Angelus's Journal

Angelus's Journal


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48 entries this month

“Don’t ask the questions, if you don’t want the answers…”

22:27 Aug 31 2008
Times Read: 1,077

“Don’t ask the questions, if you don’t want the answers…”

Quote: Vox, in ‘The Time Machine’

Over our evening meal I told my Lil Mother of VR and how bullies exist there and wondered why an Englishman could bully someone with special needs, on an American site, when we have laws in England which wouldn’t allow that here.

To reinforce my point, I mentioned The Disability Discrimination Act (DDA)

She just said, “people like that exist.”

So they do, but in all good conscience, I have to ask, “Does that make it right?” And this all has my head battered and the left hand exhausted. But, I’m passionate about standing up for the little man/woman, who has special needs and doesn’t have the wherewithal to say what they should, top whom they should. It’s a hang-up from being bullied myself, I know.



22:48 Aug 31 2008

on the other hand you have to wonder who is really the one with the mental issue?....the person that was "role playing" and having fun and joking around with positive energy, or the "bully" poking fun at a defensless child?....the child was acting as a child should act....whats this "bullys" excuse?

22:54 Aug 31 2008

I agree with window. I think it's the bully with the mental problem, not the other way around.

01:26 Sep 01 2008

There will always be bullies. That isn't the problem though. The problem is that the bullies are allowed to do people this way on the site. I don't see it as a problem with a person, but with the system as a whole. Anyone can have a bad day, but if it wasn't allowed, then it would be stopped.


To Be Recommended

21:35 Aug 31 2008
Times Read: 1,078


Hanwood Estate

South Eastern Australia



A light white wine, delicate to the palate & great with chicken.




My heart goes out to ray Nagin and all in New Orleans Now.

17:14 Aug 31 2008
Times Read: 1,093

Having just seen the news, I so totally admire Ray Nagin, the Mayor of New Orleans, for taking the stance he has, It is just a petty, that once again it seems he can't rely on senior Republican politians in government Now, for backing.


My heart goes out to him and all in New Orleans Now.




It’s simple really ...

15:53 Aug 31 2008
Times Read: 1,109

It seems I caused hassle in the vampbox, for standing up for the defenceless, against someone I regard as a bully.

It’s just simple really, in this world Now, we must have compassion, or we are less than animals.



15:56 Aug 31 2008

Animals don't type.

15:58 Aug 31 2008

I don't know what happened exactly except from Journals but I tend to check both sides, qeh an opinion will lead to another, one iwll agree the other will disagree.

17:17 Aug 31 2008

Having read some of the comments in my journal following on from what I've said, tired as my hand is from all this.. I'm glad I typed what I did.

17:42 Aug 31 2008

Me too x


I cannot understand why someone is a position of authority can't show a little compassion?

15:12 Aug 31 2008
Times Read: 1,118

Reading the journal of Trustoffriends, I was very shocked to see STABB call her a moron, in the comments box to her latest journal entry.


The girl is special ed. which she doesn't hide and she is emotional. (so am I.. I find him calling her 'a moron VERY upsetting!)


And I cannot understand why someone is a position of authority can't show a little compassion?


Or is that too much too expect?


So the girl likes to roleplay..

..she asks.


it just surprised me this resonse of his.. but then, I don't use the 'other' chatroom.

but I know that everyone role-plays in the vampbox.

maybe, she interrupted someone's flow.

Geez, cut her some slack!


Be real.. be human.

Be compassionate.



15:21 Aug 31 2008

Do you think the admins of the rave will pay heed to this? no as far as they are concerned every one is a moron but them, Not all of the admins are bad. there are just a few of them I trust. the rest are there for a power trip. nothing more.

16:19 Aug 31 2008

No matter what you say, this will never change. Most admins here have always looked down their noses at other members. If you really pay attention the ones that trash people regularly in their journals often end up getting an admin position. Some stop the trash talk once receiving a position. Maybe they realize they are in a position of authority and in turn should behave as such. However, most of them continue to behave in a juvenile manner. It's been this way since I started, I seriously doubt it will ever change. At least it gives you an idea of who the bullies are on this playground & which you should steer clear of. My opinion, it’s not right for them to act this way. However it will never change, saying something only puts you at risk of being their next target. Yes I know, I should eat my own words with that comment. You did a wonderful job and the right thing by saying the things you did.

22:57 Aug 31 2008

STABB is a bit of a jerk. He likes to play favorites and anyone less than a Sire definitely isn't on that list.


My thoughts are with all there Now

14:51 Aug 31 2008
Times Read: 1,097

I heard it said on the radio, in the very early hours of the morning, ‘that New Orleans faces the greatest threat since Hurricane Katrina’…

Having caught my attention with that leader, I could hardly go to bed.

It seems Hurricane Gustav is on its way from Haiti.

Then the fellow came on the show who writes humidcity.com.

“…the shelves are being stripped of goods in the shops,” the blogger had said.

Then he explained that 311, the emergency evacuation number for the infirm and needy was down.

That had surprised me, especially after last time.

This is all, almost three years to the day, since Katrina.

And, at 1:40 a.m. I found myself thinking of a friend in New Orleans.


At 8:00, they had said on the radio that the hurricane had gained strength.

Then on the 10:00 p.m. on ITV, the mayor of New Orleans was shown, talking of probable evacuation. My thoughts are with all there Now: and I seriously hope the government does more for the ordinary Joe, than they did last time.





23:14 Aug 30 2008
Times Read: 1,102

Back still aching, I took myself for a walk, then on my return home, I began edging the back lawn, then trim the low privet hedge out front.

A break had been needed, and then I returned to my work and finished, just as the sun came out. All in all, a pleasant afternoon had been had: except for overhearing the couple, across the road, out gardening, with their two top three year old out with them. “Don’t do that,” says Mother. “Don’t go there!”

I mean, he was like I was at that age, he wanted to help Mum and Dad.

At one point they gave him his toy lawn mower, “And, keep off the soil!”

Thankfully, when I wanted to help my Mum bake, I had my little rolling pin, my Dad made for me. Though, to this day, he reminds me I made black pastry.

Hmm? Maybe I’d been playing in the soil?




I effin Give Up

15:57 Aug 29 2008
Times Read: 1,129

..Just read a piece in the journal of a young woman 'MyArmyMyMilitaryMyLife'.

It transpires she was shot at, in her country and a child was injured.

Unfortunately, it's the same here, though our soldiers aren't shot at.

..We mightn't believe in the conflicts politicians send soldiers on, but to shoot at them, for doing a job.. that's sick!



17:06 Aug 29 2008

The US is all ten kinds of messed up, Sweetheart. But you know what? There are a few people here worth saving and those are the ones that I am proud to fight for. The others can shoot at me all they want but when their baby is able to live and come home because of something I did for him out in the field, guess who'll love me then? lol They're nothing but filthy hypocrites. But I can deal with that. Thank you for supporting me though. I always have and always will love you forever. =^_^=


This morning ...

