Living on cayenne pepper
And unswept floors,
Intentional, sectionals
Of polyester pitches
And microfiber stitches,
Water slopping
Like unheard wishes
From overfilled dog dishes
And under the doors…
My philosophy
More on the wing
Than the mind -
A hope that slouches
And slides
Down mirrored walls
And into the halls
Of important men
In their Starting stalls
Stopping us all.
Just yesterday,
An anchor pierced
Right through the hem
Of my blue jean
Unachievable dream,
Green and clean,
Eliot’s goat still coughing
In the field overhead
Where the windy space
Dulls my bed
And lulls the chase.
Just you and me
Or some other pronoun
On the unswept floors
Of ghost children
Singing in the round,
Ashes, ashes
We all fall down.
You threw off your shoes
And climbed, tier upon tier,
To the top of the fountain
Where you boldly cried,
"Welcome to the ancient courts of Crete!"
You held out a hand to me,
Beckoning that I should follow,
To join you there,
Resplendent as any god,
More vital than the sylphs
Posing on marble plinths
Along the pools at your feet.
I did not go.
I was ashamed and saw not
Your young and shining face
Nor the moment for what it was -
An invitation to throw off my shoes,
My reason, and to live without doubt
Even with the taste of apple
Still warm and tart on my lips.
I did not go.
And like every ghost, I return
To climb, tier upon tier,
The fountain of my youth,
But you no longer stand
Among the ageless sylphs
For I am the vapor here,
Haunting a decision long since made,
I did not go.
Jo, this is by far the best I've read. Bravo!
i really like this. its beautiful :)
02:14 Jan 17 2011
I love how you flow goat, blue jeans, and dog bowls. And make it art.
03:17 Jan 17 2011
You should, at all times, have around you a guitar that gently weeps...
03:47 Jan 17 2011
Thank you :)
00:30 Jan 19 2011
01:05 Mar 07 2011
I don't know how I missed this... "ghost children"... sigh. This made my day perfect.