Cartomancer's Journal

Cartomancer's Journal


Honor: 74,562    [ Give / Take ]


14 entries this month

23:51 Apr 29 2023
Times Read: 483

I did 2 readings today. The cool thing about this is, after more than 30 years of reading- there's always growth as a reader... growing into my confidence in the interpretation... yet I feel like the universe told me exactly what was going on with these folks. Let me not get too ahead of myself because one could come back telling me she doesn't knowing what I am referring to in my reading, LOL.

I enjoyed doing this today.



00:12 Apr 30 2023

I can NOT wait to have you do one for me! I am excited! :D

02:21 Apr 30 2023

The second reading was really good feedback as well :D

16:32 Apr 30 2023

Doo it Cursed! Won't regret :)

16:53 Apr 30 2023

:) Read the post below, thinking of a question. And trying to figure out how to log into my paypal account.


Tarot Readings have now begun...

15:08 Apr 29 2023
Times Read: 520

I’m starting my Tarot business now. If anyone is interested they can check out my Twitter (https://twitter.com/divinationpanda) or send me a PM here.

I have paid for advertising here (for anyone questioning me posting this in regards to ToS), I just don’t have any ad campaigns currently running - I will need to find someone to make a simple ad for me.

Anyhow- I need to get rolling because my funds are despicable, and this is a job I can do. I put a lot of effort into meditating on a person’s quandary, I have proper crystals and candles lit for my energy to be on point.

I offer a lot more than you will get with most people. I am looking at a reader on Etsy right now who offers a low price of $7.77 for a “reading”- but you only get a “few sentences to a paragraph” of an answer. I am offering $5 for a full reading. I will ponder the topic and keep pulling cards until I feel I have a complete picture of the situation and will write as much as I need to in delivering a proper response.

Clients can pay more if they want- but $5 is the minimum and I won’t give you “less” just because that’s all you can pay. My base price will raise to $10 in the future- but for a good while it will stay at $5… and you can keep coming back for more with other topics or further questions about the same topic- $5 base price each time.

You shall receive a picture of all the cards pulled for you, and a detailed write-up of what this means alongside my interpretation in relation to your question. I can send it via email, Twitter DM, a long text message- or other electronic means you prefer.


I had a good job last year. Things were changing for the better. It was all work from home and the dream job in many ways. My health situation put me in a hard position of resigning. I now have to use other skills I have to earn given the medical issues I am dealing with. This is a passion and specialty for me. I really hope that some of you will consider using my services-

I have a few things to note:

I cannot answer legal or health-related questions if they are like, “Am I going to win this case?” “Am I going to die?” “What is my diagnosis?” Those kinds of questions are unethical to answer- and Tarot is not necessarily about fortune-telling… it’s about a lot of things- it can tell you what you’ve been going through to validate your experience, what you’re feeling now, and what could happen if you choose to make no changes… whatever the cards say, it is still YOUR life, and you can choose other routes to change any outcome tarot might be trying to predict.


If you are pleased with your reading I would love a review so I can screenshot it and post it to my Twitter page. The account hasn’t been used since I started it and I need to build the followers and have something to show for it.

Anyhow… that’s where I am. Inquire within here, or in Twitter DM. I need to get this rolling.



15:32 Apr 29 2023


15:48 Apr 29 2023

Question- How do you send payment? I don't use twitter, but guess I can make an account. Drag me into this century why don't ya? ;)

15:52 Apr 29 2023

I can do Ko-Fi, Paypal, or Cashapp.

23:01 Apr 29 2023

Once I figure out how to do this twitter thing... I will def hit you up! I never was one for that platform so I am totally stupid to it.

23:48 Apr 29 2023

You don't have to have Twitter, that's just a place solely for the posting of the business. When you're ready for a reading just send me a message here or Facebook on the topic you're looking for clarity with- I have Cashapp, PayPal, and your Ko-Fi.

00:12 Apr 30 2023

Do we have to have a topic for clarity or can we just do a generalized what the cards are telling us in our life.. what we may need to work on and so forth? A past present future sort of thing I guess is what I am thinking. I realize I could have asked this in a message but thought, if I wondered maybe someone else might. :)

02:20 Apr 30 2023

General is fine, but oftentimes there could be a question around a specific area of your life- could be work, relationship questions (friendship, family, whatever)... something specific or general... but it's best if I have a foundation of a concern so I can correlate the cards to it.