15:38 Aug 29 2008
Times Read: 1,133

This morning I still had backache unfortunately. Last night I foolishly lifted a microwave on my own and I’m still paying for that mistake, so when I got up, I cleaned off the windows the gunk left from my Dad putting sealant on the bricks. I then cleaned birdcrap of the back of the car and played ball, with me Lil Mum. That and a few stretches and I was feeling a bit better.



15:41 Aug 29 2008

*looks at you with shifty eyes*



17:34 Aug 29 2008

Yea! What were you thinking?!? Don't be dull.... lol. You need to be taking care of yourself because the Army doesn't pay me enough for me to be able to come and take care of you myself! lol


bed sounds good

00:01 Aug 29 2008
Times Read: 1,140

By the end of Thursday night, the upper part of my spine had felt as though a mule had kicked it. Rogers back is worse than mine and when he asked me to move the microwave we brought to the kitchen, as ‘the Christians’ had bought two new little ones, I had done as he asked. Well, if I’d thought on, I’d have bent at the knees.

I hadn’t. We had been two volunteers short and I was on runaround and boy, does bed sound good, right now…



17:37 Aug 29 2008

Always bend from the knees, Dear. lol. You know better! :P Ice it down, then get a heating pack put on it. You'll feel better even if it's only for a little bit. lol =^_^=


I received this today in an email.

23:24 Aug 28 2008
Times Read: 1,147

I received this today in an email.


This news just in:

All of the Wal-Marts across Alabama sold out of ammunition as of yesterday.

A reliable source said that one of the purchasers commented that while Russia may have invaded Georgia, they sure as hell ain't gonna do it to Alabama.

This was my response.

..I find it scary that I'm laughing at that.



23:30 Aug 28 2008

*laughing* I don't find it strange at all... Some folks down here in the south just look for an excuse to get all het up!

15:40 Aug 29 2008

GO BAMA !!!!


17:39 Aug 29 2008

I'm sorry that some people are actually that dense. lol. And from my twin sister state too! *sighs*


not cold enough

15:50 Aug 28 2008
Times Read: 1,156

Thursday was a whirl for my folks. As I typed away memories of the previous day, they went to an eye appointment, then a hospital appointment, for my Mum in the afternoon. In the middle of those two, they went to a funeral, with the intent of going to the reception much later, while I was at voluntary work. Needless to say, it was a grey day, with the occasional drizzle. In other words, it was the stereotypical English summer day, not warm enough for a shirt; yet not cold enough for a coat.




caught in the middle

15:18 Aug 28 2008
Times Read: 1,165

Shortly before leaving the home Wednesday, I dropped into VR, to put a picture on my profile I’d worked on for ages on in Photoshop: an image from V for Vendetta I’d not seen before. Then, whilst I was there, I got ‘talking’, with Sinora and Lady of Dragonrose.

Primarily, I’d found it pleasing to get a fresh perspective on my problem from those two ladies. Besides, it’d been good to tell Sinora that it isn’t Prostate Cancer.

It was almost the same sort of feeling I’d got after a negative on a biopsy for or oral cancer. Those messages and a chat on YIM had me travelling with a smile on my face. Then while I was out I found myself caught in a fracas, between two brothers, again. First, one brother has me calling down; using devices that he knows interest me, knowing full well that I’ve planned to visit his brother. Then events end up as they did last night, with the other brother playing similar sort of games. All very political, very fractious and last night, ended up as quite expensive. First, I’d ended up looking after an emotional drunk, pissed off with a dead abusive uncle, then the ramifications of games and filial jealousies. It was all very exhausting.

The thing is, although I understand what’s happening, I haven’t found the answers I’m looking for. Granted though, common-sense might dictate moving away from the situation. The thing is, I can see where it comes from; single Father, three brothers, one sister and the power struggle that ensued therein. I met them all through the sister, who I met at an art-college, when she acquired one of my cheese sandwiches.

She became one of my best friends, while in time; I grew to know each of her three brothers. The eldest, I don’t get on with at all. This was the fellow I recall arguing with for ten minutes or so, as to who was the most arrogant. That’s set on the seal on that one. Meanwhile, I became aware of the nature of the relationship between my female friends other two brothers, one younger, one elder. It was a strange place to be, caught in the middle of all that. Yet, my problem is, I like both the brothers and it’s irksome being caught in the middle.



15:41 Aug 28 2008

It sounds like a huge power struggle between the two brothers. How long do you want to be tugged between and used...that's the question.


a bright smile

13:14 Aug 27 2008
Times Read: 1,185

Not in the best of moods, I ended up watching ‘Big Brother’ last night.

Big mistake, all it did was reinforce my feelings about our celebrity culture today.

Sad sods, all of ‘em: and so many seem to expect fame, from what? Their sparkling wit?

More like, it rhymes with it.


I still felt tired when I woke up, strangely: I wonder what I was thinking of??

Anyways, I got dressed to go out and get my coin. Then in the village, I’d gone into Sommerfield for my tobacco and I walked out feeling ever so much lighter.

Isn’t it something, when a bright smile and a charming manner can set you up for the day?



14:18 Aug 27 2008

smiles yes i agree. a warm smile and a sunny day puts me in a good mood.

16:27 Aug 27 2008

Your Big Brother must be as pointless and vacuous as our version. Phew.

22:15 Aug 27 2008

I know what you mean, a charming manner and a charming voice had a lot to do with setting my day up.


Sausages .. and Buggerf**k!"

23:43 Aug 26 2008
Times Read: 1,201

The news at the doctor was not so good.

I have a guy problem.. and the meds aren't covered on the NHS.. I mean, we giive millions to Afghanistan & Iraq, maintain smackheads with methadone. But, Cancer sufferers can't get necessary treatments.. and neither can I. Too expensive.

Now? Give a guess who wants to scream??



22:17 Aug 27 2008

You know I feel for you...truly I do. I wish things were different for you.

I do have to toss this in though...everytime I see "Sausages and Buggerf**k"...I giggle


“Ludicrously funny.”

23:31 Aug 25 2008
Times Read: 1,218

The first thing I did Bank Holiday Monday, was remove the brace and bandage from my wrist, pleased that the swelling had gone down somewhat.

Then I did my dusting of the ceiling corners, prior to my Father doing the housework.

That done I’d had my coffee, as I’d sat and shaved, little Mother requested help in the garden. All she’d wanted done was the removal of the canes supporting the Gladioli.

Well, the weather was perfect outside, just spot-on perfect.

So while a few thousand people went to Liverpool for the second day of the Mathew Street Festival I hiked up the canes, for my Mum. Then my decided to mow the lawns, which left me feeling I should do the follow-up. That had entailed me doing the edging and hoeing of the borders.

Well, on a fine sunny day, that had been fine exercise for my wrist.

That said, I had been more than a tad tired when I’d finished the front lawn, so decided to rest the wrist awhile.

