are not Native dear so really get over yourself and stop lying. You are 41 years old and act like a damn child, grow the fuck up, fully own up to your bullshit and get off the internet.

Like I said this will keep going and it's up to you when you want to stop. So if you want this to end, I would suggest you to stop making accounts.

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22:26 Mar 16 2016

Best.. Meme... EVER! LOL

I am speechless here for once, because you've pretty much already covered it.. Princess Slippy Pie is like, the NICEST fucking person I KNOW. I seriously doubt "all she wants to do is make peace". I just find that hard to believe.. And this crazy cunt is trying to make friends with me, pretending to be someone else.....


She does not know when to quit her shit. She needs to delete ALL those profiles.. Make ONE profile.. KEEP that profile, and use ONLY ONE and say WHO she REALLY is.. Get someone to help her with her codes, like I tried to do, till I started seeing my layouts on her pages that I never gave her. Then she needs to stop lying, stop stealing, and stop shit starting.. THEN, MAYBE THEN, WE will forgive her.. UNTIL THEN.. PLEASE do us ALL a favor and either, A: GO AWAY or B: SHUT THE FUCK UP.

01:42 Mar 17 2016

Or C. All of the above

I am truly a nice person and am nice to everyone, but once you fuck up and attack me, I can and will become a bitch.

18:27 Mar 17 2016

Shit I know that's right. And or C all of the above. LOVE IT! ;)


18:28 Mar 15 2016
Times Read: 1,818

Aww the little drama whore known as Felicia, still hasn't learned. I still find it hilarious that you beg for drama to be done and over with and you still haven't figured out how to shut your fucking mouth up yet. Oh I'm tired of this! Oh I'm tired of that! I wish you would stop causing drama! Blah blah blah! You sound very moronic! Once again if you want drama to stop, you might want to learn to stop opening your mouth, your stupidity is showing.

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First of all you should really learn how to use spellcheck before you insult anyone. There is one on your computer that's free to use and it's not there to just sit there and look pretty; Or are you going to keep blaming your misspellings and grammar errors on Dyslexia, a sticky keyboard, or chromosome 22? Seriously it's not fucking hard to use spellcheck, it keeps you from looking like a elementary school drop out.

You want to talk about leaving Vampire Rave. Bitch please, I think chances are you will probably leave before I do. You know why? Last time I checked I didn't make hundreds of profiles to infiltrate covens to steal codings from coven pages and coven threads. Some of those accounts have been suspended already because they didn't have Premium Memberships on them. So tell me Felicia, which coven/member of this site did you steal your background from? We all know you didn't make it yourself.

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Awww look I made your profile again! Bahahahahaha!!! Once again be a bit more original with your insults what you tried to insult me with only just made me laugh. "You can suck it down your own spit and choke it out for all i care." Do you even know how retarded you sound?

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Honey I am not deleting anything just because you want me to. You see I wouldn't have to keep writing in my journal about this, if you would learn to shut your fucking mouth up and own up to your shit that you have clearly caused, this would be over and done with. But no, you keep making accounts and you keep having people supply you with Premium Memberships (whether or not you buy them or not) to cause drama with. Nobody wants a thief in their Coven/House. Hell that's why you're in Oubliette and you will stay there until sire or rot. Whenever you want to stop causing drama is clearly up to you. You have done yourself no favor when it comes to making friends on here and yet wonder why hardly nobody talks to you. Maybe you should take a look at yourself in the mirror and maybe then you will see what a shit for brains person you truly are.

I will let Cat comment on what you have to say about her yourself. I can tell you what she has to say will not be pretty.

Also you really shouldn't threaten to steal someone's profile from them. I will be recommending Cat to alert the admins on your threat.

I will also let Mary comment on what you have to say as well.

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Please do tell me what I've lied about bitchcakes? Last time I checked you lied to cover the lies that you lied about. Oh and please do go out and buy this book, you obviously need it. :3

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Like Matt Smith's Doctor, I don't give any fucks about what you post about me. Have a nice day Felicia. :P



19:04 Mar 15 2016

How many more times you got to keep going low and i did that for reason im not leaving anywhere so fuck you bitch cakes you keep deleting my comments so obviously your hurt by them

19:36 Mar 15 2016

You want to talk about me being low? Shut the fuck up you stupid lyin' ass bitch. How about we talk about how low YOU are to make profiles to gain access into covens to steal codes and then threaten to steal someone's account and how YOU lie and pretend to be part of a culture that YOU are obviously not a part of. Everyone knows that you are NOT native. Stop stealing someone else's culture from them.

