Dakotah's Journal


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23 entries this month

17:14 Dec 24 2016
Times Read: 1,046

Merry Christmas!



17:17 Dec 24 2016

Merry Christmas love "Hold a mistletoe over our head kissing you" hihihihihi. Im in christmas mood

21:57 Dec 24 2016

Merry Christmas!!

22:20 Dec 24 2016

merry christmas

01:08 Dec 26 2016

"Merry christmas"? Don't make me destroy you Private! No one will be celebrating at this barracks!! I think its enema time for you son! haha

Happy drinking and fighting day


01:43 Dec 24 2016
Times Read: 1,061

Any one watching the OA on netflix? It's pretty good.

Well woven, interesting foreshadowing/teasing... Acting is pretty good so far. They're unafraid in their storytelling choices, too.

Basic story: A young woman reappears after being missing for several years. Her reappearance, and life, are surrounded by odd little explainable mysteries... that are slowly explained. If you enjoyed Stranger Things I think you'll enjoy this one, even though they are quite different.




VR Time Machine

20:13 Dec 22 2016
Times Read: 1,138

Hey I am going back in time to the very first post made on the VR forums. I got this time machine. There is room for you too. Hope and and lets be off!

My time Machine is not too fast so while we travel allow me to rant a little.....There has been online communities I have been a part of for a very long time. One such community I have been a member for 9 years and I am Global Admin on the Community Forms. I know how hard it can be dealing with online communities for an extended time. You get burned out. People come and go. You make deep friendships and some pass away, leave without informed why, and the community evolves over time. I know it can be trying for staff and members. As time passes you start to miss how things were back in the day…. I read so many journals with the subject being ‘VR use to be…” “Back when VR started….” Basically how it was so much better. I often read journals from members who have been here a long time who many write how there was less drama, how these days there are too many role-players and how the site use to be so much better with better quality people. Some journals clearly give the reader the impression the author loathes the VR of today. They hate logging in now a days.

Today I began looking though the forums back in VR’s past years ago to see what the old members talked about and how the community was back in the day. My trip into VR’s past was an eye opener. In a few months I will be 4 years old here on VR. So I went in search to see this VR they wrote about. I found that way back when all kinds of threads were allowed on the discussion forums. Maybe the sandbox and Love Me forums were not created yet but these are some thread in the Discussion Forms that I found interesting:

And here we are, back in Time in our community. Lets look around shallwe:

Chaosbleed's The VEX which set up like a VR Night Club and its life span covered 10 reopening’s of the thread when it auto closed due to length.

A lot of threads were created about members being vampires and sharing about all aspects of being a vampire without being closed due to being role-players back in 2005 on VR. However, some other members did call out some members as –playing-.

A few thread were created too simply called Drama and opening the threads it became clear there was a lot of drama back then too.

- On April 1st, 2005 some members claimed they got a message from Cancer that Vr was closing. The thread got 52 responses in about 3 hours Cancer posted at the end of the thread. It was about 4 posts down before someone said ‘hey look at today’s date.’ Yet many posted how sad they were VR was closing. Nice prank Caner! What fun you all had back then.

Posted: 21:52:26 - Feb 24 2005, Cancer posted about the lost account records, 60 account records that started and A were lost. I am sure the Prince sweated on this one and later on in the day he was able to restore the accounts but could not restore: polls voted in (you can just vote again) and messages..

I kept going back further in time and how do you feed threads seemed very popular and everything and anything vampire. Also, Cancer posted a lot. Some was to explain issues, some were to announce new things, and some were…. Just funny…

Posted: 02:48:10 - Mar 01 2005 By Cancer: Profile Ratings: There's been some complaining about members rating other members profile low. I don't really know what anyone expects me to do about it. Any action I take would contradict the rating system I set up.

A member can rate another member any way they like.

A few of you have found out, that once you hit the top list, your rating crumbles... That's called competition. Now that Administrators are no longer in the Top Rated category, the category is a more fair listing.

Finally, some of you know that I am working on a new feature set: Premium Memberships. One of the features for Premium Members will be to see who has rated you what. So for those of you out there who are acting falsely, consider this a warning. Premium Members will soon be able to see how you've rated them.

I will not yet answer any questions about the upcoming Premium Memberships.

The Prince posted a lot As did many staff in the discussion thread and I also read some very old post of some folks who back then posted they were vampires who currently today state they are not. I will not oust anyone. Also, the Anne Rice novels made it into many threads.

On Fake Accounts...On Nov 22 2004 Cancer made this post: I just spent the better part of my Sunday evening cleaning up fake Vampire Rave user accounts. And I have a lot more to do...This is really pissing me off. For those of you trying to inflate your ratings by creating multiple accounts, consider yourselves on notice. From tonight forward I will just start deleting members. At this point I am not going to mention names, but many of our senior members are involved. Grow up people. The thread began to light up and appears Biting was just recently an option because many took the opportunity to claim how at first it was fun but now it is annoying. In the same thread one member posted how he would like just want the ability to STAKE people who piss me off. Cancer, could you add a STAKE button? Please!

I have to say I like that too, that would be a fun option.

Posted On 17:48:23 - Nov 11 2004: Congratulations Cancer Congratulatons Cancer.....You have now got OVER 1100 members....I bet you never thought that many people would be interested in this site.....Me personally think It is a Fantastic site, Well done again...xxx Cancer replied with Next milestone.... 10,000.

In 2004 the forums began to light up with folks hunting mates and it got so bad evidently that Cancer even posted that This is NOT a singles site. Clearly it got so bad that Cancer posted: If content does not improve, I will be limiting the forum. The first step will be to make it so all new threads must be approved by an administrator.

One member also appeared to have sexually harassed a lot of the female members to the point that one member posted calling Cancer out to put a stop to it. Haha… I love his reply to the member who not only posted on the forums created a thread but also took to Cancer’s messages:

Posted: 00:25:04 - Nov 09 2004

Times viewed: 839


You are one stupid whiny bitch and I would appreciate you leaving my site. Anyone with at least an IQ of 80 knows to use caution when dealing with unfamiliar people. I was giving you the benefit of the doubt. I thought you were slow... You must be a retard.