I rose to fins ‘lil Mother in the kitchen, stewing some of the apples the neighbour had given us. So knowing the others we’d been given would have to be stored, I’d asked about this.

Unfortunately it seems the trays we’d have used were thrown put, when we got rid of the last of the apple trees we’d had. Yet, I’d had to do something.

So, having gone into the garage, rooted around and found nothing suitable, I’d thought of the garage loftspace, above the car.

In retrospect, I so wish I’d had film of me doing so.

Getting up hadn’t been too difficult. Though it had been an effort and a strain on the wrist. The funny bit had been when I’d tried to get down to the floor. Then, it was back to typing, with an episode of Stargate Atlantis on in the background, before going into the kitchen, to chop up an onion for the cheese ‘n onion casserole for tea.

And it’s a long time since I used keyboard shortcuts, instead of the mouse; and it took me minutes to recall control ‘S’. alt ‘S’ to save to the USB.

Gawd, I’m out of practice, it seems.

And, I do like the advert for Crunchy Nut Cornflakes, where the hoodie in the bus-queue is so intent on his ipod, that he’s unaware of the young lad- behind him, pouring ‘ludicrously tasty’ Crunchy Nut Cornflakes into his hood with some milk, which she proceeds to eat.“Ludicrously funny.”



12:47 Aug 26 2008

You dust ceiling corners ? *faints*.

02:26 Aug 27 2008

i still wish youd take it a LITTLE easier lol


distracted me with laughter

23:42 Aug 24 2008
Times Read: 1,231

By the end of Sunday afternoon, my wrist was aching so bad that after my meal I took it for a lie-down. When I arose it ached a little less. And, the Jackie Chan movie ‘The Medallion had distracted me with laughter. But, discretion being the better part of valour, or something like that, I decided to cosset it, with a wrist brace, over which my Mother put a bandage on. So that’s how it was, when I returned to VR shortly after 11:00 p.m.



21:33 Aug 25 2008

I do hope the brace is helping. The trick here though...is to have the brace on so it doesn't get hurt....not wait until you hurt it to put the thing on :P

Silly man...


Did I get a ‘thank you’?

16:08 Aug 24 2008
Times Read: 1,238

Watching Denise Van Outen and Johnny Vaughn win £50,000 for a children’s charity on a repeat of yesterdays ‘Celebrity Who Wants To Be A Millionaire’, while you write out a short story, then seeing an episode of ‘Dark Angel’ is a damn good way to start the morning.

I even got the windows done, before searching on the net for my Dad, for the venue where they’ll be meeting up with his friend, after the funeral.

Got a map for him and directions there, to the door, via postcode to postcode.

Did I get a ‘thank you’? No.

I did however get a “You’ll wear your computer out.”



17:52 Aug 24 2008

dont ya just love dads? that was is way of saying "thank you" lol


"A thought, shared."

01:11 Aug 24 2008
Times Read: 1,254

..have you noticed, that when some people learn you can be 'needy', they get get crappy?

..I have learnt that here, recently.

(Apologies to someone I said this to; yet, as observations go.. I thought it was a good one.)




tbc? I hope not.

00:50 Aug 24 2008
Times Read: 1,256

I’d fully intended that the Saturday would be a lazy day, yet when the folks went out I’d been left instructions to ‘tidy up’.

That was doable, but in my time, I was watching ‘Dark Angel’, so would move when I’d need to, which is what I had done, as Peter Falk was ‘The Cheap Detective’.

The thing was, I’d determined that I would find out whether the next film on five US was ‘The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow’ was the Johnny Depp version, or not.

Then the phone rang and rang, and rang.

So I’d got up and plodded to the back room and answered the thing.

First the fellow on the phone asked for my Father, then my Mother.

Well, they were out and wouldn’t be back, till much later and he hadn’t said who he was. So a tad brusquely, I had asked, “Who is this.” He had told and then explained why he’d rung, his wife, one of my parent’s oldest friends had died. What’s worse, just before the brief conversation ended, I disengaged one foot from my mouth, long enough to put the other one in it, as I caught myself saying, “Have a good day…”

A short while later, I learnt ‘The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow’ wasn’t the Depp version, as I mused on the fact that when my parents friends die, it seems to be late in the week and I take the call on the Saturday. So I went outside, for fresh air and chatted awhile with the neighbour, who organises walking trips; and, had people leave messages on his answer-phone, like ‘phone me back’, when they don’t leave a number.

It’d put a grin on my face awhile, so instead of dwelling on being a sliced and diced messenger, I’d watched ‘Joey’ instead and distraction was a success.


It was when I got to VR, the disappointment in people I thought I knew continued…

tbc? I hope not.




So I wonder ...

00:23 Aug 24 2008
Times Read: 1,260

I was listening to, rather than watching the adverts on TV, (as you do) and I heard the sofa advert and Nickleback singing ‘I wanna be a rock star.’ It was as I listened, a thought struck me.

Now everyone who hears that song hears the list of things desired; but just who hears the following line, sung quietly, ‘what do you need?’

Now there’s a whole lot of difference between what you want and need.

So I wonder, “Who listens, to what they need, not desire?”




How Different professionals have sex

23:47 Aug 23 2008
Times Read: 1,263

('Acquired', but still very funny)

ACCOUNTANTS are good with figures.

ACTORS do it on cue.

ADVERTISERS use the "new, improved" method.


ANSI does it in the standard way

ARCHEOLOGISTS like it old.

ARCHITECTS have great plans.

ARTISTS are exhibitionists.

ASSEMBLY LINE WORKERS do it over and over.

ASTRONOMERS do it with Uranus.

ATTORNEYS make better motions.

AUDITORS like to examine figures.

BABYSITTERS charge by the hour.

BAILIFFS always come to order.

BAKERS knead it daily.

BAND MEMBERS play all night.

BANKERS do it with interest - penalty for early withdrawal.

BARBERS do it with shear pleasure.

BARTENDERS do it on the rocks.

BASEBALL PLAYERS make it to first base.

BASKETBALL PLAYERS score more often.

BEEKEEPERS like to eat their honey.

BEER BREWERS do it with more hops.

BEER DRINKERS get more head.

BICYCLISTS do it with 10 speeds.

BOOKKEEPERS do it with double entry.

BOSSES delegate the task to others.

BOWLERS have bigger balls.

BRICKLAYERS lay all day.

BRIDGE PLAYERS try to get a rubber.

BUS DRIVERS come early and pull out on time.

BUTCHERS have better meat.

C'Bers do it on the air.

CAMPERS do it in a tent.

CARPENTERS hammer it harder.

CARPET LAYERS do it on the floor.

CHEERLEADERS do it with more enthusiasm.

CHEMISTS like to experiment.

CHESS PLAYERS check their mates.

CHIROPRACTORS do it by manipulation.

CLOCK MAKERS do it mechanically.

CLOWNS do it for laughs.

COACHES whistle while they work.

COBOL PROGRAMMERS do it with bugs.

COCKTAIL WAITRESSES serve highballs.