02:34 Apr 30 2023

Got it. :) I will think on it so I have a better idea of what I need to come to you with. :D


14:15 Apr 27 2023
Times Read: 553

Missing LordMogy - especially now that I have entered the medical marijuana world.



16:42 Apr 27 2023

https://youtu.be/OdvlNzQRTCc *Note this is age restrictive channel*

You are one comment away from telling him that.

18:17 Apr 27 2023

Still hoping he come back.

18:37 Apr 27 2023

Thanks, OccultRanger.

00:35 Apr 28 2023

I miss him too! I think there are many that feel that way.



03:18 Apr 23 2023
Times Read: 589

Holy crap this hamster is helpful to me. Like... an anxiety medication for sure! He's tiny, soft, warm... and alive with spirit. Just being able to pet his little bitty self calms me.

Super thankful for him.



03:32 Apr 23 2023

I bet he is just the cutest!

03:36 Apr 23 2023


That's how Baby Goofy (our rat) was for me.
He use to like it when I wore my hoodie because he would sit in the hood and occasionally peep his tiny head out and snuggle against my neck. ❤️

16:17 Apr 25 2023

:) I'm happy he helps. Such a cuttie.

12:08 Apr 28 2023

That's how I feel about Kopi cat. So calming... especially when he nuzzles up to my face, softly purring. Ahhh.


00:22 Apr 22 2023
Times Read: 618

I posted this on Facebook... and there aren't all the people here who used to be who remember the posts I used to make about my son (he was 5 years old when I joined Vampire Rave)- yesterday he was hired as a middle school/high school English teacher- starts training 2 weeks after college graduation which is May 13.

My how time flies! He was 5 back then, but today he is 23 :) I am incredibly proud of him.



02:13 Apr 22 2023

That is awesome!

05:22 Apr 22 2023

Oh my goodness. 23?!
Aww I still remember when he was young. Congratulations Cristo! He's going to be a fantastic teacher!

21:59 Apr 22 2023

That's amazing, Congrats to him:)...


01:59 Apr 21 2023
Times Read: 684

So yes... I got a hamster on this past weekend. I got him to be another source of anxiety-relief for me. This doesn't negate any purpose of my dog or cat- it's just that a tiny little magical spirit in my room right next to my desk is pretty powerful. I am sure that sounds stupid to a lot of people... but being able to pet this little tiny soul is really helpful to me.

I couldn't afford to get him a good enough cage- I got this all-in-one set up that was pretty cheap and the wheel inside is stuck and won't turn :( So my little baby can't get any exercise- but I will do better for him sometime next month. I have created an Amazon wishlist for him that I will take care of as I can. It's beyond the wheel issue with this one, the wired cage portion also doesn't properly seat on the bottom foundation...so it's not locked in and can just be lifted off. If my dog ran into it- the cage would just fall in two and my baby boy would be out and surely cat food.

Not having the best of luck with a lot of things- but for now I will focus on the fact that I have him and he's making me happy. He's adjusting to his new home and when he is super comfy with me, I hope to have him on my desk helping pick tarot cards with me :P Just imagine how awesome that will be?



02:18 Apr 21 2023

That doesn't sound stupid in the slightest way. If he makes you happy, that is ALL that counts. I bet a hamster ball would be fun to watch him run around in.... of course may have to be in a room without the other furbabies depending on how they would do with that excitement. lol. We're not allowed to have pets where we live... we have broken the rule a couple of times with small pets... a tiny frog, hermit crabs and my grandsnake "Worm" but we currently have no pets.... With the way we travel it wouldn't work out at this point anyways, however the boy child adopted a pet rock the other day. lol. It's silly but I crocheted this Red Jasper pet rock an outfit and we lavished him with a habitat with items from the Dollar Tree. lol. Made him happy and that is what counts.

04:59 Apr 21 2023

Does our little mascot have an Amazon Wishlist yet? :)

19:33 Apr 21 2023

He does have a wishlist- but I will get it taken care of when I can :)

23:00 Apr 21 2023

If you'd be willing, shoot me the link! I'll help out. :)


01:12 Apr 21 2023
Times Read: 701

Yes- I've been thinking on this long enough, a couple years of thinking on it... I'm totally going to start reading tarot professionally. To say that I have been practicing long enough to actually do so is an understatement. I'll be 50 this year and I have been reading since I was a teenager. I truly dove back in as a deck collector as well in 2019.

I started a Twitter account for this a while back, and will start slowly. I opened a Ko-Fi account to start providing readings for tips/donations- price of a cup of coffee ($5) or whatever a person feels it's worth beyond that if they felt called to.