Also nobody is deleting your comments fucktard. I haven't been in my journal since you commented just now, nor have I edited my journal to make your piece of shit comment disappear. Maybe the system, like everyone else, is tired of your bullshit. Trust me I'm not hurt by your comments considering I'm busy laughing my ass off at you.

21:29 Mar 15 2016

I normally don't respond to summons very well but in this exact case...I have chosen to go against my normal behavior. Felicia.....I personally don't give a flying fuck what you think.....Personally I think the Vampire Rave manual should read don't give Cat your passwords....she tends to use them to correct drama but it doesn't....it says do not give your password to anyone....last time I checked I am a person so I count as someone. Now you threatening to steal my profiles or the profiles I have handed other people that's beyond funny cause that would not be wise. As for the Envious account I told you what I needed to so you would give me a chance to correct the drama you started before shit got worst for you but no you kept going and going. I will state this right here right now any account I level myself and is attached to any of my profiles will not be given to you because of your drama the fact the admins have been suspending you. I have multiple accounts and mine are legal yours are not. You seriously need to shut your damn mouth before some of the power players on this website help you do. I will hunt your profiles down one by one with Slipknotbabe356 and you will end up in the same jail coven....I will not let you inside my coven to cause issues be it drama or stealing the codes I shelled out favor for. So you told me to watch my back....well heres my friendly message from myself...Id watch your step because you never known when the noxious cloud will suffocate you slowly.

21:48 Mar 15 2016

Oh Felicia by the way....you said you will take my accounts....I will issue this challenge one time and one time only if you think you a woman enough to crack my passwords.....trust me every other damn day I am changing my passwords.....so getting my accounts will take some skill to get because you will have to know things on me that very few people know....so bring it on bitch I always need a new chew toy.

22:04 Mar 15 2016

She tells me she's sorry for stealing my codes, then steals my codes. :/ That's how fucktarded this bitch is.. Just ignore her. You don't need the extra crap right now Princess Slippy Pie. Fuck that bitch.. She needs to stop messaging me. :/

22:23 Mar 15 2016

She already deleted. I guess she now makes profiles, post drama, then deletes before they get suspended.

Cat did not steal her profile. It states in the Manuel DO NOT GIVE YOUR PASSWORD OUT. When you do and the person decides to keep the profile, YOU just gave it to them. Then it is wrong to say they stole it.

22:35 Mar 15 2016

The VR Manual should read:

Never give Cat your passwords.

Never go full retard.

Never fuck with bitches who are smarter than you.

Never lie to bitches who can keep tabs on your bullshit.

Never throw shade at anyone if you can't literately spell your insults.

...And when you see Felicia, always remember to tell that ho, "Bye".

23:01 Mar 15 2016

I side with Mag lol it should say don't give passwords to me lol

23:03 Mar 15 2016

It's very obvious that Cat didn't steal her account Felicia was stupid enough to give her the password.

Oh and keep self deleting Felicia it just shows your punk ass can't take the truth when confronted. So go cry your eyes out bitch face.

16:02 Mar 16 2016

OK.. .So yesterday I was in a huge ass hurry, so I was only able to skim through, however, it has been brought to my attention, that this fat little fucking troll had my name in her mouth.

I gave that cunt bag ONE fucking code when I thought she was someone else.. A brand new member she was claiming to be. Her current codes, she did STEAL from me. She has an obsessive condition with all that name changing and profile changing, and with, what, 30 fucking profiles??? This bitch has no fucking life what so ever, than has the balls to say that Slippy and Mag have no life, but Slippy and Mag ain't the bitch with the 30 profiles either. Yeah, I am a decent person, until you fuck me over. Then I just get stupid and will point out all your fucking flaws.

Speaking of which... That shit with getting on cam with your fat ass self drinking out the soda bottle like that?? Not at ALL kosher. What the fuck is wrong with you? Were you raised by wolves or something??? Where they do that at? Girl, get a fucking glass, what is WRONG with you?? I know, I think I may be getting ahead of myself here.. This bitch doesn't have the capability of eating and drinking like normal human beings. ;)

OK. I'm gonna give you this one fucking warning ONE time.. Cause you really don't want me writing anything about you in MY journal. If you think slippy is mean, wait till you see what the fuck I will do to you if you don't keep MY NAME OUT YOUR MOUTH. So... If you call anymore of my friends up there a bitch?? Than you will have me to deal with.. And slippy will tell you.. I used to be real good at making people feel about one inch tall. So don't fucking do it to yourself. Call my friend a bitch again. See what the fuck happens.