My mother would be angry with me. She always taught me to be nice to retards....


P.S. Take remedial English please...

P.S.S. I know some of you are curious. Here is what she sent me:





Nov 07 2004

wel i guess that u don't care that he went physc on me nad vhe said that's he's guna rape me that he want's t hurt me really bad i said to him i enkjoy ppain thren he said u won'y enjoy this pasin and then he caled me dirty,filthyfucking whore bitch and he tod me he rapes and lilks women for real andhe said don't believe me i'll come for u then u wil see


And now drum roll folks, what was the VERY first post created on Vampire Rave Discussion Forms? Was it about Vampires or vampire related? Nope, oddly enough this was the first post:


Posted: 12:45:21 - Jul 08 2004

Times viewed: 823

Ok, so i have a gmail account.. Thank you Starlite...I love the fact that I only have to login every two weeks.. and that good email addys are available on that domain... I do however miss the way yahoo lets me know when i have email…what do the rest of you all think about it?.. Did you know ppl are bartering for the referals? Gmail is all the buzz out here in virginia, is it elsewhere too?


My take on my visit going back in time is….to me it seems the Community really has not changed that much at all. For me in the one community I have been a part of for 9 years I just miss how it was when I first joined. It was fresh, new and exciting to me. As time has past not much excites me today because I have just about done everything I can and rarely do I get excited about anything. Also I noticed when I complain about that community its not the community that has changed, its me that has changed. I wish that some of the members who started way back when and are still here would once again get involved in the community like they were back then. Clearly there must be something about VR they still like because they are still here. I also wish Cancer would get back involved in the community. I know he is busy working on the site update and spending all his waking hours working to get it out asap, but after that... I wish he post more like he use too.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed going back in time with me.



20:29 Dec 22 2016

You did a lot of search. I am sure that there were more of them that were delitful to read. Some wouldnt belive these posts would have exist.

It amazing how back then things were a little different. Yes they were. In my nine yeears in here as you said I saw many leave and many stay. Forums and setions were change. Even people that are many years in here change. That make us unique and intrique.I would like to see the next yearss how it will change and evolve. Its amazng when a site from a tiny place gets so big with the passing by. Lately in here I have found good friends and some important to me. So even though things changed they grace me with happiness.

21:18 Dec 22 2016

I was very surprised that during 2004-2005 what was allowed as topics on the discussion forms that today would be RIP in a hot second. I know Cancer is a busy man but he was more involved in the community and he wold respond to post. Now it seems the past few years be has become the allusive Prince, is he real or a legend. The community loved his involvement and would get so excited when he posted and it's clearly to see why. He a great guy, wicked sense of humor, devoted to VR and has worked extremely hard on creating it and keeping it going. Same when many of the staff back then that are still staff today. You start to see why Cancer picked them to help he run this site. They are insightful and as enjoyable as Cancer. I would just love to see people enjoy VR again and the older ones give this new community a chance. There are folks here who they could become friends with. I think that is it, All you 7-9 year old members, Please Give this community a chance too because what I saw its as fantastic as it was back in the day.

21:26 Dec 22 2016

The site has changed in the nearly 11 years I've been here. That's natural. What I think I miss the most, though, is 1) the people I used to hang with, 2) who I used to be.

I wish the Main Forum had a search feature. I'd love to see some of the stuff I've said in the past! I bet it would be a cringe-worthy experience.

I also wish Cancer could be more active and enjoy what he's created. He used to have a funny little section in his journal for the stupid messages he would receive. That was always interesting to read.

The Admin ... *sighs* I know I'll step on toes with this, but ... I think that whole thing needs to be looked at again. Some people with positions of power aren't even active. Some people are also ... well, jerks. I'm not naming any names, and sometimes these people aren't always jerks. Or maybe they're not jerks, per se, maybe it's more that I think they might abuse the power just a teeny bit, or misunderstand their roles??? I don't know. Or ... maybe it's that people are stepping outside their roles to perform other tasks because, as I said, certain Admin aren't even active anymore, and that leads to ... I don't know. I'm shutting up. lol Admin has always caused people grief. Sometimes a person gets a little power and they take things too far. That's human nature, and though some of us might claim to be otherwise, we're all human here. It's bound to happen. So, that's all I'll say on the matter.

Now, as far as there being less drama back in the day: HA HA HA. Riiiight. If someone is saying that, then they weren't in the loop. There was plenty of drama back then. I was smack dab in the middle of some of it, too. Again, it's human nature. Get a bunch of people together and you're bound to get trouble. It's just part of the experience.

I will say one thing about the current state of the Main Forum before I wrap this up: I wish the rules were a bit more lax. I understand the need to keep topics on point, and the keep the silly at bay, but I stress so much about what I post because I don't want to put in the time and effort only to have it deleted. I've noticed some posts getting deleted that I didn't think should be deleted, and other posts staying that I thought should definitely go. I'm trying to keep the Forum active, but it's hard when there's very little worthwhile material. I want a good discussion, but often I go in to find silly responses that add nothing to the conversation. Or confrontational responses that make me want to poke someone's eyes out. lol I want to educate and be educated. A good debate from time to time is great, but to constantly be argued with, not so much.

21:38 Dec 22 2016

Cinnamon, its like you walked into my head and read what was in my brain, what I was thinking and came here and wrote it all down. I agree 200% with everything you wrote. Also, You did post a lot back in the day. Mord did too. I was going to pull some of your post out to show you, they were all good post. Nothing bad. Smart as ever. But I forgot. What tickled me too was how many still around back in 2004-2005 jumped right in and shared in the many many vampire threads posting what type of vampire they were who today jump all over people who post they are a vamp and vamps are real. Glass Houses.

21:54 Dec 22 2016

While you guys were here on VR, I was knocking around in the Matrix and on the MxO forums.

Once Sony bought the rights from Warner Bros (In order to phase out Matrix as online gaming competition) things changed quickly. The budget was a lot smaller, and the dev team had less help.

