xRosex's Journal

xRosex's Journal


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22 entries this month

03:40 Feb 26 2014
Times Read: 518

I did something so badass tonight. XD Duuude, it was awesome!




03:06 Feb 25 2014
Times Read: 522

Picked up my HHA Certificate this morning!! :D

The people at the office are so friendly. I haven't really been there since the summer and one of the women there is so nice. xD She kept commenting about how much weight I lost. I don't exactly like talking to people about boring weight stuff so I simply told her its cause ever since I turned vegetarian, I've steadily lost weight. Then she brags to the rest if the office... xD "You remember Rose!? Look at how much weight she's lost. She became vegan." '... No, I still eat eggs and dairy. >.> I'm vegetarian..." lol

I have a secret though. Wanna know somethin'? Nah, I've bragged enough.

I'm just happy to have what I came for. I'm proud of myself, not just for having been over six months on the job but for saving my family. :3 Love them to bits! xoxoxoxo




06:53 Feb 22 2014
Times Read: 543

Looking around at some of my old belongings and I found a signature book from elementary school. Flipped through it and saw, "I'll always remember in class 509, how funny that picture was that you showed me."

Years later, I have no idea what it was. I'm just proud that I never changed. I love cheering people up, lol.

I'm planning on making films one day. If I can ever set up a new YouTube account. Its going to be a project, that's for sure. :)




My salad is to die for

02:33 Feb 20 2014
Times Read: 558

Any doctors in the house? I'm confused on what to eat and what not to. I understand that I have to avoid some fruits. I'm retaking my blood test tomorrow morning.

My boyfriend was worried and looked up a list of veggies that were high in potassium. Unfortunately, a lot of that is in my salad, which I eat for lunch. Today for example, it consisted of, lettuce, celery, corn, carrots, tofu, avocado, red and white kidney beans, red peppers and tomatoes.

The list he gave me:

"Alfalfa sprouts, asparagus (6 spears), green or wax beans, cabbage (cooked), carrots (cooked), cauliflower, celery (1 stalk), corn (½ fresh ear or ½ cup), cucumber, eggplant, kale, lettuce, mushrooms (fresh), okra, onions, parsley, green peas, green peppers, radish, rhubarb, water chestnuts (canned, drained), watercress, spinach (raw, 1 cup), squash (yellow), zucchini"

If anyone has any suggestions, or links, I'm open to it. Thanks! :)



18:41 Feb 20 2014

Here you go :)

Are your kidneys doing okay?

06:54 Feb 22 2014

No idea. I have to make an appointment but I have no time.


12:55 Feb 19 2014
Times Read: 571

My doctor called and put me on a diet restriction. :( Said I need to cut out bananas, raisins, carrots, dried fruits... All the stuff I enjoy. God damn it. T___T And there are carrots in my salad. Cause of high potassium levels.




02:28 Feb 18 2014
Times Read: 585

Blah. I've had such a tummy ache this morning. :/ I hate when it happens. I don't know what I do wrong. Its a horrible bloated, sour stomach feeling. I suppose my body isn't used to junk.anymore and fights back. Ugh, I just wanted to enjoy the chocolate I got over the weekend. T_T And the cheesecake.

Even Fries kill me. It sucks. I couldn't handle it from yesterday and I miss it.




I love it when he says "Yes Mistress". :3

22:52 Feb 16 2014
Times Read: 597

I hope everyone had a happy Valentines Day- I definitely did. :) I got him various bamba along with a box of chocolates. I know, most people might not think a girl has to get her man anything but I love him and I like surprising him. He got me another box of chocolates xD The heart shaped box it came in was beautiful. Sparkling black with zebra stripes and a glittering red bow. I loved it!

Taking the train there, I kinda fucked up and missed one which took an extra hour.

I had felt bad and picked up a slice of Strawberry topped Juniors cheesecake for us to split when I got to his room. And a strawberry beer-Rita cause I was like... Fuck, I need a drink... Lol

I know I don't usually drink but... It got me out of a "tight" situation, you could say... >.>

Anyways, I enjoyed it! :D Everything about him is perfect. ♥



01:23 Feb 17 2014

Do people really not think the girl has to get anything for the guy? I always have. haha

01:28 Feb 17 2014

I know right? It was on my mind cause a few people told me not to worry about it but I was like, no way man, I need to get him goodies. :3 He told me he loved the bamba. :P He described it just the way I thought it tasted, like awesome cereal.