My first project with this is actually getting a tarot course loaded on YouTube - free of charge on this... I just want to be able to share information, and beyond that... a basic little side hustle that will be more affordable than most people would ever offer. Also- people can tip eventually as I also plan to do tarot readings for the signs (on the Twitter account). This will all begin sometime this summer.

If you would like to follow that Twitter account for the upcoming videos and daily readings- you can do so: https://twitter.com/divinationpanda

It won't cost a thing to see the daily readings I will be posting when I begin.



01:50 Apr 21 2023

Absolutely going now to follow and I CAN NOT wait for the course to be on YouTube... I will be absolutely watching that! I am super excited for this new adventure of yours!

05:01 Apr 21 2023

Let me know when/if you are doing personal readings. I need a reading from someone other than myself. I've been too distracted to focus on it enough for me, I keep pulling for others.


20:49 Apr 18 2023
Times Read: 745

I've just been approved for medical marijuana (Louisiana isn't an all-encompassing legal state)... but it's so damn expensive here I don't know if I'll get much use out of this personal legality.



22:45 Apr 18 2023

*shakes head* Typically. Make the meds too expensive.

13:47 Apr 19 2023

I have my healthcare through the VA and don't have to pay for any of my medications- but taking benzodiazepines three times a day over time is going to be far worse for my health. I'd rather a more holistic means. I'm not a smoker- but there are edibles as well as sprays, capsules, and pill forms out there. Hoping I completely win my VA class and my monthly take-home increases... I would be able to afford it more regularly.

22:55 Apr 19 2023

Are you able to grow your own there?

15:05 Apr 20 2023

No. Louisiana is a medical marijuana state that is more strict than the other merely medical marijuana states- we don't have a choice of dispensaries either - only one here serves the entire New Orleans metro area and you can't go in to browse and shop- you must do it online, and then come in to pick up when it's ready or have it delivered with a $25 delivery fee tacked on. And in the place- they are behind glass like "check in to cash" or payday loan place... I guess due to the kinds of crime we have here it's a concern they'd be robbed of the product.

05:03 Apr 21 2023

It is honestly one of the reasons I regret moving to Texas. I had a medical card in MA.
Now I'm on a slew of different meds (including benzodiazepines as well) to make up for the lack of being able to utilize it here. :(


19:21 Apr 16 2023
Times Read: 793

House Eternal folks- go see our forum to meet our new mascot :)



19:27 Apr 16 2023


Long may he reign!


02:26 Apr 16 2023
Times Read: 841

My latest tarot collection :)



02:36 Apr 16 2023

I have several of those decks, too! :)

03:03 Apr 16 2023

This is the one I want next.

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.

03:19 Apr 16 2023

Nice! How long did it take you to learn how to do tarot readings ?

03:21 Apr 16 2023

Amazing collection, thank you for sharing.

My go-to Oracle deck is The Faery Forest by Lucy Cavendish.

I also have the Whispers of Healing Oracle cards by Angela Hartfield. A birthday present for my granddaughter :)

19:05 Apr 16 2023

You know, I've been reading so long that I can't remember how long it took me originally to learn. However, I kind of feel like you're always learning- especially with certain decks depending on their intricacies.

20:14 Apr 16 2023

I loved the Yule/ Christmas one. I never knew they came in holiday theme. :)

21:25 Apr 16 2023

I LOVE your collection! I have seven of the decks you have and now I see another I would love to learn more about (The Spirit Keeper deck). You collection surpasses mine for sure! It is amazing!

13:43 Apr 19 2023

There are lots of decks out there with holiday themes- many are Independent productions so they are more expensive.

As for the Spirit Keeper's deck, man... it'll be even a daunting task to even try to explain it on my own in a video- she's done all the work, but being able to adequately showcase it will probably be a fail. I will try soon though. I'll just say, what she did is take one of the deepest dives I've ever known into the history of tarot with it, drew every card old school with pen and ink, filled it with massive symbology- and took inspiration for a couple different systems. She also wrote an over 700 page guidebook for it.


20:09 Apr 10 2023
Times Read: 984

If you're posting things like this in your journal - don't ever complain about bullying here again. Ever.

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.



21:14 Apr 10 2023

Bro I was calling cat a fucking morning WTF BRO. STOP Photo editing my shit.
I'm allowed to stand up for my self if I get harassed again I will report this site to the police.