COMPUTER GAME PLAYERS just can't stop.

COMPUTER OPERATORS get the most out of their software.

CONSTRUCTION WORKERS lay a better foundation.

CONSULTANTS tell other how to do it.

COPS have bigger guns.

COWBOYS handle anything horny.

COWGIRLS like to ride bareback.

CRANE OPERATORS have swinging balls.

CREDIT MANAGERS always collect.

DANCERS do it in leaps and bounds.

DEADHEADS do it with Jerry.

DEER HUNTERS will do anything for a buck.

DENTAL HYGIENISTS do it till it hurts.

DENTISTS do it in your mouth.

DETECTIVES do it under cover.

DIETICIANS eat better.

DIRECT MAILERS get it in the sack.

DIVERS do it deeper.

DOCTORS do it with patience.

DRUGGISTS fill your prescription.

DRUMMERS do it in 4/4 time.

DRY WALLER'S are better bangers.

ELECTRICIANS check your shorts.

ENGINEERS charge by the hour.

EXECUTIVES have large staffs.

FARMERS spread it around.

FIREMEN are always in heat.

FISHERMEN are proud of their rods.

FOOTBALL PLAYERS are measured by the yard.

FOUR-WHEELERS eat more bush.

FURRIERS appreciate good beaver.

GARBAGE MEN come once a week.

GARDENERS have 50 foot hoses.


GEOLOGISTS are great explorers.

GOLFERS do it in 18 holes.

GYMNASTS mount and dismount well.

HACKERS do it with fewer instructions.

HAIRDRESSERS give the best blow jobs.

HAM OPERATORS do it with frequency.

HANDYMEN like good screws.

HEWLETT PACKARD does it with precision.

HORSEBACK RIDERS stay in the saddle longer.

HUNTERS do it with a bang.

INSURANCE SALESMEN are premium lovers.

INTERIOR DECORATORS do it all over the house.

INVENTORS find a way.

JANITORS clean up afterwards.

JEWELERS mount real gems.

JOGGERS do it on the run.

LANDSCAPERS plant it deeper.

LAWYERS do it in their briefs.

LIBRARIANS do it quietly.

LOCKSMITHS can get into anything.


MACHINISTS make the best screws.

MAGICIANS are quicker than the eye.

MAINTENANCE MEN sweep 'em off their feet.

MANAGERS supervise others.

MARKETING REPs do it on commission.

MILKMEN deliver twice a week.

MILLIONAIRES pay to have it done.

MINERS sink deeper shafts.

MINISTERS do it on Sundays.

MISSILE MEN have better thrust.

MODELS do it in any position.

MODEM MANUFACTURERS do it with all sorts of characters.

MOTORCYCLISTS like something hot between their legs.

MOVIE STARS do it on film.

MUSICIANS do it with rhythm.

NONSMOKERS do it without huffing and puffing.

NURSES call the shots.

OCEANOGRAPHERS do it down under.

OPERATORS do it person-to-person.

OPTOMETRISTS do it face-to-face.

PAINTERS do it with longer strokes.


PHYSICISTS do it with uniform harmonic motion.

PILOTS keep it up longer.

PLUMBERS do it under the sink.

POLICEMEN like big busts.

POLITICIANS do it for 4 years then have to get re-erected.

POSTMEN come slower.

PRINTERS do it without wrinkling the sheets.

PRINTERS reproduce the fastest.

PROCTOLOGISTS do it in the end.

PROFESSORS do it by the book.

RACERS like to come in first.

RACQUETBALL PLAYERS do it off the wall..

RADIO and TV ANNOUNCERS broadcast it.

REAL ESTATE PEOPLE know all the prime spots.

RECYCLERS use it again.

REPAIRMEN can fix anything.

REPORTERS do it daily.

RESEARCHERS are still looking for it.

RETAILERS move their merchandise.

ROOFERS do it on top.

RUNNERS get into more pants.

SAILORS like to be blown.

SALESPEOPLE have away with their tongues.

SCIENTISTS discovered it.

SECRETARIES do it from 9 to 5.

SKYDIVERS are good till the last drop.

SOCCER PLAYERS have leather balls.

SPEECH PATHOLOGISTS are oral specialists.

SPELUNKERS do it underground.

SPORTSCASTERS like an instant replay.

STEWARDESSES do it in the air.

STUDENTS use their heads.

SURGEONS are smooth operators.

TAILORS make it fit.

TAXI DRIVERS do it all over town.

TAXIDERMISTS mount anything.

TELEPHONE CO. EMPLOYEES let their fingers do the walking.

TELLERS can handle all deposits and withdrawals.

TENNIS PLAYERS have fuzzy balls.

TRUCK DRIVERS have bigger dipsticks.

TRUCKERS carry bigger loads.

TYPISTS do it in triplicate.

VETERINARIANS are pussy lovers.


WAITRESSES serve it piping hot.

WATER SKIERS come down harder.

WELDERS have hotter rods.

WRESTLERS know the best holds.

WRITERS have novel ways.

ZOOLOGISTS do it with animal instinct.



04:21 Aug 24 2008

a friend of my Dads has a bumper sticker on his truck that says ::WELDERS DO IT IN THE DIRT::


00:48 Aug 26 2008

ACUPUNCTURISTS are to the point.

Heh :)


The list of friends I am on – part 2

23:37 Aug 23 2008
Times Read: 1,267

I did ask why I’d been deleted from the ladies ‘friends list’ and she said she was trimming her list, to those she speaks to everyday. Now she just has three on her list.

It’s reasonable, I guess. Although, the thing is, vampirewitch39 is always lurking, so how are you to know when she's on...?

But, other than Lady of Dragonrose, she's the probably the only person I've spoken to since day one on VR who had talked regularly.



19:21 Aug 27 2008

smiles...im always here my friend....:)


Strive to be vulnerable

00:36 Aug 23 2008
Times Read: 1,288

“Do you want me to tell you something really subversive? Love is everything that its cracked up to be. That’s why people are so cynical about it. It really is worth fighting for, being brave for, risking everything for. And the trouble is, if you don’t risk everything, you risk even more.

~ Erica Jong.



01:29 Aug 23 2008


if you dont RISK anything ...

you dont lose anything

true .. you dont WIN anything either ..

but odds are in the favor of losing anyway ..

so just dont risk .. thats my philosophy now

14:03 Aug 23 2008

Love rocks x


... an interesting day.

23:33 Aug 22 2008
Times Read: 1,293

I had met Anne, one of the project’s volunteers twenty minutes late from the time we had arranged, on Thursday afternoon prior to got to the project. I had been panicking more than a little, as I do so dislike letting a friend down.

So I wandered round Liverpool Central Station. Suddenly, there she was.

A quick hug and off we went, to the FACT Centre.

The FACT Centre is a plush cinema and art gallery and our intended port of call.

The weather was good by then and the walk through town was pleasant.

When we got there Anne led to way to the first of the exhibits she wanted to show me, a series of video installations by a woman, Pipilotti Rist.