20:23 Feb 12 2014
Times Read: 620

145 pounds. Holy crap. I swear I lost ten pounds just by "exercising". Lol Its an accurate wight cause I'm at the doctors waiting to be seen. I think I'll stop ten pounds from now. :) Its been a journey. Going from 222 to 145. You do the math, I'm too lazy. >.>



03:08 Feb 13 2014

I went to visit Stephen in August 2012 at I think about 177. I went there, ate nothing but mac and cheese and pizza and It's It(the most amazing west coast ice cream sandwich EVER) and soda and candy...

and came back and was 169. Probably because we went up to Yosemite and walked around and went swimming a lot, of course. haha :P


00:39 Feb 12 2014
Times Read: 628

Hmmm, how hard can I rock valentines day this year? Now that I'm with the right person. Mmmm.

I think this is going to be the best weekend ever.

' But the best mushy name that I ever got is, Master. >:) Oh boy am i going to enjoy myself. Youre everything i ever wanted.'




Shiny, shiny, shiny boots of leather....

03:21 Feb 11 2014
Times Read: 636

Oh god. Oh, god. Oh. God. That is all. :X lol

We happen to enjoy the same song... A song most people my age don't understand.

Heh. Andy Warhol, bringing people closer together.




21:42 Feb 09 2014
Times Read: 655

"I can't wait to see you again Mrs. Amazing

you know what's awesome? how your last name is Imazin backwards. Mrs. Imazin! Amazin :)"

I love quoting him, lol.

You know what I miss already. Simply sitting there, watching old tv shows together and cuddling. ♥ We both put on our favorite episodes, quote, talk and giggle through it. But the best part is waking up to him.

Haha, we had watched the episode of Seinfeld that Sarah Silverman was in. "The jimmy legs", if anyone remembers what it was about. I found it funny cause I don't sleep very well.Tossing and turning but apparently, I must have had the best sleep of my life cause I didn't act up like usual. :P

He showed me some cool Canadian comedy and I introduced him to the Australian stuff I like. Woohoo for foreign tv!



18:31 Feb 10 2014

I remember when Stephen and I first started dating- spending a week it two together when we'd go visit. We couldn't keep our hands off each other, in one way or another, even if we were just watching a movie. Even though I see him every day now, those memories are so sweet that I just can't take the fact that we live together for granted. So I think it's a nice thing to not be able to see each other all the time- makes the time you have together much more special :D


20:00 Feb 09 2014
Times Read: 658

"Honey, I can feel your ribs, arm bones and spine. You need some good Italian cooking."- lmao, idk why that made me laugh. :x Me, skinny? Nahhhh!




19:49 Feb 09 2014
Times Read: 661

I'm so sore. Must be all the exercises we did. *shifty eyes * >.> Yes, exercises.

It was my first time in the mountains. He met me by the train station with a box of chocolates. Awwww! :P His family is nice. They ordered pizza and brought back boxes of Italian pastries. Like, a fuckin' dozen fresh filled cannolies. Holy fuck! XDI was living a dream within a dream. I tasted artichoke for the first time, on the pizza. Oh man was it good.

Now I'm home. Got a week of work and aggravation between paperwork and a doctor's appointment. But next weekend I get to visit him again. I can't wait! :D




02:34 Feb 07 2014
Times Read: 667

And we're still gonna go through with these plans! Fuck yeah!

I tried on some "new clothes" that I got. There's a hoodie with stripes that looks punky on me and a new pair of jeans that I personally think looks odd on me. Its like, where's my ass? O.o lol Never thought I'd say that.

This morning someone asked me to stick my hand in a tea kettle to get a sponge out and my hand actually fits in. Hahaha, such teeny tiny paws I've got.




01:40 Feb 07 2014
Times Read: 669

My inner child is throwing a huge temper tantrum. My professional face says everything is okay. Heh. Well, with a little pout that is.

I have work tomorrow cause they didn't find a replacement. :/ In service on Wednesday and I need blood work done before the fifteenth. Ugh. PLUS to make matters worse, the weather is horrid. How am I supposed to make it back home if trains end up out of service? Its like everything in its own power doesn't want me to enjoy myself. Fuck it though. I don't care how late I travel, I feel like I can't live another week without seeing him. D: That's the stubbornness talking.

Here's to hoping valentines day weekend fairs better? I loathe you snow. I loathe you so much.




02:29 Feb 06 2014
Times Read: 682

Fyi, I'm not going to be online this weekend. I'm meeting his family among other things. :P

He said he's gonna cook me vegan food. I said, "You had me at broccoli." lol

I hope I have enough time to buy some treats for him before I leave. He can nosh on whatever I decide to get from the neighborhood kosher bakery. :P Want to surprise him. Lol And of course the black and white cookie is a must. Any Seinfeld fan knows that.