Of course, people complained that they missed the old system and "the way things were". But like VR, many came, many went. And many stayed and complained.

Eventually Sony executed the final stages of "end game" and pulled the plug on the servers. And not long after that, they realized they could dump the forums too.

So, the moral of time travel is:

Until one has mastered time travel to the point where they can go back and enjoy past events at their leisure... it is good practice to appreciate the things that you have in the present, while you still have them.

22:05 Dec 22 2016

I agree with you Cinamon it is natual the site to hange but as Dakotah said things were differents Not only in the forums or the journal entries but I remember that we used to have only one profile and it was made by our own different style. No one was narky beause someone stole the other code. We didnt knew how to code back then hehe I remember it took me a year to be able to fix it. Now there are so many profiles fom the same person you lost count. Yes I have a couple of more but I never hide who I am in them and I only use them now and then to help others oven and still I havent bee on them for so long.

And yes the "help" was there when you needed. Now sometimes you do not ask fo help or to ask something because you are sared of the way of the answer.

22:21 Dec 22 2016

Oh, Lily! I didn't even think about coding. You're right. I used a code provided to me by someone, and then I received a message in which I was accused of stealing someone's code. Um. It's not your code. You didn't create HTML or CSS. If you did, well, it's out there for public consumption, so ... shut up? And, btw, the coding I was accused of stealing? I had manipulated beyond what was initially given to me so there was no stealing involved. Fine. Borrowing. Or building upon. Whatever. I have never copied someone's coding. I always make it my own. I'm not computer illiterate.

Now, I have had my stuff copied straight up, right down to my avatar. That does get my panties in a wad, but then I just laugh and go on. I know they'll never last, and I tell myself that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Often imitated, never duplicated. ;)

The multiple accounts? Crazy. I had one for the longest time. Then I got another one to do a little spying. Yes, I admit it. Even after that, I still had my main one. Last year, I was asked to take over another account for a friend so that I could be active in his Coven. Cinnamon is me, though. The other two, I go into to help out other Covens, like you said, Lily. This is my profile, though. And I don't have those other profiles to boost this one's stats. None of my other profiles have been referred from this account. Probably not very smart of me. lol But, yeah, I'm old fashioned. It's hard to spread myself thin when Cinnamon is so me. It's my home.

22:29 Dec 22 2016

I need to clarify something. When I talked about some people in positions of power not being very nice, I was referencing stuff from years ago. And anybody that was around back then might even know who I'm talking about and what I was upset about. It wasn't a secret at the time. I was treated in a way that I felt was unfair by two male admins. I'm not going to open up old wounds, but I just didn't want someone to misconstrue my words and think that I was taking aim at current day Admin.

22:36 Dec 22 2016

I know what you mean Cinnamom. I am not an expert in odes and Im sure I will never be that good as many others. It took a lot of time and help to have the profile as it is now. Many different friends helped me to ahive it. One with the backround other with the sparkling boarders the thirs with the musi and I thank every single one for helping me creat it as it is now. Nine years passed to finaly be like it and it might change in the future we never be sure. I like to make stamps but not sparkling flashing things. I like to learn. To built. To craft. And as you said we never had the "ohh you stole my code" Or "Hey you thief get that off yoru page is mine". We helped eah other and we were proud to do so and look at the other that he or she was happy with the results.

Liliancat is and always will be my one and only profile. As many old pmembersknow the connection with one that an have with its profile. As you with cinnamon. As Dakotah with his. Its like they are are us and our child we birth from our creation. Having other accounts is ok with me but at least be you and do not hide. A little sneaking isnt bad hehehehehe

And the constant blocking for no reason? Or the downreate with now reason. I hae never blocked or downrated anyone. If I dont want to I do not place a rate or I do not answer to snarky messages. I dont need to lower to their points aand be mean too. Or the constant drama in journals about coven they were in it and got blind. Or the hate for life they have. The past year I have read doens and dozen journals sayng how they hate life and how they want it to end and bla bla. I have one thing to say "STOP THE DRAMA AND DO SOMETHING FOR IT" Other fight for their life and you (everyone who likes to be a drama queen) come and say that stupid things. No i wont feel sorry beause I learned with the hard way that we make our life better no matter what happened to us and I live every single minute of it with smile on my face and hope in my heart.

23:20 Dec 22 2016

Very well put LazurusAQ.

02:11 Dec 23 2016

wow you must have done alot of searching

03:46 Dec 23 2016

Yeah VR has always had drama, especially when it began evolving from a simple archive into a social network but that said, VR did have its golden moments some where in between then and now, where good posters were giving good thought out debates in the forums, and they would call out roleplayers on the spot. These days, atleast in the recent months there had been an increase in role players which turns the forums into a mockery. Thankfully, you have put out some decent threads to counteract it, as well a few others who have made some of their own.

I have been here for eight years now and I have always been in the forums so its surprises me when you have idiots over-reacting and having a "moral outrage" at my posts, anyone with even a shred of brains would know that not all share the same mundane view, some have their own unique view and it should be respected, I respect others and I am an evil son of a bitch...well according to the scaredy cats. lol

So the problem today is you either got roleplayers or those who attack/question your views rather than debating civily. I am not surprised that Dabbler and Oceanne becsme inactive, nor am I surprised that Upir left. This site is driving the decent ones away and attracting fools.

15:33 Dec 23 2016

To add further what I said, a lot of folks are indeed burnt out and VR doesn't seem as "lively" as it used to, though it could be stagnation or maybe things really aren't as good as they used to be. These days, from my perspective and in the past few months, activity was slow and VR seemed like a ghost town in the main forums. I had to bump up all your threads to encourage activity.

I have experience in being an administer on some sites so I know what it is like to deal with people all the time, that said being an admin is a duty, a responsibility ergo anyone becoming an admin should actually expect the burdens that come with the duty and not get so impatient or "jerkass". Though the burden could be alleviated somewhat if people actually read the TOS and vr manual but not all do and when they come across an asshole, they make dozens of reports to the admins who have to repeatedly tell them that they can't do anything unless they violate the rules so one can understand the admin's frustration.

