Cartomancer's Journal

Cartomancer's Journal


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22 entries this month

:) The very best day of the year!

23:23 Oct 31 2019
Times Read: 782






00:52 Oct 28 2019
Times Read: 844

They leave about 10AM tomorrow ;) From this point on in the visit, I refuse to let anything else get me down!



19:47 Oct 28 2019

...After the "hurricane" pass, take a bubble bath with a glass of wine. LOL


00:32 Oct 27 2019
Times Read: 884

I really can't wait until Monday when the visitors leave. I just backspaced over a shit-ton of complaining. I'm just really looking forward to being able to rest. And I also miss being able to conduct my personal daily routine.



01:09 Oct 27 2019


15:46 Oct 25 2019
Times Read: 907

Going to get gumbo today. That's a good thing :) In-law stress and all... but they do hook us up with good eats when they're here.

My husbands parent's have been divorced since he was little. We get along better with his Dad and step-mom (who we will see for New Year's. His step-father is pretty cool... but this mother. Wow. Tough, tough, tough (to put it nicely). So much that our son is dreading spending Saturday with us.

My Fibromyalgia is flaring like crazy.




02:43 Oct 24 2019
Times Read: 928

Pumpkin cheesecake is in the oven for my mother-in-law's arrival.




00:25 Oct 24 2019
Times Read: 948

My mother-in-law will be here tomorrow through Monday. Let's hope the visit goes smoothly. It's one of those stereotypical mother-in-law relationships in many ways, so who knows how it'll go. All I know is that I am already exhausted and she's not even here yet. Honestly though- I feel this way whenever we have company. I just don't like having visitors.




05:32 Oct 21 2019
Times Read: 1,000

Had a good birthday. My aunt sent me a sizable gift certificate to Bath and Body Works, and they also had a 2 for 4 sale on candles. Their 3 wick candles are $25 each regularly priced, and I got 4- I probably won’t use them for years, lol... just open and sniff them from time to time. I also got a couple beautiful pumpkin themed candle holders.

My cousin sent me a Starbucks gift card, for which I used to by a mug instead of coffee :) I don’t hate Starbucks, but I can buy a whole bag of their coffee at the grocery store for the same price as a cup in their stand alone stores. So... it’s not something I do very often.

I made cinnamon brioche French toast for breakfast, then turkey, stuffing, gravy, and cranberry sub sandwiches with a side of pumpkin soup for lunch (which carried on into dinner). I just relaxed all day and binged some Netflix.

Other birthday gifts came early, and I journaled about them already. All in all it was one of the better birthdays in a long time… No drama coming from any direction, which is about as good as it gets.



14:31 Oct 21 2019

Glad you had a good birthday, :)

15:44 Oct 21 2019

01:06 Oct 22 2019

Omg I want all of that food. Happy birthday!

12:34 Oct 22 2019

..If I decide to visit New Orleans, I want to stay with you to flavor all that yummy food. Happy Late Birthday!!


18:14 Oct 18 2019
Times Read: 1,110

Obsession doesn’t always reveal itself as a faux positive love- it also presents as a “hatred”- in either case it’s the inability to move on and spend energy on better, healthier things. “an idea or thought that continually preoccupies or intrudes on a person's mind”- good or bad...

It’s the most common theme of negativity I see here. It plays out in different ways, but is no less obsession. People may have one goal with beating a dead horse in such a state- but it only serves to show their weakness. There is no strength in it. Just a highlighting of red-flagged personalities... who to steer clear from. You don’t want to be the next person they get wrapped up in.

Just pay attention.



18:26 Oct 18 2019

18:29 Oct 18 2019

18:43 Oct 18 2019

20:37 Oct 18 2019

I wouldn't categorize 98% of "online identities" as personalities. VR is a very good example of online identities. I think obsession isn't really the proper term for these identities. I got here to unwind and rant. To be honest, I need to, and will stop doing that. It serves me no purpose.

In today's climate it's best to hold your cards close to your chest and "play" when it's only optimal to what you are trying to achieve. Sad but true.

As for obsession, in my 12 years here I can say I never obsessed over anything. As soon as I turn off my computer, this all goes away.

20:45 Oct 18 2019

Yeah... I stand by everything I posted. I know what I was referring to.

20:50 Oct 18 2019

Want to also add that in real life "there is no strength in" sharing any thoughts on any matter. When you share a thought, you show your vulnerability and trust the reader on a pretty deep level.

Also, if there were no thoughts, no journal entries, or only or mostly positive journal entries, VR wouldn't exist. Twitter, facebook, most media you see today wouldn't exist. People would tire of that fake nonsense pretty quickly.

Everything was designed for a reason. It's an actual design. A design to keep us all in our assigned lane. I don't blame any negativity on any one person, really. It's all a product of those who produce these feelings and amp them up.

