For those who don’t know, Daire passed away. I felt the need to say it here although I’m not going to provide the information. It is true, however. We’ve been waiting a long time for confirmation and that happened recently.
The whole thing is just tragic. I definitely considered him a friend. I’m so glad that we were able to meet in 2008 here in New Orleans. Sahahria, me, my son, Daire, and Flannery all went to see The Dark Knight at the theater in the French Quarter. I’m so glad I got to see a Batman movie with him.
One day I got this beautiful fairy greeting card in the mail from Ireland - Flannery said that the scene reminded Daire of me, so they had to send it. Another time they sent my son “Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind” on Blu-ray (before digital movies really took off).
Daire also sent Sahahria a nice chunk of money to have a great time with her bucket list trip here to New Orleans where we lived every single second to the hilt. She passed away 9 days after she left, having a stroke hours after we dropped her and her mom at the train station.
Vampire Rave has given me some wonderful friends. The best of my life post-Marine Corps.
Put a little collage of photos of my dog playing in the snow in my portfolio.
Love it! He looks like he was loving it!
He looks so happy! It's amazing that he was able to experience the snow and have some fun in it.
He's a good looking pooch!
Kinda sad I missed the snow both ways. lol I hope you've had a few to enjoy it too!
He's got himself a fantastic snow beard!
We got our snow today – and it’s been fun. Haven’t been able to leave home or anything, but just seeing the joy with my dog running around in it is enough. He’s going to be so sad when it’s gone. It’s about a foot deep in some areas of the backyard – so we definitely got a substantial amount here. I did not think we’d get this much.
I think I need to get him outside at least one more time before it gets too dark. The sun has already set.
Awesome. I got some pics of it sent to me. Looks like enough to build a snow...person. :)
You got way more than we did last weekend, I am jealous! lol! The pics are beautiful and it made me smile to see the pics of the dog in the snow. He looked like he was a happy boy!
It’s very rare for us to have snow predicted here in New Orleans – but there’s a very high chance of it on Tuesday. I really hope it happens because I’d like to take a picture of my dog in the snow – he’s never experienced it :)
The course I’m in this month has been one of my top favorites so far. “Action Line Writing” - I’ll get into more details later. I’ve been keeping myself busy, but I have even more things to add to my list of stuff to do. Very productive things that will only add to self-improvement.
I heard something about a "Snow Quake" in NOLA...?
I love it when we get snow where we are, its so rare but so much fun to play in! I bet your dog is going to be so much fun to see react. lol.
I am reminded of this scene VERY frequently!
Haha, yes.
I am originally from Southern California. Born in LA County – growing up in various parts there, a few cities in San Diego counties – and going to high school in Orange County. I still have a lot of family and friends out there and although none of them are being affected at this time – it’s absolutely a nightmare.
I wanna be able to say that I care on social media where I am connected to them, but I just don’t want it to turn into a big shit show with comments that people around the world also connected to me are bound to make. There are a lot of people that just want to start talking about how they don’t give a shit about these “celebrity homes“ that are going up in flames… It’s a hell of a lot more than that, and anybody’s life going up and smoke is a tragedy.
I know what devastation to surroundings feels like. Going through hurricanes here with so many things being destroyed, gives me some perspective.
Bless the firefighters and all the first responders in those in careers of service who are coming to the rescue as best they can. 🙏🚒🚓🚑 🚫🔥
I just made a simple post on Facebook so my loved ones know I’m thinking about them – but turned off comments so I can avoid the shit that just doesn’t need to be there.
It's been hell. That's about all I can really say. I'm not personally affected, being out in the IE, but I don't know plenty of people being impacted by this. And it's not like watching it all unfold isn't hard on a native Angeleno, because man, it has been so hard.
Sorry, it's been a long, long couple of days and I'm tired so I'm making a lot of typing mistakes.
Definitely no worries about typos…. Especially in time like this.
I love my dog. I’m so grateful that he’s mine.
I am a 100% disabled veteran. Not that anyone out there is drinking the Kool-Aid… But I’m not the only disabled person in these upper admin ranks or even middle admins. Don’t ever think that we discriminate against disabled people here. We might just have more disabled admins on the whole than not.
Disabilities aren’t always physical – and there are many of us who have “invisible illnesses“. We struggle, and we do what we have to do to be our best selves with the challenges that are our realities. We are we are kicking the shit out of life by ensuring we get proper care.