After years of being an admin, it would not be a surprise that some or all would be burnt out, tired and grumpy but personally I have never felt wear and tear because its a duty and a responsibility, its not so supposed to be easy and a good time.

Some on here suggest that Cancer get new admins but that is no guarantee of an improvement. Humans are pathetically weak and they can easily get corrupted and have power trips when given positions on a mere website which is really, really sad. There are plenty of decent folk to choose from but would they remain decent? Its might be worth it or it may be better to the devils you know.

The animosity that some have towards the admins is not helped by the latter's lack of communication with the community outside of warnings and shutting down threads, I have rarely seen an admin take part in the forums but it does make sense from a neutral point of view, an admin can't really administer a thread that they are involved in as it can be seen as personal or bias.

@Cinn, you shouldn't be sheepish when it comes to calling out admins, they can't do anything to you for having an opinion because they are just members like anyone else, being an admin doesn't afford them an elite status or an exemption from the rules (or at least it shouldn't) and abusing power would or should be a one way ticket to losing their status. Admins are merely caretakers, trusted with tools to help maintain the site and keeping things running smoothly, they do not rule VR. I certainly don't bow to them that's for sure.

I have absolutely no issue with calling out admins, hell I mock them occasionally, and they can be complete idiots at times. They have closed threads that could easily be salvaged or indeed threads that are on topic, but because idiots having meltdowns EARLIER in the thread, they close it....even though posters have past it, moved on and are back on topic. So there is a bit of power abuse going on but not overly so I don't think. Mostly they just grumpy bastards that need to get laid haha. In terms of my view on them, like nearly everyone on here and all humans in general, they are maggots to me but that is no surprise coming from me. lol

But I do respect the burdens of their positions having been there myself and still doing it even after a few years. The problem with any admin, not just here but on most sites is that they are constantly fulfilling the "doing the same thing and expecting a different result" definition of insanity so its no wonder they are feeling stressed and burnt out.

New admins would not be a good guarantee and that was proven recently with one new admin (I think he was new atleast) who had no idea that the vamp box is there for fun, he kept clearing it all the time, thinking everyone was breaking the rules when they were not. Forums require strict on topic discussions, the box does not....its the random zone.


00:02 Dec 22 2016
Times Read: 1,180

So I just read someone journal and they said we are all vampires because we are on a vampire site. Yes, yes, this is a vampire site that IS: The Ultimate Vampire Resource and Directory. A data base about the Fictional Vampire. But yeah... woot! We are all vampires because we have profiles here. Does that mean I should stay out of the sun?



00:04 Dec 22 2016

by this logic, i was say, yes. lol but really, how many shops are open at midnight lol

00:04 Dec 22 2016

Ohhhh I will slurp your blood from your delicious neck!! Muahahahaha

01:20 Dec 22 2016

Well since we are all outed now. I guess i can show off my awesome *tm lordmogy* coffin:

 photo N3EST92_zpssf6wsx4s.png

01:27 Dec 22 2016

You revealed our secret..... And I thought I was hiding very well in the coffin. Its official we are vampires and we do not sparkle in the sun

03:00 Dec 22 2016

Haha love the coffin! lol

03:59 Dec 22 2016

I think I am going be like the vamp in the book who can go out in the sun he just browns... since we are all real vampires now I think its only fitting we can pick what kind. I don't want to be a twitlight vampire that sparkles.


20:57 Dec 21 2016
Times Read: 1,205

Hello Sean, this is your body. I am posting here hoping you will read this. W T F dude! You have not worked out in months so you hit the gym yesterday like you are some body builder who lives at a gym. Oh and dude, that pain you feel? Yeah, that is me informed you that you over did it. Now Lily wants me to hold a bowl of fruit and she wants to put me in a toga like I am some Greek Statue because we can not hardly move. In the future dude, take it easy in the gym when you have not worked out in awhile. Now, get us out of this chair and into a hot bath. Also, an aspirin would not be a bad idea.



21:03 Dec 21 2016

I was thinking more of standing in ond leg on a colum hand over your head holding a grabe. What? You would be so acient sexy like. Go have a warm shower and stay under the hot water. Better yet Im coming with you. Nothing better than having warm water hitting the sore musles "winks winks innocent"

21:06 Dec 21 2016

I don't want to even get up out of this chair. At work today I walked like a robot.

21:34 Dec 21 2016

Ahhh yea i know that feel lol but i am going in gym every day and run every morning but still when i pushing my body so hard yea there is the pain grrrrrr but Aspirin and hot bath really helps.And massage of course.

21:57 Dec 21 2016


21:57 Dec 21 2016

Massage after a hot shower and relaxing on the bed forthe rest of the day. I remember how my body was sore everytime I started ballet after some time of break. Usualy after summer that we would start again. It felt like my body would fall off in pieces.

22:01 Dec 21 2016

Since last June I have not really worked out so hitting the gym yesterday I thought I could just pick up where I left off and I knew better. just once I got started and could feel the burn I was hooked again and pushed...huge mistake.


06:50 Dec 18 2016
Times Read: 1,248

So...... Mr D update. He is in the spare bathroom. I came home tonight and my bathroom... well, it took me 40 min to clean it up. I got the poultry netting so tomorrow he goes in the barn. Still trying to find his home. He is very tame so he has to belong to someone. Tomorrow he gets booted to a stall in the barn which is heated, fresh hay, ducky food pellets which he eating, water... and no room service. And I get my bathroom back.



17:18 Dec 18 2016

The duck is mine, send him back to Scotland please.