Now though I’m not a great one for conceptual art, I’d been stoked by what I’d seen.

One piece ‘Ever Is All Over’, was a looped film of a pretty young woman in a flowing blue dress and red shoes, walking down the street, with a pole, that looked like a large flower head. As she skipped down the street, observed by a policewoman who acknowledged her presence, the smiling brunette had occasionally swung the pole, to smash out one car window, then another.

To the left of this image was a moving soft-focus image of a close-up of grasses and field flower, the same field flower that she was using to smash the car windows with.

As the accompanying brochure says of this: “The act of violence, witnessed by a friendly passing police-woman and a slightly bemused passer-by, holds within it a set of contradictions: the tension between ‘how’ and ‘what’. This, on the service, unacceptable action should rupture the status quo within a socio-political context. But the ‘how’ can outdo the ‘what’. Can violence enacted with a sweet smile be more easily forgiven? As feminist theorist and writer Peggy Phelan has pointed out, the woman in Ever All Over resembles Dorothy with her blue dress and those infamous ruby slippers on her journey to see the Wizard of Oz. Pipilotti Rist strays far enough from reality to explore the fantastical, yet her work remains only a click away from home.” There had been a few other pieces in the room on the ground floor, but none that I had rated as highly as that one.

Then Anne had led me to me upstairs to Gallery two and a wonderful evocation of the artist’s musings, with a journey from an age of innocence, from the age of innocence, through to the birth of civilisation and out to some unknown space, called ‘Gravity Be My Friend.’ To read the brochure, it sounds quite pretentious. But, I had thought it was quite impressive: and ‘got it’.

With our shoes off, we had lain of one of two layers of contoured carpet, resembling inverted lily-pads, looking up at a video film, presented in a room where the walls where shaped with curves, in muted colours.

“Visually evoking classical mythology, religious and romantic symbolism, Gravity Be My Friend is striking in its use of imagery; apples, fruit and bodies with references. The soundtrack – a soothing lullaby of strings and bells – plays alongside visuals that evoke the psychedelic colours of the sixties, an era that is a great inspiration to the artist and in which he sees unbridled utopianism and a sense of promise.”

I was most impressed.

Yet I was bemused by what as noticed as Anne and I moved to the second ‘lily pad’.

A young woman in jeans and top had removed her shoes as we had, then lain there as we had: and, began texting on her mobile.

I had thought initially, that she was taking photographs like I had of the second piece.

But, she hadn’t been. As we left the Gallery, I noticed that my observation was right.

That’s had rendered me incredulous.

“Why on earth go to an art exhibition and just lie there texting?” I’d said a little later, as we drank coffee and Anne ate a piece of some of the richest looking chocolate cake I’ve seen in a while.

(I heartily recommend the café at the FACT Centre, in part for the coffee and cake; the free wireless Internet access; and, the opportunity to people watch, the pretentious and the attractive individuals that frequent it.)

Then we left to go to the project and noticed that just outside the FACT Centre a cage, which had been designed to look like ‘something’ had burst out of the bars.

It had transpired that it was part of the Superlamb banana’s exhibit.

And, I’d read the description on the cage, it had read as though they were real, which had left me in tucks of laughter.

So we had then ambled (a suitable word) through the backstreets of Liverpool toward the church in Toxteth, where we’re based.

The thing was, Anne is as bad for obscure imagery as myself and I had my camera with me. So as we meandered (another suitable word) Anne had pointed out several things, which just had to be photographed. In hindsight I’m not surprised we were late, just that were weren’t more late than we were; there was so much to see.

At the project we had been busy, as usual. I had put an apron over my smart duds, as I’d dressed ready for going out later, much to Rogers amusement: “You never wear the things I got for you to wear.” (Of course not, they were bought for me and looked like the sort of thing a chef in an upper class restaurant would wear.) But as we were cooking, Lily had amused me.

She had begun with a tirade about Russia, in response to a remark I’d made.

Of course I had responded, with a piece about American intervention in other countries, which had just led to the conversation becoming more heated.

Once she had finished her flow, it transpired that we actually agreed with one another.

Anne who was cooking chips had just looked at me and smiled.

Just a short while later, I mentioned Michael Holliday and it transpires that he had lived in the same road in the Dingle as she had when she was a young girl.

She had then gone onto tell me a wonderful little tale, of Holliday visiting his Mother in his convertible and a gaggle of young children gathering round thcar, crying out, “Eh mister, let us sit in your car.”

When I enquired whether he’d let the children sit in his car, Lily had told me he had. It seems that although Holliday had been a local hero made good, he kept his roots.

To me, that’d said so much about a singer whose ‘Story Of My Life’ I adore.

Well, after a busy evening, Anne and I had walked back into to town together to go to the station, to get our respective trains.

On the way I had said, “Lily had amused me.”

“It was like she had something to say and was determined to say it,” Anne had replied in response.

We’d parted company at Central Station; where Anne had used the Northern line, while I had used the Wirral Line. Thankfully, I hadn’t had too long to wait for my train, as I’d made arrangements to meet someone at mine, shortly after 9:00 p.m.

I got home just before nine, then just after I’d begun to make a coffee, a friend of mine from the time I worked on the taxi’s called round, in his pride and joy, one of the new minis.

As we drove to his, he began to talk, ostensibly about talking about writing with his lady, over a bottle of red wine.

Very quickly it turned into something different: and invitation to enjoy his wife.

More than slightly pole-axed, for all of ten seconds, I’d thought of what he’d said, then smiled and said, “Oh.”

It was then he’d expanded on what he’d just said.

The offer had come from her, of course; he had acceded, through interest.

He had got out his mobile and pressed ‘send’ to a text.

Then he smiled at the resultant answer that came back several seconds later.

It seemed she’d been happy with my answer.

One problem, no condoms.

So off we’d gone on a search.

A garage, nothing.

So we took the search to an all-night Tesco, which was quite busy.

Coming out of the shop, the lady leaving the exit sneezed.

I said “Gesundeit.”

Then I said, “That’s about the only German I know.”

She had retorted, “I’m German.”

So I thought a moment, and then said, “Ich heisse Neil.”

She had replied by saying her name as well, which was lost to me as I laughed on the way back to the car.

Finally back at me mates; his curvaceous Mrs. had sat on the sofa, her laptop before her and bid me to sit o her right. She had worn a short blue skirt and tucked one beneath her, exposing the white vee of her panties to my gaze as we spoke.

Well, we had talked, of writing, emotions and when he had left to go to the toilet upstairs, we had kissed.

As our tongues meshed, I had briefly wondered how far the night might take me.

Upon his return, there was no embarrassment; and eventually we had taken ourselves upstairs, where clothes had been lost and I had found more use for my tongue as they kissed and the night passed into morning slowly and very agreeably.

My left hand had its physiotherapy for a year as I used my fingers to pleasure her and I swear down, I’ll savour her fine taste for weeks.