02:53 Mar 10 2016
Times Read: 1,932

Once again your apology is being denied. Nobody is buying what you're selling. Then again its hard to trust an apology when one doesn't learn to use spell check that's on their computer.

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You have fucked over too many coven masters on this site. You stole codings that didn't belong to you in the first place. You took away someone's coding that took minutes, hours, days, weeks to complete and you didn't give two shits as to how those people felt. Nobody is falling for your pity party Felicia. Face it you are a liar and a thief!

You have made more enemies than you have friends on here. I was willing to make peace with you and move on from this, but once again you have managed to open your fucking mouth and spew your bullshit and lies again. For fuck sake you are 41 years old and act like a child! Grow the fuck up and reevaluate your life!

You honestly believe that we are going to believe that you will self delete your accounts? I think not. After all you are a liar, so why change now? You've had many chances to get your shit together and you have wasted them all. So no, you don't get another chance. You fucked up big time!

Like I said nobody is believing you. You apparently apologized last night and it obviously didn't mean anything because here you are still causing drama. Like I said last night, you are doing just fine on the drama front without any help from me.

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If you're so sorry for everything, how about you unblock me like you did this morning? You attacked me first not the other way around. Your "sorrys" don't mean a damn thing to me. You're only sorry because you were caught stealing from other members and let's not forget the shit list you created after people rated you as you saw fit. If you're really sorry, you would've owned up to everything but you're not. You don't know what it means to truly be sorry. Though I'm sure you will very soon.



03:20 Mar 10 2016

Pretty soon the prison covens will have to change their names to "Bye Felicia" in honor of all the profiles of hers they will hold.

03:22 Mar 10 2016

I mean, really; you know you've fucked up when a CM of a prison coven is the one INITIATING the trade for your fake, lying ass.

03:27 Mar 10 2016

She wouldn't last long for the prison covens to do that. She's too much of a coward to stick it out in there.

03:29 Mar 10 2016

Omen doesn't take shit from anyone! Lol

03:53 Mar 10 2016

Here's the latest list:













Darkforest (suspended)











14:24 Mar 10 2016

I purchased more bags of quicklime. Also, I am making the grave bigger.

17:36 Mar 10 2016

That would be some grave that's being dug. Lol

23:50 Mar 10 2016

A grave isn't needed if you ignore the smell when one rots. lol

12:16 Mar 13 2016

You can add PlantsVSZombies to this list. angelbaby is the referring account. This person was looking for rates and adds from my other account. I guess she didnt have the nerve to ask for that on this account since she messed with my CM. HAVE FUN!!

21:49 Mar 13 2016

Thanks for letting me know! :)

21:48 Mar 15 2016

Here's the latest list:













Darkforest (suspended)













Secondary (suspended)



22:07 Mar 15 2016

No... xxxORACLExxx is Sexmetalbarbie.. that's not her.. as for the rest of em.. Yeah.. There's another one too now, that I found has suckered her way back in with Dakotah somehow. :/

22:14 Mar 15 2016

Shadowhunter is her too.


17:51 Mar 09 2016
Times Read: 1,982

For someone who constantly begs for drama that she created to end, you sure don't know how to let bygones be bygones and move on. You seem to have the inability to LEARN TO SHUT THE FUCK UP! You constantly prove to everyone that you are a liar and a drama whore and you thrive on it. You are a 41 year old woman that acts like an immature bratty child. Grow the fuck up! photo BDD846C8-79A7-4A1D-B3D3-B6432C62E01A_zpsqshl8rlb.png

Don't tell me you're tired of drama when you clearly came to my account and blocked me without reason. All I did was look at your account. I made sure to return that favor to you that you gave. Oh and do enjoy your rating I left you, you deserve it. So which coven did you steal your profile coding from?

So do you still want to lie about your dozens upon dozens of accounts? You can deny they aren't you all you want, though there are a lot of people on here that will beg to differ with you. One by one your accounts are being found out and you make it very obvious that it's you. It has your stupid all over it.

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If I were you I would listen to Dakotah, you could learn a lot from him.



19:22 Mar 09 2016

Shame that Felicia didn't end up in mine. There would be no trade. She would rot or suicide out.

19:32 Mar 09 2016

Trust me Dave you may catch one of those eventually. She's still making accounts.