I got the oranges peeled and oven is ready ~grins~

17:27 Dec 18 2016

You so evil. The poor ducky

I think with nuts will be more tasty lol

But imagine a small duck making such a huge mess in such a little time

04:52 Dec 19 2016

So, I read the blurb for your entry on the Journals page and see "So.... Mr D update. He is in the spare bathroom." and I'm like, "Wait. Dakotah knows Mr D? And he's in his spare bathroom??? What the ???" lol Mr D is a VR member. But ... um, yeah. I'm guessing he's not a duck in your bathroom. Or ... maybe he is? Mr D hasn't been online in a while. Maybe he's trying to get you to spread the word that he's been turned into a duck! Oh, my ... :P

17:50 Dec 19 2016

I will make sure then Cinnamon that no one eats Mr D. :)


17:38 Dec 17 2016
Times Read: 1,290

Only in my life does a duck take up residence in my back yard. A domestic duck, a little wary of people and confused the lake has started to freeze. We're feeding it trying to find some way to get it through winter. None of the neighbors is missing a duck, and they've all agreed that if none of them kill and eat the duck, I won't throw a flaming yule log through their front windows. I had to catch it and bring it inside because of the snow and the temp drops. He would have been a frozen duck. So, I have a 10 pound duck living in my bathtub until I can get poultry netting up on the back porch. Trying to catch a semi-wild duck that had gotten scared by dogs on a thinly frozen lake was not my idea of a fun morning, but at least it's done now.



17:40 Dec 17 2016

I think that lately all the animals around you come to seek shelter. At least you found the duck before she became a frozzen icecube.

And wha fun is to see her splashing in the bathtub hehe. That I would so love to see it.

You resqued dafy duck

You have the kindest warmest heart love.

17:42 Dec 17 2016

quack quack



17:49 Dec 17 2016

I named him Mr. D. He seems to like that name.

18:17 Dec 17 2016

Sing the quack quack song woth Robin

18:36 Dec 17 2016

Good thing I did bring him in, we got a weather warning wind chill is -35. Mr D would have froze.

21:50 Dec 17 2016

I have a small wetland area in my backyard and a mallard couple come every year to mate and hang out. It is pretty cool. They really like oats.


19:23 Dec 16 2016
Times Read: 1,331

How is this possible?

Profile A is created: Profile Created: Dec 12 2016

Profile B is created: Profile Created: Dec 16 2016

Profile A has Referred By: Profile B



19:25 Dec 16 2016

Its a mystery. Shhhhhhhh

Dont try to find the how but the why


17:12 Dec 16 2016
Times Read: 1,372

O RLY? I disband my mentorship last month and people still want to join it. Strange, this says so much really. A new person and her -friend- asking me to join my mentorship I disban a month ago. Sorry Ladies, I can not help thee.

FROM: lovekisses

my name is christina and i would like to join your mentorship, please and thank you.

FROM: vivianstar

I'm khloe and i want to join your mentorship...please



17:45 Dec 16 2016

We all know who this is!

17:47 Dec 16 2016

Pokes slip" who is

18:06 Dec 16 2016

Sounds like Lana.

Dakotah I want to join your mentorship!

18:08 Dec 16 2016

poor vivianstar is having name issues, on her profile she says her name is: Hey, My name is Vivian, my friends call me Viv or V. I.m 19 years old. But she tell me her name is khloe.

18:09 Dec 16 2016

And Slip you can join my mentorship anytime! if I had one. LOL

18:13 Dec 16 2016

You were in mine for a little Dakotah hahaha

Well I dont know what to say. Some people cant be original and true it seams

18:32 Dec 16 2016



Hey, My name is Vivian, my friends call me Viv or V. I.m 19 years old.

I'm the most Loyal woman you will ever meet, I'm truthful and no hard feelings, but i don't give a damm if i'm harsh. If i tell you something, you should listen, because it maybe important.




18:33 Dec 16 2016

Damn it it cut off, and she tells me in message this is her name:

Original Message:

FROM: vivianstar

I'm khloe and i want to join your mentorship...please

18:41 Dec 16 2016

I wanna join your mentorship too!

19:26 Dec 16 2016

Ill close my mentorship and join yours. So open it up again.

I want in. I want to be a VIP member


22:18 Dec 14 2016
Times Read: 1,398

I love baking. Today I made yeast rolls. The kind you got rise twice. I just put them in the oven for dinner. The whole house smells like hot yeast rolls, its cold outside. there is snow.All my family is here. The table is set. The main course is homemade elk stew vegetable soup. Tons of stew meat cut up small but not too small. Carrots, potatoes, peas, green beans, onions, mushrooms, celery, a few turnips, corn, okra. There will be 9 of us at the table. I am truly blessed. There is no money value you can put on this. We will eat, talk, share our days, debate issues. The kids are allowed to jump in too. Only rule: don't talk with food in your mouth. People often ask me how does my family stay so close and together. Because we do this. Sometimes we invite neighbors or a friend who might be having a tough week buying food. Our house is open.



22:32 Dec 14 2016

Yea my family is kinda same. We all are so busy but we MUST have even one meal together every day.No matter how much you are busy family must be in first place!

22:41 Dec 14 2016

My brothers all have them own homes, close by. 3-4 x a week we do this. Everyone comes home. Phones are not allowed at the table and must be turned off so we don't hear the constant rings of like 8 cell phones. We have a basket outside the dinning room that all phones get turned off and into the basket. We have always done this and this is why we are a close family. We take that time to have dinner together at a table. A cooked meal. Yeah once in awhile we have a pizza night, but it eaten at the table. Sometimes I will bring home a visiting co-worker from out of town for dinner and they are blown away. A few have contacted me that they were so impressed with what my family does that now they adopted it into there own family and are amazing how it becomes a glue to bring there family together. Family units is broken in society, fast foods... cell phones, kids in there rooms on the computers eating a take out Mc'D's chicken nugget meal and the parents will be in there own part of the home and the family never talks.

07:06 Dec 15 2016

And thats how it hould be in a family dinner. All the family together around a table. No phone not tv not pc as you said. Its a hour the family come closer talking about their day. Od their good times and the bad ones. A time who is so magical and the family togetherness get tighter.

We were doing that too. We liked to gather at my grannies house and eat together. Lughing and helping.

And above all you cooked too. An amazing day filled with laughter smiles and delicious food aroma. It makes you all warm and fuzzy inside.