21:15 Apr 10 2023

okay so cat is allowed to call people Twist right? And lie in her journals. about others?.

21:15 Apr 10 2023


21:16 Apr 10 2023

Are you saying I am photo editing your journal? Stay away with this nonsense.

21:18 Apr 10 2023

I didn't say people can't dislike each other - and you can call each other names... what you can't do is then bitch about it like you're the one being attacked when you've as good as you get. You're not innocent. So don't whine.


16:08 Apr 08 2023
Times Read: 1,057

People throw the word "bullying" around here so flippantly. Bullying implies someone is being jumped upon for no reason without a real avenue of personal strength.

Let's assess... a member is using this word (once again)- A person has made a a complete VR lifestyle of talking crap about others in their journal- flip-flopping with nice one day, hate you the next for years. A person slams the site 10 ways to Sunday and then requests to have a coven. ????? You would like special privileges from a site you condemn, and then get LIVID when you are refused because you think you should be able to spit in the site owner's face and be gifted at the same time?

So - you can imagine... if there is a person out there who's done these things, and Administrators go tho their journals to set the record straight so any innocent person reading lies in another journal doesn't believe it... you can understand our justification for speaking up.

All that being said, and I didn't dip 1% into all other past VR transgressions.

If you want people to leave you alone- the best way to do that is to stop your incessant drama. We do periodically get tired of responding to you and move on. I mean, if people are going to believe you, jump into your warped view camp and sit around the fire commiserating- they only highlight themselves as someone to watch out for. Be strong and have your own minds, people. Don't be a sucker. Don't let people ruin your experience here.

Why did you join? Do you like vampires? Talk about that. Have a personality. Are you into Goth themes? Talk about that. Get involved in all the ways this site allows- you might find yourself having a really cool time instead of pouting in a corner pointing your finger at everyone while 3 of your fingers are pointing right back at you.



16:26 Apr 08 2023

Very true. The site is what you make it. You can make it a drama whore platform, cult, or you can just have fun with like minded people. Maybe even learn something new to go with that open mind.

16:31 Apr 08 2023

Eloquently spoken.

17:02 Apr 08 2023

Honestly I have called this site home since 06 and I have had my moments where I did my own brand of stupid but I have come to see you get the experience you give. Honestly once you get to certain points on this site there is no coming back but that is a plenty you pay for your stupidness

17:37 Apr 08 2023

So absolutely well said and 100% the truth. Couldn't we even say, that if that same person claiming to be bullied, is going on to other people's journals, that are not speaking to them directly or calling them out directly, and they themselves begin attacking and creating a scene in that person's journal that they themselves are actually the one performing the action of being the bully? Hmmm, food for thought there.

12:35 Apr 10 2023

I shall act out and will act out further should any one take issue with me. It's quite repetitive in a very not fun, unfunny way.

15:08 Apr 10 2023

Slain- you have never acted out in a way that's anything like what's inspired this post. Your membership here is one I appreciate. You also don't live under any illusion that if you were to slam someone that might give their side outloud as well. You have a healthy mindset- no matter that anyone says.

15:10 Apr 11 2023

Oh. I truly appreciate that.

I shoulda have put my comment in quotes, as I was being facetious. Others behave exactly that way and somehow believe it's normal and acceptable. Fooking bonkers, honestly


02:36 Apr 08 2023
Times Read: 1,125

Clicking on pages makes money for the site because of ad views. You're welcome! Here to help with all site-related questions and confusion at any time.



02:40 Apr 08 2023

Yeap, what I said

03:33 Apr 08 2023

Ahhh hahahahah


00:59 Apr 08 2023
Times Read: 1,162

The war? LOL. Standing up for yourself? What's that about? No admin is talking about YOU- but talking about strange stuff you're perpetuating about this place that isn't true.

What are you even doing here, hating this place so much? You want to know what you are here? You love it. This place is awesomesauce. With every page view and journal post we add more clicks and put more money into the site. I'm game!



01:05 Apr 08 2023

I will bring the popcorn lol

03:00 Apr 08 2023

Some people have to make EVERYTHING about them even if it is not, just as my journal with the "so called war" stated... I deleted all the nonsense from it because it was so ridiculous.

This place IS Awesomesauce! I am absolutely game for bringing the site money!

03:10 Apr 08 2023

I literally did eat popcorn while making my entries this evening.

03:15 Apr 08 2023

Did you put extra butter on it?

15:55 Apr 08 2023

It was Kettle Corn :)

17:37 Apr 08 2023


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