So to all my fellow admins this applies to – pat yourself on the back because we deserve it.
I'm 100% rockin' the crippled life. Here is the thing, I don't care if someone is disabled or abled, if you act like an asshole I'm going to treat you like an asshole. -shrug-
Moonie, you'll be happy to know that being an asshole is not covered by the ADA. #FormerHR #trustmebro #imfivefoottwo #icantdomath
Well said! I think you may be right about the more disabled admins than not for sure! We just do not go around posting journals about our personal lives on a daily basis. We do what we were asked to do here, and that is make sure the rules of the site are followed. I personally think we are all kicking ass at it. No one has to like it but that is what is. I agree with Moonie 100%
High fives all around!
Well said Morrigan and Cartomancer!! And yeah, Moonie, act like an asshole, get treated like one.
Just in case anyone was confused – you cannot say anywhere here on this website that you are going to “legit kill people“ on Vampire Rave rather you name names or not. You are breaking the site terms of service by doing so, and that’s a no-brainer.
It is not up to any administrator to have to explain and define terms of service that each member has agreed to abide by when they joined this site. If you had an issue with (or confused by) what you were agreeing to, you should’ve never joined.
And just so you know – if you threaten to kill people off-line, you can face jail. So be mindful if you’re unaware of the laws of the lands in general.
I’m sure even this journal entry of mine is going to get confused… Sometimes people they say in jest that they could just kill someone. Cancer or myself will decide if this is a joke or not. Any upper administrator who is reading this please send any death threats to me so I can ensure it is dealt with appropriately.
Crystal clear to me. :)
I still cant find that rule in the vr manual and I'm currently looking for XIV but its no where in ssight.
You will find that member code there.
I will also say here in a comment that it’s not up to any random VR member to decide what’s equally suspendable to saying “I will legit kill people” in regards to members here. You can assume or have opinions all you want, but it has no bearing on the actual rules here. It is all too common that members message us trying to get other people in trouble when rules aren’t actually being broken.
If you don’t understand – you don’t understand. It is not any administrator’s job to give teaching lessons to members who cannot comprehend terms of service they agree to. You either understand it or you don’t – but since you have agreed to it, you will be held to it.
I will not continue to speak on this. Any further comments to this trying to argue the point will be deleted. This whole thing is so ridiculous. Elementary school students would understand. I know for a fact that children understand they will get in trouble if they say they’re going to kill someone. Everyone on this site is 13 years or older. If learning disabilities are involved, that’s still not a job for an administrator to cater to. Find people in your lives and communities who can help you understand the ramifications of death threats.
P.S. The death threat rule here is as old as the site itself. 20 years.
Thank you Cartomancer I just want proof is all instead of saying a certain section since I trust no one.
you didn't live in my shoes where you had to fight to survive against other people day in and day out who try to do that rule break to me in real life
I get all kinds of death threats in my message box coming from this network
You can go ahead and stay out of my journal. You have no idea what I’ve been through in my life. No clue whatsoever. Hard times are not a competition – but if I wanted to, I’m sure I could rival anything you’ve experienced. I’ll go ahead and just hit the block button because I can’t trust you won’t carry on.
Pardon me if I explained or mentioned anything about this in my journal before… Once again, I don’t feel like looking to see or caring if I repeat myself. You will probably understand why.
Had oral surgery today and it’s going down as one of the worst procedures ever, and I’ve had many surgeries for other things. I came home with zero pain meds… ugh.
Almost 33 years ago with my first boyfriend… we drove up into these big hills to just screw around… A bunch of friends. Many of us were sitting in the back of his truck. When we were done hanging out up there and it was getting late, I said we need to leave because they were no street lights on the path going back down the hills.
Anyway, he was pretty much speeding his way down and I yelled at him to slow down because every time he hit a pothole one of us almost flew out of the truck. He got pissed and turned around to look at me and say “I know how to fucking drive“… And while not looking at the road did not see we needed to take a sharp turn, and instead we went off a cliff and landed on some boulders below. There were a hell of a lot worse injuries than mine with my teeth and some other areas of me… But the situation has just continued to degrade overtime.