01:09 Feb 06 2014
Times Read: 691

I want to drink tons of pineapple juice. In the name of science! Yes, science... (Ultra creeper dots...) *Crackled giggling*



01:54 Feb 06 2014

ROSE! Naughty naughty.

Or maybe I'm naughty naughty for knowing what you're talking about. ;P

02:02 Feb 06 2014

Spot on. Lmao!


02:22 Feb 05 2014
Times Read: 715

Today is my lucky day. I found five bucks and ten cents. I decided to splurge on clothing because I haven't gotten myself something nice in years. So as a gift to myself, I got myself new undies, lolol. I really wanted batman though. :( They ran out. Now I can't say, "To the batcave, Batman!" lol In fact, they had nothing in what I thought was my size. I decided to get a small in Spiderman and Superman undies. Haha, well, now I'll have to settle for, "Gunna have to clean out my cobwebs..." lmao. ;)

Tried them on at home and they fit perfectly. Woo!



02:45 Feb 05 2014

YaY!! New undies lol

02:46 Feb 05 2014

YaY!! New undies lol

02:46 Feb 05 2014

Oops sorry lol

03:38 Feb 05 2014

Haha! Cobwebs!

13:54 Feb 05 2014

Don't forget the fortress of solitude (Superman) ^_^

23:51 Feb 05 2014

Good one! Lol


03:55 Feb 04 2014
Times Read: 729

My mom is hilarious. Lol She starts counting months. I'm like, what? Five minutes go by, and I'm completely puzzled. Why are you counting? How many months til what? C'mon, you're driving me crazy. Another five minutes go by and she says, "You know, nine months." I'm like... What?!?! Stop trying to jinx me! D: lmao. Srsly, xD that ain't happening, at least not yet.



05:29 Feb 04 2014

Oh my gosh! Lol!


05:11 Feb 03 2014
Times Read: 749

This morning I woke up feeling amazing. Is there such a thing as kissing withdrawal cause I'm addicted! This weekend is going to be all about me. My in service, my certificate and my tension relieving, lolol. Celebrations for hard work.

Today wasn't so pleasant because there was another leak in the bathroom. Our neighbors knocked thinking it was our fault but it was from above. I got one panic attack, but I'm okay now. I'm going to be alright.

He takes my mind off so many things. A total soul healer. He looks at me and thinks, "Look what I have!" But really, I think I'm one of the luckiest people in the world for meeting him. Can't wait for this weekend. ♥



13:12 Feb 03 2014

Ah gosh Rose reading this made me smile so much my cheeks hurt :p


05:05 Feb 02 2014
Times Read: 758

I felt so nauseous this morning. Like I wanted to throw up. Completely sour stomach. Ugh. But I didn't want to cancel the date. I must have taken seven tums to feel better.

He's such a sweetheart. He surprised me not one but two cannolies from his favorite bakery AND He got me two bags of chocolate truffles. In white chocolate and milk. Omg! He knows the way to my heart is through my stomach, lol.

The cannolies were the first thing I had eaten and they agreed with me because dairy like that helps. Cuts the acid.

We went to Toms restaurant and took tons of pictures. :3 We now have matching Facebook profile pictures and timeline covers. And its of us making out, lol. With my sundae. My mouth has never been this happy.

It only gets better and better. ♥ Next week I go up to meet his family and well, enjoy his company... ;)




01:17 Feb 01 2014
Times Read: 686

A stranger asked me for a blowjob tonight. What the fuck? At first he asked for directions, I was friendly enough to answer him since he seemed to be asking everyone. Then he introduces himself, asks me what school I go to assuming I'm under 18. O.o Finally he says I'm making him horny and asks if I could give him a blowjob. I actually laughed, turned away and said no. He followed me a few more steps. I told him, stop following me or I'll call the cops. He walked off.

I hid in a store for a while and called my mom I joked, "Jesus! Wtf is up with people? I ain't Germaine. (From Foamy the squirrel.)" Lol Well, what a way to end the night. I'm sitting here now, eating the Butterfingers peanut butter cups I got.



01:21 Feb 01 2014

Hey, Germaine is reluctantly a whore. lol

So sticky...

01:26 Feb 01 2014

I really shouldn't be laughing my ass off right now. xD I'm all bundled up, just got off from work so I look dorky and apparently Iend up driving guys wild with the nerd look. O.o lol I'm lucky I'm wearing steel toes. I like my non work clothes better, so I can scare people away...

02:22 Feb 01 2014

Should have split that mother******'s lip.

11:28 Feb 01 2014

17:44 Feb 01 2014

EeEwWW! only in Ney york..lol i guess?

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