01:18 Dec 13 2016
Times Read: 1,428

This is just the reason my people (ALL Nations) have come together to stop the pipeline that would run under the river that is the only source of water for the Native Nation living there:

Pipeline Spills 176,000 Gallons of Oil Into Creek 150 Miles From Dakota Access Protests. A pipeline leak has spilled tens of thousands of gallons of crude oil into a North Dakota creek roughly two and a half hours from Cannon Ball, where protesters are camped out in opposition to the Dakota Access pipeline.

Have you ever seen crude oil? Put your hands in it? Seen wildlife covered in it dead? Clean up just from a small spill can take hundreds of years. The electronic monitoring equipment failed and they do not even know why. For now they have stopped the pipeline; its up to the courts. Some would say we should be glad this leak happen that it proves our point. We are sad. Sad once again the environment and the animals have to die. We just do not want to do die too. This leak went out for hours before then even knew about it.




07:29 Dec 12 2016
Times Read: 1,461

A story I wrote back in 2013 I Called Word of the Grandfathers. feedback welcomed:


Wreathed in gold

The fires of Daylight licked

along the rounded edges

Strung upon corded silver chain

a single coin of shining ice

Adrift in the cool currents of Night

Winter lay down Her frozen mantle

Trailing crystal cobwebs beneath the eaves of forest nestled in dark recesses untouched

Delighting in the caress of moonlight when

like a game it found Her

Her musical laughter

lacing the air with stinging frost

Her breath the small sound of turning pages

Riches un-looked for lay in a fine powder at their feet. The ankle deep white dusted in pale blues, silver, and opal. A mirror for the vast winter sky that hung like gauzy strips of dark cloth pebbled with bright stones that had no names.

The snow choked forest hid a sleeping life that refused to stir while the wheel turned beneath this hour of the moon. Though natural, this icy tableau, the stars seemed too lonely, the clouds too thin. And while still vital, this world was locked in old secrets, and furtive when spied upon.

A season that did not suffer carelessness.

He has traveled so much in his years. Across the America's from his birthplace called White Mountains, soon after the Nebraska North. The latter was his favorite for hunting.

There was fewer bandits and whites, and the game was plentiful. It was there that he mastered the use of white man's guns and archery, not to mention the use of a shield.

A chilly wind blew about the lands.

Above, and beyond, the stars broke through the cover of the interlaced tops of evergreens, and past that, the silent range of mountains surrounding the Apache camp. Windswept peaks echoed the music from its roots where its children made nightly celebration with fire, song, and dance.

He sat cross-legged, and huddled on the ground at the edge of the world.

Eyes fixed upon his open hand, he collected a patter of rubies fallen from broken lips. Keeping count in barely a whisper at every drop.

"...you slept right here. Your head against the door, curled on the floor. I stood outside all night at the entrance, near the stable there. I watched all night."

"It wasn't a dream; it was just a long time ago."


It was that elusive calm.

The tantalizing what-could-be he had been shown once, and then forcibly gifted with. Made to carry a vision, a feeling he seemed never to fully accept. Its path twisting and forked, and just past his ability to navigate.

It was this damned calm that ground its ill-fitting pieces so contentiously against the things he did have. Threatening to dislodge his firm footing. Cast down what he so loved and nurtured with the whispers of promise.

The eye of Day had closed, and by ones and twos, campfires were born in the Apache village. Its walls just past the sheltering tree line only yards away, but far enough removed so that Nah, motionless and alone in the gathering dark, could not be touched or colored by the glow. Every fire, every light source, a small, and largely unconscious ritual of welcoming a new Night.

The lights watched him. Kept him awake, but not at bay. Drove him away sometimes...but that too, was his own choice. It was just that in the gloom he saw clearly, he found calm.

And the not so subtle reminders on his hands.

And a song promised to him.


To live as his Grandfathers did.

The sky promised a midnight storm. Rolling purple clouds smeared over the Night's stars, nebulous and pregnant with thundering rains. The air charged with an anxious hesitation, as if creation held its breath.

He looked up at a tree. It was not the tree he normally had sought but it was tall and old.

Twigs fallen from above hung askew, and at odd angles to the natural growth - caught on lower branches before finding the ground, and their final rest. The breeze sent shivers through the odd geometry, and crackled through the dead leaves.

They seemed to him large insects caught, and twitching, but watchful in their last moments. They he knew where the white man who come upon their lands.

For hours Nah watched them back through his eyes, and ever did the scene shift and change. Sometimes to his delight, sometimes he felt very small, and afraid.

And sometimes some others stood with him and watched too, and they knew things.

And told them to him without mention of price, or promise.

Song burst upon him like a field of dreamed flowers suddenly sprung to life. Opening their petals to a sky and sun that could only exist here, in this right now, in fragrant, clamorous unison. Impossible to imitate. Redolent, and heavy with an emotion whose complexity, and bare honesty threatened to overwhelm...

Nah scrubbed his hands across the coarse hide of his breech cloth. They were both dirty. Sticky with sap. Bits of grass and dry soil clung to the heels of his palms where he had propped himself up when he needed to stand and gather more materials. Likewise, his knees were stained green from shifting position and perching in what seemed like supplication as he continued to work.

With the greatest of care, he wound single strands of ivy into one another until pliant vines became sturdy and retained a perfect shape. Using his thumb and forefinger as pincers, the plant's waxy leaves were pulled away from the tightening circle and set along the outside edges as adornment. They lay in such a way as to seem free and natural. The sharp angles of the ivy lending the garland a thorny look.


A red so new as to stir the blood.

Where the smooth tangles of ivy gave way to grooves, and empty space, Nah fit the crimson leaves, slashing the crown in swathes of fire. The contrast drew the eye, and bid it to travel the circumference.

That was its secret, and its power.

His now, was in finding the courage to make it his gift.

He knew this vision was from the Grandfathers.

All around him he begun to hear the drums of war.

The strength of the place, however powerful, and out of reach, came in bright torrents from the ancient tree at its center. The magnitude left no room for question.

Thistledown, white and clean, caught the Night's breeze in wide swirls and eddies. Come to rest here and there to paint the green leaves and grass in cottony wisps of pure moonlit ivory.

A painting set alone, and out of time, come to life.

It was a beginning.



11:38 Dec 12 2016

Beautiful magical and unique.