20:55 Oct 18 2019

Social media is a negative invention. It's anti-verve, anti-sex, anti-everything that makes people happy. It's dopamine and negativity. It's like crack for your brain.

21:13 Oct 18 2019

Heh... I'm still totally cool with what I posted. lol This is a 100% passive aggressive entry honestly directed at *a* person specifically, and it's on point. That being said- it's true for many. I get you're seeing things differently, but... probably not at all akin to what inspired this entry.

23:06 Oct 18 2019

Hmm I wonder who could this be about glad to know because I can leak the truth as well who else to stay away from.~Reaper.

01:48 Oct 19 2019

OMG... this has *nothing* to do with you.

01:50 Oct 19 2019

I'm feelin' what you're throwin' down.

Some see it, know it and still get wrapped up in it because they have the mentality of 'well, it didn't happen to me' or 'I'm different'. They have on blinders and are just willfully ignorant. That is....creepy. What's also creepy is a person, a 'friend' or someone just on the outline of the situation, that keeps flaming the fire of a love/hate obsession.

It's just whack.

01:53 Oct 19 2019

Yes indeed.

15:19 Oct 21 2019

I'm feelin' it too.

It amazes me how some can beat the same dead horse for weeks, months and even years. What Moonie added is 100% spot on, too.

00:58 Oct 22 2019

It's hilarious that the same people keep seeing themselves in these observations. Social media is amazing, but like anything else there are people who suck at conducting themselves in a way that is healthy. That doesn't mean that social media is to blame and to pretend otherwise is a cop out. A person has to cultivate their own social experiences, no matter where and in what format.
You haven't cracked the code by pointing out that social interaction is what keeps people coming here, lol, that's so obvious. Cringe.

00:59 Oct 22 2019

Not YOU, Mancer, the other people throwing in their wisdom lol.

12:40 Oct 22 2019

Obsession is a decease and VR is not immune to it. I know people here who has left because the behavior of some towards them. When a person has a persistent idea of being in a "loving" relationship away from VR, then the situation has been changed. A flint with someone is Ok, but when the situation escalate into a demand, then sadly is time to go.


16:47 Oct 18 2019
Times Read: 1,120

I will get another video up. I've just been busy or feeling like crap- one or the two. No need for alarm or messages as to what's wrong... I have ebbs and flows with Fibromylagia so it is just normal, stuff.




00:51 Oct 14 2019
Times Read: 1,190

New avatar, just in time for Halloween and 25/8 on a site such as this ;)




00:53 Oct 14 2019

THAT, is amazing!

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.

00:53 Oct 14 2019

Creepy sorry hope that wasnt rude

00:57 Oct 14 2019

Creepy? Success!

01:00 Oct 14 2019

Now that is pretty darn impressive Heidi! OMG! Can I come over and you can do the makeup for my kids? LOL! I lovelovelove it!!!

01:04 Oct 14 2019

Oh I didn’t do this- it’s a filter, then another on top of it :)

01:07 Oct 14 2019

Well done though

01:10 Oct 14 2019

I've done almost this exact one on my son in actual make-up though, years ago for Halloween.

01:50 Oct 14 2019


21:05 Oct 14 2019

Dakotah approves.

00:59 Oct 16 2019

I better not say. :)


06:37 Oct 12 2019
Times Read: 1,224

I will have more videos coming soon. I have been making a list of things to talk about- I have to be sure I don't end making them too long... I can get long-winded, that's for sure ;) I might not be able to get one up until Sunday night or later. I have suggestions for topics on New Orleans, food, Tarot, Vampire Rave, more. I definitely have more ideas. I set up a book easel and have a little tripod I can use for my phone as I use this to highlight some neat decks I have gathered. I can also just use that to display some things while I ramble on about whatever the theme is of the recording.

I also wanted to nod as well to LordMogy (who Zombie mentioned)- as he has been sharing videos here for quite some time. Not just videos though, but interacting on this site in more of a healthy manner than pretty much anyone. Getting involved, having selfless drawings for his coven members- and generally... it makes me wish everyone else here was a pot-smoker LOL *says the near straight-edge lady*

Until next entry, I am in need of some decompressing in front of my television.



15:47 Oct 12 2019


04:33 Oct 09 2019
Times Read: 1,322

UPIORI key for the previous entry available to any member who doesn't usually give me headaches here.



01:31 Oct 10 2019

I snort-laughed. 😅 UPIORI is certainly one way to say what you need to without worrying that you'll somehow give some fool out there some reason to complain.

13:02 Oct 11 2019

I'm sure I can cause migraines sometimes I but don't think I cause headaches "usually". As one not bound by strife who favors your journal may I have Upiori key?