No condom had been used, as I couldn’t.

I know why, so am not concerned about ‘this lack of performance.’

It certainly wasn’t lack of interest. It was just that it was so much, so unannounced and, I like them both as couple.

(Ha! Penile dysfunction ‘due to respect.’ **maniacal laughter sets in**)

Yet, they seemed to enjoy themselves, at least I hope they did.

As it was, me mate had given me a lift home as the sky turned light and I got to bed at about six in the morning.

And, I’m sure I recall saying that ‘Thursday would be an interesting day.’




The list of friends I am on.

15:49 Aug 21 2008
Times Read: 1,315

Once again, I notice that the number of 'friends lists' I'm on has gone down.

I had worried about this, at one time.

Not now..

Yet, I am miffed.

The 'friend' I lost this time was someone I've known since day 1 here..

And, what's worse, I don't know why..

..that irks.



23:04 Aug 21 2008

mine goes up one day and down the next... i stopped trying to keep up with it a loong time ago lol

but i do understand the irkage of it being someone that has been a friend for so long ..

i'd have to write and ask WTF? lol

23:35 Aug 21 2008

Never mind, I got you on mine twice lol

23:38 Aug 22 2008

I did ask, she said she was trimming her list, to thoee she speaks to everyday. Now she just has three on her list.

Thing is, she is alway's lurking, so how are you to know when she's on... ?

00:57 Aug 23 2008

dont sweat it....youve got plenty of other friends. whats one less? its their loss my friend.


... a potentially strange Thursday.

14:07 Aug 21 2008
Times Read: 1,319

Raining: and, voluntary work later. Saying that, I got a lot done yesterday; I walked to the dole, and then helped in the garden, as my Little Mother re-planted Primula; so a lazy morning is allowed, I reminded myself. But, a phone-call early in the morning set the seal to a potentially strange Thursday. It seems a while back I agreed to assist a curvaceous blonde in a short skirt that I’d help with her writing, over some red wine.

The phone-call was her husband, asking if I were free. Of course, I’d said ‘not till after voluntary work,’ which meant that he’d pick me up shortly after 9:00 p.m.

That said, I’d already arranged to meet a volunteer from the project, who is was going to meet me a little earlier, to go round an art exhibition in Liverpool, with me.

Then in the afternoon, the heaviest of the rain diminished: and, the sun shone its face.



23:05 Aug 21 2008

now im anxious to find out how the evening went !


I wonder if there's a correlation between the two things??

23:34 Aug 18 2008
Times Read: 1,346

.. my wrist clicked. So, I feel much better.

It clicked a short while after a rest, after the meal & the red wine. I wonder if there's a correlation between the two things??



00:32 Aug 19 2008

nice and relaxed after a nice meal and a nice glass of wine..

you were relaxed enuff or it to *POP*

there prolly was lol

15:03 Aug 19 2008

Whatever it was...I'm glad you feel better.

Now for another glass of wine....

18:33 Aug 19 2008

i think there is.. i know when im relaxed, and having a head ache i can *pop* my neck and it feels tons better.


A fine day outside .. showers expected

15:50 Aug 18 2008
Times Read: 1,353

A fine day outside, though I’ve already done the forking over on the far patch in the garden, my Mother wanted done. The folks are off out soon, to my Mum’s hospital appointment, so this Monday, afternoon it’ll be me, following their routine, as I’ll be cooking the evening meal, of cheese ‘n onion casserole, with burgers.




Hellboy 2 is good.

00:39 Aug 18 2008
Times Read: 1,372

Hellboy 2 is good. We went to see Mummy 3, then got home to watch what Karl had recorded for me. An excellent copy of a very good film.

The visuals are spectacular. There has to be a Hellboy 3


And though Mummy 3 hasn’t the same feel as the first two, I preferred it. Less explosive, more plot: but it must be good, it doesn't feel as long as it is.



11:33 Aug 18 2008

I've only just seen Hellboy 1 last night on tv lol


... stupid, stupid, stupid.

00:17 Aug 18 2008
Times Read: 1,376

Just read crowgirls 'Vagina piece' in her journal.

WTF! I'm glad I missed that tv show.


..why on earth all these stupid and yes I said stupid, women, want to pay money to be mutilated, for the sake of their confidence, then all I can say, is a self-confidence class costs less & hurts less.



11:32 Aug 18 2008

Yep, that was one I was happy to miss lol

23:09 Aug 21 2008

i havent read the piece and have no IDEA what tv show your talking about lol .... but i CAN tell you why women pay so much to be "mutilated"....

its the BARBIE mentality ...

in the eyes of MOST (dont jump my shit folks i said MOST) men today, the only women worth associating with ... look like Barbie ... so those of us that can afford it ... do what they can to look like Barbie ...

trust me

if i could

i would

01:47 Aug 24 2008

In England, the majority of men now dislike the false look. (Polls have been taken.)


It will.

13:43 Aug 17 2008
Times Read: 1,386

I don’t know what I’ve done, but my wrist aches and aches bad. I’m consoling myself, with the fact that it will get better, but I’ve definitely done something to myself.

Thankfully, due to the rain, there’s no gardening to do. So, it will get better. It will.

That said, no VR for a day or so, was almost as frustrating as the pain at times.



18:41 Aug 17 2008

i worry about you :(

15:34 Aug 18 2008

I knew you were doing too much gardening. Please try to take care of yourself.


".. the malaise got me Dad."

13:07 Aug 17 2008
Times Read: 1,389

During the week it was announced that thousands of Freeview digital boxes throughout the country were dying, when updating. Yesterday, after the acquisition of a new aerial, as he can ‘only get Wales,’ the malaise got me Dad.

His box has now met the silicon heaven, with all the dead toasters: apologies to Red Dwarf for the analogy.

Anyway’s, there’s little worse than a Father frustrated with modern technology.

So we took a trip to the shops on Friday.. and ventured forth, where no Kendrick likes to go.. into the land of ‘the New.’

He now has a new HDD, with Freeview and I have a headache.

All I can say is “thank you Channel 4 and the Kevin Bishop Show.”

I have just laughed with paralysing laughter, at the idea of the t.v. shows ‘OCD OC’ and ‘Guantanamo BayWatch’ both portrayed well, by said comedian.




Observation ( ... and imagination. )

14:26 Aug 14 2008
Times Read: 1,404

the piece I'm putting up now in the journal, for want of a better place, had to be written.