The beautiful story of Nah.

Your writting tavels the reader inside the story. All the details is like a canvas full of colors and sounds..

I told you that you need to write book and hopefuly publish it. You write amazing stories. I cant wait to read more of them love.

22:27 Dec 12 2016

I have been writing since I was 6, the accident. I will write a short story like the one above and put it away. Totally forget it about it. Find it, read it and wonder who wrote it and then am surprised when I find out -- I did. LOL I even googled my own story's I forgot I wrote to see who wrote them; only to find out, I did. I have many like that. It's like the characters make me tell there story. I am just writing it down for them. Then I forget about them because there not about me. This might sound strange to people but that what happens to me. I am working on one now I have for awhile and if I do not pick it up for months the characters get in my head and start yelling at me to pick up the pad and write for them. I promise I am sane.


The Forms

16:57 Dec 10 2016
Times Read: 1,528

I understand rules and do my best to follow them -all. Recently I have tried to post topics on the forums that would get people involved in good debates. There are some great threads going with many sharing there views. One thread was about Past Life and it closed due to length. I had read a new aspect about past lives involving children which we had yet touched on in the thread. So I asked the OP to remake the thread as the thread was still active. Woops. it was deamed a duplicate and was closed by an Admin I hold a lot of respect for. They just have to see rules are followed and she was just doing what she was suppose to do. We have to wait 30 days to start the topic again... and that is the part I do not understand. If a thread is active and members are involved in the debate and coming to VR to take part and lets face it, VR not what it use to be as far as the community- half the time it seems asleep. I just don't get why we now have to wait 30 days to continue an active debate. I could see it if the thread had maybe one post a month.... VR needs activity. Something that gets people to log in, talk to others- and the forums recently some of us have been trying to accomplish that with good topics.



17:07 Dec 10 2016

VR does need the activity and I saw no issue with the new thread, which was actually a continuation/sequel of last thread and thus not a duplicate. But what can you do?

17:10 Dec 10 2016

Yeah that is the thing, what can we do. Rules are rules and I get that but sometimes a rule needs a revisit. That 30 day rule for a thread that actively being posted on.... I do not understand.

22:42 Dec 10 2016

I can't give you a word for word quote why Cancer chose this, but I can give you my idea as to why.

More often than not, threads like that tend to cause multiple people being redundant in their postings. Which causes it to spiral into the same thread as before and nothing is different. Waiting 30 days to reintroduce the thread not only gives people a little time to get a fresh perspective on the topic, but it also allows for fresh ideas from new people.

Also, just because a thread is closed for length doesn't mean it can't be reopened by the member or a staff member. Now, threads that have been closed by a staff member cannot/should not be reopened.

If a member isn't a Premium Member and cannot re-open the thread after it's closed, they can ask a Dominar, MV or Regent to reopen it.

I have no issues reopening quality threads have have been closed due to length.

20:44 Dec 11 2016

Yes I know some threads people just start re-posting what they had already posted but we had taken the thread to a new aspect with children who had documented cases of past life events. So thats why I had asked the Op to start the thread again when it closed due to length-- to debate on these reported cases of children who recalled past life events like the little boy who lead police to his killer. Oh well, it is what it is.


Hello Ladies.

15:45 Dec 10 2016
Times Read: 1,541



15:49 Dec 10 2016

"Old spice. If you want your man to smell like me" Haha. Awesome commercial. Clever and funny too.

16:23 Dec 10 2016

Neck deep in the waters of friendship and trust... LOL I love the one lines from these commercials... -if- I was single for fun I use some of these one liners to see if they work.

16:31 Dec 10 2016

You wouldnt forget to wear the hula skirt and have a quitar filled with puppies now would you? "Chuckles"


Winter Is Coming

15:27 Dec 10 2016
Times Read: 1,545

... well actually its here! So Last night not thinking I parked my truck under the house roof.... get up this morning, make coffee... oh no cream or milk, ok store run... go out to get in my truck and... the doors froze shut. I tried the hot water trick, they won't budge. So I got wait for poor Old Blue to thaw out... from now on I will park him in the sun. What was I thinking!



15:32 Dec 10 2016

Poor Old Blue. How you and him would know thatthe next morning everything would get forzen up. Give it time my love and he wll unfroze so you can have your warm tasty coffee. Just please drive safe. I bet the roads will be a little forzen too. And dress warm love.


PipeLine Update

05:40 Dec 10 2016
Times Read: 1,562

And Blessed Holidays to you all. Thank you all who signed the petition and to all who cared. What you did helped.

Many have asked me for updates on the pipeline. It’s in the courts now and the hope is they will find another route around the river. Chief has asked for all to go home. Winter is there and its very harsh and as I posted; it’s now all up to what the courts decide. Anyway, I found this story I though some might like to read and perhaps…. Understand why we fight for the lands, the rivers, for Mother Earth.

CANNON BALL, N.D. — For months, Dustin Monroe has made the 11-hour drive from his home in Missoula, Montana, to this remote part of the frozen North Dakota plains to bring supplies and support to the thousands protesting the controversial Dakota Access Pipeline.

The Oceti Sakowin camp has become a second home, a place that has given him a new purpose.

As a Native American U.S. Army veteran, Monroe, 35, has for years struggled with regret. He struggled with fighting in the Iraq War for a nation that had displaced millions of his people. When he was deployed in Iraq, he says, he noticed the parallels between Iraqis and Native Americans.

Both, he said, had suffered for centuries from colonial rule, brutal military occupations and loss of their land through re-written borders. For Monroe, the fight at Standing Rock to protect the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe's sacred lands and water was an opportunity to right those wrongs.

"I'm able to forgive myself now for some of the stuff that went on in Iraq," Monroe said. "Feels good now that I'm forgiven and when I go to the other side and I cross the other side that I can be proud of this life I lived."

On the first weekend in December, Monroe was one of the more than 2,500 veterans who descended upon the camp vowing to act as "human shields" against any possible clashes between demonstrators and law enforcement.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, which has jurisdiction over the land, had ordered a mandatory evacuation on Monday, Dec. 5 for the nearly 10,000 people at the camp because of worries about the plunging temperatures.