04:32 Oct 09 2019
Times Read: 1,323

• • • • ENTRY IS ENCRYPTED • • • •


bEorYmhWeDlvV2 Q1 aEdjSmJIUGJpRnZtcXliVkx2 ZlFmVkNVclpkMklkSVI3 Z1 N1 bGlpZ0hSa3 I3 L0NUR2 xnY1 c1 b



04:39 Oct 09 2019

I'm sure I could come up with a whole list that'd fit. lol

15:52 Oct 12 2019

Somehow the saying: " You are what you eat" would seem to go well with that.


00:09 Oct 08 2019
Times Read: 1,352

The problem with not getting anything sweet when grocery shopping, is that I end up making pancakes or French toast to satisfy the hankering for it. I guess it's better than having quick and easy snack cakes and cookies that don't take any effort and can be gobbled by the numbers. I'm less likely to cook if I think about it hard enough ;)



00:14 Oct 08 2019

Haha, i feel the same way.
That's why i don't buy candy hardly.
Or even soda.

00:53 Oct 08 2019

After I typed this I went to Walgreen's to get butterscotch discs to fill my candy bowl. If I grab just one of them I usually squash the need for anything more.

02:03 Oct 08 2019

I usually keep peppermints readily available for that reason, too.

01:32 Oct 10 2019

Like Ducky, I keep mints handy for this reason. I ended up making midnight pancakes a few night back. Freaking cravings.


14:04 Oct 07 2019
Times Read: 1,372

Yesterday we planned to have green gumbo and shrimp poboys while binge-watching "Ghost Brothers" on the Travel Channel app... but the place we wanted it from was closed. Today we are dropping off some groceries to our son in the dorm at Loyola, and then going to get the food for lunch. #pumped As I said on Facebook- "going to watch Ghost Brothers while we chow on spooky New Orleans food in October" - not much better than that ;)




23:56 Oct 05 2019
Times Read: 1,408

Two more early b-day presents to me arriving tomorrow. The Steampunk Tarot and the Everyday Witch Tarot. SUPER PUMPED!!!!!



08:20 Oct 06 2019

I love steampunk!!! That is going to look fabulous!


00:12 Oct 05 2019
Times Read: 1,471

Sometimes, we just shouldn’t answer messages that come through. I usually never answer random one sentence messages. If it’s more than that, I will. It’s not a snotty thing at all- I just think it’s a waste of time to get to all these “what’s up?” messages from people who don’t know me, nor I them. But beyond that, we shouldn’t always respond to messages that are poking and prodding and will only bring about negativity. Some people aren’t easy to communicate with. Maybe through no fault of their own.

As I’ve said before, some people can only receive information in a certain way, due to whatever mental or intellectual state- and it’s just no use in getting aggravated over something that is going nowhere. I’ve made friends on this website, and I’ve also made good acquaintances. For the most part, I know who I can talk to. I know who I can communicate with effectively. I know people who will receive information from me as intended without warping it or assigning intentions to it that are not mine.

I know for sure that Cancer doesn’t answer messages that seem like they be headed in that direction. He’s told me so. I should always take that example and think about a message that is sent to me before I quickly respond. I don’t respond in haste, but a lot of times I want to get back with people as soon as possible just out of respect. I really need to think about that though, because I shouldn’t respectfully respond quickly to people who aren’t approaching me with respect in the first place. People will flat out abuse you while saying it’s your fault.



15:23 Oct 05 2019



23:34 Oct 04 2019
Times Read: 1,473



07:29 Oct 04 2019
Times Read: 1,497

I need to get like a dozen cans of pumpkin purée to make all the things I want to make. I just want to have pumpkin stuff from here through New Year’s, constantly, LOL. YES... I am one of those pumpkin people. All day every day- it really doesn’t matter what time of year it is. But when Autumn is upon us, I seem, less strange with it ;)



16:53 Oct 04 2019

We are "those" cranberry people and literally buy enough to freeze to last throughout the year. My mom makes a cranberry relish that is amazing on anything. Own your strangeness girl! LOL!

19:00 Oct 04 2019

I’m that way with cranberries too, HA! Pumpkins and cranberries should not be limited to holidays.


Every once in a while...

04:15 Oct 03 2019
Times Read: 1,641

What the hell just happened here???



04:23 Oct 03 2019

Bullying, that's what. Y'all can't tolerate my personality/character. Warped mentalities.

04:41 Oct 03 2019

Holy crap... what ARE you talking about??? I’m referencing a conversation I am having via PM right now. That person is going to know what I’m talking about when he sees this. I’m actually glad you commented, because when he sees this he’s going to get an example of people reading something that I have written and assuming what I’m talking about.

05:24 Oct 03 2019

Oops, and now I need a glass of wine.