After a night with friends I caught the bus to the station, where I’d get my train. And, once there, after a root, I found that I still had the smoke in my tin from just before the bus arrived. So, I stood there and a lit the roll, as a girl in light blue heavy denim jeans, very tight around the derriere; and much too young for the fellow she was arguing with, to and fro before the station, the games played in their drunken mating ritual. So, I absorbed my thoughts with the smoke that I held in my lungs, the night all around me; and the light before me, just a floor above eye level. It was the end of a row of old sandstone office properties, many of the upper floors privately owned. What caught my eyes in the room with the light on was behind the small black wrought iron balcony outside the high casement window, with eighteen panes of glass, set within a white painted wooden frame, there was a man in his late fifties to early sixties, with blue eyes, an unruly mop of thick white hair, a thick wool jacket and thick wool shirt. Across from where he sat at a white wrought iron table, there was a much younger woman, with shoulder length waver brown hair. She had a fair complexion, just a few freckles and brown eyes. As she reached toward the older man, his eyes seemed to twinkle; she leant forward, a little. And, it was only then; I was able to see the carving in a light-coloured wood on the wall behind them, a long African tribal mask. It looked quite fearsome and quite lovely. Then she sat back, obscuring my view. So, I took my last drag, and went for my train. And, thankfully I hadn’t had to wait long on the moulded plastic seat on the underground station, till the Chester train arrived; and soon I was sat on the train, with my back to the driver.

Briefly looking around, I realised I was fortunate enough, to be able to see the fellow, to the left in the almost empty compartment ahead of me. He was wearing an ill-fitting grey jacket and darker grey pants and blue tie; a shock of blonde hair, thick like his cheeks and as the fellow read his paper closely, intently, he absently picked at the contents of his nose; then eat what he’d found from his fingertip. Well, it was at that point I decided I needed a severe case of distraction; so I picked up my pad and pen and began writing, of the old man and the young lady I noticed earlier on.



15:51 Aug 14 2008

vivid as always ...

though i wish that nose picking visual hadnt been so clear lol


19:08 Aug 14 2008

*Agrees with KK* lol


..and in this moment of Now.

14:13 Aug 14 2008
Times Read: 1,405

I'm getting ready for voluntary work soon, but I did a piece I like, about observation and use of imagination. it had to go up, soon.




...... you did ^^

00:22 Aug 14 2008
Times Read: 1,414

...... you did ^^

On 23:19:30 Aug 13 2008 (-0 GMT) Angelus wrote:

**covers self in patchouli oil and slips outta your grasp** "Guess who had a good night?"

On 23:18:22 Aug 13 2008 (-0 GMT) ****** wrote:

*hugs you*

On 23:18:03 Aug 13 2008 (-0 GMT) Angelus wrote:

it's a project. cool.




... it wasn't too bad.

00:08 Aug 13 2008
Times Read: 1,431

… my gum is still sore after the dentist. Two fillings. But, considering how much work I've had done in the past, it wasn't too bad.



07:50 Aug 13 2008

You is well brave *hugs*

16:16 Aug 13 2008

You'll be better in no time at all. Hang in there...*Hugs*


Now, that was a blast before bed.

14:28 Aug 12 2008
Times Read: 1,441

Sunday night wasn’t one of my better nights: so in the early hours of Tuesday, I was drawing. I quite like what I’ve done; now I want to do more. Thing is, I need to be struck by the imagery, just like my stories. Anyway, eventually I slept well and come Monday morning, I was feeling chirpier and ready for the rigours of the day.

That said, just before an early bed, due to a visit to the dentist on the Tuesday afternoon, I went on my email and found one from Fiona and the link to the website to the film I was shooting, throughout much of the summer.


Now, that was a blast before bed.




And ‘they’ say, they want respect, HA!

23:20 Aug 11 2008
Times Read: 1,452

On the way back from the Post Office I found myself walking behind a young man dressed in the ubiquitous uniform of the scally, tracksuit top and bottoms and trainers.

The only thing he was missing was a hood. Saying that, he did wear a cap.

It struck me, ‘How can so many who wear such a uniform do so little exercise?’

They’re either sat in front their XBOX, hanging round street corners, intimidating people, or threatening passengers on the train. But exercise?

Ah, I got it: they wear the uniform so they can hide amongst others of their kind, so the individual can’t be blamed for their actions.

Aye, I’m getting old. But it’s their damned lack of respect for others that gets me.

And ‘they’ say, they want respect, HA!



08:30 Aug 12 2008

I think that older people ( you ) should dress in tracksuits and the most expensive trainers.

By doing this youngsters would be forced to run around town looking for a new style, the scally redesigned....man, some mornings I'm fired up with good ideas...*grins*.


... can't hack that.

23:15 Aug 10 2008
Times Read: 1,468

Getting close doesn't do me any good

I never set out to 'be sociable', but got Messenger, as requested.

Yesterday on YIM was a fuck.

I don’t do it often and felt blanked out twice.

I can't hack that.

And, ‘being sociable’ through YIM therefore, isn’t doing me any good, ‘coz I feel like this now: empty, irked, like I feel like I've been dumped.

Twice engaged ~ twice gave everything and ended up feeling worse than this.


Now, little things are my trigger, to depression.

Little thing's, like yesterday.



00:50 Aug 11 2008

*hugs you up*

06:53 Aug 11 2008

That reminds me, I still have'nt down the new download which may allow me to get on messenger....*hugs*

18:10 Aug 12 2008

Yesterday is gone..today is time for *hugs*


... ‘chuffed,’ in context.

01:29 Aug 10 2008
Times Read: 1,482

My Little Mother had missed one of her favourite tv shows, ‘Casualty.’

It’d been one of those climactic episodes that a fan just can’t miss.

Now BBC.CO.UK has the iplayer, which allows a viewer to watch a tv show after it’s shown, for days, or a week, or till the next episode is shown, which is more probable.

Now I’ll help anyone, if I can.

Little John fucked out on me, with his so-called friendship.

Young Paul accepted the computer, with a smile.

Little Mother, she’d been pleased to watch ‘Casualty’, with an intent look on her face, as she enjoyed the show.


I watched a film called ‘Ring of Death’ a thriller, starring Johnny Mesner and Stacy Keach, about cage fighting in a prison, or the pleasure of the rich.

It amused me, that the villain of the piece being played by Stacy Keach was being played with a very good British accent and whoever wrote the script knows a little bit more than most, he used the word ‘chuffed,’ in context.




I now really look forward to finding out what others will think of it.

23:42 Aug 09 2008
Times Read: 1,487

Friday night, I’d been a man on a mission, so went travelling to visit friend in Wallasey, very conscious of the fact that my three little crosses on the back of my left wrist felt very sensitive and the joint felt swollen and tender. I missed the bandage, as with it, people avoided my hand. But, I needed to travel. So travelling I’d gone.

The conversation at Simon’s had been intense and enjoyable; and eventually, I’d attained my objective, so once home and fed, slept well.


I recall ages back, an interview with Sam Raimi I read, about filmmaking. To him, the ideal film length is 90 minutes, or less. Well, I figure his idea of fast-paced story-telling holds true for short stories and it’s kind of a delight, when a story works, as I want. Well ‘Beware the Monster’, my new one, ticks all the boxes for me: and what’s better, for me, is that I’d still like it if someone else had written it. So, that’s good.

But, self-adulation is one thing; I now really look forward to finding out what others will think of it.




So back home I went.