The veterans came despite requests from the Morton County Sheriff's Office and a group of North Dakota-based counterparts who asked they not join the protests. Monroe joined the National Guard after high school in 2000 and after 9/11 he signed up for active duty.

"A lot of Native veterans are like, 'Why the hell did we serve when they are just going to come and do this to us here?'" Monroe said.

On Sunday, just one day before the Corps deadline, Monroe and the thousands of Native Americans and climate activists — who call themselves water protectors — received unexpected news: the Corps had denied a permit to Energy Transfer Partners, the Dallas-based company financing the 1,172 mile pipeline, to cross the Missouri River.

The camp erupted in cheers. Men and women danced. There were tears.

Monroe, meanwhile, was stoic. After looking at the news on his phone, he raised his head to look out at the camp. No celebrations were in store.

Like many Native Americans, Monroe remained distrustful of the decision and cognizant of the reality that it could be reversed by a Trump administration.

He said he has no plans to give up the fight.

"This is the first time that all the tribes in America have ever come together," Monroe told NBC News. "We have to stand our ground."

As a member of the Nakoda tribe, Monroe's roots trace back to Cannon Ball. As his ancestors fought foreign invaders to save their land from dispossession, Monroe says he and his peers fight with peaceful protest.

"We're fighting a spiritual battle," Monroe said. "And that's why we're winning."




That just trips right off of the tongue, eh?

16:18 Dec 09 2016
Times Read: 1,585

Austria's official word of the year:

Bundespräsidentenstichwahlwiederholungsverschiebung Oh ho ho ho. Reallllly?

postponement of the repetition of the run-off election for federal president



16:36 Dec 09 2016

Glad to see they are keeping it short and sweet this year.......

16:37 Dec 09 2016


09:13 Dec 10 2016

Hey, we are just glad that its over!!! ;D

13:10 Dec 10 2016

So much for keeping it short.


13:32 Dec 09 2016
Times Read: 1,593

The words of this song are so beautiful... works of art... poetry...

Standing knee-deep in cold water, swiftly moving

Somehow I knew I lost something

Waiting waist-deep I saw a book there, in the river

Waiting for me to find it there

I tried to read it, neck deep, treading water

The tide pulled me out to sea

Then with water in my eyes

The words began to rise from their place

They were beautiful and dread

I reached for them and fed on each phrase

They were honey on my lips

Then a bitter twist in my side

I knew they'd lay me in my grave

"Is there no one who could save me? " I cried

Sinking down deep through cold water and heavy silence

Shadows stirring in the gloom

What things lay sleeping down deep in the darkness?

Woke then to find me in my tomb

Then with water in my eyes

The words began to rise from their place

They were beautiful and dread

I reached for them and fed on each phrase

They were honey on my lips

Then a bitter twist in my side

I knew they'd lay me in my grave

"Is there no one who could save me? " I cried.




15:44 Dec 08 2016
Times Read: 1,626

Lily told me she was baking this morning, she said she had sugar and flour every where.... sent her this song:



15:46 Dec 08 2016

More like "I have sugar all over me and chocolate on my fingers" I love baking sweet "Hands him a christmas treat"

01:30 Dec 09 2016

So Private Lili demolishes kitchens when she cooks....that explains the post-apocalyptic state of the barracks kitchens then.

13:34 Dec 09 2016

LOL, she needs KP duty...


03:48 Dec 08 2016
Times Read: 1,656

In other news. Dear car manufacturers, please stop putting in headlamps 10x stronger than the sun. Blinding everyone in the hurtling death machines in the vicinity of your hurtling death machine is fucking stupid. "But I can see better." We'll put that on your gravestone, with a spotlight. Moron.



03:57 Dec 08 2016

Laughs uncontrolable about this.....

however it is helpfull in the middle of the night, and coming from a firework show one year, was followed by one of these assholes, nice if you wanted to do some light reading......

however, i wanted to stop the car, ...get out.... with a ball pean hammer.... ...


19:32 Dec 07 2016
Times Read: 1,707

You know how you meet people online and become friends and then one day they just are gone? You have no clue if they are alive or dead. My new startup idea. Pay a fee to a company, who, after you die, takes over all your social media and forum accounts, then starts posting what ever you instructed them to.



19:44 Dec 07 2016

When my father died we had to get papers from the court and lawers that he wasnt in life so we could go to even unlock the pins of his phone. It took us days and money to do so. So if a company like that existed and you had a contract that they could use the social medias to inform the "online friends" would be a nice and unique idea.

19:47 Dec 07 2016

Brilliant, I know.

20:22 Dec 07 2016

I have a list of all my passwords in an envelope so when I die it'll be mailed to whoever I left it to so they can post on all my stuff.

21:44 Dec 07 2016

i set it up with a niece with my fb account already due to the point of something happened to me, she could log into it. and deal with that. its a start. lol

21:53 Dec 07 2016

That's actually a thing. I used to have the link to a site for it. It's probably in my journal. I learned about it during my Death, Dying, and Bereavement class. Yes, I took a college course on dying. I'm so Goth ... lol


20:41 Dec 06 2016
Times Read: 1,746

I saw this test to see what Brady you were. You know, the Brady Bunch. Why the fuck would I want to know what Brady I was. I bet I would come out as Peter and then want to kill myself rl. Yeah, I so want to take a test that tells me I am some white boy on a 70's tv show. 0.o



20:55 Dec 06 2016

LOL.......i have no words..... kinda same here, however, for some reason, mine would come up as marsha....lol

then would have to poke my eyes out after woulds lol

22:55 Dec 06 2016

Maybe you would come out as Cindy Robin. With poytales hairstyle hehe

There are many tests like that especialy with movie caracters.

01:48 Dec 07 2016

...so said Alice lol

12:23 Dec 07 2016



21:52 Dec 03 2016
Times Read: 1,781

If Only....



22:14 Dec 03 2016

Very good Dakotah....Now give me infinity!!

08:41 Dec 04 2016

Very beautiful no matter how many times someone will hear it

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