06:07 Oct 03 2019

ME TOO. #hasnowine #sadpanda

06:16 Oct 03 2019

06:34 Oct 03 2019


11:24 Oct 03 2019

pfft forget wine, give me rum!! lol

12:53 Oct 03 2019

Skip the wine and rum ... give me some anesthetics. I want to sleep through it all ... lol

21:12 Oct 03 2019

Another good option! #reachesformelatonin


19:18 Oct 02 2019
Times Read: 1,680

Several years ago, around the time we had two back to back government shutdowns and started getting in a really bad financial spot- we had a huge vehicle issue that was going to be costly. A lady my husband works with recommended a friend of hers to fix it. She said he was reliable and would get the job done well. We trusted her- and like the kind of immaturity I warn others about, we paid this guy upfront, $1200. Already broker than broke. He came to our place, towed our car away- and we didn’t hear from him for MONTHS. He would never answer our calls, and we didn’t even know where he was. The lady who works with my husband kept saying, “don’t get me involved, this is none of my business!” Really? We only used this guy because she connected us to him and said he was a really good friend we could trust. She wouldn’t help us find him or give any information at all on where he lived or other numbers he could be reached.

Eventually, we left a message on his voicemail that we were going to call the police and tell them our car was stolen- Because he wouldn’t answer us or tell us where our car was. One day we got a message as to where to find our car. We had to get it towed back home. It was never fixed. We lost our car for months, and we also lost $1200. My husband’s workmate wasn’t the least bit fazed and made it clear she didn’t want to hear anything about it. Not even the slightest bit of regret that she recommended the dude to is.

Since then, she’s been nothing but horrible to everyone at work. No one has a positive interaction with her. When new Marines get stationed here, they wonder how long she’ll be able to keep her job (she’s a civilian federal employee). Recently this command got a new Colonel. She doesn’t like him. She made a few pretty huge Facebook posts calling him a “racist piece of shit”.

Mind you, she is White and the Colonel is Black. This man is a bronze star recipient with 34 years in the Marine Corps. He’s promoted plenty White people- Marine and civilian. He doesn’t bring politics to work and my husband says he’s an excellent Marine. No one likes this lady because she’s simply messed up. It has nothing to do with her being White or female- she’s a fucked up person. There are several women (White and PoC) who work in the office and can’t stand this lady. Beyond her shitty character, she’s not a leader, and she doesn’t know what she’s doing on the job.

I don’t wish ill-will upon anyone. But I have to say we won’t be sorry at all if this Facebook fiasco gets her fired. After what she put in motion for us with our car... it’s pretty clear to understand we aren’t fans of hers. After losing the $1200 to fix the car, the government shutdowns, and high interest loans we ended up needing after... we couldn’t afford to do anything with the car and ended up donating it to Volunteers of America. We didn’t have a vehicle for a year after that. “Just desserts” never seemed so right on the money. And she’s done this to herself. Anyone going on social media to call their bosses names are idiots. It’s not about “free speech”. Sure you can say whatever you want to say, but that doesn’t mean you are going to be free from the consequences. She won’t go to jail- but she probably won’t be going back to that job either!



23:58 Oct 02 2019

Take the guy to small claim. Is less then $7,000. so, you got a case and for sure, will be a win win. in every place, there is always a person like that lady. they hate life and make every body around miserable. If that guy do that to me, he will be surprised. I am an x military, Army and for sure, I hate people like that.

00:02 Oct 03 2019

Years have already passed- the damage is long done and we’ve moved on other than not being immune to the grin that will creep up as they all get what’s coming to them.


18:51 Oct 02 2019
Times Read: 1,681

I’m so happy it’s October. I always feel like this month belongs to me, but of course it doesn’t… There are millions upon millions of other people who were also born in October, and also love the Halloween season. It’s just a great time for me and of course it’s when the weather starts getting better here in New Orleans and almost everywhere else in the US, I would say (yes, better weather is subjective).

I’ve gotten two early gifts (Tarot decks)- still working on my wishlist and anything that could possibly come my way is going to be used for that. I want some actual Tarot cloths. I think before my birthday I should be able to acquire $20 somewhere that will purchase the “Everyday Witch Tarot”. It’s a fun deck that countless people love and it just seems right for October. I won’t think of buying it myself until the last minute- in case someone else has the idea of doing it. Lord knows I’ve mentioned it on Facebook and Instagram enough LOL... but then again, I think my husband and son most likely feel the one each they got me are sufficient. Indeed they are “sufficient”, worthy, and appreciated! But I still want the Everyday Witch Tarot, heh. I have the app on my phone and mess around with it daily.

Things might be going better for my husband at work soon. A hopeful opportunity to move to a different office with people he gets along with better. He’s been working with this one group of people for 24 years now- he gets along well with the old school group- but a few that have been added along the way have been a hard adjustment. One of the worst may have just sealed her fate with a hugely inappropriate Facebook rant about work- mentioning names and even calling names (about the commanding officer, no less). She’s a horrible person. If I can gather the energy to explain more about her later here in my journal, you’ll understand.



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