23:35 Aug 07 2008
Times Read: 1,503

Because of a nark with my Father on Tuesday evening, over electricity bills and time spent on the computer, I didn’t ask for a lift to hospital a second time, but chose to walk instead. I was up at eight and out of the house, just after nine.

It’d been a good walk, on a sunny, blue-sky day.

I passed the roundabout, just heading toward Thornton, with the cricket field on the right and I turned right, toward Clatterbridge Hospital.

A long grey BMW passed me by, with a ‘distinguished’ looking fellow behind the wheel and I cried, “Penis extension!!”

I burst out laughing. I’d then mused whether he was a doctor, or a lawyer.

Having got to the hospital, I only had to wait a while, which was good.

I got to see Mr. Morris, who seemed quite pleased with his work.

All that remains to show where he did his scraping and reattaching, is three little crosses on the back of my wrist.

On the walk home, I sucked a blackcurrant sweet and lost a slice of tooth from the inner right of my mouth; and, the left knee began to protest about the walk.

That said, it was a glorious walk.

“Simply perfick,” as Pop Larkin would say.


Well, nothing lasts. So ‘they’ say. They’re right.

I got the train to Liverpool and voluntary work, only to encounter a couple of the most objectionable young people below sixteen, it’s been my displeasure to meet for several years. They made much of my journey to Liverpool a nightmare, ‘coz I look ‘weird.’

Needless to say, I was in the best of moods then, for what happened next: we couldn’t get in the church. Granted, I was able to go to the toilet (which I’d needed) but we couldn’t get in the church proper, to cook.

So back home I went.



00:32 Aug 08 2008

I'm glad everything went ok for you hunny. :)

It did sound like a *perfick* walk. Well, minus the tooth and the knee.

And those young'uns are stupid. As Abby would say * I look normal! everyone else is dressed weird McGee!* hehehe.


.. should be a fun walk.

23:07 Aug 06 2008
Times Read: 1,513

I am having the wrist (and bandage) seen to at hospital tomorrow.

And, as Father is being an opstreporous so-an-so, I'm walking there and back.


should be a fun walk.




... ‘cept me.

16:05 Aug 06 2008
Times Read: 1,521

Monday night I completed a mission I’ve wanted to complete, for weeks. I got gifted a pc that’s about the specs of a laptop, but would play films, on .avi

So I obtained the right codecs, then found it needed Direct X.

Well, though my friend helps other, needless to say, no-one would help him acquire that he needed ‘cept me.

When I finally left, he could watch ‘Diary Of The dead,’ which I’d left on his desktop.

Then later, I called on Simon, only to re-learn what it’s like to be the only one with tobacco, in a room full of pot-heads. The journey home had been fun.

Wednesday morning, it was out with the yellow Marigold glove again, so I could trim the privet hedge out front. Now that was tiring, but I got it finished, before the rain began to fall.



16:12 Aug 06 2008

sene some of that rain to Colorado ! lol


I woke to the sounds of drilling ..

15:39 Aug 03 2008
Times Read: 1,537

I woke to the sounds of drilling Sunday, 03 August 2008 My Dad was re-cementing some cracks in the paving slabs out in the back. Typical, he goes out to work and it decides to shower on him. It’s one of those damned ‘I don’t know what to do with myself days,’ which is particularly frustrating for my father and for those wanting to edge the back lawn.


This is a wonderfully inventive little movie, written and directed by Dean Ellis.

It’s all about the Life, Love and the pursuit of Little Moments of Now.

For me, it talked of one man’s thoughts as he described his Creative Process and for that reason, I recommend it highly, to any one who likes good films.

I know, I’m rambling, it was British and I liked it.

Just looked into the mirror, as I cleaned the burst blister of soil. The little fleece-lined nylon jacket I was wearing had ridden up, its collar stitched so as to be tuned up and it’s zip a third down, to show my hirsute bare chest. With its pockets either side, it look very ‘Officer & A Gentleman.’

I had been about to clean up the bits left from my edging and said to my Father, “Do you want a cup of tea.”

My left wrist had been aching and, it gave me the opportunity to take a break.

A little later as my Mother drank her tea, I paced.

“Don’t do that,” she said.

“I wanted to pogo…” I mused aloud.

Thankfully, she’d said what I expected: “What’s that?”

So I jumped up and down, doing the Pogo.

Needless to say I was told to ‘go away.’

I went to write, returning to my room, where ‘Wanted’ was still playing.

Karl had obtained it and ‘Cashback’, as a treat, for screwing up my plans to see ‘Batman’ on the Sunday and going with his plans instead.

He had been disappointed to learn I had seen the film, and then picked up somewhat when I told him I’d obtained a cam job. I’d explained that I got hold of the cam job, just to see ‘that sequence,’ which I’ve seen in all the adverts for the film, where joli picks him up in the red car. Well, in the cam job I saw that seen is omitted, simply because the camera wasn’t pointed at that bit of the screen.

So knowing how good the film looked like it might be, I bit his hand off at the wrist, as it were; and said, “Thank you.”


I’m not a fan of the film that’s just another mind-numbing spectacular. But, I ended up at the end of this film, enjoying it much as I had ‘Equilibrium.’ ‘Wanted’ looks like one thing, while in reality something else entirely. I mean, it looks like the film I described at the beginning of this, yet it is a story of a boy turning into a man, a morality tale. I liked it. The action is all there, the actors are good and Ms. Jolie looks is stunning. So ‘yes’, it is spectacular, but it’s clever, inventive and well-observed.




No two-way’s about it.

23:34 Aug 02 2008
Times Read: 1,548

I got the front lawn edged, the Karl phoned and disrupted all my plans: “Batman?”

Needless to say, I answered in the affirmative.

That film, ‘The Dark Knight,’ may have taken hours to get to the titles; but by then you knew why he was called ‘The Dark Knight.’ And that is from a Batman fan.

Oh yes, Heath Ledger did make a good Joker. No two-way’s about it.



23:37 Aug 02 2008

:) Told ya.

16:11 Aug 06 2008


Heath was the best EVER !


In my light robe

15:27 Aug 01 2008
Times Read: 1,556

Before putting pen to paper, I opened the door onto a damp dark world, to put the milk bottle out. It’d been raining, yet was little cooler and I was in my light robe, instead of the heavy terry-towel robe, after sleeping Wednesday night naked on my bed. And, though I was very tired, I still felt pretty good about the phone-call I received just seven minutes before I left for voluntary work. It’d been from the fellow who’d made the final decision over my incapacity benefit. “The claim is live,” he told me, “and you’ve got no problems now.” Then I’d got off to the project and cooked as I would and served at the door, as I would; and, unfortunately got home feeling rather more tired than I’d expected I would. I’d slept very well indeed.

Then at 9:30 a.m. or thereabout, Lyn phoned, the lady who’d been helping me from Bromborough office.

“Did you know…”

“Yes…” I said, then went onto explain about the phone-call.

After that, I got on with my day.



01:50 Aug 02 2008

Sounds well.

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