19:48 Mar 09 2016

Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!! ...And the princess ping pong continues.

I'll gladly play too once my coven is up and running.

Seriously, Dakotah gave her the best advice, and she's still not listening.

20:13 Mar 09 2016

Dakotah is very wise for his age and I couldn't have ended the journal entry without using his comment. Magdalena maybe we should let Dave play Princess Powerpuff ping-pong with us too! More players more fun!

20:24 Mar 09 2016

Princess PowerPuff Ping Pong? Hehe :P Sounds like fun to me!!

And yeah.. He really gave some really good advice. Let's see if she takes it.. (I doubt it.) SMDH

21:16 Mar 09 2016

She's busy blaming her issues on chromosome 22, dyslexia, and among other things. She's never going to be held accountable for the shit she pulls. She's not very good at listening to anyone and she should be really be ashamed of mocking people who have real issues like I mentioned above. She's a real mental case that should be locked away from society. I guess we should post an updated list of her accounts.


When will Felicia ever learn?

23:06 Mar 08 2016
Times Read: 2,069

Consider your apology denied. When are you going to learn how things work around here? Keep in mind that I'm the one running things and I can always change the conditions. Which brings me to this. I have changed the conditions. Previously you were told that you could be let loose if you could find someone who would pay your hefty favor amount of 18,000 favors, but now that has changed. You really need to learn to stop lying. Lying doesn't look good on you and nobody is falling for them. In fact more people are seeing you for who you truly are.

Someone did offer a trade for you, but it wasn't for the 18,000 favors that I asked for. Then again that's not why I'm denying the trade. I removed the name of the coven master who sent me the message to protect the identity.

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I denied you the trade because you are a liar. If you told the truth things would've ended differently for you. You want to apologize for lying, but apparently you don't mean it. Your half assed apology doesn't mean shit! You were blinded because you started site drama with several members on here. If I do recall you started a shit list on your account and listed several Vampire Rave members on it, all because you were rated as how they saw fit.

You were also caught switching accounts with other people because you didn't want to face punishment; and along with that, you lied about who you were to different coven masters with different real names, genders, and aliases. Oh and by the way, I have a long list of accounts that are supposedly yours too and that list is getting longer. Must get boring sitting on your ass all day long collecting social security checks so you can spend everyone's hard earned money on Premium Membership's for accounts that will just be used to gain entry into someone's coven just to steal their coven coding. So tell me how many profile's do you even have? I know it's a lot.

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Apparently I'm the bad guy here because I know how you are and have a low tolerance for your bullshit. You do know other coven masters on here have caught on to what your doing and have graciously let me know. Believe me, you are doing fine on the drama front without help from me. If you don't want drama, kindly learn to shut the fuck up.

I will however will do you the favor and send you to where I think you belong and where you deserve to go. Also please do keep making those accounts, you keep me very entertained. :3

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23:23 Mar 08 2016

Shes still at it damn

23:40 Mar 08 2016

Yes she is xNoxiousx and she hasn't stopped at all.

23:43 Mar 08 2016

Seriously, I couldn't even bare the thought of sending her to another coven to let her roam free and steal from them too; I wouldn't even send her to my worst enemy on here. THAT'S how low she is.

She needs to take that check and get some therapy with it, because this is proof of a nut job:













...And MANY others still in question. Hmmm, pretty sure I'd prefer our tax dollars go to something more productive than her brand of bullshit and drama. She's just an EXTREMELY dishonest thing, and she needs to take a long walk off a short pier into a meat grinder...or just commit VR "suiside" permanently.

23:44 Mar 08 2016

Hell her one profile ripped off my cerulean profile

23:54 Mar 08 2016

xNoxiousx she does that to everyone and then passes it off like it's hers.

We are going to keep this list updated because there are many more profiles to add here.

Magdalena she needs to use that check and get a life.

00:01 Mar 09 2016

Well Hopefully she will stop before it gets too bad

00:04 Mar 09 2016

She's even copied and pasted the text from other people's profiles onto hers, and then tried to pass it off as her own. Ugh!

So much for her being a "writer". LOL

00:06 Mar 09 2016

I really doubt it. Everyone is slowly catching on to her and she probably won't stop until she either gets suspended indefinitely or runs out of money.

Hell she didn't offer me a PM as an apology. :(

00:08 Mar 09 2016


00:21 Mar 09 2016

Indeed Magdalena. The only thing she showed was that she had the ability to copy and paste instead of using screen shots and that she's not very original with her insults. In fact her insults make her appear very immature and childish.