My bottom teeth were knocked loose (cracked sternum, broken ankle, nerve damage to a shin) and I got braces for a time that were put there to try and have them adhere back to my teeth properly. The teeth weren’t broken, they were just loose enough to break out if I ate or put pressure. The method didn’t work as good as it should have. I’ve never had any problems or pain over the years from them after the braces were removed, but a few of them are still a little loose in the front. So the idea with this surgery was to put more gums around them at the bottom. 😐
This afternoon they “harvested” gums from my upper palate, cut my gums around my bottom teeth in order for those gums to adhere… stitched them in place then put the silly putty type stuff over all of that to protect it for a week when the stitches will come out. I won’t be eating solid food for a good while. What this was, was a harvest and transplant.
It’s kicking my ass.
*hugs* I am so sorry! That all sounds absolutely horrible! Oral pain is some of the absolute worse in my personal opinion and I can not even begin to imagine what you are feeling like!
That sounds so very painful. Dental work is always the worst to deal with, I hope you heal quickly and the pain subsides soon:(
You still have one of the loveliest smiles though. :)
The work that I had to have done was not noticeable to anyone by just looking at my teeth. They remained straight… They were just somewhat loose with the bottom front teeth. I’m really lucky that I at least was able to keep them – but the bone density is very low with them and I will eventually have to have a bridge done. This dentist though, she said she was in the business of maintaining what you have and not just choosing the bridge at this point. I would’ve rather to have the bridge than this crap. I didn’t have a choice because this is the VA.
My goodness, that sounds like hell. I wish you a speedy recovery.
I wish you a speedy recovery without further issues. I don't think there is much anyone can do to help but if the need should arise remember there are many people out there who care and are here for you in these trying times.
Nothing but time can take care of this one.
that sounds horrific. I'm so sorry, wishing you a speedy recovery.
21:59 Jan 23 2025
I haven't had the pleasure of meeting up with you in person, but I know you are a very special soul and it is a privilege to have been able to get to know you over the years from a distance. To say this place of ours has had a huge impact on my life does not even scratch the surface of the truth. We meet people from all corners of the world and build friendships that surpass the passage of time. We build families out of houses and covens here and have so many laughs and smiles that our faces start to strain. It is the dark times that we need each other most. I knew that Daire was missing and it is sad to find that he is gone from this plane. VR has lost many good people over the years and each one does not make the next one any easier. As always you can count on me to do whatever I can for you and your family even if that means just lending an ear.
22:20 Jan 23 2025
There are no words.... It's so sad to hear this, but at the same time, good that closure can be found.... Doesn't make the hurt any better of course. I wish I had gotten to know Daire more, having only had messages on here with him. From what little we did communicate, he always seemed to be such a wonderful person. I hope that his friends and family are able to find peace at long last.
I have made so many what I would consider close friends on this site, and I dread the day that I get news of any of them passing... Often times, people think that just because a friendship is online that it can't bloom into a beautiful long lasting and trusting relationship. I have met some of my VR friends in the real world which only has led to me loving them that much more. This site has even given me the wonderful life I have now, by being the meeting place for my husband and I. Some I have only had the joys of phone calls with, some video chats with... they are all special to me. There are many friends on here that I hope to one day be able to meet in person, you being one of them.
When knowledge such as this of someone passing comes along, it just makes me want to hug each of my friends and tell them all how dear they are to me. You just never know what tomorrow will bring and each day with a friend is a gift. I hope you know that you're a beautiful soul and your friendship is a gift to me. *hugs* (Yes, I may have gotten a bit weepy and sappy here.) One thing for sure, I will always have some very wonderful memories from friendships I have made with wonderful people on VR.
22:51 Jan 23 2025
Truly sad news for VR and his friends. Hope and prayers to everyone
02:15 Jan 24 2025
Thank you for sharing this.
03:10 Jan 24 2025
I'm saddened by this. Even though knowing this was going to be the outcome, I still held onto a bit of hope.
He will be missed.
14:46 Jan 24 2025
I was so saddened by the news. The world will miss his spice and his kindness.
21:00 Jan 28 2025
I'm really saddened by this...he was the head of my first House when societies became a thing here in VR...and he will truly be missed. Words...cannot express what I want to say. I keep writing and deleting and rewriting because nothing can truly show just how much his friendship meant to me. He was one of my first friends here on VR, and I treasured that friendship, because he didn't give it out willy-nilly. You had to earn it and his respect. So when he chose me as one of the people in the first go-round for Houses...I teared up, because it meant that he saw something in me, that at the time, I didn't see in myself. (I'm getting all teary again, thinking about it...) Rest in Power, my friend.