03:15 Mar 09 2016


read my journal and you will know im clean and tryed to appoligize to you yet you still keep adding on the drama so who stopped now and who hasnt yet ? i come here to check every five minutes and the bs just keeps coming on.

les be bigons be bigons and forgive and forget is just vampire rave after all , and as far as being blinded owell so be it, i will sire.

03:38 Mar 09 2016

Sorry, but if you're so obsessed with a journal entry that you feel the need to check it "every five minutes", then you're not letting bygones and bygones.

As far as this "just" being VR, this isn't about a website; it's about your lack of integrity.

03:40 Mar 09 2016

Bygones be bygones* Blah!

To quote Axl Rose, "Let sleeping dogs lie or lying dogs sleep or whatever."

03:42 Mar 09 2016

The drama hasn't stopped because you continue to lie. I guess the screenshot of you lying to another Coven Master about why you were blinded in the first place doesn't mean anything to you. Oh and the list of profiles that are listed above ARE you! There are plenty of members on this site that have told me they are you. Own up to your lies and this will be over and done with. It's as simple as that.

17:38 Mar 09 2016

Well the fact that she was name-dropping wasn't cool either.. Especially dropping names of people who didn't even know wtf was going on. She had told me she was a brand new member. I saw her on cam and was a friend to her and everything.. She should have just told me who the hell she was in the very beginning. She's stolen the coding that I gave to Cat. That's not cool either. She literally almost cost me my friendship with Princess Slippy Pie. :/ I swear... if the bitch was in this room I would just beat that ass. Some people need that old fashioned ass whoopin if you know what I mean ;)


06:26 Mar 06 2016
Times Read: 2,166

 photo 3a54fd93-2cb2-461b-834b-37c77de7c175_zpsg1fvmihh.png

Oh you silly silly ho. Still can't type worth shit still. Punctuation missing, inability to form sentences, no capitalization to be found,Let me guess, you're still blaming a sticky keyboard and dyslexia for your stupidity? So how many profiles does this make now? By the way I am keeping track along with other people.

So you are claiming that you do not need the bullshit and drama and yet here you are causing it when you came onto this site and started a shit list and blocked people just because they gave you ratings that you deserved. Seriously shut up! The more you open your mouth the more you have stupidity spewing out.

Seriously what would I have to be jealous of? Don't make me laugh. Maybe you're the one who's jealous since you seem to obsess over someone you can never be! But whatever helps you sleep at night darlin'. ;)

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The only thing that you've showed me in this entry is that you know how to copy and paste. Bravo! Should I give you a cookie? Oh wait I don't have any, I think VB may have took them and ate them. LOL

By the way nobody is buying who you are since every profile you've come in possession of, you keep changing your name. So I highly doubt those are your actual photos in the portfolio. Just to let you know you sound like an immature child with those comebacks. I've definitely heard better comebacks from 7 year olds. Oh and by the way...

 photo 8d9f06eb-23f1-419a-a729-7817eb34f321_zpssqn6ie5p.png

Welcome back to the coven! :D

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06:34 Mar 06 2016

I'm not sure what she has more of, profiles or sticky keys.

Bitch needs to learn that she will always be Felicia.

06:43 Mar 06 2016

She's probably not familiar with the term, "Bye Felicia" LOL. I don't want to know about the sticky things and I know she probably has tons of profiles and aliases.

20:01 Mar 08 2016

im here and im not gone as of yet till you can accept my apologize and stop this drama stuff

00:01 Mar 09 2016

If you don't want drama then you should really stop lying.



02:31 Mar 05 2016
Times Read: 2,255



18:38 Mar 04 2016
Times Read: 2,285

Attention all Coven Masters, Assistant Coven Masters, and Trade Masters, I'm going to post this one time and one time only. Do not and I mean DO NOT message me with trade offers for Kissami. That member is NOT going anywhere, unless someone wants to pay me 15,000 favor for her. Seriously do not waste my time or yours by sending me a trade for less than that amount, you will just be ridiculed and laughed at. Also do know that the favor amount is subject to change, depending on how many times Princess Kiss Face begs anyone to bail her out of my coven. Until then I hope you enjoy being in my coven, it will be your home for awhile.

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18:57 Mar 04 2016

Oh, I bet she'll be up to 100,000 favors within the next two weeks. LOL

19:24 Mar 04 2016

Oh I know she will and even then nobody will want her

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